Learner Magazine Issue 5 - RNIB College Loughborough

Issue no. 5
January 2010
Stan Bell Celebrates Burns’ Night
25th January marks the annual celebration of Scotland’s National Poet,
Robert Burns. Students of the RNIB College had a very special way of
celebrating this event. They had lovely Scottish music on and costumes
to go with the theme. There was also poetry reading where staff and
students took turns in reading the old Scottish literature mostly poems
written by Robert Burns. Denise Frostick and Nash Bhanaut were the
staff who supported the activity.
The highlight of the activity was when
everybody had to share the traditional
Burns’ Supper that the staff prepared.
They had jacket potatoes with
vegetarian haggis and cheese on it.
Some loved it but others were not
very keen on it. It was a good
experience for everybody and
definitely something new for everyone.
Marc and Denise F. having good time
Charlotte S., Emma, Nash and Marc are enjoying
their haggis meal
Inside this Issue:
RNIB Students attend Football Match --------------------------------Page 2
What students think about snow----------------------------------------Page 2
Stan Bell’s Got Talent------------------------------------------------------Page 3
My Christmas Holidays-----------------------------------------------------Page 4
RNIB Students Attend Football Match
By Bradley Gauntlett
January 10th when the students went to a football match. It was a game
of Leicester F.C. against Ipswich. It was 20, 085 people who were at the
stadium. The score was 1-1 and the scorer was Steve Howard. The
most successful manager was Martin O’Neill who is now with Aston Villa.
Nigel Pearson is the manager now. The fans’ favourite player is Matt
Fryatt. Leicester F.C. sent him on loan to Walsall when he was young.
Leicester’s Matt Fryatt
Leicester vs. Ipswich
What students’ think about the snow…
“When it was snowing I had to stay in the house because it was too cold
to go outside.” -Charlotte Finelli
“I like snow! It’s fun and exciting for me.
I like watching the snow fall.” -James Lea
“Too much snow can be annoying because
it makes people slide. It is unsafe for some people. -Hassan Ali
“I love the snow. I like walking in it when it’s not icy. And I enjoy building
Snowman” -Jessica Allen
Snow snapshots at Stan Bell Centre
Stan Bell’s Got Talent
By: Jessica Allen
On the week before the Christmas holidays we did a Stan Bell’s Got
Talent show which is similar to Britain’s Got Talent. It was organised by
the Signing and Drama Club. We did it in the main lounge. The judges
were Boz, Nick and Richard. Agnes, Charlotte and Lynn first sang “Let it
Snow”. One of the students was meant to be recording the show but
forgot to press record. Then Daniel McEwan sang “Rock DJ” by Robbie
Williams. I sang “Walking in the Air” which I was nervous about. Natasha
sang and then Frazer played his guitar. After this, Stacy and Bilal
pretended to be in Eastenders. After this the three judges went away and
decided who the winner was. I was First place, Natasha was second
place and Stacy and Balal were third place. I sang "Walking in the Air”
again because I had won. I won a cone of sweets. It was a very good
experience for me.
Jessica is the 2009 winner!
Charlotte F., Lynn E., Agnes C. Singing “Let it
Snow”. Directed by Charlotte S.
Frazer surprised everyone with
his amazing talent!
The participants of Stan Bell’s Got Talent 2009
standing tall and proud
My Christmas Holidays
By: Jessica Allen
I went home on Friday 18th of December. On Christmas Day I got up at
quarter to eight in the morning. I had some cereal for breakfast and then
I opened my presents with mum and dad. I got some DVDS which were
Harry Potter and the Half blood prince, the Boy in the striped Pyjamas,
Harry Hill’s tv Burp which is a program on TV and the Witches. The
DVDs have the option of audio description on so I know what’s
happening in the film. I got some CDS which were Ministry of Sound
number ones which is dance music, now 74 and Chris Moyles Parody
album. I got a few clothes which were new socks, trousers, some
pyjamas and some tops. I got a machine which helps me make tea and
coffee instead of pouring it from the kettle. I got lots of chocolates. I also
got a tub of flumps, green and Blacks chocolate, chocolate orange and
Lindts. My sister, my brother and his girlfriend and my grandma came
around. We had Christmas dinner. For starters we had spicy parsnip
soup which was really nice. Then we had roast turkey, stuffing, roast
potatoes, mash potato, carrots and pigs in blankets. They are sausages
wrapped in bacon. Then I had mince pie because I don’t like Christmas
pudding much. Then I watch the Harry Hill DVD. Then for tea we had a
sort of buffet which was salad, quiche, piccalilli, pork pie, sausage rolls
and salmon turin which is salmon with garlic and asparagus and you eat
it cold. After this I had a mince pie. Then I sat in the front room with
everyone for a bit. In the evening I went in my room to watch the royal
family on TV, which is a comedy. Then I watched Catherine Tate’s the
Nan’s Christmas Carol.
The next week I went to my friend Callum and we went on the computer
for a while. Then I had roast pork there for dinner which was nice. The
next day I stayed at my sister’s for a night.
Recycle your Christmas Cards!
Christmas Cards recycling Boxes will be available in the following
 WHSmiths
 TKMaxx
 Marks and Spencer