Class 5 Newsletter – Friday 16th October 2015
Dear Parents,
Below is a list of some of the things Class 5 have been upto during the last week
In maths, we’ve been thinking about how to use rounding and partitioning when solving sums
mentally. We’ve also been solving word problems using the “Bar Method” which is commonly
used in the Far East and more often in this country as well. It’s sometimes referred to as
“Singapore Maths”. Hopefully it will help the children to learn how to visualise a problem
before answering it.
In English, we’ve done daily Guided Reading sessions and have described a hero for our
Viking myth. We’ve also designed a story map and will write our myth next week.
We’ve been coming up with alternatives to asking a question!
We’ve worked hard to complete our weapons and have re-enacted the “Battle of Hastings”.
It wasn’t quite as we expected, but hopefully the children enjoyed it anyway!
In music we’ve been singing songs in separate parts.
In PE we’ve been playing football on the field and we’ve done more gymnastics in the hall.
On Friday afternoon we had a talk about the Anglo-Saxons.
PE kits
In the last couple of days, several children have been without their PE kits. They must be in school
at all times. A description of what the children need to wear for PE was in the “Welcome Letter”
the children were given at the start of the year. A copy is also on the class web page. We’d
welcome your support with this.
Homework needs to be brought into school on Monday please. This should be the children’s
homework diary, spelling book and also the maths jotter they were given on Domino Afternoon. We
will set homework on Thursday next week, which the children will be able to complete during half
term or in the first week back afterwards.
Space Projects
The children have worked brilliantly on their homework projects. We’ve had a mixture of art,
writing, constructions, Lego, websites and PowerPoint presentations. On Thursday next week,
between 3:15 and 4, the classroom will be open so that parents (and children!) can come in to see
everybody’s work. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough room to keep all the work on display so
hopefully this will be a suitable way to celebrate the great work your children have been doing.
Many thanks,
From Mr Ainsworth and Mrs Eley