Security Vulnerability
Assessment Tool
Prepared by the IMPROVE consortium – August 2010
Improve knowledge of effective critical
infrastructure protection
With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of
Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme
European Commission – Directorate-General Home Affairs
This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This
publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This document contains sensitive information and is intended solely for the use and
information of the organisation having obtained authorisation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the authors.
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Cefic – European Chemical Industry Council
Filip Jonckheere
Jim Castle, Pierre-Michael Gröning and Mike Zeegers
NAVI – Dutch National Advisory Centre for the Critical Infrastructure
Arno Bilderbeek and Marcel Spit
INERIS – French National Institute for Industrial and Environmental Risk
Samantha Lim
JRC – Joint Research Centre
FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency
Regional Government of Styria
Technical University of Ostrava
IMPROVE consortium – August 2010
All documents including the set of accompanying spreadsheets are available as electronic
versions after registration at Cefic. For more information on the accessibility and the
content please contact Filip Jonckheere (
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0 Introduction and Overview....................................................................................................... 7
Scope of the Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) ............................................................. 7
0. 2
Cost Benefit Analysis of the SVA............................................................................................... 9
How and where to obtain the necessary expertise to complete the SVA .............................. 10
A brief management overview of the SVA process ................................................................. 11
0.5 The strategic and business benefits of completing the SVA and implementing regular review
of SVA’s ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Justification of the selection of the CCPS methodology (versus RAMCAP and EURAM) ........ 13
Step 1 Project Plan for the SVA.......................................................................................... 22
Clarify the Objectives of a Security Vulnerability Assessment .............................................. 22
Define the scope of the SVA .................................................................................................. 23
Define the context of the SVA and familiarise with appropriate regulations ....................... 23
Selection of the SVA team ..................................................................................................... 23
Step 2 Facility Characterisation ......................................................................................... 26
Facility Description ................................................................................................................ 26
General security policy of the site ......................................................................................... 28
Existing countermeasures ..................................................................................................... 29
Determination of the site attractiveness .............................................................................. 30
Step 3 Assets Analysis ....................................................................................................... 34
Identification of the principal assets ..................................................................................... 34
Classification of attractiveness .............................................................................................. 37
Determination of the Asset Impact ....................................................................................... 40
Risk Profile of the Principal Assets ........................................................................................ 43
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Step 4 Threat Analysis ....................................................................................................... 45
Identification of Adversaries and Their Methods of Attack .................................................. 45
Ranking the Threats............................................................................................................... 47
Step 5 Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) ................................................................. 50
Creation of the Threat Scenarios........................................................................................... 50
Risk Matrix: Severity & Likelihood of a Threat Scenario ....................................................... 54
Vulnerability Analysis ............................................................................................................ 55
Step 6 Identification of Additional Security Countermeasures ............................................ 59
Analysis of additional permanent countermeasures ............................................................ 60
Prioritisation of the Proposed Additional Security Countermeasures .................................. 64
Enhanced countermeasures .................................................................................................. 65
Overview of the SVA methodology ..................................................................................... 66
Appendix 1 Links between the SEVESO DIRECTIVE requirements and the SVA .................... 69
Appendix 2 Protection Strategies for Site Security Management ........................................ 73
Appendix 3 Threat Catalogue ............................................................................................ 77
Appendix 4 Glossary, References and Bibliography ......................................................... 83
Appendix 5 Worked Example ............................................................................................ 85
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 85
Step 1 and 2 ........................................................................................................................... 85
Step 3 Assets Analysis............................................................................................................ 86
Step 4 Threat Analysis ........................................................................................................... 93
Step 5 Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA).................................................................... 95
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Appendix 6 The Operator Security Plan ............................................................................100
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 100
Objectives of this Annex .............................................................................................. 100
Operator Security Plan ................................................................................................ 100
Why a Security Plan? ................................................................................................... 100
Effectiveness ................................................................................................................ 100
Best Practices ...................................................................................................................... 101
Process......................................................................................................................... 101
Selection of security measures .................................................................................... 102
Implementation and maintenance .............................................................................. 102
OSP Contents and structure ................................................................................................ 103
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 104
Security Program ......................................................................................................... 104
Operational Policies and Procedures .......................................................................... 104
Physical Security Measures ......................................................................................... 105
Personnel Security Measures ...................................................................................... 105
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0 Introduction and Overview
Scope of the Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)
Risk can be defined as the combination of the probability of an event and its consequences (ISO/IEC
Guide 73). Risk management protects and adds value to the organisation and its stakeholders
through supporting the organisation’s objectives by:
 providing a framework for an organisation that enables future activity to take place in a
consistent and controlled manner
 improving decision making, planning and prioritisation by comprehensive and structured
understanding of business activity, volatility and project opportunity/threat
 contributing to more efficient use/allocation of capital and resource within the organisation
 reducing volatility in the non essential areas of the business
 protecting and enhancing assets and company image
 developing and supporting people and the organisation’s knowledge base
 optimising operational efficiency
The methodology described in this toolkit is adapted to the European context based on the good
practice identified in the ‘Secure Site’ project in order to be used broadly by SEVESO sites it also
draws on the good practice identified by CCPS and we wish to acknowledge the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers. Section 0.6 provides a justification for the selection of the CCPS methodology,
reviewing in particular the RAMCAP and EURAM methodologies.
The Security Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit (SVA) of Industrial Sites seeks to identify those risks
which may result in catastrophic effect, it offers a methodology to both modify the risk and
suggestions for controls which may mitigate or reduce the risks. The final part of the SVA Toolkit
develops a risk log which will record information on which risks the company chooses to mitigate and
which to accept. Ultimately the only mitigation of the risk available may be through financial means
by accessing enhanced specialist insurance premiums and even these may still leave some residual
risk with the company, however the SVA Toolkit will ensure that the full extent of these residual risks
will have been identified.
Undertaking this SVA may require additional expertise and this should be borne in mind when
preparing the budget, these additional capital costs will, however significant, be considerably smaller
than those required should a catastrophic event occur.
The use of the SVA tool should form as useful part of the overall risk management of a company and
therefore contribute to the more efficient use and allocation of capital within the organisation.
Additionally, if an industrial company has several establishments with potential critical assets, they
will need to prioritise sites in order to select the most critical infrastructures.
A risk assessment or analysis (RA) is an examination including risk assessment, risk evaluation, and
risk management alternatives, performed to understand the nature of unwanted, negative
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consequences to human life, health, property, or the environment; an analytical process to provide
information regarding undesirable events; the process of quantification of the probabilities and
expected consequences for identified risks.
A security vulnerability assessment (SVA) is an analysis to identify security hazards, threats, and
vulnerabilities facing a facility, and to evaluate the countermeasures to ensure the protection of the
public, workers, national interests, the environment, and the company.
A RA may have a greater emphasis on prioritising risks by likelihood and consequences, handling of
the highest risks and accepting lower risks whereas the emphasis of a SVA may be more on finding
additional countermeasures to address the vulnerabilities of a facility.
Concerned industries
The security study should be performed by any industrial site designated as a critical infrastructure at
the regional, national or European level by competent authorities. To be designated as a critical
infrastructure, a preliminary screening shall have been performed by the authorities or by a
corporate1 (depending on the national regulations and practices).
The CI Directive2 defined a list of ECI-sectors in its Annex I, which are those assets, systems or parts
thereof located in EU member states which are essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social well-being of people (currently only the energyand transport sector), and the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on
at least two EU member states3.
Thus, concerned critical infrastructures can be industrial sites subject to the SEVESO II Directive,
which covers all those facilities where dangerous substances (toxic, flammable, explosive or
pollutant) are present in quantities equal to or in excess of certain thresholds (see Art.2 and Annex I
to the SEVESO II Directive). The SEVESO II directive requirements and particularly the Safety Report
for SEVESO upper-tier sites could help in the SVA study.
Annex 1 describes links between the SEVESO II Directive and the SVA requirements for the European
Critical Infrastructures (ECI).
If a corporate has to identify its critical infrastructures, the “Enterprise Level Screening Process” (ELSP)
described in the CCPS SVA Guidelines can be performed.
Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical
infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection, in OJ L Nr. 345/75 of 23.12.2009
Cf. Art 2 (b) ECI-Directive
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Intentional acts under consideration for a security study
Intentional acts should include the internal as well as the external threats, from malevolent to
terrorist attacks.
The Operator, i.e. the company that owns or operates the site, should define the limits of the threat
events under consideration in a security study.
Nevertheless, this report will focus on the threats which would have severe or catastrophic impacts
on population, environment or economy. For this reason, the type of acts under consideration will
 loss of containment of hazardous substances on the site,
 contamination or spoilage of plant products to cause worker or public harm on or offsite,
 degradation of assets or infrastructures or value of the infrastructure through destructive
The threat of chemical theft or chemical misuse with the intent to use it or transform it in order to
cause harm offsite will not be taken into account in this report, except if they result in catastrophic
events on site. Therefore ‘supply chain security’ issues are outside the scope of this methodology.
Indeed, this method intends to discuss on highly critical security events with severe direct effects on
the site and the public while robbery or misuse would generally generate indirect effects on the
As there is an increased financial burden in carrying out the SVA section 0.2 provides some hints and
guidance as to how to develop the Cost Benefit Analysis to justify carrying out the SVA and section
0.3 provides guidance on where to obtain the necessary additional expertise to complete the SVA.
Section 0.4 gives a management overview of the SVA and section 0.5 outlines the strategic and
business benefits attained from the completion and regular review of the SVA.
0. 2
Cost Benefit Analysis of the SVA
Security Vulnerability Assessments are now seen as crucial to effective Security Risk Management by
most industry associations and stakeholders. This coupled with the increasing focus by government
and other bodies on the perceived terrorist threat to Critical Infrastructure (CI) and a drive to
enhance the protection of key industries means that now threat and vulnerability assessments (TVA
or SVA) are both expected as part of good practice risk management. Although they are not yet a
matter of regulation they are accepted as Best Practice and therefore, make eminently good business
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The use and practice of SVAs are not new, but are now used more as there is an increasing focus on
formalised and auditable process although there is as yet no prescriptive process and a number of
methodologies exist and are in use – many have a common approach.
Indeed the absence of a formal Security Management System which includes a formal risk
assessment (TVA/SVA) may be viewed as indicative of a lack of due diligence and effective risk
Alongside the benefits to be gained from completing and maintaining and SVA we must consider the
cost. Supplementary spending will mainly arise from costs due to additional staffing for the duration
of the assessment and additional specialist security support that will be required. This additional
specialist support may be available from within the company, depending on the size of the company,
or possibly from relevant government agencies if however this is not available from these sources
then the company should seek external support.
How and where to obtain the necessary expertise to complete the SVA
The SVA team, who will conduct this study, should be multidisciplinary and gather several skills from
outside the organisation, such as:
 Knowledge and expertise on man made threats such as terrorism, cyber crime and organised
 Qualified security expertise (on security vulnerability and security risk analysis, security
management systems, knowledge on terrorist groups and their methods of attack, etc.),
 Experience with procedures of first responders and government agencies,
 Knowledge of safety and security related legislation/regulations, etc. applicable to the site.
In-depth security knowledge and experience may be required to facilitate the SVA process. Specific
expertise may be required. For instance, the team may need a weapons effects expert (such as blast
and ballistics) to answer specific questions regarding the vulnerability of a specific asset or
By qualified, it is understood this to mean:
- will hold recognised and relevant qualifications
- references
- 10-years of experience in this field
- SVA-experienced (at least 7 SVA-studies)
- preferably sector-experienced
In some EU member states there is the possibility that the SVA team may be supported and
complemented by officials of police departments, security services or other government bodies.
Another option is to seek qualified security professionals from the security industry to assist in the
SVA process.
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A brief management overview of the SVA process
Figure 1 Process flowchart of the SVA toolkit across the 6 Steps
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0.5 The strategic and business benefits of completing the SVA and
implementing regular review of SVA’s
By completing the SVA and then implementing regular reviews the organisation will be best prepared
for any incidents that may happen and will have had time to both implement appropriate
countermeasures and put in place incident management plans. Specific benefits arising from these
 Understanding the vulnerabilities and their potential impact on the wider objectives of the
 Meeting best practice guidelines
 Understanding the vulnerabilities in order to assist in the selection of treatment options
 Comparing the vulnerabilities and the risk in alternate systems or technologies
 Assist with establishing priorities
The overall business benefit of implementing regular reviews is that the organisation has clear and
up to date information on its vulnerabilities and the subsequent risk that it chooses to carry/ mitigate
or insure against.
Protection of Data
There may be a requirement to treat the contents of the SVA as Security Sensitive Information
which requires it to be protected in line with Government and/or company security policies.
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Justification for the selection of the CCPS Methodology
An in-depth review of available Security Risk Assessment methodologies was conducted in 2007 as
part of the SECURE-SITE research project. The task of selecting an appropriate security assessment
methodology for the European Chemical Sector was specifically addressed in SECURE-SITE Work
Package 3 (WP3) entitled ‘Selection of a Security Risk Assessment Methodology’ and further applied
in SECURE-SITE Work Packages 4 and 5.
SECURE-SITE WP3 recommended the selection of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
(AIChE) Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS): Guidelines for Analyzing and Managing the
Security Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Sites4 which lays down a detailed ‘Security Vulnerability
Assessment – SVA’ methodology., It also recommended that this methodology should be amended to
take the European ‘landscape’ into account and specifically consider the benefits of the SEVESO II
regulations and substantial associated safety documentation and information which would be
available to an EU based security risk assessment, which would substantially influence the inputs and
mechanism of the SVA. Work Package 6 (WP6) reiterated these findings by recommending the use of
the CCPS SVA methodology stating that the CCPS methodology was already in use in the chemical
sector and that the outcome of using this methodology was clear, understandable and defendable
but again would require being adapted for use in European Seveso type (chemical) industries.
Although fully recommending the use of the CCPS methodology, in its recommendations for the
IMPROVE project SECURE-SITE WP6 5 states that;
‘Moreover, the security assessment methodology needs to be refined by improving and adapting
CCPS SVA or RAMCAP 6 to current European considerations and developments (e.g. EURAM)’ 7.The
single mention of RAMCAP in the WP 6 recommendations creates a requirement to re-consider the
use of the RAMCAP SVA methodology, whereas, due to the timings of the outcome of the EURAM
project, the latter requires to be evaluated for utility in the IMPROVE project.
The purpose of this section therefore is to:
review the use of the RAMCAP SVA methodology and:
evaluate the EURAM project risk assessment methodology,
in order to assess their utility as an SVA methodology for European SEVESO type (chemical) sites.
CCPS 2003
SECURE-SITE WP6 Final Report, November 2007 (p 28).
RAMCAP - Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection.
EURAM - The European Risk Assessment Methodology. A research programme which was running concurrently to
SECURE-SITE and published at around the same period.
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A. Review of RAMCAP Methodology
RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection) was introduced in 2005 and
launched in 2006 in the US to provide a framework for analyzing and managing the risks associated
with terrorist attacks against critical infrastructure assets. The work was commissioned by the US
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and conducted by the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers – Innovative Technologies Institute (ASME - ITE) LLC8. The 80 page methodology is publicly
available from the ASME-ITE website.9
The stated aims of the RAMCAP were as follows:
To define a common framework that could be used by owners and operators of critical
infrastructure to assess the consequences and vulnerabilities relating to terrorist attacks on
their assets and systems.
To provide guidance on methods that could be used to assess and evaluate risk through the
use of the RAMCAP common framework.
To provide an efficient and consistent mechanism which could be applied to diverse
elements across both private and governmental sectors to report essential risk information
to the US DHS. This input was at the time deemed essential to the execution of DHS
One of the principle aims of RAMCAP was to provide a pan-sector assessment of vulnerabilities and
possible impacts in order to both populate the DHS National Asset Database (NADB) and allow for
resource allocation and prioritisation of effort at the strategic level. It was also intended that the
generic RAMCAP methodology would be reinforced by sector specific guidance documents in due
A.1 Subsequent US Developments
It is important to note that since the inception of RAMCAP, the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security has since invoked the US Chemical Facilities Anti Terrorism Standards (CFATS) - legislation
which imposes comprehensive federal security regulations for high-risk chemical facilities. As part of
the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, Congress directed DHS to identify and regulate
“high risk” chemical facilities. Following this the DHS promulgated new regulations in the form of the
Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), Interim Final Rule on 8 June 2007.
A not-for profit company which acts as a research arm of ASME.
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CFATS requires any facility that handles hazardous chemicals above a certain threshold, to conduct
an initial ‘Top Screening’ risk assessment exercise to enable DHS to apply one of four tiers.
Thereafter, these facilities will be required to:
Conduct and submit a Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA), to be submitted on-line and
Produce and have DHS ratify their Facility Site Security Plan (SSP).
The CFATS legislation establishes ‘Risk-Based Performance Standards’ for the security of chemical
facilities. These were ratified in late 2008 and now form the core of US chemical facility protection
efforts. Facilities are now required to apply these Risk Based Performance Standards (RBPS) with
layered security measures and demonstrate how they intend to meet these requirements within
their Site Security Plan (SSP). There are 19 categories of security performance standards which are
increasingly demanding as one moves from the lowest, Tier 4 to the highest, Tier 1. Congress has
also specifically mandated however, that the DHS cannot specify particular security measures, such
as fence types and heights and therefore should aim to adopt a collaborative approach.
It is therefore assumed, from a DHS perspective that RAMCAP has been superseded by CFATS as the
sector specific vehicle for institutionalising security within the US Chemical sector, as has to an extent
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CCPS methodology. However, CFATS allows
lower priority (Tier 4 on a scale of 4) categories of chemical facilities, in specified circumstances, to
submit Alternate Security Programs in lieu of a Security Vulnerability Assessment, Site Security Plan,
or both. The CCPS methodology qualifies as an approved alternative whereas it appears RAMCAP
does not.
