Work Activity Inventory Sheet WORK ACTIVITY INVENTORY Occupation being analysed School teaching staff Activity Standard classroom Potential hazards Fire Electricity Slips, trips, falls Inadequate storage Inadequate lighting Use of equipment Liquid spills Use of white board Lack of voice care Unsuitable furniture Name of person compiling inventory Post Signature: Location Page.1of.5 Number of staff doing job Is this a significant risk? Yes/No Yes Date If risk assessment completed record details (date and reference) here Name(s) of persons assisting in compiling this inventory:Location Date: Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Risk Assessment Form WORK ACTIVITY RISK ASSESSMENT Task being undertaken:- Use of standard Classroom Occupations:- Teaching Staff Population/staff affected:-staff, pupils ,visitors. Any vulnerable persons particularly at risk:- pupils, Date of assessment:Review date:Ref:Activity Potential Hazards Existing Control Measures Degree of Risk with Existing Control Measures Additional Action Required/Comment Degree of Risk with Additional Control Measures Remove activities not applicable and insert any other school specific activities. Specific and real hazards that are reasonably foreseeable Example control measures that may already be in place. Choose those applicable, add others as necessary and localise. Score likelihood and severity – significance of specific risks will vary between specific cases etc. Score on most probable basis not worst case scenario. Where risk (total) remains intolerably high consider what further action / control measures are required and specify who will action it. Re-score based on imposition of further control measures. Controls may influence likelihood (reduce) and/or severity (mitigate). L'hood Use of classroom Inadequate cleaning Slips, trips, Contamination Fire spread Unsuitable furniture: Collapse Lack of stability Falls A suitable cleaning regime is in place including the regular disposal of items to prevent waste build up. Cleaners report difficulties with carrying out their work. Inspection by cleaning supervisor Inspection of furniture to ensure it is fit for purpose. Defective furniture Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Severity Total L'hood Severity Total identified to prevent future use. Furniture to supplied to suitable specification (information is available from British Educational Suppliers Association) Inappropriate storage: Shelving to be suitably Collapse of shelves secured to walls. Fall of items stored at Provision of suitable height means of access, kick Falls from height steps, step ladders Manual handling injury “Heavy” items stored at Unauthorised access waist height Trip hazards Where appropriate storage areas are kept locked to deny unauthorised access. (This is particularly important where chemicals and ladders etc. are stored.) Floor areas kept free of obstructions to provide ready access to stored items. Segregation of items and liquids should not be stored above powders. Filing cabinets fitted with anti-tilt mechanisms e.g. can only one drawer be opened at a time. Liquid spillages Supervision of use of Slips, Falls liquids in class Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Hot radiators or heaters - Burns Open windows: Falls form height Contact with window Immediate cleaning up of spillages. Sign/segregate drying/wet area Low surface temperature radiators or provision of suitable guarding where young or vulnerable children are present Opening limiters fitted to windows. Glass: Breakages Cuts Impact Risk assessment of glazing completed. Use of suitable glass or glazing film where necessary. Manifestations on glazing in critical locations. Inadequate lighting Provision of suitable levels: lighting levels (min. 300 Falls lux on working plane). Light diffusers clean Inadequate ventilation Windows are accessible Headaches, or means of opening Discomfort provided. Windows suitably maintained Inadequate space: Space provision to be in Collision accordance with Impact with others DfES guidance. Impact with something Adapt teaching delivery solid methods to meet the Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Use of electrical Electrocution, equipment & sockets Fire. Trailing electrical cables - Trips, Falls. Pedestrian movement within classroom Defective flooring Slips Trips Falls Use of active white board Glare from white board projector Eye injury space constraints. Portable appliance testing and regular visual inspection of equipment and sockets. Fixed Installation testing Avoid use of extension leads Ensure sufficient sockets available Use of cable covers where cables are a trip hazard Selection of suitable floor covering. Mats are suitably fixed Inspection of flooring. Prompt maintenance of defects. Suitable floor cleaning regime in place. Change in floor levels identified and signed. Suitable footwear worn Coats and bags not to be placed in gang ways Staff advised to use in accordance with DfES guidance. It must be made clear to all users that no one should stare directly into the beam of the projector. Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Fire Smoke inhalation, burns, and structural damage. Unauthorised entry Lack of adequate When entering the beam, users should not look towards the audience for more than a few seconds. Users should be encouraged to keep their backs to the projector beam when stood in the beam. Children should be supervised at all times during the operation of the projector. Alarm audible. Means of alerting hearing impaired. Fire action notices posted in classrooms. Fire exit routes are clearly signed Fire fighting equipment available. Ensure gang ways, exit routes are clear of obstructions. Fire doors signed and door closers working. Fire Drills undertaken. Prevent direct entry by Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 security: Theft Arson Assault Provision of first aid response to classroom incident. Inadequate response Shock, aggravated condition Unauthorised use of equipment Injury Constant voice use Strain Voice loss unauthorised individuals to classrooms. “Visitor” badges used. Evening use of classrooms managed to prevent compromise of school security. White board projectors secured Provision of adequate trained first aiders. Staff aware of how to summon a first aider. Appropriate arrangements in place to prevent unauthorised access to hazardous tools/equipment e.g. sharp/pointed, electrical, gas etc.? Staff to be made aware of voice care techniques eg Drink water Rest the voice Warm up the voice. The voice care network can be contacted at Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Assessor’s details Name:- Job title:- Signature and date:- Manager’s acceptance Manager’s name:- Job title:- Signature and date:- Likelihood (L'hood) Severity 1. Very unlikely (5 years 1. Very minor injury (minor or more) cuts/grazes. Very limited property damage/loss 2. Unlikely (1-5 years) 2. More serious injury <3 days off work/incapacity (sprains, more serious cuts, bruising. Injury needing medical attention. Slight property damage/loss. 3. Likely (6-12 months) 3. RIDDOR reportable (to HSE) injury/sickness (except fatality). More than 3 days off school. Significant property damage/loss. 4. Very likely (1-6 4. RIDDOR reportable (to HSE) months) injury/sickness affecting more than one person (excluding fatality). Major property damage/loss. 5.. Certain (more than 1 5. Single or multiple staff fatality. per month) Catastrophic property damage/loss. Extract SHE/Pro/2 (Risk Assessment Form) May 2005 Risk Ranking 1- 5 6-15 16-25 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk 2 2 4 6 8 10 Likelihood 3 3 6 9 12 15 4 4 8 12 16 20 5 5 10 15 20 25 Severity