MANAGING WATER PRODUCTIVITY IN SEMI-ARID AREAS Heping Zhang CSIRO Plant Industry Private Bag 5, Wembley 6913, Australia Abstract Water is the major factor limiting crop production in many regions of the world. Improving water productivity is urgently needed in water scarce dry areas. This paper outlines crop water production functions and water productivity. Using the data from Syria, North China Plain, and Oregon, US, this paper developed crop water production functions from which the water productivity was derived. The results show that after an initial sharp increase, water productivity reaches its maximum at a given amount of supplied water to plant and then decreases or remains at a relative high level with further increasing water supply. This paper demonstrates that deficit irrigation produces higher overall grain yield with the same amount of water resources compared with full irrigation and therefore has higher water productivity. Deficit irrigation can be considered as a key strategy for increasing on-farm water productivity in water scarce dry areas. The risk with deficit irrigation can be minimised through proper irrigation scheduling (when and how much to irrigate) and avoiding water stress in water-stress sensitive stages. This paper also illustrated that a regional database of precipitation, irrigation, and yield for a region in North China Plain was developed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to calculate regional water productivity of winter wheat and summer corn by dividing grain yield by water available to the crops. For both wheat and corn, there were strong spatial as well as temporal variations in the productivity of water. Water scarcity is a real threat to food production for millions of people in arid and semi-arid areas. As world population continues to grow, the area of arable land area per capita will decrease. Future population will need to be fed from higher food production per unit land area. The FAO (1988) estimated that almost two-third of the increase in crop production needed in the upcoming decades must come from an increased yield per unit land areas. Thus, for improving food production, rainfall and irrigation water have to be used more efficiently. Improving water productivity by producing more food with less water is essential for future food production and sustainable agriculture. This paper developed crop water production functions from irrigation experiments in Syria, North China Plain. From these functions, on-farm water productivity is derived and relation of water productivity to applied water is analysed. This paper demonstrated that deficit irrigation produces higher overall grain yield with the same amount of water resources compared with full irrigation and therefore has higher water productivity. Deficit irrigation can be considered as a key strategy for increasing on-farm water productivity in water scarce dry areas. The risk with deficit irrigation can be minimised through proper irrigation scheduling (when and how much to 1 irrigate) and avoiding water stress in water-stress sensitive stages. In addition, this paper illustrated that a regional database of precipitation, irrigation, and yield for a region in North China Plain was developed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to calculate regional water productivity. Theory of crop water production function The relationship between crop production and water received is called as crop water production function. According to Vaux and Pruit (1983), research aimed at illustrating this function can be categorized into three groups by various notions of a desirable level of water use: (1) The work of agronomists and other production-oriented scientists is frequently directed at the goal of establishing the level of water inputs necessary to achieve maximum yield per unit land. (2) Desirability of irrigation engineers whose goal is to maximise water use efficiency. (3) Another definition of desirable levels of water use is advanced by economists who argued that water, to be used efficiently, should be applied up to the point where the price of the last unit of water applied is just equal to the revenue obtained as a result of its application. A simple model of production can be used to demonstrate these three various goals and these three goals are presented in Figure 1. A production function in which crop production (Y) is a function of the amount of water received by the crop in terms of rainfall (P) and irrigation (I) can be defined as follows: Y f ( P, I ) (1) The average production Y which is output divided by input, can be written as Y Y /( P I ) (2) The marginal production is defined as the change in production associated with the addition of one unit input. It can be written as (3) Y Y / ( P I ) The maximum production is achieved when the marginal production is equal to zero. Maximum water use efficiency requires that the derivative of the average productivity be to zero, ( P I ) 1[Y / ( P I ) (Y /( P I )] 0 (4) Equation (4) shows that as long as some quantity of water is applied, water use efficiency is maximized where it is equal to the marginal production. 