A.2 RAMCAP Methodology
RAMCAP uses a 7 step approach and requires input from both owner/operators and government
agencies. The seven steps are shown in Figure 1. This process is broadly consistent with other
appropriate security risk assessment methodologies.
The stages, such as asset characterisation, consequence and vulnerability analysis and risk
assessment and management use broadly similar criteria to the CCPS methodology and the American
Petroleum Institute’s (API) publication ‘Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for the
Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries’.10 It quotes both the CCPS and API methodologies in its list
of references and appears to have drawn on the CCPS and API approach. It therefore does not
appear to provide any additional approach or criteria which could be utilised in the IMPROVE project.
The methodology is relatively straightforward to follow. However, it was designed primarily to
conduct a ‘screening’ exercise in order to rank facilities both within a sector, and across sectors and
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clearly states that it requires further detailed sector specific guidelines, in order to achieve the level
of detail required. To quote the introduction to the RAMCAP Framework document:
‘the RAMCAP methodology is not a step-by-step guideline for conducting vulnerability
assessments in specific industry sectors. Rather RAMCAP is a high-level methodology that
can be tailored to various sectors, thereby providing a mechanism for comparing risk within a
sector and between different sectors... is not intended to be the most comprehensive and
detailed risk assessment methodology in the public or private sectors... and actually avoids ....
detail, precision and cost in order to quickly and efficiently fill the National Asset Database... ‘
Much of this detail would have to be drawn from elsewhere, which has mostly already been
reviewed and it is therefore assessed that the RAMCAP methodology and content would be of
limited value to the project.
In addition, the RAMCAP methodology specifically requires the detailed involvement of the
authorities in the process, which although very desirable, has not been mandated for the IMPROVE
guidelines. It is again reiterated that the principle recipients of the RAMCAP results are evidently the
authorities (to conduct cross-sector assessments on priorities for action) and not the site owners/
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Asset Characterisation and
Threat Characterisation
Consequence Analysis
Vulnerability Analysis
Asset Identification.
Assessment of potential severity of consequences.
Consequence based screening.
Target determination.
Adversary characterization: Capabilities; Tactics; Weapons.
Threat characterization provided separately by authorities.
Owner/Operator may choose lesser threats for own purposes.
Potential damage assessment for each threat.
Worst reasonable case consequences
Identify vulnerabilities leading to worst reasonable consequences
Assessment of likelihood of adversary success in achieving worst
reasonable consequences.
Evaluate existing countermeasures & mitigation capability.
Threat Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Asset attractiveness and deterrence (asset owner).
Adversary capability and intent determination (authorities).
Threat (relative Likelihood of attack) as a function of attractiveness and
adversary capability and intent (authorities).
Consequence from Step 3.
Vulnerability from Step 4.
Threat from Step 5.
Risk = C * V * T
Consider risk goals and determine need for recommendations.
Determine recommendations.
Evaluate options and decide on enhancements.
Figure 1: RAMCAP Process
A.3 Recommendation on the use of RAMCAP
It is therefore recommended that the use of the RAMCAP methodology, for the purposes of Project
IMPROVE be discounted.
B. Review of EURAM Methodology
B.1 General presentation of the risk assessment methodology
The European Risk Assessment Methodology (EURAM) project’s aim is to develop a risk assessment
methodology for assessing security that could be used by all European Critical Infrastructures sectors,
whatever their activity and a higher level above the single infrastructure itself. Indeed, it will allow a
comparative risk assessment across an entire sector of activity, of a region or at a national level. The
development of the methodology is based on an inventory of good practices found in various risk
assessment models. The methodology is described in the deliverable of the project EURAM named
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“Development of an EU-common risk assessment methodology”. It aims at using the same
methodology to assess risks in different aspects of security (organization, human security, physical
security, information and communication security) in the same way and consists of seven steps.
To help the operator determine the threats, the EURAM methodology suggests a list of critical
infrastructure sectors and specifies for each of them the products or the sub-sectors that can be the
preferential targets. This list includes energy, nuclear industry, information and communication
technologies, water, food, health, financial sector, transport, chemical industry, special sector and
research facilities. Using this list of critical sectors, the EURAM methodology suggests deriving a list
of threats based on the taxonomy developed by the EU IST Vital Infrastructures Threats and
Assurance (VITA) project rather than identifying threats specific for each sector. The VITA threat
taxonomy is based on building trees, the root of the trees consists of distinguishing natural causes
and direct and indirect human activities. The different branches are dedicated to seven types of
relevant threats which are: earth and soil, air, all types of water, space, natural radiation and electromagnetic threats, naturally occurring fires and biological threats. Each branch is then broken down to
explore all the aspects, in particular, environmental threats, economic and political threats, technical
threats and threats due to human failure.
The EURAM methodology objective is designed to be applied not only at the scale of single facilities,
but also at a higher level: a sector, such as a region taking into account all the industrial sectors of the
region or of a country, etc. It will harmonise critical infrastructure results at a national level or for an
entire sector to compare risks. As such, it requires the development of adapted probability and
severity scales and to have a systemic approach to the risk assessment. As the destruction or
disruption of some key services or infrastructures may lead to the loss of other critical functions
(supply chain, health, safety, economic and social aspects), the EURAM methodology recommends
completing the classical steps of the risks analysis by a transversal approach to interdependencies
analysis. This interdependencies analysis avoids problems of inter-operability and of cost-inefficiency
between critical infrastructures (CI), especially at a European level.
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Skills in technical knowledge, in information and communication
management, in organisational and human aspects in the company.
Definition of a leader
An external control is recommended
Definition of the scope of the
risk assessment
Identification of processes and of utilities
Determination of organisational and human limits
Definition of the scales for risk
Risk = probability P x severity S
Ranking scales on a 1 to 5 ranges
Probability and severity scales uniformly applied across all the sectors
Use of the feedback and the likelihood of an accident
Probability P: Qualitative definition of each rank based on the feasibility of the
attack, the attractiveness of the target, the protection level of the target and the
skills/resources/motivation of the attacker.
Severity S: Scale based on the evaluation of impact on: process, citizen security,
image, citizen confidence, financial impact or other aspects.
Constitution of the risk
assessment team
Understand the assets in the
Understand the threats
Identification of the critical infrastructures of a site as possible assets of an
Identification of their weaknesses by analysing how they work (process), what
they produce (products, services, what is critical?), operating organisation
Definition of threats by using:
common threats,
Specific key issues of a given threat in each domain (organisation, human,
technical aspects, etc.) of the infrastructure.
a list of threats specific to critical infrastructure sectors specified by the EURAM
Review security and identify
Review of existing countermeasures
Identification of vulnerabilities of the infrastructure (physical, organisational,
human or information and communication technologies), taking into account
existing countermeasures, threats and infrastructures assets
Evaluation of risks
Definition of scenarios using the analysis of vulnerabilities
Evaluation of probability and severity for each scenario
“A scenario of incident associated to vulnerability is a threat exploiting this
vulnerability to harm assets and more largely the infrastructure”
Figure 2: EURAM Risk assessment methodology process
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B.2 EURAM methodology: the interdependency analysis
Interdependency is when two infrastructures are directly or indirectly (via another infrastructure)
mutually dependent on each other, because the state of one infrastructure is influenced by or
correlated by the state of the other. According to literature, four types of dependency have been
identified: physical dependency (electricity versus telecommunication equipment), cyber
dependency (flight versus information about weather), geographical dependency (same duct for
power & telecommunications cables and for pipelines), and logical dependency (petrol price and
transportation traffic).
The EURAM method suggests an interdependencies analysis in three steps.
Determination of the scope
Gathering of information
Processing of the gathered
Levels of details for the assets (between 10 and 20 assets)
Boundaries: assets to analyse (that we want to protect) and not the
asset (external infrastructures) as “outside influences”
Result: classification of the infrastructures (assets) for the study
Collect correct and relevant information from independent sources
Structuring the gathered info
Result : Overview of dependencies and implemented measures
Gathered dependency information
suitable for the
management process
Result: Analysis of the risks generated by interdependency
Figure 3: EURAM interdependency analysis process
The expected outcome from the information gathering step is an overview on:
- Item 1: dependencies between all the assets in scope and associated type (cyber, physical, ..)
- Item 2: external dependencies for each asset
- Item 3: measures taken for all the identified (inter)dependencies
- Item 4: quality/level of service that the measures provide
- Item 5: how long ‘measures’ can function without external resources
- Item 6: internal and external dependencies of measures after interruption of external
- Item 7: residual threats to external infrastructures, Items 1 to 3 are the common items,
items 4 to 6 often omitted (effectiveness of measures) and item 7 almost never addressed
(as information sources are external).
The processing step provides an overview on the:
- Total (cascading) effect of failure of a component on the functioning of the infrastructure
under consideration(analysis of items 1 to 3)
- Risk to external dependencies for functionality (analysis of items 1 to 3)
- Time scale for degradation and restoration (analysis of item 4 to 6)
- Risk of simultaneous failure through common vulnerabilities (based on item 7)
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The assets identified in the risk assessment can be used as input for the dependency analysis, while
the results from the dependency analysis can be used as input for risk management.
A dependency analysis is difficult as it supposes the exchange of information which is sensitive and
the ability to perform the risk assessment on a common basis. Beyond the sharing of the same
jargon, language and of the use of uniform sources, it supposes a willingness to divulge information
and an ability to share information which may be a conflict of interest. A complete transversal
approach requires different areas of expertise to have an overview of the analysis and common
methods for (inter)dependency between CI of same sectors and CI of different sectors or different
countries that can be used by the CI stakeholders aimed at defining the European CIP priority areas
and of CI sensitiveness to (inter)dependency to be shared.
B.3 Feedback and advantages of the EURAM methodology
The EURAM methodology allows the users to have a complete view of risks and to assess them in the
same way whatever the type of risks, taking into account the interdependencies with the
surroundings or with influence factors. This allows an easy and efficient comparison, in particular
with the use of common probability and severity scales.
However, the EURAM methodology takes into account threats that are very different (security,
safety, workers safety). It needs a consensus to define severity and probability scales and these
scales should allow segregation of events which should be spread over the different levels of the
scale. This consensus will be difficult to establish. Moreover, the scales, and specifically the severity
scale, are not accurate enough and as a consequence severity levels are not highlighted. Finally, the
holistic point of view adopted in the EURAM project requires that technical and human barriers in a
safety risk assessment will be considered as threats and not only as countermeasures, the failure of
which will lead to an accident.
B.4 Recommendations
The scope of the EURAM project is significantly larger than that of the IMPROVE project which is
limited to security risks.
Moreover, the threats that will be studied in the IMPROVE project are intentional acts, which include
internal as well as external acts, from malevolent to terrorist attacks, and that harm the security of
the infrastructure. It will not study natural risks or a failure due to process failures (except if it is
Besides, the steps of the EURAM risk assessment are similar to the CCPS SVA’s methodology and do
not bring complementary added value to the risk assessment approach.
However, the recommendations for the underlying principles of the dependency analysis remain
valid for a risk assessment methodology and they will be taken into account during the in the
IMPROVE project.
It is therefore recommended that the use of the EURAM methodology should be discounted as a
framework for the IMPROVE project.
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1 Step 1 Project Plan for the SVA
Input step 1
Knowledge and information of the project team about:
 the objectives of a security vulnerability assessment,
 the scope of the security study in terms of concerned industries and in terms of
concerned intentional acts (internal and external, malevolent and terrorist
The project plan will be developed by the SVA team prior to arriving on site
Expertise required (see section 0.3):
 Security
 Project Planning
The purpose of step 1 is to develop a project plan that may be used throughout the SVA process in
order that it is completed in an organised way. It is vital that the objectives, scope and criteria of the
SVA should be established at the beginning of the study in order to limit and focus activities and to
ensure that the SVA outcomes are effectively realised.
The project planning should focus on four key issues:
 Clarify the objectives of a security vulnerability assessment
 Define the scope of the study
 Define the context of the SVA and familiarise themselves with appropriate regulations
 Define the team composition
1.1 Clarify the Objectives of a Security Vulnerability Assessment
The objective of a security vulnerability assessment is to identify the critical assets of a CI-site and
SEVESO site and the plausible threats (malevolence and terrorism) that could impact these assets.
Following this identification of critical assets the SVA will then assess the countermeasures
implemented onsite in order to protect the public, the environment, the company or the national
To achieve consistency across the SVA when using this tool the following definitions need to be
Critical assets of a CI-site may be defined as the site elements (material, equipment, personnel,
information, etc.) which have value to the Operator as well as the assets that enable the activities of
the site, such as the utilities or the SCADA system as well as hazardous substances which may also be
labelled as critical assets.
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Countermeasures can be defined as the technical or organisational measures taken to reduce or limit
the vulnerability of an asset when considering threats or to mitigate the effects of such an attack.
Threat can be defined as an adversary and his method of attack.
A threat scenario can be defined as the combination of a specific attack by an adversary on an asset
which would result in severe impacts on population, environment or economy.
Vulnerability can be defined as a technical or organisational weakness that can be exploited by an
1.2 Define the scope of the SVA
As a minimum the SVA should cover the analysis of intentional acts against critical assets of an
industrial site that may cause any harm to the public, the environment, the company or the national
interest. The specific scope for each SVA process should be identified and agreed by the SVA team.
1.3 Define the context of the SVA and familiarise with appropriate
It may be useful in the introductory part of the SVA to refer to the applicable national and
international regulations to which the Industrial Site Operator is subjected to.
As the security analysis proposed in this document is a general framework, these regulations may be
helpful to define in another way the scope and objectives of the report and to tailor the SVA to the
specific requirements of the applicable national and international regulations.
1.4 Selection of the SVA team
The working team, who will conduct this study, should be multidisciplinary and gather several skills,
such as:
 Security expertise (security risk analysis methodology, security management system of the
site, knowledge on terrorist groups and methods, etc.), see also section 0.3;
 Knowledge of the installations (potential assets, process and equipment);
 Knowledge of the safety management system of the site;
 Emergency response procedures;
 Knowledge of safety and security related legislation/regulations, etc. applicable to the site.
The working team should generally consist of three to eight persons, to be effective and will vary
according to the size and complexity of the site. External expertise can supplement this team,
especially if in-depth security knowledge is missing within the team. In any event, security expertise
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(internal or external personnel) will be required to facilitate the SVA process. For further information
of this aspect of the SVA refer to the ‘Business Case justification for the SVA’ Section A of this
document for guidance on the specific nature and duration of required expertise or how to locate
The team initially selected may not be the same throughout the whole process of the SVA due to the
selection of the assets onsite (step 2) and also the threat analysis (step 3) these two steps may
require additional skilled people to be co-opted into the team. For instance, the team may need a
weapons effects expert (such as blast and ballistics) to answer specific questions regarding the
vulnerability of a specific asset or component.
Once the team is assembled the SVA methodology should be presented to the team. It is reminded
that the external experts required for the SVA should be qualified experts in the fields quoted
In order to complete this step the project plan should as a minimum have the sections and headings
as shown in Worksheet 1.
The spreadsheets in this document can be filled in. To open them double click the inside any of the
boxes; to leave them click on the page outside the spreadsheet.
Filling in the different Worksheets in this document may be somewhat cumbersome. Therefore this
document is accompanied by an Excel file containing all (blank) Worksheets, which can be filled in
A worked example of the forms and spreadsheet has been included in Appendix 5.
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Scope of the Study
intentional terrorist acts
intentional criminal acts*
Regulatory framework
Team Skill Profile
List of skills required
Identified Gaps
Appoint Audit Leader
Assign Responsibilities
Responsibilities and named lead
Time and duration of SVA and timings of key meetings
Working language of SVA
Report format
Benchmarking required
Follow up plans
Output step 1
Comprehensive project plan Worksheet 1
General regulations framework to which the site is submitted in terms of security
Definition of the multidisciplinary project team
Presentation of the SVA methodology to the SVA project team
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2 Step 2 Facility Characterisation
Input step 2
Identification and collation of the following information:
 Comprehensive project plan Worksheet 1
 General regulations framework to which the site is submitted in terms of security,
 Data which describes the site, its activities, assets and environment for use by the
SVA team
 Description of the protective security measures for the site including existing
This step should be completed by:
The SVA team
Additional Expertise will be required in:
To be decided by the SVA project team leader
The purpose of the second step in the SVA is to characterise the industrial facility. In this step the
facility is described in detail as well as the general security policy of the site. This step provides an
overview of the site activities, processes, assets and equipment that could be considered as relevant
to the SVA, and locates technical and other data to support the security analysis.
Facility Description
An adequate description of the facility will enable the SVA team, the authorities, the reviewers of the
SVA and all those involved in the SVA to have a clear picture of the purpose of the facility, its
location, the main functions, activities, hazards, services and technical equipment. The extent of this
description should be commensurate to the hazards present. The description should also aim at
clarifying the interrelationship between the different installations and systems within the
establishment, with respect to their technical parameters and management aspects.
In general it is recommended to utilise as much as possible the documentation available for other
purposes or legislation, e.g. SEVESO. This documentation can take the form of Operation permits,
building plans, construction plans, the Safety Report for upper-tier SEVESO sites (see Annex 1) for
lower-tier SEVESO sites, the Environmental Impact Assessment, technical procedures, technical
documents resulting from a standards implementation (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 9001...), etc. It is however
advisable to try to summarise the information, since very often the level of detail of the
documentation produced for different purposes might be higher – or differently focused – than the
one needed for SVA.
