MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - NHS Scotland Recruitment

Human Resources Directorate
NHS Tayside
Ninewells Hospital
Telephone Number: (01382) 660111
Fax Number: (01382) 632098
Your Ref
Our Ref
Enquiries to
Direct Line
Date as Postmark
Ms Lynn Duncan
Dear Sir/Madam
Further to your enquiry regarding the above post, I am now pleased to enclose an information and
application pack.
Your application should be submitted by e-mail to in the form of
the following documents:
1 copy of your CV including the names, addresses and contact details of 3 referees,
including your current or most recent employer
It would also be helpful if you could include details of your registration and licence to
practice with the General Medical Council.
Your completed Immigration Status Form and a photocopy of your passport/current
immigration status documents – N.B. British and EEA Nationals must also enclose a
photocopy of their passport to verify nationality
Please be aware that failure to enclose documentation confirming your current
immigration status will result in your application being rejected.
Your completed declaration statement in respect of Appointment & Review Procedures
Equal Opportunities Form (see below)
Please quote reference number LD/03/13 when submitting your application. If you are unable to
submit all the above documents by e-mail you can post them to the address at the top of this letter.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, it is NHS Tayside’s policy to ensure that all applicants are given
the same consideration in relation to job selection, promotion and treatment. In this connection, I
enclose an Equal Opportunities Form which you should return with your application. This information
is for statistical purposes only and will be kept in strict confidence.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 10th April 2013. Owing to the number of
applications received and to make the best use of resources, we are unable to acknowledge receipt
of applications or to advise all candidates of the outcome of their application. The interviews are to be
held on 25th April 2013. If you have not heard from us within 6 weeks of the closing date you may
assume that, on this occasion, your application has been unsuccessful.
Yours faithfully
Lynn Duncan
Workforce Services Adviser
NHS Tayside
Ninewells Hospital & Medical School
Dept. of Oncology
An excellent opportunity has arisen to work in a modern, expanding and innovative Cancer Centre in
Tayside. It is a Locum post for 9 to 12 months to cover maternity leave.
The care of patients in Tayside is organised on a multi-disciplinary, tumour site specific basis. Most
patients with cancer in Tayside are managed according to protocols, which have been developed by
the relevant multi-disciplinary cancer group. These groups have been established for patients with
tumours of all the main tumour sites
The successful applicants would join a team of 7 consultant clinical oncologists (one of whom is the
Professor of Radiation Oncology) and 2 consultant medical oncologists, who provide services for all
solid tumour sites. It is envisaged that the successful appointee will undertake the care of patients with
lung cancer and renal cancer but depending on the interests and speciality of the successful applicant
there is flexibility within the job plan.
Ninewells is a University teaching hospital and Dundee University is particularly strong in the basic
cancer sciences, so applicants with a clinical research interest would be welcomed.
Chemotherapy provision and outpatient facilities are located both in Ninewells and in Perth Royal
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr Richard Casasola, Consultant Clinical Oncologist and
Clinical Leader, Ninewells Hospital, telephone 01382 660111 page 4859 or Dr D Adamson Consultant Clinical
Oncologist, telephone 01382 632388.
For further information on how to apply please visit Applications in
the form of a current CV, including the names and addresses of 3 referees should be submitted to quoting Reference LD/03/13. You must also include with your
CV the further particulars forms available via the website
Closing date for applications is 10th April 2013
Please quote reference number LD/03/13
Introduction and Description of the Area .............................................. 2
The Hospitals ........................................................................................... 2
Tayside Cancer Centre ............................................................................ 3
Duties of the Post .................................................................................... 4
Outline Job Plan ...................................................................................... 5
Qualifications and Experience................................................................ 6
Conditions of Service .............................................................................. 6
Further Information ................................................................................. 6
1. Introduction and Description of the Area
NHS Tayside serves the whole of Tayside Region, encompassing the former counties of Angus, Perth &
Kinross together with the cities of Dundee and Perth, and the Burghs of Arbroath, Forfar, Brechin and
Montrose. The Single Delivery Unit of NHS Tayside currently provides a service to Tayside and also to North
Fife - a population of half a million.
