Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Correction of LPI Parent Average for inbreeding depression on potential matings Jalal Fatehi, Filippo Miglior and Paul Boettcher Introduction Accurate genetic selection programs identify animals with superior genetic potential. Using genetically superior sires and reproductive biotechnologies (such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer, embryo splitting, in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer) can disperse certain genotypes throughout the population and increase the number of inbred or genetically similar animals. Inbreeding is caused by the mating of relatives. Phenotypic performance and survivability decline due to inbreeding because of decrease in heterozygosity and increase in frequency of deleterious recessive genes. This phenomenon is defined as inbreeding depression. Smith et al. (1998) reported that the relative net income adjusted for opportunity cost for fluid and manufacturing milk price in USA registered Holstein cows was depressed by $24.43 and $21.78 per 1% inbreeding. In a study done by Weigel and Lin (2000), using a computerized mate selection program to control inbreeding, a decrease in inbreeding by 1.8 and 2.8% increased lifetime profit by $37.37 and $59.77 in Holsteins and Jerseys, respectively. Recently CDN has developed an inbreeding calculator, which is freely available on the CDN web site. Given a sire and a dam, the inbreeding calculator computes the inbreeding coefficient of the potential progeny and the progeny Parent Average for LPI. The objective of this study was to estimate the inbreeding depression on the genetic performance of Canadian Holstein cows in order to provide an LPI parent average adjusted for the expected inbreeding depression. Materials and Methods Inbreeding depressions were calculated for the cow's LPI and its components. Although the probability of getting superior offspring can be increased by mating parents with superior breeding values, there is no control over the Mendelian sampling of genes which actually determines the genetic makeup of the offspring. Therefore, in this study, inbreeding depression was investigated on the basis of the Mendelian sampling effect. A data set was created combining different information including cow, sire, and dam proofs. All the records from the animals with unknown parents, and with missing values for the traits were eliminated from the data. Records were restricted to Holstein cows born from 1990 to 1995 (6 years) due to the highest number of test day records for 1 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 protein. Traits of interest were LPI, milk, fat and protein production, conformation, capacity, mammary system, feet and legs, udder depth, herd life, somatic cell score, and milking speed. Proofs for the traits from cows, sires, and dams were utilized for the calculation of Mendelian Sampling terms on the basis of the following formula: Sire EBV for trait (X) Dam EBV for trait (X) Mendelian Sampling for trait (X) Cow EBV for trait (X) 2 Calculated inbreeding coefficients were obtained for each cow by merging the information provided in a file from Canadian Dairy Network (CDN). The total number of cows, sires, and dams involved in this study were 222,685, 3,196, and 169,099, respectively. The analysis was performed using the GLM procedure in SAS and the following model: y B 1XR 2 XF e where, y = calculated Mendelian sampling for a trait in the analysis, = overall mean, B = fixed effect of cow's birth year, 1 = linear regression of dependent variable y on reliability, 2 = linear regression of dependent variable y on inbreeding coefficient, XR = continuous variable representing reliability, XF = continuous variable representing inbreeding coefficient, e = random residual. The approach in calculating inbreeding depression was to investigate the changes in average Mendelian Sampling caused by a 1% increase in inbreeding among the cows born from 1990 to 1995 in this study. The inbreeding coefficient was also fitted as a classification variable (5 classes as shown in Table 1) to test the presence of any curvilinear effect of inbreeding depression. 2 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Results and Conclusions The levels of inbreeding by birth year for Canadian Holstein cows were presented in Table 1. All the animals were partially inbred. The minimum, maximum, and average inbreeding coefficient were 0.01%, 31.3%, and 3.9%, respectively. Most of the animals (84%) were classified in the inbreeding level of 0 < F < 6.25.