
Becoming a Veterinarian
A. Pre-vet requirements
1. varies with each veterinary school
2. students need to KNOW the requirements for the school(s) they apply to.
3. usually takes 4 years to complete pre-vet requirements
4. minimum GPA is 3.2 for most schools
B. Application process
1. centralized application company…can apply to several, but each one costs
2. schools generally accept one class per year
3. currently 28 AVMA accredited veterinary schools in the US.
4. approximately 10-15 applicants per opening in the class
5. WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education)
a. organization which contracts with states that have a professional school
so that they will accept a set number of Arizona residents at in-state tuition
1. American Veterinary Medical Association
2. +80,000 veterinarians are members
3. parent organization of the profession
4. several Councils and Committees that have specific functions
5. COE (Council on Education) is a body within the AVMA that accredits
veterinary schools.
a. Manual of Standards that must be met
b. Veterinary schools are up for re-accreditation every 7 years.
c. COE also has accredited veterinary schools in Australia, Canada,
England and Scotland.
D. Veterinary School
1. Typically takes 4 years to complete.
2. DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) is the degree in 27 schools
3. VMD is the degree in one school
4. salary for starting veterinarians vs. school debt
a. 2009 US figures were approximately $64,000 salary and
$130,000 debt.
b. Arizona figures were approximately $74,000 salary and
$165,000 debt.
5. Graduate veterinarians each year
a. approximately 2700 graduates each year
b. one-third go into private practice
c. one-third go into an internship program
d. one-third go into industry, military, government, etc.
6. Reports on Veterinary Schools should include the following…..
a. location
b. pre-veterinary requirements
c. costs for in-state vs. out-of-state
d. size of class accepted each year
e. WICHE contract with Arizona ?
E. Licensing
1. Must graduate from an AVMA accredited veterinary school with a DVM
or VMD.
2. Must pass the NAVLE (North American Veterinary Licensing Exam)
which is the national exam for veterinarians..
3. Must pass the state licensing exam as well for each state….they are
different in every state.
4. Foreign graduates…..who graduate from a non AVMA accredited school
a. 2 pathways to gain licensure in US.
a) administered by the AVMA
b) English proficiency exam
c) CPE (Clinical Proficiency Exam) (handout)
d) Or can spend 1 year at an accredited veterinary
school instead of CPE.
a) administered by the AAVSB ( American
Association of Veterinary State Boards)
b) similar exam as the ECFVG
5. Renewal of license
a. Arizona license is good for 2 years, but must have 20 hours of
continuing education
Becoming a veterinary technician
A. Education
1. graduate from an AVMA accredited veterinary technician program
2. Arizona currently has 6 accredited programs
3. AVMA accredited veterinary technician programs must be a 2yr Post High
School program.
4. In Arizona they are called CVTs….certified veterinary technicians
a. some states call them RVTs or LVTs
5. CVTEA (Committee on Veterinary Technician Education Activities)
a. body within the AVMA that accredits veterinary technician
b. see handout on the committee and Standards
c. see handout on the categories of accreditation
6. NAVTA ( North American Veterinary Technician Association)
a.. parent organization for technicians (like AVMA is to
b. is the body that approves veterinary technician specialties
B. Restrictions on duties
1. In Arizona, CVTs can do all but the following…..
a. perform surgery
b. prescribe drugs
c. make a diagnosis
d. make a prognosis
C. Licensure
1. proof of graduation from an AVMA accredited veterinary technician
2. pass the VTNE (Veterinary Technician National Exam)
a. new rule as of January 2011, that you have to be a graduate from
an AVMA accredited veterinary technician program before you can take the
3. pass the state exam where they wish to work.
4. renewal every 2 years, but need 10 hours of continuing education
D. Reports on Technicians Programs must include….
1. location
2. costs per year
3. class size
4. admission policies
5. starting salary in Arizona
Arizona Veterinary Medical Examining Board
A. Purpose
1. To enforce the Az Statutes and Rules
2. To protect the public and ensure the health and safety of their animals.
3. The “Police Agency” for the veterinary profession.
4. Investigate complaints
a. official hearings monthly
b. options are….1) dismiss the complaint
2) suspend a license
3) place the licensee on probation
4) can fine “non-licensed” practioners
5) can order a “Cease and Desist”
6. Non-licensed practioners
a. DVM must be involved
b. Equine dentists
c. Chirpractors
d. Massage therapists
e. Acupuncturists
f. All of the alternative therapies
B. Composition
1. Nine members appointed by the Governor
2. DVMs = 5 and Public members = 4
3. Terms are for 5 years