Dundee is Scotland’s fourth largest city and lies 20 miles east of Perth on the north bank of
the River Tay. It houses two large Universities (Abertay and Dundee) and is the focal point
for the on-going development of a thriving biomedical technology industry.
Perth is the regional centre for a predominantly rural county of Perthshire and Kinross.
Several international companies have their headquarters in Perth.
Both cities provide a mixture of traditional and modern living and the surrounding area
provides an extensive choice of housing and schooling. Most leisure activities are available
close by with particularly good facilities for hill-walking, climbing, skiing and golf.
2. The Hospitals
NHS Tayside covers three main hospital sites – Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, Perth Royal Infirmary in Perth
and Stracathro Hospital, near Brechin.
Ninewells Hospital and Medical School is a major general teaching hospital and provides a comprehensive
range of services with specialist units. Ninewells Hospital and Medical School has been designated one of the
Regional Cancer Centres in Scotland and provides, on a single site, all Surgical, Radiotherapy, and Medical
Oncology services. In addition, on the Ninewells site, are all of the major disciplines including general medicine
and surgery as well as specialist areas such as gynaecological oncology, ENT, plastics, neurosurgery etc. NHS
Tayside and the University of Dundee have a number of joint professorial appointments in Surgical Oncology
and Clinical Oncology. There are close links between the NHS clinicians and their university academic
colleagues. The designation of Dundee as a CRUK Cancer Centre will increase collaboration between the
clinical disciplines and the colleagues in the basic science laboratories located both on the Ninewells campus
and the main University campus.
Perth Royal Infirmary general surgical unit provides acute services for Breast, Colorectal and Gastroenterology.
Emergency admissions are received through an innovative integrated medical/surgical admissions unit. NHS
Tayside has expanded its diagnostic imaging services with full cross-sectional imaging services now available
at Ninewells, PRI and Stracathro Hospitals. Perth Royal Infirmary is recognised as a Cancer Unit for Tayside.
NHS Tayside has accepted and implemented proposals addressing the services provided at Ninewells Hospital,
Perth Royal Infirmary and Stracathro Hospital in the context of the Acute Balance of Care project (ABC). Perth
Royal Infirmary now provides an Oncology and Haematology Day Patient Area for patients in Perth allowing the
provision of a local chemotherapy service for these patients. Stracathro Hospital currently provides an
ambulatory, diagnostic and treatment centre for patients throughout Tayside.
3. Tayside Cancer Centre
The Oncology unit is managed within the Specialist Services & Oncology Group of the Surgical Directorate and
functions as an integrated Tayside Cancer Network
The heart of the service is provided in the Tayside Cancer Centre, which serves the population of Tayside and
North East Fife. Tayside Cancer Centre consists of a 26-bedded ward; a 12 bedded 5-day chemotherapy unit; a
chemotherapy day area and an out-patient department. This modern department consists of three Varian
Linacs both with MLC and EPI, planning. Other equipment includes a Nucletron Simulix Simulator,
departmental Toshiba CT scanner, Prosoma voluming system and OMP Planning System, Gynaecological
brachytherapy services are being developed to provide PDR treatment for cervical and endometrial cancer
patients. We participate actively in national and international Clinical Trials
The current clinical establishment is 8.4 WTE NHS staff and 2 university appointments working in 3 teams. The
disposition of the teams is decided on according to service requirements and individual interests. This new
position will allow Tayside Cancer Centre to enhance to current multidisciplinary team working and enable the
teams to cope with future demands on the services as well as working within specified guidelines. The
estimated numbers of patients to be seen in Oncology 2007/08 is 1799, 69% of all patients diagnosed.