% The number of cows born from 1990 to 1995 decreased in this level of inbreeding from year to year (Table 1.). In comparison, the number of inbred animals with inbreeding greater/equal to 6.25% increased considerably from year to year (from 8.2% in 1990 to 20.5% in 1995, Table 1.). In a previous investigation on Canadian Holsteins (Miglior and Burnside, 1995) the percentage of cows with inbreeding greater/equal to 6.25% slightly increased from 3.3% in the 1971-75 period to 4% in the 1986-90. Table 1. Distribution of cows by level of inbreeding (F) from 1990 to 1995. Level of Inbreeding (%) 1990 % 1991 % 1992 % 1993 % 1994 % 1995 % All cows % F = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 < F < 6.25 91.84 89.33 87.56 84.44 80.64 79.54 84.88 6.25 ≤ F < 12.50 7.84 10.10 11.75 14.77 18.55 19.53 14.41 12.50 ≤ F < 18.75 0.30 0.56 0.67 0.76 0.79 0.90 0.70 18.75 ≤ F < 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 F ≥ 25.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 38176 41763 45377 39870 222685 Number of cows 25625 31874 Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation of cow, sire, and dam proofs for all the traits analyzed in this study are provided in Table 2. Mean values for cow and sire LPI were similar and both were considerably higher than dam LPI. Average cow indexes for production traits were slightly lower than sire proofs, but significantly higher than dam indexes. This provides evidence of positive genetic progress for production traits due to the selection of genetically superior sires and dams and planned mating. Mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values for the Mendelian sampling by trait are shown in Table 3. Fitting the inbreeding coefficient as a classification variable indicated that the effect of inbreeding depression was linearly proportional to the level of inbreeding. 3 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Table 4 shows the effects of inbreeding on calculated Mendelian Sampling for all traits analyzed, per 1% increase in inbreeding coefficient. Inbreeding depressions were initially computed using a model accounting for inbreeding coefficient as a covariate. These results were slightly lower for production traits than the results from the model including classification effect of year of birth, and reliability and inbreeding coefficient as covariates. The magnitude of inbreeding depression on somatic cell score and milking speed was not significant (Table 4 & 5). Values of inbreeding depression may seem low for all traits. However, values are very close to those estimated in previous studies in Canadian and US Holsteins (Miglior et al., 1995a; Miglior et al, 1995b; Smith et al., 1998). Those investigations analyzed inbreeding depressions using animal model and regression of phenotypic values on inbreeding coefficients. Results across investigation can be compared as % of SD of the analyzed variable. Magnitude of inbreeding depression in the current study was 2% of MS standard deviation for production traits, 1-2% for conformation traits and . 1% for SCS and milking speed, and 2% for herd life. Same magnitude of inbreeding depression was found in previously mentioned studies. Results of inbreeding depression were then transformed from Mendelian Sampling to the Parent Average scales for all traits, dividing the inbreeding depression by the MS standard deviation and multiplying by the correspondent Parent Average standard deviation. For example: inbreeding depression for LPI per 1% inbreeding was -5.37, SD of MS and PA LPI were 265.18 and 444.13, respectively. Thus inbreeding depression on LPI PA scale is: (-5.37 / 265.18) 444.13 = -9.00. Table 2. Descriptive statistics for cows, sires, and dams genetic evaluations. Trait Cow Sire Dam Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD -198.59 -259.89 548.55 639.78 -202.30 -118.11 664.34 784.20 -621.4 -700.93 550.8 638.72 Fat Protein -4.79 -7.31 24.39 18.70 1.60 -2.71 29.14 23.53 -19.84 -22.21 24.24 18.79 Conformation Capacity 1.41 1.28 4.14 4.19 -0.71 -0.53 4.68 5.06 -0.08 0.68 4.31 4.46 Feet & Legs Mammary System 1.07 0.65 3.66 4.00 -0.41 -0.60 5.00 4.74 0.48 -0.81 3.74 4.19 Udder Depth SCS -0.02 3.01 3.79 0.20 0.22 2.99 4.92 0.23 0.13 3.00 3.68 0.19 Herd Life Milking Speed 3.01 69.30 0.12 3.77 3.00 69.21 0.16 4.93 2.98 69.07 0.12 4.09 LPI Milk 4 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Table 3. Descriptive statistics for calculated Mendelian Sampling terms and Parent averages. Mendelian Sampling Trait Mean SD Min Parent Average Max Mean SD Min Max LPI 12.23 265.18 -1148.50 1526.00 -210.82 444.13 -2207.50 1739.50 Milk 21.98 319.65 -1418.00 1653.50 -281.87 516.72 -2633.50 2110.00 Fat 0.51 12.54 -56.50 81.50 -5.30 19.13 -81.50 86.00 Protein 0.69 8.97 -40.50 49.50 -8.00 15.35 -76.50 67.00 Conformation 0.02 2.12 -13.50 11.00 1.40 3.28 -15.00 13.00 Capacity 0.02 2.25 -13.00 10.50 