Work Activity Inventory Sheet WORK ACTIVITY INVENTORY Occupation being analysed Physical Education Activity Use of outside PE sports area Potential hazards Debris Unsuitable playing surface Unsuitable equipment Lack of adequate space Unauthorised entry Name of person compiling inventory Post Signature: Location Page.1of....... Number of staff doing job Is this a significant risk? Yes/No Yes Date If risk assessment completed record details (date and reference) here Name(s) of persons assisting in compiling this inventory:Location Date: Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Risk Assessment Form WORK ACTIVITY RISK ASSESSMENT Task being undertaken:- Use of sports ground Occupations:- Sports staff Population/staff affected:- Staff, pupils ,visitors. Any vulnerable persons particularly at risk:- staff, pupils, visitors. Date of assessment:Review date:Ref:- Activity Remove activities not applicable and insert any school specific working activities. Potential Hazards Existing Control Measures Identify specific and real Example control measures hazards that are that may already be in reasonably foreseeable place. Choose those applicable, add others as necessary and localise. Degree of Risk With Existing Control Measures Score likelihood and severity –. Score on most probable basis not worst case scenario. L'hood Use of outside areas for PE, Sporting activities Litter, glass Used needles / HIV, Hepatitis B Arrangements are in place for a visual sweep to be undertaken of the play area in order that dangerous items can be collected for safe disposal e.g. broken glass, Inspection of areas Safe litter-picking procedures involving use of personal protective clothing Safe disposal of material collected Suitable reporting procedures in place when Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Severity Total Additional Action Required/Comment Where risk (total) remains intolerably high consider what further control measures are required and specify who will action.. Degree of Risk With Additional Control Measures Re-score based on imposition of further control measures. Controls may influence (reduce) likelihood and/or severity (mitigate). L'hood Severity Total problems have been identified Dog faeces / infection, Prevent dogs walking on site so far as is reasonably practicable. Signage prohibiting dog walking on site Safe clearing procedures involving use of personal protective clothing Saf Safe disposal of collected waste. Poisonous or thorny Consideration of safety plants / poisoning, skin when selecting plants with irritation, scratches reference to position of planting and age of children on site etc. Inspection of areas for unsuitable plants and weeds GroGrounds maintenance procedures Ground surface eg. Inspection to ensure the holes / trips, injury playing surface even and in good condition e.g. free of loose grit, and relatively level i.e. no hollows or bumps? Reporting procedure for any defects Prompt remedial action Members of the public, Signage regarding trespassers / abduction, trespassing assault, harassment Well maintained, unbreached fencing (no holes or damage) Adequate supervision of pupils If sports field is detached from school a method of Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Space provision communication provide to staff on sports field If more than one game is being played at the same time, there is adequate space between the games. The playing area large enough for the activity to take place safely without overcrowding Use of damaged or Inspection of sports Inappropriate equipment equipment / injury Maintenance of equipment Security to prevent vandalism of equipment The equipment is appropriate for the age group concerned (e.g. age, strength and ability of pupils) ATHLETICS - Jumping Throwing events GAMES – Cricket, rounders, softball Striking SPORTS, PE Lack of personal protective equipment, footwear and suitable clothing Are areas which are used for run-up, take-off and landing in a safe condition? Are arrangements in place to ensure that there is no risk of injury to either participants or spectators from any equipment being thrown? Is there sufficient space to avoid the risk of balls being hit onto paths and roads? There sufficient personal protective equipment, footwear and suitable Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 First aid clothing available e.g. the correct type for the activity (taking into account the size, weight, design, age, strength and ability of the players? Consideration given to appropriate protective clothing when playing on plastic/synthetic surfaces e.g. tracksuits and long sleeved shirts Lack of first aid provision Adequate first aid facilities readily available? (E.g. trained first aiders, first aid kits etc.) Lack of response to Information on individual individual medical medical requirements is needs. available and medication is available where required. Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Assessor’s details Name:- Job title:- Signature and date:- Manager’s acceptance Manager’s name:- Job title:- Signature and date:- Likelihood (L'hood) Severity 1. Very unlikely (5 years 1. Very minor injury (minor or more) cuts/grazes. Very limited property damage/loss 2. Unlikely (1-5 years) 2. More serious injury <3 days off work/incapacity (sprains, more serious cuts, bruising. Injury needing medical attention. Slight property damage/loss. 3. Likely (6-12 months) 3. RIDDOR reportable (to HSE) injury/sickness (except fatality). More than 3 days off school. Significant property damage/loss. 4. Very likely (1-6 months) 4. RIDDOR reportable (to HSE) injury/sickness affecting more than one person (excluding fatality). Major property damage/loss. 5.. Certain (more than 1 5. Single or multiple staff fatality. per month) Catastrophic property damage/loss. Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Risk Ranking 1- 5 6-15 16-25 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk 2 2 4 6 8 10 Likelihood 3 3 6 9 12 15 4 4 8 12 16 20 5 5 10 15 20 25 Severity