Specialist Services & Oncology Group – Surgical Directorate
Associate Medical Director, Surgical
General Manager, Surgical Directorate
Clinical Services Manager, Specialist
Services & Oncology
Clinical Leader for Oncology
Dr John Colvin
Audrey Warden
Jim Foulis
Dr Richard Casasola
Senior Medical Staff
Dr D J A Adamson (clinical oncology)
Dr E Brown (clinical oncology)
Dr RJ Casasola (clinical oncology)
Clinical interest(s)
Upper GI, Breast
Lung, Genito-urinary
Head & Neck, Gynaecology, skin,
Dr M Ferguson (medical oncology)
Ovary, Sarcoma
Dr Hannah Lord (clinical oncology)
CNS, lung
Prof AJ Munro (clinical oncology)
Lower GI
Dr P Niblock (clinical oncology)
Upper & Lower GI, Head & Neck,
Dr PM Windsor (clinical oncology)
(medical Breast, colorectal and testis
Dr Angela Scott (medical oncology)
Lung and renal
Junior Staffing
6 Specialist Registrars (4 clinical oncology, 2 medical oncology)
6 FY2/ST1 posts shared between Oncology & Haematology.
3 staff grade doctors working in the chemotherapy day area.
Secretarial support will be provided within the Oncology Department
Teaching, Research and Audit
There are strong University links with the Clinical Group and an extensive programme of
cancer research is being undertaken on the Ninewells site. Dundee was the first Scottish
centre to be designated a Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cancer Centre in 2009. The
successful applicant will be both expected and encouraged to develop and collaborate in
clinical research.
The unit offers support to clinicians to recruit appropriate patients into clinical trials. There is a new Clinical
Research Centre with a satellite unit within the Oncology Unit. There is a tradition of successful recruitment of
patients into both non-commercial and commercial studies.
Undergraduate teaching is an increasingly important part of the work of the department and there is strong
support for this from both the University and the NHS. The appointee will be expected to make an appropriate
contribution to undergraduate teaching
The Single Delivery Unit recognises the need for quality assurance, the provision of healthcare and the
appointee will be required to play a role in this area in the Group.
The appointee will be required to play an active role in Clinical Governance
4. Duties of the Post
This is a locum post
This is an exciting opportunity to practise lung cancer and renal cancer, in a small cohesive unit with good peer
support. Applicants with other clinical interests are encouraged to apply because, given the mix of skills already
present within the department, we are able to accommodate the interests and expertise of high calibre
applicants. The Department is keen to appoint the candidate who will best match the clinical skills needed and
every effort will be made to accommodate different areas of clinical specialisation in discussion with the post
holder and other colleagues. There are opportunities to take part in clinical trial work and other professional
activities. Joint working and collaborative practice with members of the multi-professional team and the
palliative care team is imperative in order to meet the needs of this patient group. The successful applicant will
be expected to:
Work flexibly with other members of the multi-professional teams
Participate in the work of the department as allocated (discussion re job plans will outline
fixed sessions for the post and are subject to annual review by the Clinical Leader and
Clinical Group Director)
Participate in the provision of the on-call service
Participate in management by supporting the Clinical Director and Clinical Services
Undertake responsibility for undergraduate teaching
Contribute to postgraduate teaching
Participate in audit and research
Support clinical meetings
Undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of his/her patients and the
running of the department
Be flexible in any future discussions re allocation of duties.
5. Indicative Job Plan
This plan is indicative and forms the basis for discussion with the postholder.
Clinic: 3.5 sessions
MDT: 1.0 session
Ward rounds etc.:2.0 session
Administration, dictation, on-call: 1.5 sessions
Teaching: 1.0 session
SPA’s: 1.0 session
All appointments are made to NHS Tayside with their main base in the Department at
Ninewells. There may be commitment to a peripheral clinic in PRI. It is likely that the on call
will be on a one in 6 rota
6. Qualifications and Experience
Candidates must have registration with the GMC and hold a licence to practice.All
candidates must have MRCP or equivalent.
7. Conditions of Service
Membership of the NHS Superannuation Scheme is not compulsory but all medical and
dental staff are entitled to choose if they wish to join the scheme. Until such times as a
positive option not to join the scheme is expressed, a member of staff will be regarded as a
member from the first day of service. This will not affect any individual right to make
alternative arrangements. Initially, the employment covered by this contract will be
contracted out of the State Pension Scheme.
