1934 RN Special Flags

1934 Royal Navy Fleet Signal Book
a) Singly: - Indicates certain stages of flying off, flying on
,catapulting, or embarking aircraft. Flown by any ship or boat indicates
that she is attending on aircraft. During exercises, when flown by a
destroyer it also indicates that she is taking no other part in the exercise.
Aeroplane Flag
(b) Singly or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals for an
(c) In conjuction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:Description signals for Aircraft.
(a) Singly: (i) Used by the Admiral to answer Flag or Semaphore signals. The
Affirmative hoisted close up by the Admiral in answer to a flag signal
containing a proposal indicates that the proposal is approved.
(ii) Used by a picking-up vessel when picking up torpedoes to indicate
the track or the sighting of torpedoes (See General Signalling Instructions,
Art 613.)
(b) Inferior to distinguishing signals: - Affirmative indicates that the
proposal (or the proposal in the message indicated) of the unit-s
addressed is approved. (The message containing the proposal is identified, if
necessary, as shown in Visual Signals Instructions, Art 274)
(c) Inferior to the Answering Pendant: - Yes
(d) Occupying the 2nd or a succeeding place in a series of flags: - Is
the substitute for the first flag of the series.
(a) Singly:- Relative position Ahead
(b) Singly at Yardarm in harbour:- Is flown by the ship having the
Medical Guard
(a) Singly, or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for
Aircraft carriers.
(b) To be advised – Not discernable from photo.
Aircraft Carrier
(a) Singly: - Relative position Astern
(b) Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm: - You are astern of station
(a) Singly or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for Battle
(b) In conjunction with a numeral and/or position flag: - Description
signals for Battle cruisers
(a) Singly or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for
( b) In conjunction with a numeral and/or position flag: - Description
signals for Battleships
Battleship Flag
(c) Singly at the yardarm in harbour: - Am embarking or disembarking
ammunition or petrol.
Used to answer a flashing signal by day by a ship which does not wish to
use a light, or has no light available
Black Flag
(a) Singly: Is used in the same manner as the Affirmative by officers commanding
squadrons or flotillas, when in the presence of a senior officer, to answer
or approve signals.
Blue Affirmative
(b) Singly, by the Senior Officer of a Local Convoy Escort: - Is flown as
required when escorting convoys. ( See General Signalling Instructions,
(a) Singly:- During Gunnery practice ( See General Sig.Instruct.
Art.614 )
Blue Flag
(b) Singly or superior to certain flags during peace exercises:Identification signals for ships of the Blue Fleet. ( See General
Sig.Instruct. Art.610 )
(c) Inferior to Red Flag during Submarine Exercises:- Ship may be
attacked by Submarines and torpedoes may be fired.
(a) Singly, or superior to a pendant:Distinguishing signals for Cruisers.
In conjunction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:Description signals for Cruisers
s. 2 p. 52
Cruiser Flag
Singly, or superior to a pendant:Distinguishing signals for Destroyers.
In conjunction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:Description signals for Destroyers.
s. 2 p. 52
Destroyer Flag
Singly or superior to a pendant:Distinguishing signal for Divisions.
Division Pendant
(a) Singly :- Is flown by H.M. ships employed on Fishery protection
(b) Superior to the Church Pendant or a Numeral Group:- Distinguishing
signals for Auxiliary Vessels.
Fishery Pendant
(c) Superior to a Horary Signal :- Signifies that the purport of the
signal of which the Horary Signal forms part is to be completed by the
time indicated.
(d) Superior to groups other than the above:- Signifies that the group
immediately inferior or, or when used with a tackline, all two and three –
letter groups inferior, are taken from Part I of the Auxiliary Vessel
Signal Book.
Singly :- It is optional to follow the Admiral’s motions.
(b) Superior to any signal, or superior with a tackline to more than one
signal:Governs the signal immediately inferior, or when used with
a tackline, all signals inferior and signifies that it is optional for the ships
addressed to carry out the purport of the signal-s.
(c) Superior to Distinguishing signals :- It is optional for the ships
included in these distinguishing signals to carry out the purport of the
(a) Singly :- Relative position, Port Side, except in Stationing signals,
when it signifies Port Beam.
Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm:- Keep more to Port.
s.4 p. 49
Port Flag
a) Superior to any signal, or superior with a tackling to more than one
signal:- Governs the signal immediately inferior, or when used with a
tackline, all signals inferior, and directs preparation to be made to carry
out the purport of the signals which will be made again when they are to
be carried into execution
(b) Superior to three numeral flags before the enemy is sighted:- All
turrets to be trained on the bearing indicated.
(c) Singly in harbour:- Is hoisted 5 minutes before the time of hoisting
colours, and of Sunset, and is hauled down as the Executive signal for
Red Flag
(a) Singly or superior to the Blue Flag:- Informs ships not
operating with ships flying this signal that they are to keep
well clear and that submarines which are submerged may be
in the vicinity. It informs ships operating with the ship flying
this signal that she may be attacked by submarines and, if used
singly, that torpedoes are not to be fired. If Superior to Blue
Flag:- Torpedoes may be fired.
(b) Singly by a destroyer after action:- Ship is in the First
state of fitness ( See Conduct of the Fleet, Art. 482)
(c) Superior to certain flags during peace exercises:Identification signals for ships of the Red Fleet ( See General
Signalling Inst. Art. 610 )
(d) Inferior to a cone, point up:- Am engaged in hunting an
enemy submarine.
(a) Singly:- When H.M. ships are underway in certain home
ports it is flown by those ships that are not underway. ( See
Gen.Sig.Inst. Art. 600 )
Screen Flag
(b) In conjunction with alphabetical and/or numeral flags:Skeleton screening diagram signals.
c) Superior to a pendant:- Disting. signals for Screening
Singly or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals for
Squadrons, or Flotillas.
(a) Singly:(i) Disregard my motions.
(ii) Hoisted by a submarine after an attack
indicates:- Am taking no further part in the exercise.
Station Flag
(b) In conjunction with other groups:- Stationing signals.
s. 3, p. 48
(c) Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm:- Take up
your appointed station. s. 4, p.49
(a) Singly:- Relative position – Starboard side, except in
Stationing signals when it signifies Starboard beam.
(b) Inferior to numeral flags at the yardarm:- Keep more to
Starboard Flag
Singly or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals for
(a) Singly, or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals
for Submarines .
(b) In conjunction wiht a numeral and/or relative position
flag:- Description signal for Submarines.
Submarine Flag
At the peak or yardarm in ships where there is no gaff:A Court Martial is sitting or about to sit on board.
( See Gen. Sig. Instr. Art. 609 )
Union Flag