The description of the facility should include the following items:
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1. General information: Purpose, main activities, relevant legislation
2. Description of the natural and human surroundings of the site
 Environment
 Human activities around the site: housing zones, public assembly building (schools,
hospital, etc), population around the plant, presence of other industrial sites,
presence of other critical infrastructures, presence of transport access ways
(highway, airports, railways, ways, etc), presence of public network, electric utility,
water supply system equipments
 Maps
3. Description of the site: activity, organisation and resources
 Main activities, main material flows
 Organisation, especially focusing on the safety and security functions
 Human presence: personnel, contractors, visitors
 Emergency response: Fire-fighting system, sprinklers, scrubbers, mitigation systems,
 Control room
 Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) e.g. cyber systems, SCADA, etc.
 Security policy and system in place
4. Processes and installations
 Lay out of the facility as a whole and of its relevant units clearly presented on
adequately scaled plans: The lay-out should adequately identify installations and
other activities of the facility including:
 main storage facilities
 process installations
 location of relevant substances and their quantities
 relevant equipment (including vessels and pipes)
 spacing of the installations and their main sections
 utilities, services and internal infrastructure equipment
 location of key abatement systems
 location of occupied buildings (with an indication of the numbers of persons
likely to be present)
 other units if relevant for security considerations
 Installations (tanks, important pipes, columns, etc.)
 Brief description of processes, i.e. storage, loading/unloading, production, etc.
 Utilities (power, gas, compressed air, nitrogen, process water, etc.), together with
their interdependencies, backup systems, and reaction/impact times
5. Inventory of starting materials, raw materials, finished goods, intermediate products and
 Chemicals present; quantities; conditions; together with their main classification
(toxic, explosive, flammable)
 Valuable and/or attractive materials or goods (ex.: gold, copper)
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The description of the facility should be conducted at an appropriate level of detail in order to have
both an overview of the site and of its environment and sufficient detail to inform the security
analysis at the process and component level.
2.2 General security policy of the site
This includes the identification and documentation of the general philosophy and concept of the
facility’s management for the security of the site. It is important to identify:
 What is the general security policy followed, (Company and/or local policy)?
 Are there security requirements and if yes are they mandatory?
 Is there applicable security legislation?
 What are the principles on which it is based?
 How the security policy guarantees an appropriate level of security?
 What mechanisms are present to ensure that the security policy is properly implemented?
The information necessary to be gathered in this step and to be documented may include:
 The general strategy to address security in the site*
 Leadership and commitment
 Review of layers of protection: their concept and design basis
 Organisational and Physical protection
 Access control policy
 Personnel policy: Selection, training and alert
 Management of information
 IT security (cyber attack, hackers, ...)
 Management of change
 Emergency communication and response
 Business Continuity Plan
 Incident management and investigation policy
 Measures to be taken in cases of increased alert (graduated security measures).
 Information Security Policy
 Recent SVA and/or Risk Assessment Report
 Recent Audit Report
*A number of approaches can be considered for the implementation of the security strategy on a
facility, including the following approaches:
 layers of Protection/Rings of Protection
 the “deter, detect and delay” principle
 implementation of measures to mitigate the effects
These security protection strategies are detailed in the Appendix 2, Protection Strategies for Site
Security Management of this report.
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2.3 Existing countermeasures
This part aims at describing the existing countermeasures of the facility which have been
implemented by the operator.
A countermeasure is a technical and or organisational system and or an action that:
 reduces the attractiveness of an asset on the site
 reduces the likelihood of a successful attack
 reduces the consequences of a successful attack
Existing countermeasures may include physical security of the facility, control of access (railway,
roads, water), protection of control rooms and of control systems, policies and procedures,
administrative controls, control of employees and of contractors, information security measures,
emergency response measures.
All of this information should be noted in Worksheet 2, the Key Document Register. To use the
spreadsheet, double click inside any of the boxes, to leave the spreadsheet click on the page outside
the spreadsheet. Alternatively it may be easier to use the separate workbook of SVA spreadsheets
these can be downloaded from the Cefic Website. To review a worked example of the forms and
spreadsheet see Appendix 5.
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Worksheet 2 Key Document Register
General Information
Purpose of site
Activities of site
Location and Surrounding of the Site
Site Description
Organisation Chart
Hazardous and Attractive Products
Current Security Arrangments
Current Countermeasures
Site Safety Procedures
Site Emergency Procedures
Business Coninutity Plan
Site Communication Plan
2.4 Determination of the site attractiveness
The attractiveness depends on the value that an adversary would place on disrupting an asset to fulfil
his motives, such as to create mass media attention through casualties or disruption; the disruptive
impact may be classified by the following criteria:
 press coverage that an attack on the asset would imply. The media attention would depend
on the geographical situation of the site (urban or rural, proximity of an importance city or of
the capital), on the possibility of impacting an iconic or symbolic target, on the proximity to a
national asset or landmark or well-known site.
 disruption of local, regional or national infrastructure (like electricity) and economy
depending on the impact on national, regional or local access routes (roads, railways), on
possible collateral damages to neighbouring installations, infrastructures or targets.
 the symbol represented by the asset and the symbolic aspect of the asset to the threatened
operator, the impact on known terrorist target and on the company reputation and brand
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ease of access to the asset depending on the localisation of the asset in the site considering
the easiness of finding it onsite, the easiness of accessing to it or the easiness of striking the
This assessment should consider the current countermeasures in place that reduce the accessibility
of the site entrance, the free circulation on the site, the number of people working in the perimeter
of the asset, etc. Often the more accessible an asset is, the easier an attack is and the more attractive
the asset therefore becomes to the adversaries.
It should be noted that the attractiveness of an asset rests not only on the characteristics of the
asset, but also of the site. Site characteristics are also important as the adversary’s intent could be
generally towards the company or the site, without the specific intention to attack a particular asset
on the site.
The following worksheet 3 provides the mechanism to gather the parameters in order to rank the
attractiveness of the site.
Each factor does not have the same weighting in the attractiveness assessment. For example among
the factors related to the site, the “threatened operator” has the largest weighting for the site
attractiveness. If a company is known as a terrorist target or if a country has received threats to its
industry, the company or the industries of the threatened countries should be considered as very
attractive targets.
Attacks in the past years have shown that terrorist actions would aim at causing significant
disturbances to the society. That is why the “economic disruption” factor has a higher weighting than
the “company reputation” or the “proximity to iconic site” factors. The “economic disruption” factor
should take into account the time aspect, of this impact such as the period of disruption and the time
before recovery. This factor should be understood as the potential disruption to the national
economy and not the disruption of the company economy at the national level. The score obtained
for the site will remain the same for the calculation of the combined attractiveness score specific to
an asset.
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Worksheet 3 Site Attractiveness
Total = score x weighting factor
Total for
the site
Proximity of a major city a)
No major or symbolic city // Rural zone // No major or symbolic icon or site or only locally symbolic icon or
or of an iconic
site: the site attack will no media attention or very locally SCORE 1
or well-known site
In an urban zone // Regionally symbolic icon or site: the site attack will gain limited media attention SCORE 2
(media attention level) c)
Next to a capital or in a major city // adjacent to a nationally symbolic icon or site: the site attack will imply a
national media attention SCORE 3
In the capital // in the city centre of a major city // adjacent to an international famous or major recognizable
landmark (e.g., European Commission, Eiffel Tower) world famous icon or site: a site attack will imply a substantial
National or European event. SCORE 4
Societal disruption at
Disruption of local society SCORE 1
the local, regional,
Disruption of regional society // Disruption of a major regional supply SCORE 2
national or international c)
Threatened operator
Disruption of national economy society // Disruption of a major national supply SCORE 3
Disruption of European / international economy or critical infrastructure SCORE 4
No known threat against the country or the operator SCORE 1
Operator threatened by employees or by local associations SCORE 2
Country threatened by regional activists (e.g. separatists), sector mentioned as or commonly thought to be a
potential target for terrorist but no threat SCORE 3
Country of origin of the operator threatened by International terrorist organisation (e.g. USA, Israel, UK), site
known as a terrorist target SCORE 4
Company reputation
brand exposure
No controversy or association actions known by the company against itself, company not known or only
locally well-known company (ex. Local major employer) SCORE 1
and recognition
Company which has been subject of a controversy at the local stage (because of its activities type, of its way
of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or is the target of local associations or regionally well-known (ex. Major employer
of the region) SCORE 2
Company which has been subject of a controversy in the national media (because of its activities type, of its
way of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or Nationally well-known company SCORE 3
Company which has been subject of a controversy in the international media (because of its type of activities,
of its way of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or Internationally well-known company SCORE 4
Total automatically moves to Worksheet 5 column 8
Output step 2
The SVA-team has an adequate understanding of the characteristics and current security
measures of the facility.
The characteristic and current security measures of the facility should be recorded in
Worksheet 2 the Key Document Register and contain as a minimum
 General information: Purpose, main activities of the site,
 Description of the natural and human surroundings of the site,
 Description of the site: layout, organisation chart,
 Potential hazardous or attractive (for criminal acts) products,
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Description of the existing general site security policy and principles plus any existing
countermeasures and procedures applied on site
Site safety and emergency procedures
Worksheet 3 Attractiveness of the Site
Communication Plan for the Site
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3 Step 3 Assets Analysis
Identification of the principal assets
Input step 3.1
Definition of an asset
Definition of a principal asset
Worksheet 2 the Key Document Register
Any document used in step 2.1 that enables the identification of high value assets (see
Appendix 1 Links Between the SEVESO DIRECTIVE Requirements and the SVA)
This step should be performed by:
The SVA team
Additional expertise is required in:
To be decided by the SVA project team leader
As reminded in Step 1, this SVA should be performed on any industrial site designated as a critical
infrastructure by the authorities and a preliminary screening should be undertaken. A chemical or
energy-related facility has numerous assets requiring adequate protection. The analysis cannot be
extended to each and every piece of equipment, every vessel, every pipe, every valve as this would
be an impossible task to carry out. For this reason it is necessary to focus on the important assets
stored or used in the facility. The asset analysis aims at identifying the highest critical targets taking
into account the existing situation of the site and of the asset with the existing countermeasures, the
weaknesses of the asset and its value. This identification of the most critical targets requires a
brainstorming by the SVA team. In principle, an asset is any material or non-material item that
enables the facility to operate. In the first instance a list of targets is determined based on the
characteristics of the target that make it valuable in terms of potential hazard or in terms of activities
disruption. A principle asset is an asset deemed to be crucial to the continued operation of the site or
an asset, which the SVA team suspect, if tampered with could have the potential to cause
catastrophic effect.
Factors to be considered are:
 Vessels, piping or processing equipment which contain highly dangerous substances
considering the toxicity, flammability and explosion hazards of the chemicals,
 Particular reactions which can be hazardous (risk of drift in the reaction, thermal
decomposition, explosive reactions, possibility of formation of hazardous chemicals, risk to
drift towards an uncontrollable reaction),
 Personnel,
 Process control systems (including ICT, SCADA, etc.),
 Intellectual property,
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Equipment without which the site would not be able to operate or otherwise with significant
difficulties, such as the control rooms, the process control systems (SCADA systems), the
communication network, the utilities, etc,
Components needed for functioning such as the loading/unloading system, the raw material
supply system and the waste disposal system,
Components of the security system such as the fire-fighting system (tanks, piping, foams,
etc.), power supplies to the perimeter fence surveillance or the access control or any system
for which its disruption could cause a failure of the security system,
Company Reputation
The characterisation of the site in step 2.1 should help to make this inventory.
For upper-tier SEVESO sites, data from the safety analysis should be used here, as explained in
Appendix 1.
Last, it is necessary to identify and take into consideration dependencies between the different
assets. This is particularly important for utilities (e.g. power supply, water, compressed air, natural
gas, nitrogen) or assets such as the control room, SCADA, fire-fighting system, etc. Analysis of
dependencies can be performed through the systematic collection and analysis of information;
however, in most cases it is sufficient to answer a few questions addressing the following:
 Identification of assets that are interdependent,
 The cascading effect of a failure in the considered asset to other assets or the functioning of
the plant,
 The time characteristics of degradation and restoration,
 The risk of simultaneous failure of more than one asset through common vulnerabilities
 Off-site dependencies such as power, water, steam, upstream and downstream process
inputs/outputs etc.
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Worksheet 4 List of Principal Assets
List of Principal Assets
Justification and Description
This step should be done at the asset level, without going into details or decomposing the asset itself.
For example, a distillation process should be considered as an asset and not one particular distillation
column. The component level will be addressed at the vulnerability analysis step (step 5).
Worksheet 4 may help to carry out this step of asset identification. This selection should refer to
justifications, such as hazards for the people offsite, environmental impacts, operational continuity,
interdependencies, etc. One of the criteria for selection of asset can be the lack of spare components
or excessive time to repair, especially for operational continuity aspects.
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Output step 3.1
Worksheet 4 List of principal assets (in an alphabetical order or per process flow, for
3.2 Classification of attractiveness
Input step 3.2
Definition of attractiveness
Definition of Impact
Attractiveness levels table
Impact levels table
Worksheet 3 attractiveness of the site
Matrix Attractiveness / Impact
This step should be completed by:
The SVA project team
Additional expertise is required in:
To be decided by the SVA project team leader
Identified principal assets are then assessed according to two criteria: the asset attractiveness and
the asset impact. Here the selection of principal assets may differ from the selection of assets when
considering a business/ operational continuity focus.
The salient question of this assessment is “what types of events will cause the disruption of a critical
infrastructure, the release of a chemical or the destruction of equipment or components in such a
way that the most serious consequences will occur?”
This assessment is done considering the existing situation of the site and of the asset, taking into
account the benefits of existing countermeasures that protect the asset. There are nine factors for
the determination of attractiveness, out of which four are focussed on the site (see worksheet 3)and
five specifically focussed on the individual asset (see worksheet 5). This evaluation is completed by
the SVA project team, using their best judgment to attribute values to all the factors for each
potential target.
As for the scoring of the attractiveness factors specific to the asset, a high weighting factor is
attributed to the “merchandising” factor to take into account the malevolent acts of theft or product
diversion as criminal acts are not acceptable in critical infrastructures. The three factors related to
the easiness to find, access and strike of an asset are linked with the difficulty of attack for an
adversary. The easier an asset is to access the more it will be attractive. .The function of the asset
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should also be taken into account when assessing the factor of the asset and the continuity of the
company activity (4th factor specific for an asset). The global attractiveness of a given asset is
obtained by adding the score of the four asset attractiveness factors to the score of the five site
attractiveness factors. The combined total score will define the overall global attractiveness of the
Five final levels of attractiveness of the assets can be defined and classified as shown in table 1. This
step results in the evaluation of all the assets potential attractiveness that can be perceived by
adversaries and enables the identification of the high value assets according to their attractiveness.
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Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Easiness to find the asset in
the site
Weighting Factor 3
Hidden SCORE 1
b) Only employees can know
where the asset is. Not noticeable
from the exterior even on a map
Column 4
Easiness to access
Weighting Factor 3
Column 5
Easiness to hit
Importance of the asset to
company continuity
Weighting Factor 3
Weighting Factor 2
Column 6
Column 7
Value and merchandising TOTAL
Weighting Factor 5
a) High security site and the asset is at
the centre of rings of protection (Need to
penetrate numerous robust rings of
protection to reach the asset, with no
possible common failure) SCORE 1
a) No line of sight from exterior a) Not at all or equipment without a
and visible with difficulty from the major importance in exploitation
site itself , also shielded from
b) Restricted access to the site and to
the asset: only a restricted number of
employees have access to the asset and
asset in the centre of numerous rings of
b) Asset protected by many
b) Threats could be made or equipment b Asset with very low value but
other buildings, vegetation, many which can be passed by-passed for a short very difficult to merchandise in
other installations (presence of
period and quickly replaced SCORE 2
parallel markets SCORE 1
major obstacles) SCORE 2
Column 8
Total for the site
from wrksht 3
Column 9
a) No Value SCORE 0
From Worksheet 4
c) Not noticeable from the exterior c) Restricted access to the site but no
but easy to spot on a map SCORE restricted access to the asset
c) Asset protected by few other
buildings, vegetation, few other
installations (presence of few
d) Everybody knows where the
asset is or it is at the limit of the
d) Sitting duck: no protection of d) key and irreplaceable process
d Asset with high value and
the asset
equipment or equipment without which rather easy to merchandise in
the company cannot operate SCORE parallel markets SCORE 3
Principal Assets
d) Site opened to the public
c) Threats have been made or
c Asset with medium value but
warnings are given against the asset difficult to merchandise in parallel
or against similar assets or equipment markets SCORE 2
which can be by-passed during a short
period but take time to replace
e. Asset with very high value and
easy to merchandise in parallel
markets SCORE 4
Asset attractiveness
22 – 38
39 – 54
116102555 55 – 73
74 – 90
91 – 108
Least attractive asset on the site
Low attractive asset on the site
Medium attractive asset on the site
High attractive asset on the site
Extremely attractive asset on the site
Page 39
Column 10
Total (site + Attractiveness
= level (Look up
table 1)
7+column 8
Improve knowledge of effective critical
infrastructure protection
3.3 Determination of the Asset Impact
Next we need to determine an Asset Impact, this is the result should an adversary successfully
compromise an asset. The asset impact level is decided by considering the various categories of
consequence which are described in Table 2, the Asset Impact Table. The level should be taken as
the highest level of consequence feasible from an attack on an asset.
 Human consequences and casualties: the attack will result in fatalities and in injured people.
