Thesis global warming is real


Thesis global warming is real

Palladio Lavigne

Have you ever found yourself wondering if global warming real?

My opinion is global warming is real. Global warming is real and it’s happening in my community. The evidence shows that global warming is real in my country.

Global warming is happening global

Global warming is real and it’s happening in my community. “Humph.” I said as I was staring out the window of my dad’s small boxy black car . It’s the middle of December and it’s not snowing . Global warming this is your fault yelled at the world. I bet the most it will snow this year is 1 inch. Aw, cheer up Palladio it will probably snow in January! Exactly My point that’s next year I take it back it won’t snow at all this year first the summer was burning hot. Then it’s December and it has not snowed at All.

With global warming my friend Roman is getting very upset because his family had to cut down on eating out because they had a larger energy

bill all because the earth warming so geese energy people why make little kids sad WHY!

First of all fighting global warming will help us make more jobs, lower bills, give us cleaner air to breath and also the energy people will make more money by just buying it once and never paying for it again. So obviously going green will help human society and the guys in charge of the energy company’s.

Global warming is real The evidence shows that global warming is real scientists have moneriting stations set up

all over the world that measure the world’s temperature and the crust and the ocean Temperature both are rising.

now snow in the worlds northern hemisphere is melting.

Scientists have also been monitoring earth’s co2 levels and since the Industrial Revolution in co2 levels have sky rocketed [NASA climate].

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Satellites have noticed that there is less energy escaping from the earth’s atmosphere due to co2 and green house gases.

Global warming is real and Global warming is global. All countries are getting affected by global warming for instance global warming makes a start at

china cutting crops, shrinking rivers and unleashing more droughts and flood on the Chinese people.

All over the world in the last decade the sea level has rose 17 centimeters


Also the top 700 meters of the ocean have warmed by

0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969 pretty soon the worlds major city’s near the cost like Miami, san Francisco, London and possibly new

York will be covered in water

So obviously global warming is real the evidence shows it. It is happening everywhere so you can’t escape happening in my community so we have to stop it

it and its

cleaner air right. and even if it’s not real we will still all have
