Music Music, in my opinion, is the backbone of life. It is always there

1. Music
Music, in my opinion, is the backbone of life. It is always there
somewhere if only you are looking for it. You can find it in the obvious
places, of course: on the radio, the television, and in concert halls.
But it is also in the beauty of a bird´s song, the rhythm of train as it
travels past you, or in the pealing of the church´s bells on a Sunday
Even the earliest
people saw and appreciated music, creating their own primitive beats from
crude instruments. Music is constantly evolving, but at the same time,
staying fundamentally the same. While music and styles have changed
throughout time, from Gregorian chant, to the classical concerto, to
heavy metal, the basic idea has remained the same: to create something
entertaining and pleasing to the ear. And just like there are millions of
different types of people there are styles for them to listen to whether
your favourite music is hard rock, jazz or blues, heavy metal, country,
classical from composers like Mozart and Bach, or just listening to the
mourning dove´s sorrowful call as you wake in the morning. There is
something out there for all of us, for music can be found everywhere if
you only take the time to look.
212 sanaa
A Perfect Christmas
Personally, I consider Christmas the most wonderful time of the year.
People are warm-hearted and more considerate towards each other. Besides,
the Christmas spirit is simply magical. But when it comes to a perfect
Christmas, the family comes first of all. Therefore, it would be nice to
have all the family members together even if some of the eldest family
members may not live at home anymore. Another thing that matters to me,
especially at Christmas, is that there should be snow. I believe that
nature is even more beautiful when covered with snow. To make it all
complete, there should be lots of delicious food to eat, as well.
Finally, what could be nicer than eating good food and enjoying Christmas
carols and spending time with your loved ones.
As you can imagine, I prefer a traditional Christmas. I guess some people
don`t appreciate old traditions but I`m convinced that nothing makes my
Christmas better than these yearly rituals. A good example of this would
be the decoration of the Christmas tree together with my sister.
The only thing I don`t like about Christmas is the commercialism. During
the Christmas season people are all stressed out because they are in a
hurry buying more and more things, which strikes me as strange. As a
result of this, the main idea of the holiday is disappearing bit by bit.
As I see it, people should - instead of buying things - concentrate on
good thoughts, and remembering their loved ones.
Write a composition
Is Winter in Finland exotic?
soft, white snowflakes
a thick blanket of snow
the snow crunches under your feet
dirty slush and slippery roads
cold drizzle
The thaw has set in.
fresh and gentle spring breezes
a warm and balmy summer wind will caress your cheeks
a penetrating wind
a bitterly cold gale
lazily undulating waves lap the shore
a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky
a thunderstorm / a crack of thunder
richly coloured leaves
a symphony of colours
gale= navakka tuuli
crunch= narskua
a crack= jyrähdys
torrential- = rankka ( downpour=sade)
summer shower
breeze= tuulahdus, tuuli
slush= sohjo
thaw= suojasää
it was followed by torrential downpour
temperatures fall below minus 40 degrees Celsius
go to the sauna / the temperature rose sharply / toss water on the rocks
a wood-burning stove
cool off outside /
roll in the snow
a smoke sauna
Write a short composition 0f between 100 and 150 words on the following
You have seen two armed men coming from a bank. You followed them for a
while. Write a description of the men for the police, stating what you
saw and which way they went.