The magnitude of impact can be based on the impact ranking from the safety studies
requested as the impact of major accidental scenarios is assessed for the environment and
people offsite. Other parameters should also be studied such as the potential casualties in
case of lack of gas, electricity, water and such in severe conditions (e.g. in winter or during
drought). It should be remembered that the consequences from an intentional attack can be
worse than in an accidental scenario as, for example, in a safety assessment the rupture of
one tank is considered, whereas in intentional attack an adversary can simultaneously attack
several tanks.
 Environmental consequences and indirect human consequences:
 direct consequences to the environment (air or river pollution) or
 indirect human consequences such as:
 The contamination of goods produced onsite (food chain, medicine, etc.)
 the long-term health effects due to the dispersion of a toxic substance or
 The impact on the basic needs of the population (heating systems, drinking
water, etc.)
 Economic disruption
 Material damage:
Material consequences onsite are defined by damages costs. Levels depend on costs levels
that are defined by the Operator depending on its priorities,
 Company’s reputation
For each asset, the impact is assessed assuming the successful execution of an attack and of its
consequences, taking into account the existing countermeasures if they can efficiently reduce these
In the following table, some thresholds for the impact levels are proposed, knowing that these
figures can be modified according to the security objectives set by the Operator. The impact table
should be adapted to distribute possible events on all the levels in order to allow attention to be
concentrated on the most risky events.
The impact level for each asset corresponds to the highest impact level amongst the five impact
parameters as the security vulnerability analysis focuses on the most critical security events.
For the material consequences, the value of damages determining each level will be determined by
the operator according to its turnover, its reputational value and or its investment capacity. The
following table, Table 2, The Asset Impact Table gives an example of levels that could be used:
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Within table 2 each SVA team should discuss and set their own financial criteria for the property
damage in each impact level as this will need to be appropriate for each particular industrial site
where the SVA is carried out. Also clearly any level of casualty is a serious matter, however for the
purpose of this SVA it is critical that the SVA team identifies the number of potential casualties and
fatalities that would arise from each mode of attack. When selecting the impact level the SVA team
should consider all the issues (a-e) in each impact level and base the level on the highest impact risk.
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Table 2 The Asset Impact Table
Casualties: no more than one dead person and less than 10 severely injured people
Negligible environmental impacts, even if target has significant symbolic value
(example: destruction of a prominent national monument)
Negligible economic impact
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S2)
Significant impact on the company reputation
Casualties: from 1 to 10 dead people and from 10 to 100 severely injured people
Environmental impacts to immediate site area only
Important economic disruption to the facility economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S3)
High impact on the company reputation
Casualties : from 10 to 100 dead people and from 100 to 1’000 severely injured
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with no health impact on the
population but widespread and visible effects (example: large environmental
Severe economic disruption to the regional or industry economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S4)
High impact on the company reputation
Casualties : More than 100 dead people and more than 1’000 severely injured people
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with possible widespread lesser
health impact on the population (example: contamination of food that causes
widespread illness but no lasting effects except to sensitive populations)
Severe economic disruption to the national economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S5)
Very high impact on the company reputation
Casualties : More than 1’000 dead people and more than 10’000 severely injured
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with possible widespread major
health impact on the population (example: large scale toxic contamination or
drinking water or pharmaceuticals)
Severe economic disruption to the European economy
Over XX € property damage
Very high impact on the company reputation
Proposal of impact levels for the vulnerability analysis (based on the CCPS SVA guidelines)
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3.4 Risk Profile of the Principal Assets
Once the impact level of the potential consequences of a successful attack on a designated asset and
the attractiveness level of this designated asset have been ranked, the critical level of the asset can
be determined with the help of a matrix which combines the impact and the attractiveness for the
principal assets.
The rankings of each asset in attractiveness and impact are inserted into Worksheet 6, Impact and
Attractiveness Worksheet. The Asset Code column can be used to identify each asset by assigning a
letter ‘A to Z’ this will assist when plotting the asset on a risk map.
Worksheet 6 Impact and Attractiveness Worksheet
Worksheet 6 Impact and Attractiveness Worksheet
Principal assets
see Worksheet 5
column 10
see Impact table Impact v
Impact level
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Worksheet 7 Asset Attractiveness and Asset Impact Matrix
In the above matrix, two extreme critical levels for the asset are defined with two extreme positions:
 A highly critical level for the more attractive (high value) and the more severe impact targets
(red) and
 A low-range critical level for the less attractive and less severe impact targets (green).
The team seeks to identify the more attractive (high value) asset targets which if successfully
attacked would result in more severe impact, these are therefore the most critical. In order to
complete this matrix the SVA team must set the limits applicable to their own organisation or site
facility for the three green amber and red zones
As a result of this analysis, the SVA team have now determined a list with at least the highly critical
Output step 3.
Ranking of the assets according to their level of attractiveness
Ranking of the assets according to their level of impact given a successful attack
Ranking of the assets according to their risk profile (attractiveness vs. impact)
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4 Step 4 Threat Analysis
It is recommended to seek additional specialist expertise and advice in order to gain the data to fill
the worksheets in this step. It should also be borne in mind that adversaries can and do change at
short notice and therefore constant update on this data is also required. Details and guidance on
obtaining specialist advice is given in the section 0.3 of this document.
Input step 4.1
Concepts / definitions / necessary data:
Definition of a threat
Threat information from scientific institutions, commercial enterprise, police, intelligence
and security services
Feedback: inventory of past security events
Definition of a threat
Definition of the intent
Definition of the capability
Definition of the likelihood of an attack
List of adversaries
List of methods of attacks
Table of Adversaries and their preferential methods of attack
Additional Expertise Required:
Threat expertise
Security expertise
Team Required:
Full SVA team
4.1 Identification of Adversaries and Their Methods of Attack
In the first steps of the critical infrastructure SVA, the facility was characterised, assets, interests,
dependencies, the present policies and measures for security, business continuity, emergency
management, consequence mitigation were identified and possible targets for adversaries were
In this fourth step of the SVA, the relevant adversaries will be considered in the light of the
characterised facility and the existing security measures.
In this step the SVA team will make an assessment of the man made threats to a Critical
Infrastructure (CI). This CI could be part of a chemical, energy or other establishment.
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When assessing these threats, the SVA team has to determine the likelihood of adversaries attacking
their facilities and the probable method of attack they will use.
It is necessary to ascertain the characteristics of the relevant adversaries that can threaten the CI.
The adversaries differ in motivation, goals to achieve, knowledge of the site, attack capabilities, risk
acceptance and endurance.
The following types of adversaries should at least be considered in this threat assessment:
 Terrorists (political, religious)
 Criminals (common, organised, Cyber)
 Hackers
 Violent activists (environmental, animal rights, anti-globalists)
 Vandals and deranged individuals
 Frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees and contractors
As mentioned before, the SVA-team has to decide which probable methods of attack will be used by
the adversaries. The coupling of an adversary with a method of attack is defined as a threat. In the
SVA an emphasis is put on threats that will or may disrupt the CI or cause mass casualties and serious
societal and political disruptions.
Some methods of attack may be used by more than one adversary. The following methods of attack
should be considered in this threat assessment:
 bombing (by rucksack, car, boat, glider, plane)
 shooting (with handgun, rifle, RPG, mortar)
 arson (Molotov-cocktail, incendiary device, lighting a fire)
 sabotaging (manual, remote)
 manhandling
 cyber attack
 stealing of critical components
Blackmailing, extortion, burglary, sneak-in, theft, hacking, bugging and eavesdropping should be
taken into account if they are essential parts of the above mentioned methods of attack.
The above mentioned threats are illustrative and can be considered as generic to a certain extent.
However, which threats are likely or realistic, will depend on the individual establishment to be
assessed. “General threats” that may be likely in a country or in a region, should be considered in
close cooperation with intelligence and security services.
A more detailed description of adversaries and their methods of attack may be found in Appendix 3
Threat Catalogue.
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4.2 Ranking the Threats
The past security incidents of the site (successful or not) should be collected and analysed as lessons
learned from these events may give relevant hints for the threat assessment step.
The analysis of incidents provides data on potential adversaries, and on possible methods of attack.
These incidents also provide information for the vulnerability analysis which takes place in the next
step. The incidents on the site may not be numerous or significant enough under the high threats
standpoint of the SVA however their analysis may help to identify weak points in the site security.
Incidents that have occurred at other sites or in other countries can give complementary information
on actual threats and may be useful input to this threat assessment.
Assessment of Capability and Intent
The likelihood of an adversary (attacker) coming to a facility and committing a specific attack is
difficult to assess. However, some threats can be considered as more relevant than others.
The likelihood of an attack or the likelihood of an adverse event can be defined as the likelihood that
a particular adversary will exploit a vulnerability. This takes into account the intent of the adversary
and its capabilities (human in terms of individuals and organisations and technical in terms of
technical means with the mode of attack).
The likelihood of these threats has to be determined by the SVA team by assessing the intent and the
capability of the adversaries for a specific mode of attack. For this task, the SVA team, if the security
expert skill is not available in the team, will need to collaborate with the national or regional
intelligence service in order to rank realistically the intent and capabilities of the identified
The intent of an adversary can be defined as how an adversary is motivated to attack the site or a
particular asset of the site.
The capabilities of an adversary can be defined as the technical and human means that an adversary
can rely on for his attack, such as a trained individual or group, with particular skills in weapons or in
chemistry, financial means, ability to get weapons. The capabilities integrate also the notion of
knowledge about the site and how to reach the asset, on how the adversary can get or not the useful
information to plan his attack.
Thus, the consideration of critical assets and associated countermeasures is underlying the ranking of
the adversary capabilities. This consideration should not be done, at this stage, on a particular asset
but more generally on the site. The team will assess the intent and the capabilities of the adversary
on a scale of three levels, for each “adversary / mode of attack” that is considered as feasible by the
security expert or the national intelligence information.
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The threats described in worksheet 8 shows some preferential methods of attack for different
adversaries. This worksheet is only indicative, but can be helpful for suggesting relevant threats.
Worksheet 8 Ranking of the Most Relevant Threats
By characterising the threat in terms of intent and capabilities of adversaries, this worksheet enables
the selection of the most relevant, plausible and realistic threats. Specialist knowledge will need to
be harnessed from a range of sources to assess the intent and capabilities of terrorist organisations
across the spectrum of perceived methods of attack.
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Table 3
There is no justification to think the
adversary has the intention to do so
The adversary may have the intention to do
The adversary will certainly do so if there is
an opportunity
The adversary does not have the
capability to do so
The adversary may have the capability to
do so
The adversary certainly has the capability
to do so
The 0 score for capability choice means that the adversary does not have the capability to do so and
therefore reflects the fact that if this is the case then there is no threat resulting from this option.
Worksheet 9 Ranking of the Most Relevant Threats According to Intent and Capability
Multiply intent by capability to obtain score
Attack Method
Output step 4
Worksheet 9 Ranking of the most relevant threats (adversary x method of attack y)
according to intent and capability
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5 Step 5 Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)
5.1 Creation of the Threat Scenarios
Input step 5
Inputs Required
Concepts / definitions / necessary data:
Definition of threat scenario
Definition of vulnerability
Key Document Register (output step 2)
Ranking of the assets according to their level of attractiveness (output step 3)
Ranking of the most relevant threats (worksheet 9, output step 4)
Definition of the likelihood of a threat scenario
Threat information from other parties (commercial, police, security and
intelligence service)
Scenarios provided by other studies
Table 10 for Likelihood of a threat scenario
Table 11 for Severity levels of successful scenarios
Risk matrix: Severity / Likelihood of an threat scenario
Vulnerability assessment table
Additional Expertise Required:
Security Expertise
Team Required:
Step 5 should be undertaken by the full SVA Project Team
Definition of threat scenario
A threat scenario is defined as the coupling of a threat (the adversary and his method of attack) and a
specific asset on the CI.
A threat scenario can be identified in just a few words. For example: theft of a laptop by a criminal.
This can be appropriate when there is an overload of scenarios to identify. For a thorough
vulnerability assessment the most relevant threat scenarios must be written out more elaborately.
By creating a storyboard the relevant threat scenarios may be drawn in a comprehensible fashion.
A threat scenario will at a minimum combine the following items:
 adversary (with intent, capability and motivation),
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method of attack (with tools, weapons, time frame, attack and escape route),
target of the adversary (asset of the site),
severity of the attack (economical loss, loss of life, loss of critical infrastructure),
collateral damage (damage to buildings, possessions, environment)
In the process of describing the different threat scenarios the relevant countermeasures onsite will
be identified and the potential consequences of a successful attack will be estimated. Eventually the
vulnerabilities for those threat scenarios will help to determine the security risk level of the site.
In Step 4 (Ranking of the threats) the threats (adversary and attack) most likely to affect the site have
emerged. These threats will be the starting point for developing the threat scenarios. The SVA team
will have to choose the all relevant targets for these threats and thus create a data base of relevant
threat scenarios.
In Step 3 (Risk Profile of Principal Assets) the principal assets have been ranked in severity levels. This
information and the Table for Severity levels will be input for describing the (successful) threat
Once the threat scenarios have been described, there is a clearer picture of the severity of a
successful attack (threat scenario).
These threat scenarios have then to be assessed in terms of likelihood and severity.
This is completed in the Ranking of the likelihood of a threat scenario. The likelihood of a threat
scenario depends on three parameters:
 The asset attractiveness
The ranking of the attractiveness of the asset is the same as the combined attractiveness
score evaluated for each asset in step 3.
 The asset vulnerability
This parameter takes into account the number and the robustness of the countermeasures in
place onsite for a threat scenario.
 The feasibility of the threat scenario
This parameter takes into account the sophistication of the technical and organisational
means (modus operandi) used by the adversaries to perpetrate their attack on the asset.
Amongst these three parameters, the asset attractiveness is determining in the assessment of the
likelihood of a threat scenario. Indeed, attractive assets are more appealing to terrorists, even if the
means required need to be more elaborate. Furthermore, because of the almost unlimited amount
of possible targets, the terrorist will not explore the in his opinion ‘unattractive’ targets.
For this reason, the “asset attractiveness” factor has been given a higher weight than the two other
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The severity in step 5 is assessed according to a specific threat scenario which targets an asset and
which may result in partial or total compromise of the asset. This is an area that requires specialist
expertise in order to ensure that the output provides reliable data.
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Column 1
Critical Assets
Column 2
Column 3
Method of
Column 4
Column 5
Column 6
Column 7
Column 8
Feasibility of Threat Scenario
Target Attractiveness
Target Vulnerabiity (Ease of Access)
Target Robustness of
Weighting Factor 5
Weighting Factor 1
Weighting Factor 1
Weighting Factor 1
a) Very high robustness
One or two individuals, little knowledge of site with simple
technical means to achieve the desired effect (e.g. Hand gun)
Least Attractive asset
on site SCORE 0
b) Low attractive asset on
site SCORE 1
Medium attractive
asset on site SCORE 2
Highly attractive asset
on site SCORE 3
e) Most attractive asset on
site SCORE 4
Very low Vulnerability SCORE 0
b) Low Vulnerability
Medium vulnerability, at least one strong measure and
several other measures to be breached SCORE 2
d) High vulnerability, measures are not strong, several
countermeasures need to be breached but individual
measures are not strong SCORE 3
e) Very high vulnerability, none or few measures and only a
single weak measure that needs to be breached or effective
measures do not exist SCORE 4
High robustness SCORE
Medium Robustness
Limited group, minimal knowledge of the site, not technically
sophisticated (e.g. Regular weapons, hand gun, greandes, assult
rifle) SCORE 1
Low robustness SCORE
Organised group, good knowledge of the site and sophisticated
technical means(hand-man weapons such as IED)
Organised and trained group, good knowledge of site and
some of its countermeasures, sophisticated technical means (e.g.
Military weapons and hand made such as IED) SCORE 3
e) Very low Robustness
Highly trained group, very good knowledge of site and its
countermeasures, very sophisticated technical means (e.g. Coordinated attack with war weapons) SCORE 4
Weighting Factor x SCORE eg 5
Threat Scenario
Lowest Ranking
9 - 16
17- 24
25 - 32
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Output step 5.1
Worksheet 10 Likelihood of an attack scenario
Risk Matrix: Severity & Likelihood of a Threat Scenario
Once the levels of the severity and likelihood of a successful threat scenario have been assessed, the
risk level of each scenario can be determined with the help of a risk matrix which defines the level of
acceptability of the security risk when taking into account the countermeasures in place.
In the following proposed risk matrix, three levels of risk are defined with two extreme positions:
 An inacceptable level of risk: further improvement in countermeasures have to be proposed
(in red)
 An acceptable level of risk where it is considered that sufficient countermeasures have been
implemented for the threat scenario, given that the level of confidence (robustness,
availability, efficiency) of the countermeasures are guaranteed (in green)
Asset Code
Asset Name
(from worksheet
10 column 8)
RISK (severity
(from worksheet
6 column 3)
In worksheet 11 each critical asset and adversary combination should be re assessed for each attack
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Worksheet 12 Risk Matrix
Output step 5.2
Worksheet 11: Severity and Likelihood of an attack scenario
Worksheet 12: Risk Matrix of likelihood and severity
Vulnerability Analysis
As described in the preliminary step about the working team, the vulnerability analysis should not be
done by an individual, but in a team with expertise of the business, safety issues, business continuity,
risk management and security aspects of the site. If needed, the competencies for risk analysis and
security can be externalised. For specific issues like IT-security additional experts can be needed.
The relevant threat scenarios are those with the higher likelihood and higher severity. These are the
higher risks (in the reddish area in the risk matrix). These relevant scenarios will be assessed in this
For the vulnerability analysis the following is essential:
review the relevant threat scenarios once more to determine how these will take place. If
there are more options within one scenario choose the most likely ones to explore more
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deeply. If these options are more or less equal, make one of these options into a new threat
describe the scenarios precisely and in a detailed enough manner to identify the
vulnerabilities of the site;
Identify and keep track of possibilities to reduce the likelihood and severity of the threat
The SVA is an iterative process of the following assessments
 assets and dependencies (with threats in mind);
 adversaries and methods of attack (with assets in mind);
 threats and critical assets (with countermeasures in mind).