2 8000 25.0 Marginal WP Average WP 20.0 6000 15.0 4000 10.0 5.0 2000 Average or marginal productivity (kg/m3) Crop production (kg/ha) Yield 0.0 0 -5.0 250 350 450 550 650 750 Rainfall + Irrigation (mm) Figure 1. Relation of crop production, water productivity and marginal water productivity to water supply to crop Case studies of crop water production functions Crop water production functions for wheat were derived from supplemental irrigation experiments conducted in Syria (Zhang and Oweis, 1999), North China Plain (Zhang et al., 1999) and Oregon state, US (English and Nakamura, 1989) (Figure 2ad). The quadratic production function was used to describe the response of crop production to total applied water Y b0 b1 ( P I ) b2 ( P I ) 2 (5) where Y is grain yield (kg/ha), I the irrigation water (mm), P the precipitation (mm) during the growing season, and b0, b1 and b2 the regression coefficients. The response of yield to total applied water showed very similar characteristics for wheat at all three locations. Yield linearly increases with increasing water supply initially. As water supply increases further, yield shows a plateau and finally approached the maximum. Unlike wheat crop, the response of chickpea and lentil to total amount of water received in northern Syria is linear (Figure 2ef). On-farm water productivity The average water productivity is estimated by dividing crop yield by total applied water (rainfall plus irrigation) following Molden (1997). Figure 3 shows the relationship between water productivity and the level of water application for wheat crop in northern Syria, North China Plain and Oregon, US, for chickpea and lentil in northern Syria. The crop production functions in Figure 2 were used to derive the water productivity. For wheat crop, WP from three locations representing different climate conditions increases sharply at low water supply level and reaches a maximum at certain level of water supply. After the maximum WP, WP shows either a steady value or a decrease with increasing water supply, depending on the response of yield to water. The level of water application at the maximum WP is considerable different for the three locations. Most productive use of water is reached with about 440500 mm of water supply level (140180 mm irrigation) in northern Syria, 400 mm (120160 mm irrigation) in North China 3 Plain, and 750850 mm (350450 mm irrigation) in Oregon, US. For grain legume crops in northern Syria, WP gradually increases with increasing water supply and reaches a plateau at a maximum WP. The maximum WP is about 0.5 kg m-3 for chickpea and 0.4 kg m-3 for lentil. Significant differences in water productivity may occur between crops. In north Syria, wheat crop has water productivity (1 kg m-3) twice as much as grain legume crops (0.40.5 kg m-3) (Zhang and Oweis, 1999; Zhang et al. 2000). Wheat crop has similar water productivity to corn in North China Plain (Mcvicar et al. 2001). Although the three experiments represent very different climatic conditions, the maximum WP for wheat crop is about 11.2 kg m-3. Rice has relative low water productivity of about 0.370.68 kg m-3 (Tuong and Bhuiyan, 1999). Corn has relative high water productivity of about 1.21.5 kg m-3 (Howell, 2001). Water productivity of 0.4 kg/m3 was reported for cotton (Droogers et al., 2000). Regional water productivity A considerable of research work has been done on on-farm water use efficiency. However, little attention has been given to water use efficiency or water productivity at basin and regional level due to difficulties in quantifying crop production and water usage in spatial scale. Drooges and Kite (2001) used a hydrological model to obtain the water balance components for the Gediz Basin in western Turkey and calculated the productivity of water at field, irrigation scheme, and basin scales. In a project funded by Australian Center for International Agricultural Research, McViar et al. (2000) established regional database of precipitation, irrigation, and yield for a region in North China Plain using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to calculate agricultural productivity of water for both winter wheat and summer corn. The authors used an ‘inputoutput’ definition of regional agricultural water productivity. 4 10 12 10 a 2 y = -3E-05x + 0.0378x - 6.4335 R2 = 0.84 8 y = -2E-05x2 + 0.0329x - 5.8556 R2 = 0.87 8 y = -1E-05x2 + 0.0329x - 9.2699 R2 = 0.92 b 10 c 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 Syria: Durum wheat Crop yield (t/ha) Syria: Bread wheat 0 0 0 200 400 600 8 0 0 800 200 400 600 800 1000 6 d 0 200 400 600 800 800 1000 1200 f y = 0.0052x - 0.54 R2 = 0.7094 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 600 Syria: Chickpea y = 0.0061x - 0.715 R2 = 0.609 3 China Wheat 2 e Syria: lentil 4 400 4 4 y = -3E-05x2 + 0.0296x - 2.313 R2 = 0.77 Wheat, Oregon, US 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 Water supplied to crops (P+I, mm) Figure 2. Crop production functions for wheat in China, Oragon, US, and Syria and for Chickpea and lentil in Syria. 