Britain and the Cold War

Britain and the Cold War
Course tutor: Dr Sue Onslow, Dr Michael Kandiah
Britain and the Cold War
Semester 1
Tuesdays, 2-4pm
First class: 2nd October 2012
Room: Strand campus, C14
Joint reading list for Britain and the Cold War in the European World, Britain and the
Cold War in the Extra-European World
Alani, Mustafa M. Operation Vantage: British Military Intervention in Kuwait, 1961. Surbiton:
LAAM, 1990.
Anderson, M.S. The Eastern Question, 1774-1923: A Study in International Relations. London:
Macmillan, 1966.
Arnold, Lorna. A Very Special Relationship: British Atomic Weapons Trials in Australia.
London: HMSO, 1987.
Barker, Elisabeth. The British Among the Superpowers, 1945-50. London: Macmillan, 1983.
Baylis, John. Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1964. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1995.
Baylis, John. The Diplomacy of Pragmatism, Britain and the Foundation of NATO, 1942-49.
London: Macmillan, 1993.
Bill, J.A. and W.R. Louis (eds). Iranian Nationalism and Oil. London: I.B. Taurus, 1988.
Black, John. Organising the Propaganda Instrument: The British Experience. The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff, 1975.
Buckley, Roger. Occupation Diplomacy: Britain, the United States and Japan 1945-1952.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Bullen, Roger and M. E. Pelly (eds). Document on British Policy Overseas: German
Rearmament Series II, Vol.III. London: HMSO, 1989.
Bullen, Roger and M. E. Pelly (eds). Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I, Vol.IV.
London: HMSO, 1987.
Bullen, Roger and M. E. Pelly (eds). Documents on British Policy Overseas: Conferences and
Conversations: London, Washington and Moscow, Series I, Vol.II. London: HMSO, 1985.
Bullock, Alan. Ernest Bevin. Foreign Secretary, 1945-5. London: Heinemann, 1983.
Burridge, Trevor. Clement Attlee: A Political Biography. London: Jonathan Cape, 1985.
Cairncross, Alec. The Price of War. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.
Cairncross, Alec. Years of Recovery: British Economic Policy, 1945-51. London: Methuen,
Cathcart, Brian. Test of Greatness: Britain’s Struggle for the Atom Bomb. London: John
Murray, 1994.
Clark, Ian and Nicholas Wheeler. The Origins of Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1955. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1989.
Clark, Ian. Nuclear Diplomacy and the Special Relationship: Britain’s Deterrent and America,
1957-62. Oxford: Clarendon, 1994.
Cockerell, Michael, Peter Hennessy and David Walker. Sources Close to the Prime Minister:
Inside the Hidden World of the News Manipulators. London: Macmillan, 1984.
Coleman, Peter. The Liberal Conspiracy: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Struggle
for the Mind of Postwar Europe. New York: Free Press, 1989.
Craig, Gordon and Francis L. Loewenheim (eds.). The Diplomats 1939-1979. New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1994.
Crossman, R.H.S. Diaries of a Cabinet Minister: Vol.1. London: Hamish Hamilton & Jonathan
Cape, 1975.
Curzon, G.N. Russia in Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Question. London: Longmans,
Darby, Phillip. British Defence Policy East of Suez, 1947-1968. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1973.
Dobson, Alan P. The Politics of the Anglo-American Economic Special Relationship, 1940-87.
Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1988.
Dockrill, Michael, and Brian McKercher (eds). Diplomacy and World Power: Studies in British
Foreign Policy, 1890-1950. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Ehrenburg, Ilya. Post-War Years, 1945-54. London: McGibben and Kee, 1966.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. Waging Peace: The White House Years 1956-61. London: Heinemann,
Fink, Carole, Axel Frohn, and Jürgen Heideking (eds), Genoa, Rapallo and European
Reconstruction in 1922. Washington & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Funigiello, Philip J. American-Soviet Trade in the Cold War. Chapel Hill, NC: University of
North Carolina Press, 1988.
Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.
Gilbert, Martin. Winston S. Churchill, Vol.IV, 1916-1922. London: Heinemann, 1975.
Gilbert, Martin. Winston S. Churchill, Vol.IV, part I, January 1917 - November 1922. London:
Heinemann, 1977.
Gleason, J. H. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press, 1950.
Gorodetsky, Gabriel. The Precarious Truce: Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1924-27. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1977.
Gowing, Margaret. Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy 1945-1952.
London: HMSO, 1974.
Greenwood, Sean. Britain and European Co-operation since the Second World War.
Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1996.
Greenwood, Sean. The Alternative Alliance: Anglo-French Relations Before The Coming of
NATO, 1944-48. London: Minerva, 1996.
Grosser, Alfred. The Western Alliance: European-American Relations since 1945. London,
Macmillan, 1980.
Healey, Denis. The Time of My Life. London: Michael Joseph, 1989.
Heiss, Mary Ann, Empire and Nationhood: The United States, Great Britain and Iranian Oil,
1950-1954. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
Heller, Francis H. and John R. Gillingham (eds.), NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance
and the Integration of Europe. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992.
Hennessy, Peter. The Secret State. London: Penguin, 2001.
Hennessey, Peter. Never Again: Britain, 1945-1951. London: Vintage, 1993.