Each of these assessments may and will influence the other two. It is up to the team to get the right
iteration between these assessments and to determine the level of detail for the SVA
All information from the SVA will need to be documented in a comprehensive fashion.
Structure of SVA-files and a database
An SVA file for each relevant threat scenario, as illustrated in Worksheet 13, Scenario 1, gives
oversight and detailed information to enable a motivated choice in Step 6 for adequate
These SVA files are a technical support for the vulnerability analysis to be fulfilled by the project team
during work meetings. These allow the project team to apply a systematic approach for the analysis,
particularly for the exploration of threat scenarios and assessing and identifying of the vulnerabilities.
This systematic approach enables the team to be detailed and comprehensive in analysing the
vulnerabilities of the site given the specific threats and the selected critical assets.
By creating a SVA database gathering data for each relevant threat scenario, this information is
available for analysis and later assessments and reports. The SVA database, including the tables and
worksheets given in this document will also help the team to express their thoughts and differences.
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Worksheet 13 Example Storyboard
Scenario 1. Terrorists drive VBIED into chlorine tank
1. Threat scenario: Asset
+ Adversary + Attack
Loss of containment of chlorine due to a VBIED attack by Islamic terrorists on the pipeline at
the outlet of the chlorine tank
2. Consequences
Toxic dispersion of chlorine
Casualties onsite and offsite
Limited material damage
3. “Story Board”:
Plausible sequence of
events (before, during
after the attack)
1.The terrorists found information about the site and the chlorine tank on internet, and could
observe the site from public grounds
2.The terrorists force their way into the site with the VBIED (destroying the entry barrier or
threatening the guards at the entry)
3. The VBIED will be crashed into the pipeline killing the terrorists and causing a catastrophic
4. Crisis-, disaster and BC-management will be activated
4. Likelihood
SCORE = 5 (reason it is easy to find, identify, observe, hit, known target etc.)
5. Impact
SCORE =5 (because more than 1.000 casualties, 10 billions euro’s damage, etc.)
6. Risk
SCORE (5 x 5 = 25) 25 this is the highest risk score (dark red in the table)
7. Vulnerabilities
countermeasures for this
threat scenario)
1. Information security measures did not prevent sensitive information from exposure on the
2. Critical assets were not shielded from prying eyes. 3. The entry barriers were easily destroyed
and forced by a vehicle.
4. The guardhouse offered the guards too little protection.
5. There was no physical barrier that could stop the VBIED on time / at sufficient stand off.
6. The pipeline and the tank did not withstand the pressure wave and the shrapnel of the
7. The safety systems that might have secured a leaking pipe or tank could not mitigate the
massive release of chlorine caused by the VBIED-attack.
8. Casualties increased because of the inadequate response of emergency services (people were
not directed to a save area downwind). Etc.
8. Suggestions to improve
the security of the site for
this scenario (for the
likelihood and/or the
severity) This will be input
for steps 4 and 5
1.The summary of the safety study, listing the catastrophic accidental scenarios and their
consequences should be informative for the public but elusive for adversaries
2. The entrance barrier can be strengthened or bollards can be added.
3. The guards could be protected by special physical barrier. Etc.
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The SVA-file for a single threat scenario is filed as follows:
1. Choose a relevant threat scenario from the risk matrix (starting from the reddish area).
2. Identification of the potential consequences of a successful attack from step 5.2.
3. Describe a plausible sequence of events of this treat scenario. This ‘story’ should be convincing enough
for management who are not directly involved in the SVA. These stories are created throughout the
process of the SVA.
4. The likelihood of the threat scenario is assessed in step 5.2. Put the classification and the highlights or a
summery in this file.
5. The severity from step 5.3 is highlighted here. Also mention the classification.
6. The risk number is the position of the threat scenario in the risk matrix. It may be expressed as the
product of the classifications for likelihood and severity. This risk profile can vary from low (green) up to
high (dark red).
7. The listing of vulnerabilities is the outcome of the SVA. During the whole process of the SVA a record
should be kept so that all relevant vulnerabilities will finally end op in this file. Future improvement and
evaluations will probably be reverenced with this list.
8. Preliminary suggestions or ideas for improvements may be listed here. They may include measures that
will reduce the likelihood or the severity of an event.
Output step 5.3
A risk ranked database with all SVA-files (one file for each relevant threat scenario)
A list of suggestions to reduce the likelihood and severity of the most relevant threat
scenarios (to reduce the highest risks)
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6 Step 6 Identification of Additional Security Countermeasures
Input step 6
Knowledge and Information Required:
Security and relevant strategies for the site
Implemented security and other relevant measures on the site
A list of suggestions to reduce the likelihood and severity of the most relevant threat
scenarios for the site
A database with all relevant threat scenarios, ‘story boards’, vulnerabilities and the
motivation of the mentioned suggestions
Additional expertise required:
To be decided by the SVA team
It is acknowledged and accepted that the identification of appropriate additional security
countermeasures, their implementation, installation, commission and acceptance into the site safety
and security framework will represent a considerable commitment of time, effort, resources and
finance on behalf of the site and staff.
Step 6, therefore must not be underestimated and although this guidance is included, the process of
identification of appropriate additional security countermeasures, should be considered as a project
in its own right.
In this step, additional security countermeasures should be proposed for the “unacceptable” and
“critical” threat scenarios in order to lower the likelihood or the severity of these scenarios to
acceptable levels of risk. Additional security countermeasures should complement and strengthen
the ones already in existence.
These additional countermeasures will have to be implemented according to the security strategies
defined in the output of step 2.
Security management principles share many similarities with existing industry safety and associated
practices. Whilst process safety programmes usually do not explicitly address malicious acts, the
process of identifying and managing incidents, such as fires, explosions and product releases means
that there are significant commonalties between safety and security planning. Therefore, rather than
create separate programmes to deal with events resulting from malicious acts and accidents
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involving hydrocarbons, it is desirable to integrate the countermeasures for both safety and security
Equally, industry practices for example restricting unauthorised access to sites on health and safety
grounds, mustering, contraband control and supply chain security all significantly contribute to an
effective security programme. Many sites will already have access control measures and perimeter
fencing, to meet Health and Safety requirements, existing company security policies or mandated
security regulations (such as the ISPS code). Whilst complementary, these measures are not
necessarily intended to counter threats to critical infrastructure and require additional specific
security measures.
6.1 Analysis of additional permanent countermeasures
Counter measures may be focused on:
 reducing the attractiveness of targets
 reducing the likelihood of a successful attack
 reducing the severity of the consequences of a successful attack
There are generally three areas that should be considered:
 Inherent Safety Measures (for example segregation of volatile fluids)
 Procedural Safety & Security
 Physical Security Including Operational Requirements (OR’s )
All of these should be included within the Operator Security Plan (OSP). This will provide a balanced,
appropriate, site and asset security position that is specific and commensurate to all risks.
Inherent Safety
Consideration can also be applied to designing out vulnerabilities. This can be achieved by applying a
combination of measures, such as introducing redundancy into the system or adding security related
process safety components. Ensuring an effective rapid repair and recovery capability can also
significantly enhance operational continuity. In basic terms for example, the addition of emergency
shutdown valves can significantly reduce the effects of malicious events and are complementary to
protective security measures.
Adapted from CCPS, 2003 (pp 73:74) and Protecting Industry Against Terrorism (p 12).
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The feasibility of removing hazards or modifying processes in order to reduce the attractiveness of
the asset or the potential impact of events can also be considered. This concept of ‘Inherent Safety’
may well help reduce the security risks of certain facilities. The four key principles of Inherent Safety
 Minimisation – reducing inventories of hazardous materials
 Substitution – utilising other materials that are not toxic, flammable or reactive
 Moderation – reducing processing conditions (pressures, temperature, flows etc)
 Simplification – reducing the complexity of processes and controls.
These principles are described in more detail in the updated 2009 CCPS Inherent Safety Guidelines12.
These principles have been applied successfully on SEVESO-sites and in some cases have significantly
reduced the hazards present and can represent an extremely attractive and effective security
Procedural Safety & Security
The establishment of a robust and well conceived range of safety and security procedures designed
to complement the physical security arrangements are required to be written and available to all
At Step 2 the Facility Characterisation we discuss the General Security Policy of the site and here
there is a requirement to gather and assess the existing site documentation and procedures that are
already available.
This includes the identification and documentation of the general philosophy and concept of the
facility’s management for the safety and security of the site. In doing so, the process should allow the
SVA Team to identify any gaps in the procedural documentation and make recommendations to close
any gaps and implement all of the required procedures and documents into the Operator Security
Plan (OSP).
In any event, there should be an overall generic Operator Security Plan (OSP) that encompasses the
following policies and procedures within the relevant parts of the plan.
 The general Strategy and Security Policy for the site
 Security Roles & Responsibilities across the Site / Organisation
 Minimum Security Standards for Site / Company
 Current and Historical Security Vulnerability Assessments (SVA’S)
 Hazardous Vulnerable Points (HVP) & Vulnerable Points (VP) Assessments
CCPS 2009 ‘Inherently Safer Chemical Processes – A Life Cycle Approach (pp 147:160))
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Personnel Policy: Selection, Training and Development
Static and Mobile Guarding Procedures
Access Control Policy
IT Security Policy
Emergency Management Response Policy & Procedures
Incident investigation Policy
Graduated Security Procedures for Increased Threat
Site Evacuation Policy & Procedures
Bomb Search Plan & Procedures
Physical Security
The primary objectives of physical security when protecting an installation is to achieve positive
control on protection of the facility and thereafter applying four key concepts of Deter, Detect, Delay
and Respond to intrusions into the facility or designated zones. This is normally achieved by a
combination of complimentary physical and procedural measures, which should be integrated to
achieve maximum effect. This concept aims at creating sufficient time between detection of an
attack and the point at which the attack becomes successful and should serve as a guideline for
preventing and mitigating terrorist scenarios.
Similarly when following this SVA process it should allow the SVA Team to identify any gaps in the
physical security and make recommendations to close any gaps and implement all of the required
procedures and documents into the Operator Security Plan (OSP).
The following, although not exhaustive, are considered to be the core elements of physical security
Security fencing; walls; barriers; pedestrian and vehicle access gates; Perimeter Intruder Detection
Systems (PIDS); Automated Access Control Systems (AACS); lighting systems; CCTV systems; alarm
systems; cages, internal security fences; locking systems; safes and safe rooms. A number of standalone security systems are capable of being electronically integrated to create a fully integrated
smart security technological capability. Ideally, a full Operational Requirement (OR) assessment will
have been undertaken for each element.
Additional security countermeasures, their implementation, installation, commission and acceptance
into the site safety and security framework will represent a considerable commitment of time, effort,
resources and finance on behalf of the site and staff.
One of the main challenges when dealing with security countermeasures is the procurement of the
most efficient, effective equipment or systems, their implementation, installation, commission and
acceptance into the site safety and security framework.
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Additionally, however it may be dependent upon the geographical location of the site in question,
reference to certain governmentally sponsored or publically available security catalogues is
 British Standards Institute Manual of Protective Security
 British Cabinet Office; Security Equipment Assessment Panel (SEAP)
 Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) Red Books
 Security Access Control BSEN 50133
 CCTV for Security Applications BSEN50132
The SVA Team should always consider harnessing and utilising specialist security advice from a range
of all available sources when considering additional security countermeasures.
Operational Requirements
Studies of security technology projects have revealed that on many occasions, the installed systems
have either failed to meet the user expectations, to meet the perceived specification or have proved
to be inappropriate for the task. Often, the root cause has been the lack of a clear definition of
requirements at the outset of the project. Self evidently, the lack of a clear statement of requirement
also makes it difficult to specify commission and test physical security projects against a procurement
contract. A structured methodology was therefore produced by the British Security Service (MI5) to
address these shortfalls13 both the user community and vendors have broadly welcomed this
An Operational Requirement (OR) is simply a statement of need based on a thorough and systematic
assessment of the problem to be solved and the hoped for solutions. It introduces the concept of a
structured methodology for determining the security measures for specific sites. In outline the
higher-level (Level 1) OR aims to articulate:
 The site or building under consideration.
 The assets to be protected.
 The perceived threats against the assets, and the probability of their occurrence.
 The physical areas containing the assets that give concern, and the perceived vulnerability of
those areas to the threat.
 Success criteria
 Possible security solutions.
Once this overarching statement has been produced, which involves all stakeholders; more detailed
statements of requirements (Level 2) are produced for each area of concern, such as access control,
barriers, Intruder Detection Systems (IDS) etc and link together.
MI5, 2006, Security Service Guide to Producing Operational Requirements for Security Measures.
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6.2 Prioritisation of the Proposed Additional Security Countermeasures
A countermeasures analysis is the process of identifying where a shortcoming exists between the
security measures in place and the desired level of security, or where additional suggestions may be
justified to further limit risk. Each potential target is protected against the highest-level threat
associated with that specific target.
Appropriate measures can for example be selected from an available source guide such as the CCPS
Guidelines or the suggested list of countermeasures in Attachment 17 – CCPS Security Vulnerability
Analysis: Security Countermeasures Checklists. At this point the SVA team should make a
determination using security expertise, as to the level of risk reduction selected countermeasures
provide. These analyses should be documented as they provide the business case for the application
of the countermeasures.
The details of the countermeasures and the consideration of alternative risk reduction
recommendation are left to the follow-up activities of the SVA. These activities include the need for a
risk register and resolution management system to track the design, implementation and
performance measurement of their effectiveness. In any case, the aim should be to document
selected countermeasures and incorporate these into the Operator Security Plan (OSP).
During the vulnerability analysis, the lack of effectiveness of some existing countermeasures and the
absence of some security functions or countermeasures should have been identified.
As a result, improvements by the enhancement of some existing countermeasures or additional
countermeasures and alternative risk reduction recommendations that may impact the likelihood or
the severity of the threat scenario will have been proposed.
These additional countermeasures have to be studied in the light of different aspects such as:
 the number of threat scenarios that a measure mitigates
 the way in which a measure fits within the security strategy;
 the effectiveness to reduce the risk;
 The cost of the measure.
It will be important to balance the likelihood of the threat, the level of security on the site, National
Security and/or other regulatory requirements plus company level security requirements against the
cost effectiveness of measures and the expected outcomes.
By doing so, the countermeasures and alternative risk reduction recommendations can be
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Specific in-depth studies may be required to analyse the efficiency and implementation of proposed
countermeasures and the range of possible alternatives.
These countermeasures or ‘controls’ should be set against clear objectives as to ‘why’ they are being
proposed with an associated statement of Operational Requirement’ to enable their effective
6.3 Enhanced countermeasures
The aforementioned additional permanent countermeasures can be defined as the countermeasures
to be implemented to reach an acceptable security level in the “normal” situation. Enhanced
countermeasures can be defined as the countermeasures to be implemented when a national or
local threat level increases.
For example, when the current threat level is low, vehicles may be searched at random. But, when
the level of threat increases, the adequate level of security may be the searching of all vehicles an
example of an enhanced security measure for an increased threat is to reduce non-essential activities
and restrict access to the site.
These enhanced countermeasures should be documented within the Graduated Security Procedures
for Increased Threat and all staff should be aware of their existence and content.
Again identifying and implementing enhanced countermeasures may require specific specialist
studies/ projects to be carried out in order to ensure that they are effectively scoped, identified and
Output step 6
List of prioritised additional countermeasures
Project Implementation Plan for additional countermeasures
Study of the enhanced measures for the higher levels of threat
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7 Overview of the SVA methodology
In the following figures are illustrated:
 The different steps and sub-steps of the SVA methodology as well as the inputs and outputs
required to carry out these steps,
 The flowchart of the SVA methodology showing the use of each worksheet and table to carry
out the SVA methodology at each step of the process.
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Steps and sub-steps of the SVA methodology integrating the inputs and outputs of each step
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Flowchart of the SVA methodology
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8 Appendix 1 Links between the SEVESO DIRECTIVE requirements
and the SVA
The Scope of the SEVESO directive
Concerned industries
The SEVESO II Directive (96/82/EC) on the control of major accident hazards defines a number of
requirements for the operators of industrial sites where dangerous substances (toxic, flammable,
explosive of dangerous to the aquatic environment) are present in quantities equal to or in excess of
certain thresholds (see Art.2 and Annex I of the SEVESO II Directive). This definition covers a wide
range of establishments, including:
 chemical production plants
 petrochemical industries
 refineries
 fuel storage facilities (liquid flammables)
 LPG storage
 LNG terminals (storage and re-gasification facilities)
 Pharmaceutical industries
 Fertilizers and agricultural products
 Pyrotechnics and explosives
Requirements of the SEVESO II Directive
According to the quantity of dangerous substances stored, two categories of SEVESO sites are
 the lower-tier SEVESO establishments, with quantities exceeding the lower threshold,
 the upper-tier SEVESO establishments, with quantities exceeding the higher threshold.
Requirements of the SEVESO II Directive are adapted to the level of danger and hence to the
category of establishments. Then, operators of lower-tier SEVESO establishment have to provide a
notification, to define a major accident prevention policy (MAPP), to draw up accident reports, to
take into account land-use planning. Operators of upper-tier SEVESO establishments additionally
have to establish a safety report, to implement a safety management system, to define an internal
emergency plan, to provide all necessary information to the competent authorities to enable them to
draw up external emergency plans and to inform the public. These requirements aim at preventing
major accidents and mitigating their consequences, in order to protect human health and the
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Possible links between the SEVESO directive requirements and the SVA study
Some steps of the SVA can use the results of the documents implemented due to SEVESO II Directive.
