GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 2002 - 2003 Modules to be taught in year 10 according to syllabus and rotation. See individual lesson plans for details. Band A students to complete Foundation and Higher tier work Most Band B students to complete Foundation and Higher tier work Band C students to complete Foundation tier work with activities at an appropriate level Higher tier work shown in bold type Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 03: Environment Approx Students should be able to understand: Habitats and Populations 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Adaptations of plants and animals to their environment Populations Communities Energy, Biomass and Food Chains Food chains Food webs Pyramids of numbers Sun as source of all energy Pyramids of biomass Control of food chain for maximising production Waste materials of Plants & Animals Decay Microorganisms Carbon cycle Nitrogen cycle Humans and the Environment Humans and land use Humans and pollution Use of raw materials Agriculture Deforestation Global warming Fertilisers and their effects Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Moral, Social and Cultural issues: many including: pollution, global warming, food production, responsible use of fertilisers distribution of food, resources and wealth Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 04: Inheritance and Selection Approx Students should be able to understand: Variation within a Species 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Similarities and characteristics The work of Mendel Environmental and genetic variation Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Cells in reproductive organs Mitosis Meiosis Selective Breeding Cuttings Selective breeding Cloning Gene selection Evolution and Extinction Fossil record Evolution Mutations Natural selection Darwin and Lamarck Human Inheritance Chromosomes XX and XY Dominant and recessive genes Genetic disorders Genetic diagrams Controlling Fertility Menstrual cycle Hormones Fertility treatment Moral, Social and Cultural issues: cloning, genetic engineering, theories of evolution and creational beliefs, genetic diseases, contrapception 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 20: Biology in Action Approx Students should be able to understand: Fighting Diseases 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. The use of antibiotics Resistant bacteria Vaccination Lymphocytes T cells Controlling Kidney Disease Kidney disease Dialysis Transplants Replacement of ions during dialysis ABO system of blood grouping Micro-organisms, Food and Drink Use of microorganisms in baking Use of microorganisms in brewing Use of microorganisms in cheese production Biotechnology Use of microorganisms in making antibiotics Use of microorganisms in making ethanol for fuel Use of microorganisms in production of biogas Using Micro-organisms Safely Culture of microorganisms Avoiding contamination Safe laboratory procedures 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Moral, Social and Cultural issues: vaccination including MMR controversy, use of microorganisms, safety, biogas as a renewable energy resource Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 07: Patterns of Chemical Change Approx Students should be able to understand: Safety Symbols 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Recognise and explain meaning of safety symbols specified Suggest safety procedures Rates of Reaction Rate of reaction Factors affecting rate of reaction Collision theory Using Enzymes Enzymes as biological catalysts Fermentation Yoghurt production Enzymes and detergents Stabilising and immobilising enzymes Endo- and Exothermic Reactions Exothermic reactions Endothermic reactions Energy and bonding Energy level diagrams Production and Use of Fertilisers Need for nitrogen The Haber process Production of nitric acid Factors affecting the Haber process Amount of Substance Atomic mass Molecular mass % mass Mass calculations Moral, Social and Cultural issues: Use of fertilisers, use of enzymes 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Calculations of mass and composition Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 08: Structures and Bonding Approx Students should be able to understand: Reacting Elements 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Atomic structure Periodic table Mass and atomic numbers Dot-cross diagrams for electronic structure H Ca Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Properties of Substances Relate structure of compound to properties Ionic structure Metallic structure Chemical Families Groups on PT Periods on PT Group 7 elements and compounds Group 0 elements Atomic structure and properties Elements in same group have similar electronic structures Relative ease of gain and loss of electrons Metal Halide Compounds Electrolysis of NaCl Uses of silver halides Chemical Symbols, Formulae & Equations Use of chemical symbols Word equations Symbol equations Balancing symbol equations Ionic half equations Moral, Social and Cultural issues: 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 22: Chemistry in Action Approx Students should be able to understand: Sulphuric Acid 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Uses of sulphuric acid Manufacture of sulphuric acid Details of manufacturing Making Metals More Useful Anodising aluminium Alloys of iron Electroplating Manufacture of steel in terms of redox Titanium Uses and properties of titanium Extraction of titanium Detection of Elements & Compounds Flame tests Colour changes in decomposition Tests for chloride ions Precipitates of group 2 ions Tests for ammonium, nitrate, bromide and iodide ions Instrumental Methods of Detection Use of instruments to detect chemicals Use of instrumental tests for solving and detecting problems Moral, Social and Cultural issues: use of alloys and metals, environmental monitoring using instruments, dangers of sulphuric acid 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 11: Forces Approx Students should be able to understand: Describing Motion 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Distance-time graphs Velocity-time graphs Accn = speed change / time Use gradients of velocity-time graphs in calculations Speeding up and Slowing Down Equal and opposite forces Unbalanced forces Weight and mass Weight = mg Breaking forces Stopping distance Falling objects and terminal velocity Newton’s 2nd Law F=ma Movement and Energy Work and energy Work done = Fd Kinetic energy Ke = ½ mv2 Planets, Satellites and Gravity Planets and orbits Gravity Satellites The Universe and its Evolution Order of the Universe Possibilities of other life SETI Basics of stellar evolution Life cycles of stars Origins of the Universe Moral, Social and Cultural issues: road safety issues, origins of life and Universe 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 12: Waves and Radiation Approx Students should be able to understand: Light and Sound as Waves 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Wave properties v=f Light and sound as waves Electromagnetic radiation The Electromagnetic Spectrum Properties of EM radiation The EM spectrum Using EM radiation Effects of EM radiation on living tissues Digital signals Signal amplification Comparison with analogue signals Radioactivity Three types of ionising radiation Properties of ionising radiations Dangers of radioactivity Monitoring radioactivity Half life Evaluate uses of radioactive materials Decay Atomic structure Properties of subatomic particles Isotopes The nature of ionising radiations Uses of isotopes and decay Ultrasound and its Uses Nature of ultrasound Uses of ultrasound Reflection of ultrasound and interpretation Seismology Knowledge of internal structure of Earth from study of waves P waves S waves Interpreting waves detected Moral, Social and Cultural issues: Use of radioactivity, safety issues, communications 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts GCSE SCIENCES Syllabus Refs: AQA 3468, 3453, 3423,3413 Syllabus Details Timing Learning Objectives Activities Assignments Module 24: Forces and Motion Approx Students should be able to understand: The Turning Effect of Forces 20 lesson To include: Discussion work, practical work, demonstrations, problem solving exercises, research, consolidation, examination practice, coursework investigation work. To include: Written response, Analysis of data, Evaluation of findings, Coursework, Discussion, Background reading, Research. Moment of a force Moment = F x dist. from pivot Stopping Rotation Centre of mass Balanced moments Balancing objects Circular Motion Centripetal force Factors affecting centripetal force Momentum Momentum p = mv Momentum and impulse Momentum in collisions Plate Tectonics General structure of the Earth Tectonic plates Evidence for plate movement Subduction Ridge formation Moral, Social and Cultural issues: seat belts in cars, crumple zones, crash helmets 2002 - 2003 Numeracy Links Literacy Links ICT Links Calculations Graph work Recording and analysis of number Reading Written response New vocabulary Could use: Spread sheets, Word processing, Data collection Internet use, CD ROMS Other Resources: As required by lesson Texts: Various including AQA texts Geography: Plate tectonics