To be completed and signed by the host university Erasmus contact person. Erasmus Mobility for Study Final Certificate - MODULO B a.a. 2013 / 2014 We confirm that the student __________________________________ has been a full-time student at the University of ______________________________________________ from the date certified on Modulo A to today under the ERASMUS exchange agreement with Università degli Studi di Trento. The courses have been taught in ______________________________ (specify language/s). Use of the ECTS credit transfer system: Date (obligatory) YES NO _____________________ Signature of the Administrative Officer Seal of the Institution * The the University of Trento will consider the date on which this form is completed and signed as the date of conclusion of the Erasmus period abroad. The present certificate must IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES be completed and signed by the Officer before the end of the student’s period of study. (modulo B) CUP E68C13000030006 The student has to hand over the form in original no later than 10 working days starting from the date this form was completed. (modulo B) CUP E68C13000030006