A schematic description of the relation between the requirements of the SEVESO II Directive and the
SVA, as well as the relevant information flows, is given in Figure 1. These flows are described below
step by step.
Cross-cut and Sectorial
Quantity of hazardous
Description of establishment
Description of establishment
Description of establishment
Description of environment
Risk Assessment
-Identification of Hazards
-Identification of scenarios
-Safety measures
Risk Analysis
-Identification of major threat scenarios
-Vulnerability of Assets
-Consequences (potential impact)
Counter-measures and procedures:
-Permanent Security measures
-Prevention (Deter, Detect, Delay)
Direct Input /issue covered
-Response and Mitigation
Input /issue partially covered
Identification of important Assets (e.g. ELSP)
to be
-Other Technical Measures
Figure 1: Information flow between SEVESO and ECI requirements
-Organisational measures / awareness/ training
Facility characterisation (step 2 of the SVA)
-Crisis management
The description of the facility is one of the requirements of the Safety Report for upper-tier SEVESO
-Security of informationof
establishments (see Annex II of Directive 96/82/EC and “Guidance on the preparation
a Safety
Report to meet the requirements of Council Directive 96/82/EC as amended
-Availability of information
2003/105/EC, available at Then, for upper-tier SEVESO
-Graduated Security measures
establishments a significant part of this information is already available through the facility’s Safety
Report, which in such cases will be the main data source of the facility characterisation.
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Less extended but still useful information exists in the Notification submitted to the Authorities by
lower-tier SEVESO establishments, according to Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 82/96/EC. It is expected
that information about lower-tier establishments will have to be complemented from different
sources (e.g. the MAPP and its underlying safety documentation).
Finally it should be noted that not all chemical and energy-related facilities are covered by the
SEVESO II Directive.
It is worth noting that as the SEVESO legislation focuses on the safety-related data, the description of
the SEVESO establishment should be completed by data related to purely security functions, e.g.
height of perimeter fences, access control details, etc., that may not be available in the SEVESO
documentation and may have to be collected directly from the management of the site.
Asset Analysis (step 3 of the SVA)
The Safety Report should identify installations and other activities of a SEVESO establishment which
could present a major accident hazard. This identification is done thanks to a screening method, as
stated in the Safety Report Guidelines:
“The installations of an establishment to be submitted to risk analysis have to be possibly selected
through a screening method. The selection may follow the use of index methods or threshold criteria
for hazardous substances or other suitable methods. The SMS should provide the necessary objectives
and approach basics”.
Different screening methods apply in the different Member States to support the selection of the
facility parts that need further analysis: For example, in Belgium a “Vademecum” has been developed
to “guide” this selection; in the Netherlands the “Purple Book” recommends a method for the same
purpose. The latter is based on the calculation of an indication number, taking into account the
hazardous properties of the substances, and a selection number based on the installation and the
surrounding areas. This screening process will give the set of important chemical assets, which
should be further analysed to identify “critical assets”.
Usually this screening takes into account both the severity of possible consequences and their
likelihood, both roughly estimated. While exclusion of assets from further analysis due to estimated
low severity of their destruction is acceptable, cutting them due to low probability of occurrence is
not appropriate in SVA.
The process of identifying a list of assets can be summarized in the following steps:
1. Review the list of chemical assets deriving from the screening process for the purposes of the
Safety Report
2. Consider all those chemical assets whose analysis has not been conducted in the Safety
Report due to estimated low frequency of occurrence
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3. Consider non-chemical assets, in particular, utilities, process control, emergency system,
personnel etc.
4. Consider interdependencies between the assets
5. Estimate the severity of attack and the attractiveness of the target (including difficulty of
attack) in order to analyse them according to Step 3 of the SVA methodology
This identification can be the starting point of the assets identification for the SVA and the data from
the safety analysis should be used here, especially for identification of critical chemicals. However, it
should be kept in mind that security events may not release the hazard source term in the same way
that accidental events as the initial events will be the safety event and may be more intense and the
safety measures (barriers) could be damaged.
Security vulnerability assessment (step 5 of the SVA)
This step aims at assessing the level of security for different combination of “threat / asset” (called a
threat scenario) in a vulnerability assessment table. This table can be similar to the one used in
industrial safety, such as those derived from HAZOP method, and is based on a scenario approach.
In the Safety Report, accidental scenarios have been identified and the relevant hazards have been
estimated. This information is important for the description of scenarios in the SVA and can be
directly taken from the Safety Report.
For lower-tier facilities, these scenarios need to be taken from the Safety Management System or
other calculations (e.g. for land-use planning).
For each scenario, the off-site consequence analysis may include estimates of the release rate,
quantity and conditions, of downwind effects, and of the impact on surrounding population and the
The safety study if concerned (that may be required if the site is under the SEVESO directive), as the
risk analysis can help to have an overview of the possible consequences of the loss of containment of
a hazardous substance. Still, it should be reminded that the set of incident scenarios and the
assessment of their consequences may have to be complemented with “worst-case” scenarios,
whose occurrence following an intentional attack cannot be excluded while it could be reasonably
excluded for safety purposes: For example, suppose that a facility contains 2 tanks full of a dangerous
substance, which are connected with a short pipe to the supply pipe-line. If this short pipe has
undertaken corrosion treatment and is regularly inspected, it is reasonable to exclude the scenario of
simultaneous release from both tanks. However, for security purposes, it cannot be excluded the
scenario that an intelligent activist places a bomb exactly at this short pipe, so that following its
rupture the complete amount of both tanks will be released. As a conclusion, reasonably worst-case
scenarios cannot be excluded from security risk assessment.
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9 Appendix 2 Protection Strategies for Site Security Management
Layers of Protection/Rings of Protection
‘Layers of Protection’ is a concept well understood in the Chemical and Energy Sector Process Safety
field. 14 A series of self supporting but interactive measures are applied to a process, in order to
reduce the likelihood of an undesirable event occurring. This is shown graphically at Figure 1.
Figure 1: Layers of protection (adapted from CCPS et al.)
This can be adapted to the security domain whereby layers of countermeasures are (conceptually)
placed in concentric rings around an asset. These measures may include:
 Security Policies and procedures.
 Personnel Security.
 Physical Security.
 Cyber Security (of Information and Communication Technologies – ICT such as SCADA
 Information Security.
CCPS Guidelines, Guidelines for Analyzing and Managing the Security Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Sites
(2003), CCPS Layers of Protection Analysis: Simplified Process Assessment (2001, CCPS Inherently Safer Chemical
Processes – A Life Cycle Approach (2009) and appropriate standards such as IEC 61511 ‘Functional safety –
Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector".
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Incident Management and Operational Continuity Management.15
Process Safety and other measures to mitigate the effects a security event (see comment on
‘Inherent Safety – IS’ which follows)
This is similar to commonly understood security concepts16 such as ‘rings of protection’ or ‘defence in
depth’ which are often applied to a facility or individual assets. These can consist of a series of
procedural or organisational measures (e.g. categorising and controlling visitors/ contractors,
applying information security controls to sensitive information) and: physical security measures such
as access control, perimeter barriers, lighting and detection in concentric layers. These principles are
also commonly applied to cyber systems where a mixture of procedural, cyber and physical security
measures are applied to Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) systems in order to
construct a layered ‘in-depth’ security system. A well designed system should aim to ensure that
defeating one particular security control should not breach the whole security system. It should also
be designed so that measures are both independent but complimentary of each other.
1. The “Deter, detect, delay” principle
The primary objectives of physical security when protecting an installation from an unauthorised
intruder are to achieve positive control on access to the facility and thereafter applying four key
concepts of Deter, Detect, Delay and Respond to intrusions into the facility or designated zones. This
is normally achieved by a combination of complimentary physical and procedural measures, which
should be integrated to achieve maximum effect. This concept aims at creating sufficient time
between detection of an attack and the point at which the attack becomes successful and should
serve as a guideline for preventing and mitigating terrorist scenarios. These are discussed in more
detail below.
Deter: prevent breaching of security by instilling fear or doubt.
If security measures serve to deter an intruder then they will have served their aim. Security
measures should not be seen in isolation, but rather the combination of observable security
countermeasures and other less tangible measures, such as target location, ease of
reconnaissance etc. and security operations designed to disrupt the attackers’ activities. The
deterrent factor of security measures will also depend on the determination and capabilities
of the intruder. The overall operating environment plus motivation, morale, training and
fitness of the intruder are all intangible factors and the deterrence value cannot therefore be
objectively quantified. The concept of ‘displacement’ of the attacker from a well-protected
For example see ISO ISO/PAS 22399:2007, societal security – Guideline for Incident Preparedness and
Operational Continuity Management.
Again as described by CCPS (2003).
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site to another should also be borne in mind, especially where there are a number of sites
from which to choose. Measures Deter attacks by the means of visible, professional,
maintained security systems and measures, including well trained security staff, detection
systems, fences and barricades, and hardened or reduced value targets
Detect: identification of an antagonist before and/or during the attempt to execute a
malevolent act.
Detection should be designed to identify an intruder, preferably at the earliest point of the
intrusion. This can be achieved by a variety of technological or human means, including the
use of guard dogs or a combination thereof. Each has advantages and disadvantages with
none being completely reliable, although some of the more sophisticated technologies and
dogs, where installed or deployed effectively come close. All technologies require some level
of human supervision, as all will have a false or spurious alarm rate. Technology solutions
therefore require human intervention of alarm events but can offer significant efficiencies
and increased effectiveness, especially over mobile patrolling. The whole system cost must
however be considered from the outset, especially where physical verification of an alarm is
required and entails deployment of a guard to the area of alarm.
Security technologies are required to operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, to the
required operational specification. Local conditions, such as weather, routine but extreme
light changes, sun direction and angle, topography, site operations, wild life, traffic and
interference from other systems can all adversely affect performance. In some cases, on very
exposed sites extreme weather can seriously degrade alarm and surveillance systems. It is
therefore imperative that proposed systems are specified and tested for the specific site and
local conditions. Where a system, despite limitations, represents the best option, it is
necessary to be aware of why and when degradation will occur and if necessary, have
contingency measures to negate them.
Delay: Delay an attack for a sufficient long period of time to enable appropriate response.
Imposing Delay on an intruder can be achieved in a number of ways. Fences, walls, gates and
pedestrian and vehicle gates/ barriers are obvious choices, but also enhancement of natural
features and the site environment can be utilised. These issues will be covered in more detail
below. On large sites it is may be more appropriate to accept a lower specification on the
perimeter but add inner barriers around particularly critical points thereby using the space
and time to traverse the site as a delaying factor. As all barriers can be surmounted given
time and technique, it is important that barriers are under some form of surveillance, offer
enough time for the evaluation of alarms and ideally impose enough delay in order to allow
for an effective response.
Respond: An effective response as appropriate to the nature of the alarm event is
fundamental to any physical security regime. Whatever the nature of the response, be it to
evaluate or verify alarms, or to observe, interdict or apprehend these require to be
considered and clearly laid down. Given the nature of oil and gas installations, it is important
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that external responders are adequately familiarised, trained and equipped for the task.
Issues such as coordination between security and emergency responses, intrinsically safe
communications, firearms and associated tactics and dynamic hazard assessment during an
incident require to be addressed. Experience has shown that this aspect can require
considerable local liaison and planning.
It is important to work out what is required to be achieved in ‘functional’ terms and formalise this as
an ‘Operational Requirement’ – OR and not to be swayed by the apparent attractiveness of a
particular technology solution.
Figure 2: Graphical description of Deter – Detect – Delay – Respond
2. Options for Mitigating Effects
Furthermore and in addition to the concept of “Layers of Protection”, measures to mitigate the
effects of an undesired event should be considered.
Measures to harden facilities such as adding blast protection to key assets or components, extending
the perimeter or moving assets to achieve ‘stand-off ‘ from explosive attack can be considered. In the
case of hand placed charges, achieving a small stand-off from a key component can significantly
reduce the effects of an explosive charge. In the case of large explosive devices, imposing even a few
tens of metres stand-off from an asset can considerably reduce blast effects. It is important to seek
expert security advice in this respect.
Consideration should also be given to process safety related incident management and operational
continuity measures. Process safe - shutdown and other measures to deal with hazards arising from
possible security events should be considered and pre-planned. For example, the possibility of a
suspect package being found within an installation requires to be considered and appropriate
process related procedures established, documented and practiced.
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10 Appendix 3 Threat Catalogue
It is necessary to ascertain the characteristics of the relevant adversaries that can threaten the site.
The adversaries differ in motivation, goals to achieve, knowledge of the site, attack capabilities, risk
acceptance and endurance.
The following types of adversaries should at least be considered in this threat assessment:
 Terrorists (political, religious)
 Criminals (common, organized, Cyber)
 Hackers
 Violent activists (environmental, animal rights, anti-globalists)
 Vandals and deranged individuals
 Frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees and contractors
Some of these adversaries may collude with each other. Some criminals will for example collude with
hackers to obtain sensitive information such as credit card numbers and passwords.
Internal vs. External
All of these adversaries may be categorized as insiders or as outsiders. Insiders have routine,
unescorted site access where outsiders do not. Their characteristics and capabilities are different. For
example the criminal insider (employee) may embezzle company property whereas the criminal
outsider (burglar) may force his way into the facility.
Sometimes outsiders collude with insiders again changing the characteristics and capabilities of the
adversaries. This collusion may be motivated by monetary gain, ideological sympathy, blackmail or
Successful acts of adversaries that have gained mass media attention are likely to inspire Copy-cats of
all sorts sooner or later. This has to be taken into account each and every time a relevant intentional
act hits the media. Guidance on some general characteristics and capabilities of the mentioned
adversaries are described below.
Terrorists (political, religious)
Terrorists are the most difficult adversaries to contend with, given that they may be highly trained,
well equipped and prepared to die to achieve their objectives.
A primary characteristic of terrorism is the willingness to inflict as much damage to the society as
possible and kill civilians. Terrorists use violence or the threat of violence to achieve political,
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religious or other ideological objectives. Many terrorists are willing to die for their cause. Some are
willing to inflict maximum damage, many casualties, and psychological terror on the population,
create political chaos or instability, social disruption and major economic damage to achieve their
Terrorists may seek targets with symbolic value. National treasures and landmarks, prominent public
structures or a symbol of an ideology are examples of such iconic targets. Putting critical
infrastructure out of business may well be one of their objectives.
Some terrorist groups prefer to commit multiple attacks more or less simultaneously in order to
increase the impact of their actions.
If terrorists decide to commit an attack on a CI, their mode of operation may involve several
conceivable strategies, ranging from threatening attacks to actually shooting at or blowing up critical
assets such as production facilities, storage tanks, power generators and pipelines.
Although terrorists might collude with other adversaries, they tend to keep things within trusted
circles to avoid detection by government agencies. Collusion between terrorists and Insiders is a rare
phenomenon, but they may seek to place someone in the organisation or coerce staff and should be
taken into account by the SVA-team.
If security concerns such as theft of goods, materials or information are a high management priority,
then adversary motivation and capability analysis should be conducted for criminals.
In general criminals will be looking for maximal financial gain obtained with minimal efforts.
Criminals can steal easily marketable goods such as computers, valuable materials, ready-made
products or semi-manufactures, components and measuring instruments. Criminal attempts to steal
these goods usually involve trespassing and burglary. Some criminals will want to know beforehand
where valuable products are stored and how they are protected. In order to obtain such knowledge
they can try to get help from insiders, hack IT-systems or observe and explore the premises.
Although these actions are not aimed at disrupting industrial processes or inflicting damage, this can
surely be the case.
High-jacking, kidnapping and extortion are also criminal offences, but these are not relevant for the
Hackers try to break into third party computer systems. It is often just the intellectual challenge,
which drives them.
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It cannot be excluded that a hacker may manage to break into and manipulate systems controlling
industrial processes of a CI. Hackers may also seek critical information about the security systems of
the site that could facilitate an attack.
So far hackers have rarely intentionally inflicted damage to CI.
However, a real threat emanates from adversaries like criminals or terrorists who get hackers to
work for them. Links between computers all over the world can be established via the Internet.
Still, most industrial controls and SCADA systems are not linked to the internet but the risk is
increasing due to the use of common operating systems and growing interconnectivity.
Violent activists (environmental, animal rights, anti-globalists)
Non-violent activists try to draw attention to their cause by means of public demonstrations or smallscale, relatively peaceful, actions such as climbing on objects or buildings. These activists are not the
greatest concern in the SVA.
However, the Violent Activists are willing to break the law and use violence to empower their
actions. Trespassing, stealing and destroying property, setting fire, short circuiting and cutting power
cables, clogging wastage pipes, breaking in, defacing websites and denial of service attacks are some
examples of their capabilities. Violent activists are usually outsiders.
Vandals and deranged individuals
Vandals destroy or damage public property on a small scale, inspired by youthful bravado, alcohol, a
need to impress people or just for fun. Deranged individuals cause similar damage for no apparent
reason. In general vandals and deranged individuals are kept at bay by basic and down to earth
security measures. Therefore usually the SVA does not need to address these adversaries.
Frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees and contractors
Employees or contractors may be frustrated about job-related matters such as the absence of a
promotion, problems with colleagues or financial problems. Others may have psychological problems
in connection with stress or overwork, or marital or family problems. Another possibility is that
employees are taking medication like psychiatric drugs or they are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
All these factors may upset employees and contractors to such an extent that they go off the rails,
which manifests itself in, for example, rowdy, careless or negligent behaviour, and unauthorised
computer use, introduction of a computer virus, theft, and collusion with criminals, arson or
sabotage on a small scale.