5 400 600 800 1.20 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.60 Water productivity (kg/m3) 0.60 0.40 0.40 Bread wheat Durum wheat 0.20 0.00 200 400 600 0.20 0.00 200 800 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.80 0.40 0.60 0.30 0.40 0.20 Wheat in China 0.20 Wheat in Oregon 400 600 800 1200 Chickpea Lentil 0.10 0.00 1000 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 Water supplied to crops (P+I, mm) Figure 3. Water productivity for wheat and legumes from Figure 2. The input is the water available over the crop-growing season and the output is grain yield. The base unit of the region is the administrative county, which is the smallest geographic resolution that the available dataset such as grain yield and water resources covered. Regional databases of precipitation (P), irrigation (I), pre-sowing available soil water (Wo) and yield (Y) from 1984 to 1996 were established in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to calculate water productivity of winter wheat and summer corn on a county basis (Figures 4 and 5). For 49 counties over 11 years, the average WP was 0.96 kg/m3 (3.8 kg/m3) for wheat and 0.95 kg/m3 (5.1 kg/m3) for corn (Figure 6). For both wheat and corn, there are strong spatial variations in the productivity of water. Crop yield and WP in the western counties were higher than those in the east. This is primarily due to the irrigation water quality and the soil conditions in the west being more favourable than the east. 6 WP (kg/m3) Y_wheat (kg/ha) P_wheat (mm) I_wheat (mm) 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1 40 380 (kg/m3) Wo_wheat (mm) 9000 (kg/ha) 0 900 (mm) Figure 4. Wheat growing season WP (kg/m3), and its components: yield (Y_wheat kg/ha), growing season rainfall (P_wheat, mm), irrigation (I_wheat, mm) and pre-sowing available soil water (Wo_wheat, mm) annually for 1984 and 1996 (Adopted from McVicar et al. 2000). WP (kg/m3) Y_corn (kg/ha) P_corn (mm) I_corn (mm) 1984 1984 1984 1984 1996 1996 1996 1996 0.1 4.0 (kg/m3) 380 9000 (kg/ha) 0 900 (mm) 7 Figure 5. Corn growing season WP (kg/m3), and its components: yield (Y_wheat kg/ha), growing season rainfall (P_wheat, mm), and irrigation (I_wheat, mm) annually for 1984 and 1996 (Adopted from McVicar et al. 2000). Wheat Corn 3.5 20 (kg/m3) (a) Mean (b) Mean 1 8 (kg/m3) (c) Std (d) Std Figure 6. County mean WP for both wheat (a) and corn (b) and their standard deviation (c and d) (Adopted from McVicar et al. 2000). Deficit irrigationan efficient way to increase water productivity Increasing productivity of water in agriculture can be achieved by producing more agriculture output with the same amount of water resources to crops. Many irrigation experiments involving different irrigation levels showed that deficit irrigation usually has higher WP than full irrigation. For example, 2/3 of full irrigation increases WP by 1928% for wheat crop and 8% for corn (Table 1). Using the principle developed by English and Raja (1996) and Zhang and Oweis (1999), we can derive different irrigation scenarios. Two of most important scenarios are those for maximizing production (If) and maximizing farmers’ net profit under limited water resources conditions (Id). The scenario for maximizing production is referred as full irrigation and the other scenario that its water supply level is less than If is defined as deficit irrigation. The production, water application, water productivity for these two scenarios is presented in Table 2 for wheat and in Syria and Oregon, US, and maize in Zimbabwe. With the same amount of water available to the crops, Id scenarios can improve the water productivity by 1220% for wheat. 8 Table 1 Comparison of water productivity of irrigation levels for wheat and corn Irrigation level Full 67% 33% 0 Yield WP (t/ha) (kg/m3) Wheat, Texas, US 4.76 0.64 4.74 0.76 3.88 0.80 2.19 0.61 Yield WP (t/ha) (kg/m3) Wheat, Syria 5.79 0.93 5.24 1.19 5.15 0.99 3.27 0.93 Yield WP (t/ha) (kg/m3) Corn, Texas, US ¶ 13.95 1.42 11.36 1.53 6.62 1.21 1.36 0.43 From Schneider and Howell (1996). ¶ From Howell et al. (1997). Table 2 Scenario analysis of total production and water productivity at full (If) and deficit (Id) irrigation Irrigation Water Yield Area Total WP ¶ scenarios applied irrigated yield (I) (Y) (A) (mm) (t/ha) (ha) (t) (kg/m3) Wheat, Syria Full 330 6.4 1.00 9.8 0.94 Deficit 160 5.6 2.06 11.8 1.12 Wheat, Oregon, US Full 740 9.9 1.00 11.8 0.88 Deficit 520 9.2 1.43 13.3 0.98 Maize, Zimbabwe Full 525 6.0 1.00 Deficit 215 4.1 2.44 10.1 ¶ For full irrigation scenarios, total yield = Af × Yf + (Ad – Af ) × Yrainfed; For deficit irrigation scenarios, total yield = Ad × Yd, where subscripts f and d represent full and deficit irrigation, respectively. For full irrigation scenarios. WP = Total yield /[If × Af + Rainfall × (Ad – Af )]; For deficit irrigation scenarios, WP=Total yield/[(Id +rainfall) ×Ad]. The