The post is for up to10 Programmed Activities and any extra programmed activities (EPA’s)
would only be granted with the agreement of the Clinical Director in discussing the job plan.
Any Consultant who is unable, for personal reasons, to work full-time, will be eligible to be
considered for the post. If such a person is appointed, modification of the job content will be
discussed on a personal basis in consultation with the Clinical Leader for Oncology
The successful candidate will be expected to reside within an approved distance of Ninewells
8. Appraisal
NHS Tayside has implemented an annual appraisal system for all consultant staff. The successful candidate
will be required to actively participate in this scheme.
9. Responsibility for Records Management
All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records and are public records
under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes email messages and other electronic
records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep appropriate records of your work in NHS Tayside and
manage those records in keeping with the NHS Tayside Records Management Policy and with any guidance
produced by NHS Tayside specific to your employment.
Further Information
Candidates wishing to obtain further information about the post or to visit the Department,
should contact Dr Richard Casasola (Clinical Lead for oncology) on 01382 660111 ext
32895. Other relevant contacts are Dr Dougal Adamson (Consultant clinical oncologist) via
NHS Tayside is committed to the principle of equality and opportunity in employment and accordingly its
advertising and recruitment literature will not imply that there is a preference for any one group of applicants,
e.g. by the use of discriminatory job titles or material depicting or describing certain sexual or racial groups.
In general the shortlisting process will be conducted so as to give all candidates equal
consideration against defined selection criteria. The following criteria will, therefore, be
applied equally to all candidates irrespective of age, sex, religion, ethnic origin or disability
and avoiding judgements on the basis of assumption or stereotypes.
The following framework is suggested as a basis for preparing the shortlisting criteria for use
by the Clinical Group Director in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Advisory
Appointments Committee. An alternative format may be used if this is felt to be desirable
provided that the basic principles of objectivity and equality are observed.
POST: Locum Consultant Medical Oncologist
1. Qualifications
Accreditation by relevant committee
2. General Medical Experience
3. Oncology Experience
4. Teaching experience
5. Research, audit and publications
6. Management training
Full registration with the GMC, and hold a
license to practice. MRCP 3 in medical
oncology or equivalent
MRCP or equivalent
experience and training
Substantial experience in prescribing and
chemotherapy and other systemic therapies.
Experience of and/or interest in teaching
undergraduate medical students & interest in
postgraduate training
Higher research degree (MD or PhD).
Audit experience
Publications in peer reviewed journals
Desirable but can be arranged when in post
Please be aware that all job applicants, including British and EEA nationals must enclose photocopies of their
passport (outside front cover, page containing personal details and resident permit/visa stamps). If you have
been issued with a Biometric Residence Permit, a photocopy (front and back of card) must also be enclosed.
Shortlisted applicants will be required to bring their original documents with them, for inspection, when attending
for interview.
Are you a national from Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom or
Are you a national from the Accession States
(A8 Countries) – Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or
Are you a national from the Accession
States (A2 Countries) – Bulgaria and
If you have circled ‘NO’ to the above sections please tick the box which relates to your current
immigration status, and provide expiry dates:
I hold a Tier 1 (General) Visa as a highly skilled
I require a Certificate of Sponsorship
I hold refugee status
I have indefinite leave to remain in the United
I have right of abode
Any other immigration status – please specify:
Print Name: ………………………………….........................
Date: ………………………………………………………….
Declaration Statements and Statements of Policy
Statement of Policy regarding fitness to practise proceedings by a licensing/regulatory body
and relating to criminal investigations in the UK or overseas.
Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors and
dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care for, and to behave appropriately,
towards patients. NHS Employers also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good standard
of medical care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore need to establish if
you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the
subject of proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, in the
UK or any other country.
Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Application
forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous or pending
prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this Act. Forms will also include
a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.