As guidance thirteen general characteristics of the mentioned threats (an adversary and method of
attack) are described below.
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Bombings are the prerogatives of armies and terrorists and in some cases criminal groups. Some
terrorists use devices made for the military, others make them themselves (home-made). These
devices are called IED’s (Improvised Explosive Device). IED’s can be made in all forms, shapes and
The following IED’s are distinctive:
Concealed IED
IED’s concealed on the body or in rucksacks have been used by suicide bombers quite frequently
against soft targets. It is not unthinkable that concealed IED’s might one day be used against
industrial sites.
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED) can be used by terrorists to attack installations.
In suicide attacks, the terrorist will crash the vehicle bomb through the gate into the desired target.
The VBIED could be a car, a van or a truck.
VBIED parked near critical assets
It is relatively easy to hide explosives in a vehicle. Terrorists have frequently deployed vehicle bombs
against civilian targets, but seldom against industrial compounds so far. Parking a car bomb on the
grounds of a chemical plant near a crucial target requires some knowledge of the local situation
(where is the right spot and how is it protected). Preparatory activities may well be necessary.
But it is difficult for a terrorist to assess the effect of this attack. Furthermore a terrorist who intends
to commit a car bomb attack has a choice of many other attractive targets which are often much
easier (less risky) to target.
IED placed near, on or against critical assets
It is relatively easy to make a portable improvised explosive device. IED’s have been used against the
chemical industry before, such as in the UK by the Provisional IRA and in the Netherlands by Black
Putting a portable IED against a crucial target at a chemical plant requires some knowledge of the
local situation (where is the right spot and how is it protected). Preparatory activities may be
identified by employees of the plant or by security officers. It is difficult for a terrorist to assess the
effect of his attack. It can be argued that a terrorist who intends to commit an attack with an IED has
a choice of many other attractive targets which are easier (less risky) to be attacked.
IED’s delivered by boat, glider or plane
IED’s delivered by boat, glider or plane are variations of the VBIED’s mentioned above. The likelihood
and possible impacts of these attacks may vary greatly.
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Several adversaries might take a shot at an industrial site. In this SVA the terrorist shooting at critical
assets on the site should be taken into account. Criminals would probably shoot at personnel instead
of at critical assets.
Terrorists might shoot at critical assets on an industrial site with rocket propelled grenades (RPG’s).
RPG launchers are rather easy to obtain within criminal circles. So far terrorists have not carried out
any attacks on industrial sites in Europe with rocket launchers. However, it cannot be ruled out that
terrorists in the Western world will carry out such an attack in the future. But it seems likely that
such an attack will cause only limited damage and a few casualties at the most.
Terrorists, criminals or others might shoot at critical assets on an industrial site with a rifle. But it
seems likely that such an attack will cause only limited damage and a few casualties at the most.
Terrorists might shoot their way onto a facility to bomb, arson or sabotage critical installations.
Several adversaries might set fire to critical assets on a CI.
Molotov-cocktails might be thrown by violent activists, vandals and deranged individuals. These
adversaries would throw the cocktail from public grounds on flammable assets.
Incendiary device
Violent activists and terrorists might deploy an incendiary device. The attack with an incendiary
device might be combined with an IED. The IED is meant to create a flammable atmosphere (by
blowing up a container); the incendiary device will set this on fire.
Lighting a fire
Violent activists, vandals, deranged individuals and frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees
and contractors could light a (camp) fire near or under critical assets of a CI. This fire might cause the
critical asset to malfunction or to ignite.
Sabotage, Stealing and Manhandling
Manual sabotage
Violent activists, vandals, deranged individuals and frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees
and contractors might manipulate with or intervene in critical assets or operations on a CI.
Remote sabotage by cyber-attack
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Hackers, violent activists, vandals, deranged individuals and frustrated, disgruntled or addicted
employees and contractors could try to manipulate with or intervene in critical operations using the
IT-infrastructure of the facility.
Several of the mentioned adversaries may consider steeling assets, products, tools etc. In this SVA
only those thefts should be taken into account that may lead to serious consequents.
Violent activists, vandals, deranged individuals and frustrated, disgruntled or addicted employees
and contractors could break or destroy critical assets or parts thereof.
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11 Appendix 4 Glossary, References and Bibliography
Centre for Chemical Process Safety
Critical Infrastructure
Direction Générale Justice, Libertés et Sécurité
European Critical Infrastructure
European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection
European Risk Assessment Methodology
Information and Communications Technologies
Improvised Explosive Device
Hazard and Operability study
Operator Security Plan
Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection
Rocket-Propelled Grenade
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, an IT system which carries out process
Security Vulnerability Analysis
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices
Work Package
CCPS, “Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New
York, 2008 3rd edition,
CCPS, “Guidelines for Analyzing and Managing the Security Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Sites”,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 2003,
CCPS ‘Inherently Safer Chemical Processes – A Life Cycle Approach, American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, New York, 2009,
Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of
European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection, in OJ L
Nr. 345/75 of 23.12.2009
MI5, “Protecting Industry Against Terrorism”, 2005, 2nd edition Further information may be found
on or
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MI5, “ Security Service Guide to Producing Operational Requirements for Security Measures.” 2006,
Further information may be found on or
CCPS “Layers of Protection Analysis: Simplified Process Assessment “ American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, New York, 2001,
IEC 61511 ‘Functional safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector".
Dr Larry Ness, “Securing Utility and Energy Infrastructures”, Wiley Interscience, New Jersey, 2006,
Mary Lynn Garcia, Sandia Corporation, (US Department of Energy)“ Vulnerability Assessment of
Physical Protection Systems”, Massachusetts , 2006,
ISO ISO/PAS 22399:2007, societal security – Guideline for Incident Preparedness and Operational
Continuity Management
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12 Appendix 5 Worked Example
12.1 Introduction
The worked example describes how the SVA tool was used for an assessment of a chlorine
production plant, the plant studied was located next to a major town and river and there were
extensive transport links running near to the plant. The site has multi-modal road and rail plus water
(barge and Shipping) links and infrastructure. The site had a basic level of security already in place.
A typical chlorine production plant consists of brine production/treatment, cell operations, chlorine
cooling & drying, chlorine compression & liquefaction, liquid chlorine storage & loading, caustic
handling, evaporation, storage & loading and hydrogen handling. Other key assets were pipe work,
control systems (SCADA) and utilities (the process uses significant quantities of energy (electricity)
and processed water -de-ionised.
The Process flow used in the worked example was as follows:
Sodium Chloride (Brine) -> Brine Saturation/ Treatment system -> Chlorine Production Unit (cell
room) -> Chlorine cooling and drying -> Chlorine Compression and liquefaction -> Chlorine Storage
and Loading
12.2 Step 1 and 2
Firstly we completed a Project Plan for the SVA (worksheet 1) and completed the Key Document
Register (worksheet 2).
Next we determined the site attractiveness using worksheet 3 which is shown below to use this table
look at each Site description category, for example the first one is ‘proximity to a major city and
media attention level’ and choose a description that best meets the site in question. Look at the
score that best represents the site you are completing the SVA on and then multiply this score by the
weighting factor. So in the first category ‘proximity to a major city and media attention level’ we
chose description’ c)’ ‘Next to a capital or in a major city // adjacent to a nationally symbolic icon or
site: the site attack will imply a national media attention SCORE 3’ and we then multiplied in by the
weighting factor, which is 1 in this category, to give an overall score of 3. We then repeated the
process for each category and put the score in the right hand column, finally we summed the scores
to give an overall score for the attractiveness of the site which in the case of the worked example
gave a total of 21.
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Total = Score x Weighting factor
Site Description
Description and Scores
Weighting Total for
factor the site
Proximity of a major city a)
No major or symbolic city // Rural zone // No major or symbolic icon or site or only locally symbolic
or of an iconic
icon or site: the site attack will no media attention or very locally SCORE 1
or well-known site
In an urban zone // Regionally symbolic icon or site: the site attack will gain limited media
attention SCORE 2
and the media attention c)
Next to a capital or in a major city // adjacent to a nationally symbolic icon or site: the site attack
will imply a national media attention SCORE 3
In the capital // in the city centre of a major city // adjacent to an international famous or major
recognizable landmark (e.g., European Commission, Eiffel Tower) world famous icon or site: a site attack
will imply a substantial National or European event. SCORE 4
Societal disruption at
the local, regional,
national or international c)
Threatened operator
Disruption of local society SCORE 1
Disruption of regional society // Disruption of a major regional supply SCORE 2
Disruption of national economy society // Disruption of a major national supply SCORE 3
Disruption of European / international economy or critical infrastructure SCORE 4
No known threat against the country or the operator SCORE 1
Operator threatened by employees or by local associations SCORE 2
Country threatened by regional activists (e.g. separatists), sector mentioned as or commonly
thought to be a potential target for terrorist but no threat SCORE 3
Country of origin of the operator threatened by International terrorist organisation (e.g. USA,
Israel, UK), site known as a terrorist target SCORE 4
Company reputation
brand exposure
No controversy or association actions known by the company against itself, company not known or
only locally well-known company (ex. Local major employer) SCORE 1
and recognition
Company which has been subject of a controversy at the local stage (because of its activities type,
of its way of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or is the target of local associations or regionally well-known
(ex. Major employer of the region) SCORE 2
Company which has been subject of a controversy in the national media (because of its activities
type, of its way of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or Nationally well-known company SCORE 3
Company which has been subject of a controversy in the international media (because of its type
of activities, of its way of exploiting, of an accident, etc) or Internationally well-known company SCORE 4
Total automatically moves to Worksheet 5 column 8
12.3 Step 3 Assets Analysis
The next step is the Identification of the Principal Assets in this step the assets should be listed at
the system level only; assets at the component level are dealt with later in the SVA. Principle assets
should be listed in Worksheet 4 as shown on the following page. Alongside the principle assets the
rationale for selecting the assets as principle ones should also be listed as shown below. In the case
of our worked example 6 principal assets are listed all of whom form a key part in the operation of
the chorine production plant.
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Worksheet 4 List of Principal Assets
List of Principal Assets
Chorine production unit 'x'
Justification and Description
The site cannot continue operation without this asset
Chlorine tank
The volume of chlorine in the tank would cause a major
impact offsite
Site is dependent on these routes for continued
Damage to this asset would cause a fire, attract media
attention and close nearby roads and river
This is a single point of failure and the site cannot
continue operation without this asset
Entrance and Exit routes
Hydrogen pipe and storage tank
Manifold 'y'
Identified principal assets are then assessed according to two criteria: the asset attractiveness and
the asset severity. Here the selection of principal assets may differ from the selection of assets when
considering a business/ operational continuity focus.
The salient question of this assessment is “what types of events will cause the disruption of a critical
infrastructure, the release of a chemical or the destruction of equipment or components in such a
way that the most serious consequences will occur?”
This assessment is done considering the existing situation of the site and of the asset, taking into
account the benefits of existing countermeasures that protect the asset. There are nine factors for
the determination of attractiveness, out of which four are focussed on the site (see worksheet 3)and
five specifically focussed on the individual asset (see worksheet 5).
To do this copy the list of assets to Worksheet 5 and copy the overall site attractiveness score from
Worksheet 3. The individual assets are each then scored and weighted according to their individual
attractiveness and the total for each principal asset is then added to the site attractiveness which
was developed in worksheet 3. The total then is used to look up the attractiveness level in table 1.
In the case of our example the chlorine production unit ‘x’ gets a total score of 47 and an
attractiveness level of A2 and the hydrogen pipe gets a score of 57 and an attractiveness level of A3.
Five further categories of attractiveness of the assets can be defined and classified as shown in table
1. This step results in the evaluation of all the assets potential attractiveness that can be perceived by
adversaries and enables the identification of the high value assets according to their attractiveness.
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Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Easiness to find the asset in
the site
Weighting Factor 3
Column 4
Easiness to access
Easiness to hit
Weighting Factor 3
Weighting Factor 3
Column 5
Importance of the asset to
company continuity
Weighting Factor 2
Column 6
Value and merchandising TOTAL
Weighting Factor 5
a) High security site and the asset is at
the centre of rings of protection (Need to
penetrate numerous robust rings of
protection to reach the asset, with no
possible common failure) SCORE 1
a) No line of sight from
exterior and visible with
difficulty from the site itself ,
also shielded from internet
a) Not at all or equipment without a
major importance in exploitation
b) Restricted access to the site and to
the asset: only a restricted number of
employees have access to the asset and
asset in the centre of numerous rings of
b) Asset protected by many
other buildings, vegetation,
many other installations
(presence of major obstacles)
b) Threats could be made or equipment b Asset with very low value but
which can be passed by-passed for a short very difficult to merchandise in
period and quickly replaced SCORE 2
parallel markets SCORE 1
c) Not noticeable from the exterior c) Restricted access to the site but no
but easy to spot on a map SCORE restricted access to the asset
c) Asset protected by few
other buildings, vegetation, few
other installations (presence of
few obstacles)
c) Threats have been made or
c Asset with medium value but
warnings are given against the asset difficult to merchandise in parallel
or against similar assets or equipment markets SCORE 2
which can be by-passed during a short
period but take time to replace
d) Everybody knows where the
asset is or it is at the limit of the
d) Sitting duck: no protection d) key and irreplaceable process
d Asset with high value and
of the asset
equipment or equipment without which rather easy to merchandise in
the company cannot operate SCORE parallel markets SCORE 3
Hidden SCORE 1
b) Only employees can know
where the asset is. Not noticeable
from the exterior even on a map
From Worksheet 4
Critical Assets
d) Site opened to the public
Column 7
Column 8
Total for the site
from wrksht 3
Column 9
Column 10
Total (site + Attractiveness
= level (Look up
table 1)
7+column 8
a) No Value SCORE 0
e. Asset with very high value and
easy to merchandise in parallel
markets SCORE 4
chorine production
unit 'x'
chlorine tank
Facility Entrance
and Exit routes
hydrogen pipe
hydrogen storage
control system,
component 'z'
Asset attractiveness
22 – 38
39 – 54
55 – 73
74 – 90
Least attractive asset on the site
Low attractive asset on the site
Medium attractive asset on the site
High attractive asset on the site
91 – 108
Extremely attractive asset on the site
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Next we need to determine in Asset Impact, this is the result should an adversary successfully
compromise an asset. The asset impact level is decided by considering the various categories of
consequence which are described in Table 2, the Asset Impact Table. The level should be taken as
the highest level of consequence feasible from an attack on an asset.
For the material consequences, the value of damages determining each level will be determined by
the operator according to its turnover, its reputational value and or its investment capacity. The
following table, Table 2, The Asset Impact Table gives an example of levels that could be used.
Within table 2 each SVA team should discuss and set its own financial criteria for the property
damage in each impact level as this will need to be appropriate for each particular industrial site
where the SVA is carried out. Also clearly any level of casualty is a serious matter, however for the
purpose of this SVA it is critical that the SVA team identifies the number of potential casualties and
fatalities that would arise from each mode of attack. When selecting the impact level the SVA team
should consider all the issues (a-e) in each impact level and base the level on the highest impact risk.
Once the impact level for each principal asset has been decided this should be entered into
Worksheet 6 alongside the relevant asset.
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Table 2 The Asset Impact Table
Casualties: no more than one dead person and less than 10 severely injured people
Negligible environmental impacts, even if target has significant symbolic value (example: destruction of a
prominent national monument)
Negligible economic impact
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S2)
Significant impact on the company reputation
Casualties: from 1 to 10 dead people and from 10 to 100 severely injured people
Environmental impacts to immediate site area only
Important economic disruption to the facility economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S3)
High impact on the company reputation
Casualties : from 10 to 100 dead people and from 100 to 1’000 severely injured people
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with no health impact on the population but
widespread and visible effects (example: large environmental damage)
Severe economic disruption to the regional or industry economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S4)
High impact on the company reputation
Casualties : More than 100 dead people and more than 1’000 severely injured people
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with possible widespread lesser health impact on the
population (example: contamination of food that causes widespread illness but no lasting effects except
to sensitive populations)
Severe economic disruption to the national economy
Over XX € property damage (estimated as less than in S5)
Very high impact on the company reputation
Casualties : More than 1’000 dead people and more than 10’000 severely injured people
Major environmental, food chain or product impact with possible widespread major health impact on the
population (example: large scale toxic contamination or drinking water or pharmaceuticals)
Severe economic disruption to the European economy
Over XX € property damage
Very high impact on the company reputation
Proposal of impact levels for the vulnerability analysis (based on the CCPS SVA guidelines)
Once the impact level of the potential consequences of a successful attack on a designated asset and
the attractiveness level of this designated asset have been ranked, the critical level of the asset can
be determined with the help of a matrix which combines the impact and the attractiveness for the
principal assets. The attractiveness level is taken from Worksheet 5.
The rankings of each asset in attractiveness and impact are inserted into Worksheet 6, Impact and
Attractiveness Worksheet. The Asset Code column can be used to identify each asset by assigning a
letter ‘A to Z’ this will assist when plotting the asset on a risk map.
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Worksheet 6 Impact and Attractiveness Worksheet
Asset Code
Principal assets
see Worksheet see Impact
5 column 10
table 2
Impact level
Chorine production unit
Impact v
Risk Map coordinates
A2 I2
A3 I5
A3 I2
A3 I1
A2 I1
SCADA process control
system, component 'z' A1
A1 I1
Chlorine tank
Site Entrance and Exit
Hydrogen pipe and
storage tank
Manifold 'y'
Plot the Risk Map co-ordinates from Worksheet 6 onto Worksheet 7, Attractiveness versus Impact
Risk Map.
