The cardiovascular and respiratory system

The cardiovascular and respiratory
Notes for Teachers
The cardiovascular and respiratory systems in relation to the performance of physical
activity and sustained involvement in an active and healthy lifestyle.
Explain how venous return is maintained; the effects
that a warm-up and cool-down period has on the
In this chapter you will cover the following with your
cardiovascular system; and how venous return impacts
on the quality of performance.
Evaluate critically the impact of different types of
Part I: Heart
physical activity on the cardiovascular system
Describe the link between the cardiac cycle and the
(coronary heart disease (CHD), arteriosclerosis,
conduction system of the heart.
atherosclerosis, angina, heart attack) with reference to
Describe the relationship between stroke volume, heart
lifelong involvement in an active lifestyle.
rate and cardiac output, and resting values for each.
Explain the changes that take place to stroke volume,
heart rate and cardiac output during different intensities
of physical activity.
Explain the regulation of heart rate during physical
Part III: Respiratory system
Describe the mechanics of breathing at rest and the
respiratory muscles involved (including the diaphragm
and external intercostal muscles).
Explain the changes in the mechanics of breathing
during physical activity (to include reference to
additional muscles involved – sternocleidomastoid and
Part II: Cardiovascular system
pectoralis minor) and the active nature of expiration
Describe the distribution of cardiac output at rest and
(internal intercostals and abdominal muscles).
during exercise (the vascular shunt mechanism).
Explain how the respiratory centre regulates changes in
Explain the role of the vasomotor centre and the
the mechanics of breathing during physical activity
involvement of arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters.
(both neural and chemical control) to take into account
Explain how carbon dioxide and oxygen are carried
the demands of different types of physical activity.
within the vascular system; how effective
Describe the process of gaseous exchange that takes
transportation of carbon dioxide and oxygen within the
place between the alveoli and blood and between the
vascular system aids participation in physical activity;
blood and tissue cells (awareness of partial pressures is
and how smoking impacts on transportation of oxygen.
required but candidates will not be expected to provide
Define blood pressure and identify resting values.
specific respiratory pressures).
Explain the changes that occur during physical activity
Explain the changes in gaseous exchange that takes
and hypertension.
place between the alveoli and blood and between the
blood and the tissue cells (increased diffusion gradient
and accelerated dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin) as a
direct result of participation in physical activity.
© Pearson Publishing Ltd 2008
3 The cardiovascular and respiratory systems
AS PE for OCR Teacher Resource File 2nd Edition
Explain the effect of altitude on the respiratory system
analysis. The strengthening of the link between
and how it influences the performance of different
structure and function and then application and practice
types of physical activity.
is best reinforced throughout the teaching of the
Evaluate critically the impact of different types of
chapter content.
physical activity on the respiratory system with
Lessons might include provision of as many
reference to lifelong involvement in an active lifestyle
opportunities as possible for students that require them
(to include an awareness of asthma and smoking).
to use the structural language. If learning is structured
Parts I, II and III pose three main but similar problems
to student learning.
The recall of the abundance of scientific language
Applying structure, in a logical order, to function to
show an understanding of how it works.
Application (of structure and function) to practice
with reference to performance and sustained
involvement in an active and healthy lifestyle.
to require students to develop logic and order, this will
mirror exam marking-schemes and develop good
examination technique for higher-order questions.
The use of role plays, flow diagrams, summary
memory maps, investigations and analyses,
comparisons, acronyms, and personal
examples/application are all useful learning strategies
and can provide a varied means of using the structure
in relation to how it functions. More time spent using
the structural language directly promotes an
While lower-order questions will only require
understanding of function while simultaneously
descriptions using structural terms and definitions, the
improving the recall of structure.
higher-order questions will require explanations and
© Pearson Publishing Ltd 2008