Horne, Alistair. Macmillan 1957-1986: The Official Biography, Vol.II. London: Macmillan,
Jones, Harriet, and M. D. Kandiah. The Myth of Consensus: New Views of British History.
London: Macmillan, 1996.
Kaiser, Wolfram, and Gillian Staerck (eds). British Foreign Policy, 1955-64: Contracting
Options. London: Macmillan 1999.
Kennedy, Paul. The Rise of Anglo-German Antagonism 1860-1914. London: The Ashfield
Press, 1980.
Kent, C. John. British Imperial Strategy and the Origins of the Cold War, 1944-49. Leicester:
Leicester University Press, 1993.
Kirby, Dianne. Church State and Propaganda: the Archbishop of York and International
Relations. Hull: Hull University Press, 1999.
Lamb, Richard. The Macmillan Years 1957-1963: The Emerging Truth. London: John Murray,
Lashmar, Paul, and James Oliver. Britain’s Secret Propaganda War. Stroud: Sutton Publishing,
Lewis, Julian. Changing Direction: British Military Planning for Post-war Strategic Defence,
1942-1947. London: Sherwood Press, 1988.
Louis, William Roger, The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945-1951: Arab Nationalism, the
United States and Postwar Imperialism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984).
Lowe, Peter. Containing the Cold War in East Asia: British Policies Towards Japan, China and
Korea, 1948-54. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997.
Mackie, James A.C. Konfrontasi. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1974.
Macmillan, Harold. At the End of the Day, 1962-3. London: Macmillan, 1973.
Macmillan, Harold. Pointing the Way, 1959-1961. London: Macmillan, 1972.
Macmillan, Harold. Riding the Storm, 1956-59. London: Macmillan, 1971.
Marriott, J.A.R. Anglo-Russian Relations, 1689-1943. London: Methuen, 1944.
Mastanduno, Michael. Economic Containment: CoCom and the Politics of East-West Trade.
New York: Cornell University Press, 1992.
Mayhew, Christopher. Time To Explain: An Autobiography. London: Hutchinson, 1987.
Medlicott, W.N. and D. Dakin. Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-39, Series IV,
Vol.25. London: HMSO, 1984.
Middlemas, Keith. (ed.). Thomas Jones Diary, Whitehall Diary, Vol..I., 1916-1925. London:
Oxford University Press, 1969.
Mikardo, Ian, Back-Bencher. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.
Milward, Alan S. The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-5l. London: Routledge, 1992.
Morgan, Kenneth O. Labour in Power 1945-1951. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.
Morgan, Kenneth O. Labour People: Leaders and Lieutenants, Hardie to Kinnock. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1992.
Morrison, Herbert. An Autobiography. London: Odhams, 1960.
Ovendale, Ritchie. The English Speaking Alliance: Britain, the United States, the Dominions
and the Cold War, 1945-51. London: Allen & Unwin, 1985.
Ovendale,. Ritchie. Britain, the United States and the Transfer of Power in the Middle East,
1945-1962. London: Leicester University Press, 1996.
Pelling, Henry. The Labour Governments, 1945-1951. (London: Macmillan, 1984).
Pimlott, Ben. Hugh Dalton. London: Jonathan Cape, 1985.
Rathmell, Andrew. Secret War in the Middle East: The Covert Struggle for Syria, 1949-1961.
London: I.B. Tauris, London, 1995.
Reynolds, David (ed.). The Origins of the Cold War in Europe. International Perspectives. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
Ronaldshay, Earl of. The Life of Lord Curzon, Vol.II. London: Benn, 1928.
Rothwell, Victor. Britain and the Cold War. London: Jonathan Cape, 1982.
Shlaim, Avi, Keith Sainsbury and Peter Jones. British Foreign Secretaries since 1945. London:
David Charles, 1977.
Short, Anthony. The Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 1948-1960. London: Muller, 1975.
Shuckburgh, Evelyn. Descent to Suez: Diaries 1951-56. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986.
Shulman, Marshall. Stalin’s Foreign Policy Reappraised. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1985.
Steiner, Zara. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy 1898-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1969.
Thompson, Willie. The Good Old Cause: British Communism, 1920-1991. London: Pluto
Press, 1992.
Tunstall, Jeremy. Journalists at Work: Specialist Correspondents: Their News Organisations,
News Sources and Competitor Colleagues. London: Constable, 1971.
Weiler, Peter, British Labour and the Cold War. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press,
Weiler, Peter. Ernest Bevin. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
White, Brian. Britain, Détente and Changing East-West Relations. London: Routledge 1992.
White, Stephen. Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1980
Williams, Francis. Ernest Bevin: Portrait of a Great Englishman. London: Hutchinson, 1952.
Wittner, Lawrence. The Struggle Against the Bomb, Vol.I: One World or None, A History of
the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement Through 1953. Stanford: Stanford University Press,
Wittner, Lawrence. The Struggle Against the Bomb, Vol.II: Resisting the Bomb: A History of
the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1954-1970. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 1997.
Young, John W. Britain, France and the Unity of Europe, 1945-51. Leicester: Leicester
University Press, 1984.
Young, John W. France, the Cold War and the Western Alliance: French Foreign Policy and
Post-War Europe, 1944-49. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990.