Danh mục báo, tạp chí tiếng Anh: 94 ( 12 báo, 82 tạp chí ) 1. Far Eastern Affairs 2. Scoial science 3. Sunday 4. Personel and guidance journal 5. Personnel 6. A monthly digest of the best current soviet 7. Socialism: Theory and practice 8. Vietnam courier a monthly review 9. India 10. Century and peace 11. Supplement 12. Socialism 13. Saturday review 14. Dialectics and humanism 15. Soviet litterature 16. Obzor 17. The new republic 18. Journal of Asian studies 19. New times 20. Korea today 21. Personnel journal 22. Hawaii review 23. Language and speech 24. Library & information science abstracts 25. The modern language journal 26. The nation 27. Information & documents 28. The new leader 29. The journal of Asian studies 30. Culture and life 31. Teachers college record 32. Science sociales 33. Asia 34. Asia pacific perspectives 35. American heritage 36. Asia journal of social 37. Asian venture capital journal 38. College & research library 39. Contemporary pacific 40. Deadales 41. New & forthcoming publications 42. Evenromental science & pollution research 43. Enviromental science 44. Excerpta Indonesia 45. Pacific friend 46. Graduat studies propectus 47. Gaiko forum 48. Geography 49. History today 50. The International history review 51. International sociology 52. India perpectives 53. Japan echo 54. Journal of enviromental science 55. Journal of world history 56. Pictorial Korea 57. Koreana 58. Koreana literature today 59. Korea focus 60. Korea now 61. Leading Geography 62. Linking the world 63. Economic perspective 64. Aids the threat to world security 65. Education in the United States 66. Library acquisition: practice & theory 67. Library administration & Management 68. Library & information science research 69. Manoøa 70. Mon – Khmer studies 71. National geographic 72. Oceanic linguistics 73. Pacific science 74. The philosophical review 75. Scientific American 76. Vietnam economic news 77. Vietnamese studies 78. Taiwan 79. Saigon times daily 80. Vietnam news 81. Business week 82. Time 83. Far Eastern economic review 84. The economic 85. Saigon times weekly 86. New review 87. The Saigon sunflower 88. China today 89. Magazine 90. Indonesia 91. Foreign affairs Malaysia 92. Look Japan 93. Reader’s digest 94. Jounal of Indian and Buddhist studies