We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings in the
past, or any fitness to practise proceedings are being contemplated, by a licensing or regulatory body
in the UK or another country and this is also reflected in the declaration.
This information will be treated in confidence and will not debar you from appointment unless the
selection panel considers that it renders you unsuitable for appointment. In reaching such a decision
we will consider the nature of the conviction/action, how long ago it took place and any others factors
that may be relevant.
Failure to disclose a criminal offence, having been bound over or cautioned or that you are currently
the subject of criminal proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution, or fitness to practise proceedings undertaken or being undertaken by an appropriate
licensing or regulatory body, may disqualify you from appointment, or result in summary
dismissal/disciplinary action and referral to the General Medical Council [General Dental Council] for
consideration if such a discrepancy came to light.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or fitness to
practise proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas licensing or regulatory
body might have on your application, you may telephone the Employment Services Adviser, Medical
Staffing, on 01738 473302, in confidence, for advice.
Model Declaration Statement regarding
(a) any criminal offence, being bound over or cautioned, or current proceedings which might
lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution and
(b) fitness to practice proceedings taken or being currently contemplated by a
licensing/regulatory body
1. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the
subject of any police investigations, which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution in the UK or any other country?
Note: Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
You are required to declare prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this
If yes, please provide details of the criminal offence, order binding you over or caution or details of
any current proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution,
including approximate date, the offence, and the authority and country which dealt with the offence.
2. To the best of your knowledge have you been or are you currently subject to any fitness to practise
proceedings by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body in the UK or any other country?
If yes, please provide details of the nature of proceedings undertaken, or contemplated, including
approximate date of proceedings, country where proceedings were undertaken and the name and
address of the licensing or regulatory body concerned.
I hereby declare that the information given here is true.
Job reference number:
Equal opportunities monitoring
We want to ensure that our job opportunities are open to all. The only way we can ensure
there is equal opportunity is to monitor applications we receive, and compare the profile of
people who apply with those appointed. Therefore this form asks you for your ethnic
origin, gender, disability, religion, sexuality and age. The information you provide is
confidential and is not used in the selection process. It will be separated from the
rest of your application when we receive it.
1) If you are currently an employee of this NHS Board, will getting this job be a
2) You are:
Female 
Male 
3) Have you undergone, are you undergoing or do you intend to undergo gender
reassignment? For example, this includes having changed your sex (gender).?
No 
Prefer not to say 
4) What is your age?
I am ___ years old, and my date of birth is: _ _ / _ _ / _________
5) Do you have a physical or mental health condition or disability that:
has a substantial effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities?
has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more?
No 
If you answered ‘yes’ please tick if it is either of the following:
Learning Disability
Long standing illness
Mental health condition
Other (please describe):
Prefer not to say 
Physical impairment
Sensory impairment
Again, if yes, please describe any particular arrangements you would need for your
work location:
(Continued on next page)
6) What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to F, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural
A: White
 Scottish  Irish
 Gypsy Traveller
B: Mixed
 Any mixed background
 Other British
 Polish
 Any other White background
C: Asian; Asian Scottish; Asian British
 Pakistani
 Indian
 Chinese
 Bangladeshi  Any other Asian background
D: Black; Black Scottish; Black British
 Caribbean
 African
 Any other Black background
E: Other ethnic background
 Any other background
F: Prefer not to answer 
7) To which religion, religious denomination or body do you actively belong?
 (Christianity)- Church of Scotland
 (Christianity) - Roman Catholic
 Hinduism
 Sikhism
 Judaism
 Islam
 No religion (none)
Christianity (Other)
Other faith / belief
Prefer not to answer
8) Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
 Bisexual
 Heterosexual
 Other
 Gay Man
 Lesbian/Gay Woman
 Prefer not to answer
9) Where did you see the Advertisement for this Post?
Newspaper (which one?)
Professional Journal (which one?)
Vacancy Bulletin
SHOW (NHS Scotland Website)
Job Centre Plus
Other (please specify)
Thank you.