Topic for Erasmus staff exchange
Personal information
Name: Anneleen Vuurstaek
Telephone: 0032-486-867356
Nationality: Belgian
Sex: Female
Occupation or position: lecturer in Religious Education
Main activities and resposibilities: Teaching RE (= Religious Education)
Topic(s) for erasmus staff exchange
How can teachers support adolescents´ mourning?; Motivation in RE; Diversity as a challenge for RE
in Europe; Is RE compatible with science education?; Fundamentalism as a challenge for RE;
Communities of faith: Empowering young teachers of RE; Bringing everyday life into the RE
classroom; Slow teaching and RE; The importance of RE in the modern world; Why I love RE; The
Western interest in Asian religions as a challenge for RE; RE in Flanders; Contemporary art en RE; The
use of Bible in RE classes; The use of fragments of films in RE; Images of Jesus as stimuli for discussion
and deeper learning in RE; Teaching Roman Catholic religion to Muslim pupils: Perspectives from the
classroom ; Reflective spirituality for teachers of RE
Audience: lower secondary education