specialty registrar (lats) in general medicine

Applications are invited for Specialty Registrar (LAT) posts at CT1, CT2 and ST3 level or
above in General Medicine based at Ninewells Hospital / Perth Royal Infirmary. There are
three posts, one principally in Cardiology and the other principally in General Medicine.
Post 1 - available 5 February 2014 to 5 August 2014
Post 2 – available 1 March 2014 to 5 August 2014
Post 3 – available 1 June 2014 to 5 August 2014
The Postgraduate Dean has confirmed that these programmes have the required
educational and staffing approval.
Training programmes are open equally to those who may, either from the outset or
subsequently, wish to train less than full-time.
There are good library facilities at Ninewells Hospital and active teaching and research
programmes in which participation is expected and encouraged.
Informal enquiries to:- Dr John Dick, Tel: 01382 633 883
For further information on how to apply please visit www.medicaljobs.scot.nhs.uk .
Applications in the form of a current CV, including the names and addresses of 3 referees
should be submitted to medicalrecruitment.tayside@nhs.net quoting reference number
You must also include the further particular forms available from
www.medicaljobs.scot.nhs.uk website.
The closing date is 1 April 2014.
NHS Tayside is an equal opportunities employer and positive about disabled people
Training is provided in Tayside at Ninewells Hospital and Perth Royal Infirmary (PRI)
which are part of NHS Tayside. The population breakdown for Tayside and North
East Fife are given below:
Of which:
North East Fife
Perth and Kinross
At present there are two hospitals within NHS Tayside which admit acute general
medical patients and provide in-patient respiratory services; Ninewells Hospital and
Perth Royal Infirmary. Outpatient services are provided at a number of additional
hospitals in the area.
Ninewells Hospital houses all of the specialities and sub-specialities expected in a
teaching hospital with the exception of cardiothoracic surgery.
Acute medicine services in Perth and Kinross are centred on Perth Royal Infirmary.
Specialty Trainees usually spend a period of their placement in Perth undergoing
training in general internal medicine. There are 9 consultant physicians with interests
in cardiology, respiratory, gastroenterology, endocrinology/diabetes, rheumatology
and gerontology. Trainees are attached to several consultants during the year
according to individual training needs.
At present, respiratory medicine in Angus is serviced on an outpatient basis by
clinics in Arbroath Infirmary and Montrose Infirmary. General medical clinics in
Perthshire are held in Crieff, Pitlochry, Blairgowrie and Auchterarder.
Inpatient Duties
 based on specialty ward and general medical ward. Supervising the junior
doctors in the day to day management of the inpatients.
 providing medical opinions for other specialities.
 Acute medical unit- acute receiving or a full shift system, rotating into AMU
(see below)
Outpatient Duties – exact duties vary according to training requirements
 seeing new and return specialty patients under supervision of specialty
 general medical outpatient clinic on a weekly basis as required for training.
On-call Duties
 approximate 1 in 10 rota – participating in the general medical registrar
 rota alternates between acute general medical receiving on medical
receiving unit (Reg A) and providing cover for non –receiving medical
wards and referrals from other specialties (Reg B).
 the proportion of Reg A & Reg B duties varies with training requirements.
 fixed commitments should be cancelled for the day of a Reg A duty and
the day following.
Teaching Commitments
The ST will be expected to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
regular commitments to ward based teaching of undergraduates.
participation in the lecture programmes for 2nd and 4th year medical
teaching of other groups as required including other specialty juniors and
specialist nurses and MRCP candidates.
Specialist and General Medical Attachments
the training programme can be flexible according to the individual trainee
requirements but can include attachments to a district general hospital, i.e.
Perth Royal Infirmary, and to specialties including ITU as well as CCU.
Ninewells Hospital
Wards 3 and 4 Meeting
Monday 12.30 - 13.30p.m.
Division of Medicine Grand Round (NWH,LT1)
Thursday 1.00 – 2.00 p.m.
Plus specialty meetings
Perth Royal Infirmary
Medical unit clinical meeting
Tuesday 12.30-1.30 p.m.
ST/SPR Training Programme
Wednesday 2.00 – 4.00p.m.
Postgraduate Lecture
Thursday 12.30-1.30 p.m.
Medicine Teaching Programme (VC link to PRI)
Rolling programme of topics
All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate
records and are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act
1937. This includes email messages and other electronic records. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you keep appropriate records of your work in NHS
Tayside and manage those records in keeping with NHS Tayside Records
Management Policy and with any guidance produced by NHS Tayside specific to
your employment.
When preparing your application, please refer to the person specifications for ST3
Cardiology and CT1 in CMT which are available at http://www.scotmt.scot.nhs.uk /
Recruitment / Specialty Training / Person Specifications
Please be aware that all job applicants, including British and EEA nationals must enclose photocopies
of their passport (outside front cover, page containing personal details and resident permit/visa
stamps). If you have been issued with a Biometric Residence Permit, a photocopy (front and back of
card) must also be enclosed.
