GT Ancient Greece Television Show The Assignment Work in groups to create a television show educating the class on a topic of social, political, or historical importance in Ancient Greece. The Process 1. In your groups watch the television channel you have been assigned to get an idea of the types of show you can create. 2. Decide on a specific focus of your show and the format you would like to follow. 3. Create a storyboard for you show. 4. Do research on your topic to make you show educational as well as entertaining. 5. Write a script and submit it electronically to Ms. Dove. 6. Record your show on your recording day. 7. Have a viewing of your show in class. The Grade Planning—Meeting with teacher, storyboard, and research notes. 30 points Content of the show *see back with specific rubric 50 points Oral Presentation Skills 15 points Reflection 5 points TOTAL 100 points Important Dates Follow the schedule below for the times your group will meet with Ms. Dove during class time. You must report to class for attendance and then go directly to Ms. Dove’s room. It is your responsibility to know your schedule and be prepared. If you need additional time at school, you must schedule it well in advance with Ms. Marshall or Ms. Dove. September 30 Class time to develop final October 4 Women’s Entertainment-Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 6 History Channel—Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 10 HGTV--Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 11 Food Network-- Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 13 Travel Channel-- Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 14 Discovery Health-- Studio Orientation, planning and research meeting October 17 Women’s Entertainment—Filming and production day October 19 History Channel-- Filming and production day October 24 HGTV-- Filming and production day October 27 Food Network--- Filming and production day October 28 Travel Channel-- Filming and production day November 1 Discovery Health-- Filming and production day T.V. Show Content Rubric Exemplary (10 points) Informational Visual Organization Editing Creativity The television show is educational and builds students’ context for understanding Ancient Greek literature. Many relevant, accurate facts are presented. The television show used a variety of visual aids to inform and entertain the viewer. This many include pictures, charts, maps, speakers, backgrounds, etc. The television show was sequenced in a logical way. All parts fit together and flow smoothly for the viewer. Satisfactory (7 Points) The television show is educational and/or builds students’ context for understanding Ancient Greek literature, but more information could have been provided. Viewers are left with many questions. The television show used some visual aids to inform and/or entertain the viewer. There was little variety or backgrounds and graphics could have been more creative and did not add to the presentation. The television show was somewhat sequenced in a logical way. Most parts fit together, but there may have been some choppy or confusing parts. The television show had no errors in editing and final production. The television show had one or two errors and final production. The television show is creative and showcases student’s ability to present information in an entertaining way. The show was unique and stood out. The television show is somewhat creative and entertaining, but some parts could have been improved. Unacceptable (5 points) The television show is educational, but did not build students’ context for understanding Ancient Greek literature. The television show used too few visual aids. The graphics, pictures, charts, etc. lacked creativity. The overall visual appearance did not appeal to the audience. The television show may have been sequenced in a logical way, but the transitions were choppy or unclear or one or more sections of the show seemed out of place. The television show had several errors that interrupted the viewing experience. The television show lacks creativity throughout. Some attempt at creativity was made, but the overall audience appeal could use improvement. Incomplete (3 points) The television show lacked information on Ancient Greece and did not add to the student viewer’s understanding of Ancient Greek literature. The television show did not use visual aids. The television show was not organized in a logical way. Transitions were not evident. The audience was confused by the show. The television show was not edited. The television show was no more than a recorded oral presentation. TOTAL 50 Points Tips and Hints For a successful T.V. show, here are a few helpful hints and reminders Watch the channel you have been assigned. You will get ideas from this. Choose a topic you are interested in to explore further. Do your research right away. You may encounter roadblocks and need to adjust your ideas. Take care of this before you go to Ms. Dove for filming. Write out a full script and be sure each member of the group, Ms. Marshall, and Ms. Dove have a copy before final filming. Have all props, costumes, graphics prepared and in Ms. Dove’s room before the filming time. Any graphics should be on a flash drive and given to Ms. Dove at least one day before filming. Practice reading the script and transitions before filming. Address any problems immediately. Ask Ms. Marshall or Ms. Dove for help before final filming.