Lecture sheet-1 Instructor: Dr. Biplab Kumar Das Assistant Professor, Pharmacy, NSU Aromatic compounds: Benzene and its derivatives The term aromatic compounds stands for the whole series of compounds, which contain one or more benzene rings in their molecule. With the introduction of the new name of ‘Arenes’ for all aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzene, Naphthalene, Anthracene, etc.), a precise definition may be given as arenes and their derivatives. Discovery of Benzene •Isolated in 1825 by Michael Faraday who determined C: H ratio to be 1:1. •Synthesized in 1834 by Eilhard Mitscherlich who determined molecular formula to be C6H6. •Other related compounds with low C: H ratios had a pleasant smell, so they were classified as aromatic. Structure of Benzene The structure of benzene has been derived as follows: (1) Molecular formula: Elemental analysis and, molecular weight determination showed that benzene had the molecular formula C6H6. This indicated that benzene was a highly unsaturated compound (compare it with n-hexane, C6H14). (2) Straight-Chain Structure Not Possible. Benzene could be constructed as a straight chain or ring compound having double (C=C) and/or triple bonds. But benzene did not behave like alkenes or alkynes. It did not decolorize bromine in carbon tetrachloride or cold aqueous potassium permanganate. It did not add water in the presence of acids. Br2/CCl4 No reaction Dilute cold Benzene No reaction KMnO4 H2O/K+ No reaction He a t (3) Evidence of cyclic structure. (a) Substitution of Benzene. Benzene reacted with bromine in the presence of FeBr3 (catalyst) to form bromobenzene. The fact that only one monobromo and no isomeric products were obtained indicated that all six hydrogen atoms in benzene were identical. This could be possible only if benzene had a cyclic structure of six carbons and to each carbon was attached one hydrogen. (b) Addition of Hydrogen. Benzene added three moles of hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst to give cyclohexane. This confirmed the cyclic structure of benzene and also showed the presence of three carboncarbon double bonds. (4) Kekule’s Structure for Benzene. Proposed in 1866 by Friedrich Kekulé, shortly after suggested. Benzene according to this proposal cyclohexatriene. multiple bonds were was simple, 1,3,5- H H C C C H C C H H C H = > There were two objections: (i) If the Kekule’s structure was correct, there should exist two ortho isomers of dibromobenzene. In one isomer, the two bromine atoms should be on carbons that are connected by a double bond, as shown in the structure (a). In the other isomer, the bromines should be on carbons connected by a single bond as in the structure (b). But, only one ortho-dibromobenzene could be prepared. Br Br 2Br2 Br Br + FeBr3 (a) (b) To overcome this objection, Kekule further suggested that benzene was a mixture of two forms (1 and 2) in rapid equilibrium. 1 2 ii. Kekule’s structures failed to explain why benzene with three double bonds did not give addition reactions like other alkenes. For example, benzene did not react with HBr or Br2 in CCl4. (5)Resonance Description of Benzene: Benzene can be represented by two resonance structures 1, 2 and one resonance hybrid structure 3. The resonance structures 1 and 2 are not actual structures of the benzene molecule. None of these structures adequately represents the molecule. All single bonds in 1 are double bonds in structure 2. That’s why the hybrid structure is considered as the correct structure of benzene. Resonance hybrid is more stable than any of its contributing structures. For benzene, the stability due to resonance is so great that -bonds of the molecule will normally resist breaking. This explains lack of reactivity of benzene towards addition. (6) Molecular Orbital Structure for Benzene: All six-carbon atoms in benzene are sp2 hybridized. The sp2 hybrid orbitals overlap with each other and with s orbitals of the six hydrogen atoms forming C-C and C-H bonds. Since the s-bonds result from the overlap of planar sp2 orbitals, all carbon and hydrogen atoms in benzene lie in the same plane. All sbonds in benzene lie in one plane and all bond angles are 120°. Each sp2 hybridized C in the ring has an unhybridized p orbital perpendicular to the ring, which overlaps around the ring. => Stability of benzene and Resonance energy of benzene Benzene’s special stability is due to the formation of the delocalized molecular orbital. The magnitude of this extra stability can be estimated by measuring the changes in heat of hydrogenations that are associated with reactions. Hydrogenation of cyclohexane evolves 28.6 kcal/mole, a value typical for hydrogenation of alkenes. Hypothetical 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene + 3H2 36 kcal extra stability (resonance energy) of benzene 1,3-cyclohexadiene + 2H2 + 2H2 Cyclohexene + H2 55.4 kcal 85.8 kcal estimated 49.8 kcal 26.6 kcal (Cyclohexane) Figure: Heats of hydrogenation of one mole of some cyclic compounds Hydrogenation of both double bonds of 1,3-cyclohexadiene evolves 54.4 kcal/mole, approximately double the amount observed for cyclohexene. The molecule of 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene containing three ordinary double bonds is hypothetical-any efforts to produce it yields benzene. We would, however, expect complete hydrogenation of the unknown 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene to evolve approximately 3x28.6 or 85.8 kcal/mole. But hydrogenation of benzene gives only 49.8 kcal/mole. This 36 kcal difference between the heat evolved in the hydrogenation of benzene and that estimated for hydrogenation of a compound with three ordinary double bonds is the added stability. This added stability is sometimes called Resonance energy. Resonance energy is a measure of how much more stable a resonance hybrid structure is than its extreme resonance structures. Aromaticity (HUCKEL RULE) The aromatic compounds undergo substitution reactions rather than addition reactions. This characteristic behavior is called aromatic character or aromaticity. Aromaticity is a property of the sp2 hybridized planar rings in which the p orbitals (one on each atom) allow cyclic delocalization of electrons. Aromatic compounds apparently contain alternate double and single bonds in a cyclic structure, and resemble benzene in chemical behavior. They undergo substitution Criteria for aromaticity 1. An aromatic compound is cyclic and planar. 2. Each atom in an aromatic ring has a p orbital. These p orbitals must be parallel so that a continuous overlap is possible around the ring. 3. The cyclic p molecular orbital (electron cloud) formed by overlap of p orbitals must contain (4n + 2) electrons, where n = integer 1,2,3 etc. This is known as Huckel rule. Benzene Aromatic Cycloheptatriene Non-aromatic Ctclooctatetraene Non-aromatic Annulenes •All cyclic conjugated hydrocarbons were proposed to be aromatic. •However, cyclobutadiene is so reactive that it dimerizes before it can be isolated. •And cyclooctatetraene adds Br2 readily. Energy Diagram for Benzene • The six electrons fill three bonding pi orbitals. • All bonding orbitals are filled (“closed shell”), an extremely stable arrangement. Aromatic Requirements: Aromaticity •Structure must be cyclic with conjugated pi bonds. •Each atom in the ring must have an unhybridized p orbital. •The p orbitals must overlap continuously around the ring. (Usually planar structure) •Compound is more stable than its open-chain counterpart. Anti- and Nonaromatic Antiaromatic and Nonaromatic compounds •Antiaromatic compounds are cyclic, conjugated, with overlapping p orbitals around the ring, but the energy of the compound is greater than its openchain counterpart. •Nonaromatic compounds do not have a continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals and may be nonplanar. Hückel’s Rule •If the compound has a continuous 4N + 2 electrons, it is aromatic. •If the compound has a continuous 4N electrons, it is antiaromatic. ring of overlapping p orbitals and has ring of overlapping p orbitals and has Physical and Chemical properties of Benzene Physical: 1. Colorless liquid, bp 80.1 °C, mp 5.5 °C. 2. Insoluble in water and forms the upper of two layers when mixed, miscible with alcohol, ether and chloroform. 3. A good solvent for many organic and inorganic substances e.g., fat, resins, sulphur and iodine. 4. Vapors are highly toxic which on inhalation produce loss of consciousness. Poisoning in the long run can prove fatal, destroying the red and white blood cells. 5. It burns with a bluish flame. 6. With its derivatives shown characteristic IP spectrum. Thw two bands near 1600 cm-1 and 1500 cm-1 have been correlated with the stretching of the carbon-carbon bonds of the aromatic ring. The sharp bands bear 3030 cm-1 are caused by aromatic C-H bond. Chemical reactions of benzene: The principal types of reactions of benzene are: # Electrophilic substitution reactions # Addition reactions # Oxidation reactions. Pyridine • Heterocyclic aromatic compound. • Nonbonding pair of electrons in sp2 orbital, so weak base, pKb = 8.8. = > Pyrrole Also aromatic, but lone pair of electrons is delocalized, so much weaker base. => Basic or Nonbasic? N N N N N N H N H N Pyrimidine has two basic nitrogens. Imidazole has one basic nitrogen and one nonbasic Purine? Other Heterocyclics Fused Ring Hydrocarbons Anthracene Phenanathrene Reactivity of Polynuclear Hydrocarbons As the number of aromatic rings increases, the resonance energy per ring decreases, so larger PAH’s will add Br2. H Br H Br Br H H Br (mixture of cis and trans isomers) Fused Heterocyclic Compounds Common in nature, synthesized for drugs.