1.26 3.25 -15.50 15.50 Feet & Legs 0.01 1.55 -8.50 8.50 1.07 3.16 -14.00 12.00 Mammary System 0.04 2.01 -11.50 10.00 0.61 3.17 -14.50 12.00 Udder Depth 0.03 2.15 -13.00 10.50 -0.05 2.86 -14.00 14.50 SCS 0.00 0.11 -0.44 0.58 3.00 0.15 2.40 3.66 Herd Life 0.01 0.08 -0.39 0.42 3.01 0.10 2.53 3.42 Milking Speed 0.11 1.80 -11.50 8.50 69.18 3.02 46.50 79.50 Table 4. Estimates for inbreeding depression when only inbreeding coefficient (covariate) was in the model. Dependent Variable MS_LPI Inbreeding Depression Standard Error t Value Pr > |t| -5.21903 0.22552 -23.14 <.0001 MS_Milk MS_Fat -7.47488 -0.28470 0.27171 0.01066 -27.51 -26.71 <.0001 <.0001 MS_Protein MS_Conformation -0.22072 -0.03224 0.00762 0.00181 -28.96 -17.85 <.0001 <.0001 MS_Capacity MS_Feet & Legs -0.04167 -0.02068 0.00191 0.00132 -21.81 -15.69 <.0001 <.0001 MS_Mammary System MS_Udder Depth -0.01691 0.01986 0.00171 0.00183 -9.91 10.87 <.0001 <.0001 MS_SCS MS_Herd Life 0.00007 0.00211 0.00010 0.00007 0.73 29.53 0.4634 <.0001 MS_Milking Speed -0.00266 0.00153 -1.74 0.0821 5 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Table 5. Estimates for inbreeding depression when birth year (class effect), reliability (covariate), and inbreeding coefficient (covariate) were in the model. Mendelian Sampling Parent Average Inbreeding Depression Inbreeding Depression Standard Error t Value Pr > |t| LPI -5.37394 0.22159 -24.25 <.0001 -9.0004 Milk -7.19020 0.27471 -26.17 <.0001 -11.6231 Fat -0.27874 0.01086 -25.68 <.0001 -0.4252 Protein -0.21662 0.00770 -28.14 <.0001 -0.3707 Conformation -0.03289 0.00184 -17.83 <.0001 -0.0509 Capacity -0.04270 0.00196 -21.83 <.0001 -0.0617 Feet & Legs -0.02109 0.00135 -15.62 <.0001 -0.0430 Mammary System -0.01796 0.00174 -10.29 <.0001 -0.0283 Udder Depth 0.01858 0.00188 9.90 <.0001 0.0247 SCS 0.00011 0.00010 1.09 0.2744 0.0001 Herd Life 0.00157 0.00007 21.49 <.0001 0.0020 Milking Speed -0.00148 0.00157 -0.94 0.3449 -0.0025 Trait On the basis of calculated inbreeding depression (Table 5), and 10% inbred fictitious progeny, an example was generated to translate the results to a more understandable format (Table 6). In terms of production, progeny performance calculated from parental proof averages (PA) decreased by –4.3 kg and –3.7 kg for fat and protein respectively, due to 10% inbreeding in progeny. Parent Average LPI, after being adjusted for inbreeding depression, was 2114 (2204-90=2114). This was quite similar to the LPI (2106) when it was computed from the current LPI formula, using the adjusted PA for each individual trait in the LPI formula. Table 6. Inbreeding depression on the performance of a 10% inbred fictitious progeny. Inbreeding Depression Sire Proof Dam Proof Progeny PA Fat -0.4252 70 50 60 -4.252 55.75 Protein -0.3707 80 70 75 -3.707 71.29 Capacity -0.0617 12 8 10 -0.617 9.38 Feet & Legs -0.0430 11 9 10 -0.430 9.57 Mammary System -0.0283 11 8 9.5 -0.283 9.22 Udder Depth 0.0247 0 0 0 0.247 0.25 Herd Life Rating 0.0020 3.2 2.8 3 0.020 3.02 Trait Progeny 10% F PA adjusted 0.0001 2.8 3.2 3 0.001 3.00 Milking Speed Rating -0.0025 70 78 74 -0.025 73.98 LPI -9.0004 2612 1796 2204 -90.004 2114¥ 2106§ Somatic Cell Score ¥ § LPI adjusted (2204-90=2114) LPI as product of all adjusted PA 6 Report to the Genetic Evaluation Board - September 2001 Conclusion Average inbreeding levels are rapidly increasing in the Canadian Holstein population. In particular the percentage of cows with inbreeding level greater or equal to 6.25% has almost tripled from 1990 to 1995 (8 to 20%), suggesting that farmers have increasingly fewer options to select unrelated bulls to mate their cows. Inbreeding depression on LPI Mendelian Sampling was equal to –9 LPI points for each 1% of inbreeding. This adjustment could be implemented in the CDN inbreeding calculator. References Miglior, F., and Burnside E. B. 1995. Inbreeding in Canadian Holstein cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 1163-1167. Miglior, F., Burnside E. B., and Dekkers J. C. M. 1995a. Non-additive genetic effects and inbreeding depression for somatic cell counts in Holstein cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 11681173. Miglior, F., Burnside E. B., and Kennedy B. W. 1995b. Production traits in Holstein cattle: estimation of non-additive genetic variance components and inbreeding depression. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 1174-1180. Smith, L. A., B. G. Cassell, and R. E. Pearson. 1998. The effects of inbreeding on the lifetime performance of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 81: 2729-2737. Weigel, K. A. and S. W. Lin. 2000. Use of computerized mate selection programs to control inbreeding of Holstein and Jersey cattle in the next generation. J. Dairy Sci. 83: 822-828. 7