Second Exam - Practice Test

REVIEW Exam #2. GG101 Some review questions for you –
1) Describe the three primary types of
20) Explain why S waves travel through the solid
mountain systems.
layers of Earth but not the liquid layer.
2) Graph geologic stress and strain
21) What technique is used to identify the
location of an earthquake and how does
3) Draw seismic waves in Earths interior
it work?
and clearly label all components
22) Draw the vertical profile of Earths
4) Draw and label the geologic time scale.
interior and name the various
5) Describe the primary lines of evidence
for evolution.
23) What is the principle of superposition?
6) Describe the scientific evidence that
24) Define the stratigraphic principles.
humans are the cause of global
25) Describe the difference between relative
dating and absolute dating.
7) Recount the geologic history, and the
26) Which principle can define the
principles you used, of the crustal crossorganization of the crust based on fossil
section in the following figure. List
events from oldest to youngest.
27) After one half-life, a sample will contain
twice the number of atoms that were
originally present: true or false?
28) If parent isotopes have left the sample,
the calculated age will be too old: true
or false?
29) What do homologous structures suggest
about animals with those structures?
30) Why do vestigial structures still exist in
some organisms?
What mass extinction was the worst?
9) Draw and describe the types of faults.
What is the evidence?)
10) What are the kinds of directed stress?
32) What is the hottest decade on record?
11) What kinds of plate boundaries are
33) What do greenhouse gases do?
characterized by which kind of directed
34) What are the natural sources of carbon
12) Define geologic ‘strain’.
What is the impact of more water vapor
13) What is the difference between a
in the atmosphere?
fracture and a fault?
36) What is the short-term state of the
14) How are dip-slip faults different from
atmosphere at a given location?
strike-slip faults?
Describe the movement of ice in a
15) Are the rocks on the limbs of an eroded
anticline older or younger than in the
What is a moraine?
Describe how oxygen isotopes provide a
16) What is the tectonic setting of the three
climate proxy.
primary mountain systems?
40) Why do scientists study the Eemian?
17) Why is the Basin and Range Province
41) Describe 5 glacial depositional features
experiencing extension?
and how they originated.
18) What has caused the risk from
Describe 5 glacial erosional features and
earthquakes to increase in recent
how they originated.
19) Explain why some plate boundaries have
deep earthquakes and some do not.