Shortlisted applicants will be required to bring their original documents with them, for inspection, when
attending for interview.
Are you a national from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom or Switzerland?
Are you a national from the Accession States (A8
Countries) – Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia?
Are you a national from the Accession States (A2
Countries) – Bulgaria and Romania?
If you have circled ‘NO’ to the above sections please tick the box which relates to your current
immigration status, and provide expiry dates
I hold a Tier 1 (General) Visa as a highly skilled worker
I require a Certificate of Sponsorship
I hold refugee status
I have indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom
I have right of abode
Any other immigration status – please specify:
Print Name: ………………………………….........................
Date: ………………………………………………………….
Declaration Statements and Statements of Policy
Statement of Policy regarding fitness to practise proceedings by a licensing/regulatory body and
relating to criminal investigations in the UK or overseas.
Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors and
dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care for, and to behave appropriately, towards
patients. NHS Employers also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good standard of medical
care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore need to establish if you have
been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the subject of
proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, in the UK or any
other country.
Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Application
forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous or pending
prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this Act. Forms will also include
a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.
We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings in the
past, or any fitness to practise proceedings are being contemplated, by a licensing or regulatory body
in the UK or another country and this is also reflected in the declaration.
This information will be treated in confidence and will not debar you from appointment unless the
selection panel considers that it renders you unsuitable for appointment. In reaching such a decision
we will consider the nature of the conviction/action, how long ago it took place and any others factors
that may be relevant.
Failure to disclose a criminal offence, having been bound over or cautioned or that you are currently
the subject of criminal proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution, or fitness to practise proceedings undertaken or being undertaken by an appropriate
licensing or regulatory body, may disqualify you from appointment, or result in summary
dismissal/disciplinary action and referral to the General Medical Council [General Dental Council] for
consideration if such a discrepancy came to light.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or fitness to
practise proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas licensing or regulatory
body might have on your application, you may telephone the Employment Services Adviser, Medical
Staffing, on 01738 473302, in confidence, for advice.
Model Declaration Statement regarding
(a) any criminal offence, being bound over or cautioned, or current proceedings which might
lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution and
(b) fitness to practice proceedings taken or being currently contemplated by a
licensing/regulatory body
1. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the
subject of any police investigations, which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution in the UK or any other country?
Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
1974. You are required to declare prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’
under this Act.
If yes, please provide details of the criminal offence, order binding you over or caution or details of
any current proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution,
including approximate date, the offence, and the authority and country which dealt with the offence.
2. To the best of your knowledge have you been or are you currently subject to any fitness to practise
proceedings by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body in the UK or any other country?
If yes, please provide details of the nature of proceedings undertaken, or contemplated, including
approximate date of proceedings, country where proceedings were undertaken and the name and
address of the licensing or regulatory body concerned.
I hereby declare that the information given here is true.
Job reference number:
Equal opportunities monitoring
We want to ensure that our job opportunities are open to all. The only way we can
ensure there is equal opportunity is to monitor applications we receive, and compare
the profile of people who apply with those appointed. Therefore this form asks you
for your ethnic origin, gender, disability, religion, sexuality and age.
information you provide is confidential and is not used in the selection
process. It will be separated from the rest of your application when we receive
1) If you are currently an employee of this NHS Board, will getting this job be a
2) You are:
Female 
Male 
3) Have you undergone, are you undergoing or do you intend to undergo
gender reassignment? For example, this includes having changed your sex
No 
Prefer not to say 
4) What is your age?
I am ___ years old, and my date of birth is: _ _ / _ _ / _________
5) Do you have a physical or mental health condition or disability that:
has a substantial effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities?
has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more?
No 
Prefer not to say 
If you answered ‘yes’ please tick if it is either of the following:
Learning Disability
Long standing illness
Mental health condition
Other (please describe):
Again, if yes, please describe any particular arrangements you would need
for your work location:
(Continued on next page)
-26) What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to F, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural
A: White
 Scottish  Irish
 Gypsy Traveller
B: Mixed
 Any mixed background
 Other British
 Polish
 Any other White background
C: Asian; Asian Scottish; Asian British
 Pakistani
 Indian
 Chinese
 Bangladeshi  Any other Asian background
D: Black; Black Scottish; Black British
 Caribbean
 African
 Any other Black background
E: Other ethnic background
 Any other background
F: Prefer not to answer 
7) To which religion, religious denomination or body do you actively belong?
 (Christianity)- Church of Scotland
 (Christianity) - Roman Catholic
 Hinduism
 Sikhism
 Judaism
 Islam
 No religion (none)
Christianity (Other)
Other faith / belief
Prefer not to answer
8) Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
 Bisexual
 Heterosexual
 Other
9) Where did you see the Advertisement for this Post?
Newspaper (which one?)
Professional Journal (which one?)
Vacancy Bulletin
SHOW (NHS Scotland Website)
Job Centre Plus
Other (please specify)
 Gay Man
 Lesbian/Gay Woman
 Prefer not to answer