risk with deficit irrigation is usually low because the response curve of crop yield to water supply has a wide plateau (Figure 2). Zhang and Oweis (1999) reported that Ww strategy can save irrigation water by 4070% with a grain yield loss of only 13%. Similarly, English and Raja (1996) reported that deficit averaging 64% were found to be economically equivalent to full irrigation in the water limiting cases, and deficits averaging 30% were found to be equivalent to full irrigation in the land-limiting cases. If the saved water resources are allocated to other cropped areas, the total production and water productivity can be increased as indicated in Table 2. However, information is needed to guide farmers when and how much to irrigation with deficit irrigation in order to reduce the unwanted effect of water stress on crop yield. Using Jensen’s (1968) model, the sensitivity indexes ( values) of crop to water stress at different crop growth stages were quantified for wheat in northern Syria (Zhang and Oweis, 1999) and in North China Plain (Zhang et al. 1999). These authors concluded that most sensitive stages to water stress for wheat crop are from stem-elongation to grain-filling stage (Figure 7). The variation of values indicates that crop grain yield depends not only on the total water use during the growing season, but also on water use during different growth stages. For example, 40% deficit in evaporation during the period from heading to milking reduced grain yield by 15% for winter wheat in North China Plain, while this deficit in ET during the period from winter freezing to 9 reviving reduced grain yield by only 3%. Similarly, 40% deficit in ET during period of stem elongation to grain-filling period reduces yield by 1520% for spring wheat in northern Syria, while this deficit in ET at seedling stage and late grain-filling stage hardly affect the grain yield. (a) North China Plain: winter wheat 0.4 (b) Northern Syria: spring wheat 0.4 Gaocheng Bread wheat 0.3 Sensitivity index Sensitivity index Luancheng Nanpi 0.2 0.1 0 Durum wheat 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Growth stages 6 1 2 3 4 5 Growth stage Figure 7. Sensitivity indexes ( value) of wheat to water stress during individual growing periods at three locations in North China Plain (a) and in Northern Syria (b). The growth stages 1 to 6 represent sowing to tillering, overwintering, reviving to stem elongation, stem elongation to heading, heading to grain filling, grain filling to maturity for winter wheat in North China Plain. The growth stages 1 to 5 represent seedling, stem elongation to booting, booting to anthesis, anthesis to soft dough, and soft dough to maturity for spring wheat in northern Syria. Water stress sensitivity indexes have an important implication for irrigation scheduling, in particular for deficit irrigation. Since water stress during growth stages with high values has much greater effect on final yield, irrigation to prevent stress during these stages would be advisable and consequently higher WP could be achieved, especially in the areas where water resources are limited. Based on the production functions and water productivity analysis, an optimal irrigation scheduling for wheat crop in North China Plain and northern Syria is proposed in Table 3. 10 Table 3 Amount (mm) and timing of supplemental irrigation for high water productivity under different rainfall conditions Rainfall Northern Syria North China Plain (mm) 250 Deficit irrigation (mm) 160260 300 350 400 110210 60160 0110 80 160240 120 160 120180 100160 Time of irrigation Stem elongation, booting, flowering and grain filling Stem elongation, flowering and/or grain filling Flowering and/or grain filling Grain filling Stem elongation, booting, flowering and grain filling Stem elongation, flowering and grain filling Stem elongation, and flowering Conclusions This paper concludes that deficit irrigation has higher water productivity and can be used for improving water productivity in semi-arid area. Deficit irrigation requires more control over the amount and timing of water application than full irrigation practice. Information on when and how much to irrigate is needed in order to reduce unwanted effect of water stress on production. With established crop water production functions and the sensitive stages of crop to water stress, optimal deficit irrigation can be scheduled with a minimum yield reduction compared with full irrigation and therefore limited water resources can be utilized more efficiently. In addition, the established crop production functions make it possible to solve the problem of allocation of limited water resources between crops where crops compete for limited available water in dry areas. 11 References Droogers, P., Kite, G., and Murry-Rust, H. 2000. Use of simulation models to evaluate irrigation performances including water productivity, risk and system analyses. Irrigation Science 19: 139145. Droogers, P., Kite, G. 2001. 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