Earth and Space Guided Reading Chapter 12 (pp

Earth and Space Guided Reading Chapter 12 (pp. 336-355)
Name ___________________________
1. What type of rocks are helpful in understanding and explaining the past?
2. What does the principle of uniformitarianism state?
3. What does the concept of relative dating used to tell?
4. What are the five observations that are the basis of relative dating?
5. How is the process of correlation used to develop a geologic time scale?
6. Name the two factors that determine the type of fossil that is formed.
7. When does carbonization occur?
8. What two conditions favor preservation of fossils?
9. How is a time period recognized by its fossil content?
10. What is an index fossil?
11. What happens when nuclei are unstable?
12. How long is a half-life?
13. When is an accurate radiometric date obtained?
14. What isotope is used in radiocarbon dating?
15. Why is this isotope useful for dating organisms?
16. How far back have meteorites been dated?
17. How is the geologic time scale divided based on time periods?
18. Why does the geologic time scale not contain much detail for the Precambrian time period?
19. Where does the problem for gaining accurate numerical dates on the geologic time scale?
20. When dating a metamorphic rock, what does the age of the mineral represent?
Earth and Space Guided Reading Chapter 12 (pp. 336-355)
Name ___________________________
1. What type of rocks are helpful in understanding and explaining the past?
2. What does the principle of uniformitarianism state?
3. What does the concept of relative dating used to tell?
4. What are the five observations that are the basis of relative dating?
5. How is the process of correlation used to develop a geologic time scale?
6. Name the two factors that determine the type of fossil that is formed.
7. When does carbonization occur?
8. What two conditions favor preservation of fossils?
9. How is a time period recognized by its fossil content?
10. What is an index fossil?
11. What happens when nuclei are unstable?
12. How long is a half-life?
13. When is an accurate radiometric date obtained?
14. What isotope is used in radiocarbon dating?
15. Why is this isotope useful for dating organisms?
16. How far back have meteorites been dated?
17. How is the geologic time scale divided based on time periods?
18. Why does the geologic time scale not contain much detail for the Precambrian time period?
19. Where does the problem for gaining accurate numerical dates on the geologic time scale?
20. When dating a metamorphic rock, what does the age of the mineral represent?