AP3223 Leaflet 120 Annex A APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE FROM THE RAF SPORTS LOTTERY General 1. RAF Sports Lottery funds are not to be regarded as replacing other sources of funding for sporting activities, but rather as supplementing them in certain circumstances and providing funding for activities or projects which fall outside the scope of existing funds. Existing sources of funding 2. Existing sources of funding include: a. Public funds: (1) Grants for adventurous training, CILOR etc (unit level) and Special Project Grants (HQ Air Command, 22 (Trg) Gp WO AT). (2) Sports Equipment Grants allocated annually to units. (3) Sports Equipment Grants to RAF Sports Associations, allocated annually by the RAFSB for equipment. (4) b. Budgetary allocation for synopsis sports. Non-public funds: (1) RAF Central Fund. (2) Unit Sports Funds. (3) Nuffield Trust for the Forces of the Crown. (4) Development Sports Fund (RAF Central fund – managed by the RAFSB Secretariat). (5) Trenchard Memorial Awards Fund (TMAF). (6) RAF Sports Lottery. Application of funds 3. The following activities/projects will be considered for the award of grants from RAF Sports Lottery funds: a. Individual international competitors. b. UK and overseas visits. Grants may be awarded to units, formations or sports associations towards travel costs for overseas visits (tours and training camps) and tours within the UK where there is no entitlement to travel at public expense. The per capita rates of grant admissible for an overseas visit or tour depend on the origin and destination of the tour. Grants will be awarded subject to the following limitations: (1) Maximum number of participants allowed is published in a CSSB Policy letter (available on the RAF Sports Board website). (2) Authority must in all cases be obtained from DSB(RAF). This authority must be quoted in all applications. This is in addition to any diplomatic clearance or other special authority that may be required from the governing body of the sport concerned. A process flow chart is provided on the RAF Sports Board website. (3) Applications are to be supported by a nominal roll (Rank, Name, Service Number and whether a member of the RAF Sports Lottery) of all the probable participants. (4) Maximum use of concessionary fares/flights is to be made whenever possible. (5) Personal contributions must be at least 33% of the overall cost of the tour. c. RAF Adventurous Training (RAFAT). RAF Sports Lottery support for RAFAT activities will only be considered if: (1) The activity is granted official Adventurous Training (AT) status by HQ Air Command 22 (Trg) Gp WO AT. (2) Two thirds of the cost of the AT is funded from Public Funds, unless varied in accordance with AP3342 Lflt 1013. (3) The participants' personal contributions are considered to be reasonable (normally 25% of the overall cost of the expedition) bearing in mind the overall cost of the activity. (4) Applications are supported by a nominal roll (Rank, Name, Service Number and whether a member of the RAF Sports Lottery) of all the probable participants in the activity. Where the AT is a winter sports activity, the level of support will be restricted to the same conditions as for personnel attending the RAF Ski Championships (ie £25 per Lottery ticket held). No other support will be considered. d. Sports kit. Grants may be made to sports associations/unions and stations to support representative teams. e. Grants towards the provision of equipment may be considered if they fall outside the scope of alternative sources of funding. Where the equipment is for a club, a nominal roll (Rank, Name, Service Number, Unit and whether a member of the RAF Sports Lottery) of all club members is to be included in the application. f. Up to 50% of tuition fees for attendance on coaching or officials' courses or assistance with the costs of running such courses may be made. g. Hire of venues. Grants may be made towards the cost of hiring specialist venues where no suitable Service facilities exist or where a need exceeds unit funds available. Organisers will be expected to tailor their events to Service facilities wherever possible. h. Miscellaneous. Bids falling outside any of the above categories may be considered at the discretion of the Lottery Awards Committee. 4. All applicants for grants will be expected to be a member of the RAF Sports Lottery as at the date of the application for assistance. Where the application is in respect of a team or club, any grant made will be related to the number of Lottery members in the team/club. Membership of the Lottery is in itself no guarantee that a grant will be awarded. 5. The following will not be eligible for grants from the RAF Sports Lottery: a. Routine running, administration or maintenance costs (eg insurance, berthing charges, affiliation fees etc). b. Purchase of kit and equipment, except as allowed for in paras 3d and 3e. c. Travel within a theatre where travel at public expense is admissible. d. Activities of a purely recreational nature. e. Participation in charity/fund-raising events, except where the fund-raising is incidental to the main event. 6. Retrospective bids will not be considered. Awarding of grants 7. The limits for the awarding of grants are as follows: a. Grants of up to and including £10,000 may be made on the authority of the Lottery Awards Committee. b. Grants in excess of £10,000 must be approved by at least four members of the RAFSB. There is no upper limit to grants of this nature, other than the practical limit of funds being available. Timing of applications 8. Applicants are to submit applications at least two months prior to the event or project for which funding is required. Applicants for grants in excess of £10,000 should bear in mind that the authorisation for such applications may take longer. 9. Payment of grants will not normally be made more than three months prior to the event or project concerned. Method of application 10. Applications, in the format shown at Annex A to Leaflet 117, are to be actioned as follows: a. Applications from Sports Associations or Unions. Applications are to be endorsed by the Chairman of the appropriate Sports Association and forwarded direct to DDSB(RAF), RAFSB, RAF Halton. b. Applications from units/stations. Applications are to be endorsed by the unit/stn cdr and forwarded direct to DDSB(RAF), RAF SB, RAF Halton. c. Applications from individuals. Applications are to be endorsed by the individual's Unit/Station Commander and forwarded through the Chairman of the appropriate Sports Association/Union to DDSB(RAF), RAFSB, RAF Halton. Notification of awards 11. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application. No further correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful applicants.