As a result of this analysis, the SVA team have now determined a list of some of the highly critical
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Risk Map
In the above matrix, two extreme critical levels for the asset are defined with two extreme positions:
 A highly critical level for the more attractive (high value) and the more severe impact
targets (red) and
 A low-range critical level for the less attractive and less severe impact targets (green).
In this risk map the team seeks to identify the more attractive (high value) asset targets which if
successfully attacked would result in more severe impact, these are therefore the most critical. In
order to complete this matrix the SVA team must set the limits applicable to their own organisation
or site facility for the three green amber and red zones.
As a result of this analysis, the SVA team have now determined a list with at least the highly critical
As one can see in this example the Chlorine Tank at A3I5 would be within the red zone and is seen as
the most attractive asset to an adversary and The SCADA process control system component ‘z’ is
seen as the least attractive asset to an adversary.
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12.4 Step 4 Threat Analysis
It is recommended to seek additional specialist expertise and advice in order to gain the data to fill
the worksheets in this step. It should also be borne in mind that adversaries can and do change at
short notice and therefore constant update on this data is also required. Details and guidance on
obtaining specialist advice is given in the section 0.3 of this document.
The threats described in worksheet 8 shows some preferential methods of attack for different
adversaries. This worksheet is only indicative, but can be helpful for suggesting relevant threats. In
the case of our example we choose a variety of IED related threats as being plausible a cyber attack
and two criminal activities, then using table 3 these were scored according to capability and intent.
Worksheet 8 Ranking of the Most Relevant Threats
By characterising the threat in terms of intent and capabilities of adversaries, this worksheet enables
the selection of the most relevant, plausible and realistic threats.
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Table 3
There is no justification to think the adversary
has the intention to do so
The adversary may have the intention to do so
The adversary will certainly do so if there is an
The adversary does not have the capability to
do so
The adversary may have the capability to do
The adversary certainly has the capability to
do so
The 0 score for capability choice means that the adversary does not have the capability to do so and
therefore reflects the fact that if this is the case then there is no threat resulting from this option.
Once the threats were scored according to intent and capability they were then ranked by
multiplying intent by capability to obtain the most relevant threats which in this case were stealing
and an activist blockade.
Worksheet 9 Ranking of the Most Relevant Threats According to Intent and Capability
Multiply intent by capability to obtain score
Attack Method
Concealed IED
IED placed near critical asset
The severity in step 5 is assessed according to a specific threat scenario which targets an asset and
which may result in partial or total compromise of the asset. This is an area that requires specialist
expertise in order to ensure that the output provides reliable data.
Only three examples of critical assets are used in Worksheet 10 of the example below.
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12.5 Step 5 Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)
Step 5 involves developing the threat scenarios; a threat scenario is defined as the coupling of a
threat (the adversary and his method of attack) and a specific asset in the critical infrastructure.
Once the threat scenarios have been described, there is a clearer picture of the severity of a
successful attack (threat scenario).
These threat scenarios have then to be assessed in terms of likelihood and severity.
This is completed in the Ranking of the likelihood of a threat scenario. The likelihood of a threat
scenario depends on three parameters:
 The asset attractiveness
 The ranking of the attractiveness of the asset is the same as the combined attractiveness
score evaluated for each asset in step 3.
 The asset vulnerability
 This parameter takes into account the number and the robustness of the countermeasures in
place onsite for a threat scenario.
 The feasibility of the threat scenario.
This parameter takes into account the sophistication of the technical and organisational means
(modus operandi) used by the adversaries to perpetrate their attack on the asset.
The severity in step 5 is assessed according to a specific threat scenario which targets an asset and
which may result in partial or total compromise of the asset. This is an area that requires specialist
expertise in order to ensure that the output provides reliable data.
Worksheet 10 takes each threat scenario and assesses it for overall likelihood by looking at the target
attractiveness, vulnerability etc. Worksheet 10 calculates a score for the likelihood and then table 4
gives the likelihood level that corresponds to each score. In the case of our worked example a
blockade of the site entrances by activists is given the highest likelihood score.
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Column 1
Column 2
Critical Assets
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Target Attractiveness
Method of Attack
Column 6
Target Vulnerabiity (Ease of Access)
Weighting Factor 5
Weighting Factor 1
Least Attractive asset on site
b) Low attractive asset on site SCORE 1
Medium attractive asset on site
Highly attractive asset on site
Target Robustness of
Very low Vulnerability SCORE 0
b) Low Vulnerability SCORE 1
d) High vulnerability, measures are not strong, several
countermeasures need to be breached but individual
measures are not strong SCORE 3
e) Most attractive asset on site SCORE 4 e) Very high vulnerability, none or few measures and only a
single weak measure that needs to be breached or effective
measures do not exist SCORE 4
Weighting Factor 1
Weighting Factor 1
a) One or two individuals, little knowledge of site with simple
technical means to achieve the desired effect (e.g. Hand gun) SCORE
High robustness SCORE
b) Limited group, minimal knowledge of the site, not technically
sophisticated (e.g. Regular weapons, hand gun, greandes, assult rifle)
Column 8
a) Very high robustness
Medium vulnerability, at least one strong measure and
several other measures to be breached SCORE 2
Column 7
Feasibility of Threat Scenario
Medium Robustness
Organised group, good knowledge of the site and sophisticated
technical means(hand-man weapons such as IED)
Low robustness SCORE 3 d) Organised and trained group, good knowledge of site and some
of its countermeasures, sophisticated technical means (e.g. Military
weapons and hand made such as IED) SCORE 3
e) Very low Robustness
e) Highly trained group, very good knowledge of site and its
countermeasures, very sophisticated technical means (e.g. Coordinated attack with war weapons) SCORE 4
Weighting Factor x SCORE eg 5 x 0
chorine production unit 'y'
chlorine tank
hydrogen pipe and storage tank
manifold 'x'
SCADA process control system, component 'z'
Threat Scenario
Lowest Ranking
9 - 16
17 - 24
25 - 32
Highest Ranking
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Once the likelihood level is established for the critical asset then the impact level of an attack on the
asset is found from worksheet 6. As the impact is now related to an individual threat scenario this
now becomes defined as the severity of an event. These to levels are then used to plot the
likelihood and severity risk for each threat scenario on to Worksheet 12. In worksheet 11 each critical
asset and adversary combination should be re assessed for each attack method, however for the
example we have assessed only 3 possible threat scenarios.
Asset Name
RISK (severity
worksheet 6
column 3)
chlorine tank
hydrogen pipe and
storage tank
Once worksheet 11 is completed the threat scenario can be plotted on worksheet 12, from our
examples you will see that the vehicle borne IED threat against the chlorine tank carries the highest
risk and is in the red zone and the VBIED against the hydrogen pipe and storage tank carries the
lowest likelihood and severity risk.
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Worksheet 12
We then use those scenarios with the highest likelihood and severity risk to form the basis for
storyboards. These storyboards can then form the basis of an SVA file for each relevant threat
scenario, as illustrated in Worksheet 13, Scenario 1, this gives oversight and detailed information to
enable a motivated choice in Step 6 for adequate countermeasures.
These SVA files are a technical support for the vulnerability analysis to be fulfilled by the project team
during work meetings. These allow the project team to apply a systematic approach for the analysis,
particularly for the exploration of threat scenarios and assessing and identifying of the vulnerabilities.
This systematic approach enables the team to be detailed and comprehensive in analysing the
vulnerabilities of the site given the specific threats and the selected critical assets.
By creating a SVA database gathering data for each relevant threat scenario, this information is
available for analysis and later assessments and reports.
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Worksheet 13 Example Storyboard
Scenario 1. Terrorists drive VBIED into chlorine tank
1. Threat scenario:
Asset + Adversary +
Loss of containment of chlorine due to a VBIED attack by Islamic terrorists on the pipeline at the outlet of the
chlorine tank
2. Consequences
Toxic dispersion of chlorine
Casualties onsite and offsite
Limited material damage
3. “Story Board”:
1.The terrorists found information about the site and the chlorine tank on internet, and could observe the site from
public grounds
2.The terrorists force their way into the site with the VBIED (destroying the entry barrier or threatening the guards
at the entry)
3. The VBIED will be crashed into the pipeline killing the terrorists and causing a catastrophic event
4. Crisis-, disaster and BC-management will be activated
Plausible sequence of
events (before, during
after the attack)
4. Likelihood
SCORE = 5 (reason it is easy to find, identify, observe, hit, known target etc.)
5. Severity
SCORE =5 (because more than 1.000 casualties, 10 billions euro’s damage, etc.)
6. Risk
SCORE (5 x 5 = 25) 25 this is the highest risk score (dark red in the table)
7. Vulnerabilities
countermeasures for
this threat scenario)
1. Information security measures did not prevent sensitive information from exposure on the internet.
2. Critical assets were not shielded from prying eyes. 3. The entry barriers were easily destroyed and forced by a
4. The guardhouse offered the guards too little protection.
5. There was no physical barrier that could stop the VBIED on time / at sufficient stand off.
6. The pipeline and the tank did not withstand the pressure wave and the shrapnel of the VBIED.
7. The safety systems that might have secured a leaking pipe or tank could not mitigate the massive release of
chlorine caused by the VBIED-attack.
8. Casualties increased because of the inadequate response of emergency services (people were not directed to a
save area downwind). Etc.
8. Suggestions to
improve the security
of the site for this
scenario (for the
likelihood and/or the
severity) This will be
input for steps 4 and 5
1.The summary of the safety study, listing the catastrophic accidental scenarios and their consequences should be
informative for the public but elusive for adversaries
2. The entrance barrier can be strengthened or bollards can be added.
3. The guards could be protected by special physical barrier. Etc.
A more detailed discussion on countermeasures is given in Step 6.
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13 Appendix 6 The Operator Security Plan
13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Objectives of this Annex
The IMPROVE project focused on the development of a Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) tool
with the intention of improving the security of Critical Infrastructure facilities. This Annex is aimed at
assisting in the drafting of effective Operator Security Plans for these facilities once the strategies
and objectives for security have been defined. The objectives for security measures should be
derived from the mentioned SVA, but may also be found in legislation or company policies.
13.1.2 Operator Security Plan
An Operator Security Plan (OSP) describes the security measures that an organization has
implemented to reduce or control its security risks. The word “operator” refers to the owner or the
person in charge of managing and operating the security of a critical infrastructure. A Security
Management System (SMS) should be in place to properly address this issue. The OSP addresses the
highlights and recommendations resulting from a security vulnerability assessment as described
13.1.3 Why a Security Plan?
Security measures should be integrated into and become part of normal business procedures. All
members of staff contribute to, and benefit from the security of the facility. There are several
reasons for implementing security measures such as:
 risk management and control;
 loss prevention;
 international, national or local legislation and regulations;
 safety requirements, for example entrance control to prevent untrained or unprotected
personnel from getting into hazardous situations;
 pressure from the public, unions or stakeholders.
Security measures are often costly to implement, operate and maintain. Therefore it is important
that the objectives of the different security measures are well determined. Measures will often only
be effective if they are well understood, implemented and maintained. This may be achieved through
a well developed OSP as part of an adequate SMS.
13.1.4 Effectiveness
An effective OSP has the following characteristics:
 complies with legal security requirements and company security policies;
 is based on sound vulnerability and risk assessments;
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leads to effective protection of assets and interests of the facility;
helps to properly detect threats and deal with security incidents;
contributes to achieving security goals in an effective way;
ensures proper implementation, maintenance and evaluation of security measures.
13.2 Best Practices
The following best practices provide useful guidance when drafting or evaluating an Operator
Security Plan. The selection of appropriate security measures depends of course on the specific
operations and surroundings of each site and therefore the following suggestions should be regarded
as guidance only.
13.2.1 Process
Draft and design the security measures in an orderly way
First define the security objectives and corresponding measures, making sure that their
implementation results into achieving these security goals. Measures that hardly contribute may be
put aside.
Principal questions are:
 What has to be secured?
 What are the threats that must be addressed?
 Why are the selected security measures appropriate?
Build security awareness and commitment
It is essential that throughout the organisation, including subcontractors, visitors and other possible
parties involved, there is a clear understanding of the necessity of the implemented security
measures. It should be ensured that there are no conflicts between security and operational
requirements on the facility. Both should complement and strengthen each other and any obstacles
should be addressed properly.
Principal questions are:
 Is the workforce aware of potential threats to the site and the vulnerabilities?
 Is everyone informed on the security policies and objectives?
 Doe they understand their responsibilities and tasks in managing the security risks?
Identify and develop the necessary expertise
Security covers many very specific aspects, each requiring different levels of expertise: risk and
vulnerability assessments, IT-security, physical security, legal requirements, identification of
adversaries and their methods of operation. It is essential that qualified experts join the team and if
necessary, experts from outside the organisation are engaged.
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Principal questions here should be:
 Which expertise is needed in the team?
 Which help is available within the organisation?
 Which help is not available and must be obtained from outside?
13.2.2 Selection of security measures
The following recommendations may help in selecting appropriate security measures whereby the
first four will normally have been addressed during the SVA process.
1. Classify and rank the assets or areas of the facility in terms of criticality.
2. Obtain a clear understanding of the relevant threats.
3. Define the security objectives for specific assets or areas.
4. Define the security levels, zones and compartments.
5. Make a justification for each set of security measures and describe the secured situation in order
to avoid misunderstanding for persons who need to act upon this information.
6. Ensure that entrance control is efficient for security purposes and for daily operations.
7. Identify technical systems, personnel and procedures for the timely detection of adversaries.
8. Create a central point of contact for reporting and follow-up of security incidents.
9. Establish contacts with public emergency response services and engage into mutual support
agreements with neighbouring facilities.
10. Anticipate higher than normal threat levels and develop enhanced security measures which can
be activated when required.
11. Do not underestimate the value of security awareness.
12. Assess the cost of implementation and maintenance of security measures based on a cost-benefit
13. When selecting the required measures consider standardisation.
13.2.3 Implementation and maintenance
Security project management
Security countermeasures should be specified, tendered, procured, installed, commissioned and
accepted as a formal project in line with industry standards.
Use qualified contractors
Once the security measures have been selected, these should be implemented by certified security
engineers and technicians. It is up to them to actually engineer and build the required security
systems. Quality control on this essential phase of the security cycle (plan-do-check-act) should
preferably be supported by security experts.
Operational maintenance and control
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It is important to take into account during the design phase the interaction between the day-to-day
operations of the facility and the security functions. The operational management of these security
functions should be well described and the necessary equipment and arrangements should be
Manage the internal and external relations
The security operations manager should coordinate and communicate with:
 senior management;
 reception, dispatch centre, HRM (Human Resources Management), ICT, business operations,
public relations, communications etc.;
 staff;
 security providers, police and first responders;
 neighbours (companies and the public) and the municipality.
Accountability for security operations
The accountability for the management of security risks and the operation of security functions
should be clearly described and should be in line with legal requirements and company policy. This
includes the responsibility for timely revising and keeping up to date security procedures as well as
the distribution of relevant documents amongst staff in the organisation and in the facility.
OSP documentation and dissemination
The documentation of the OSP should be transparent and complete. Ownership and responsibilities
for updating and distribution of documents should be clearly determined. Information of the OSP
may be sensitive or classified. This should be clearly defined and monitored. Securing this
information may be required but in general the content of the OSP must be available to all staff on a
‘need to know’ basis.
Maintenance and review of the security plan
The Operator Security Plan should be reviewed in a predetermined time or period set by
management and this period can vary depending on changes to the threat, changes to the
operations, responsibilities or methods of working.
13.3 OSP Contents and structure
It is recommended that the Operator Security Plan should contain the following information:
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13.3.1 Introduction
The Introduction outlines the importance of the Security Plan and its relationship with the mission,
general policies, security policies and culture of the organization. It should outline the areas of the
organisation that the Security Plan applies to – for example is it a plan for the whole organization or
only for a specific facility, portfolio or work unit.
It should also provide clear and concise statements about what the Security Plan is designed to
achieve and outline the relationship between security policies and processes and the corporate plans
and business objectives.
There should be a summary and analysis of the Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) highlighting
the current threats and vulnerabilities along with an assessment of the current security environment
and measures in place. If loss prevention is an objective of the organization it should be outlined as
The management summary of the SVA may supply most relevant information for this chapter.
13.3.2 Security Program
The Security Program outlines how security in the organization is managed, evaluated and updated in
a Security Management System (SMS).
The security staffing, supervision and training of staff should also be addressed.
Security awareness training for all staff and communication of security incidents and countermeasures should be organized as an ongoing process.
In this chapter reference may be made to other programs and plans such as for: emergencies, crisis
response and business continuity.
13.3.3 Operational Policies and Procedures
The operational security policies and procedures describe how the security goals and objectives of
the organization are achieved.
The roles, responsibilities and authorisations of staff will be addressed in this chapter.
A clear and published access control policy is an essential security function that will be highlighted in
this chapter.
Access procedures to secured areas of the site should be drafted for authorised staff, invitees,
vendors and maybe contractors, whereby means of identification, registration and badging will be
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Key and access cards will have to be disseminated in a secure and transparent fashion. Procedures
may be in place to prevent theft or loss of valuable goods, inventory or data.
If security incidents do take place the process of incident reporting may be the basis for mitigation
and corrective action.
Of course the response to a security incident by staff, security workers and management needs
adequate attention.
13.3.4 Physical Security Measures
Physical security measures are needed to support the operational policies and procedures. Access
control is supported by external barriers like fences, gates and Access Control and Alarm Monitoring
Systems (ACAMS).
Theft prevention is supported by barriers, a perimeter intrusion detection system, security lighting,
locking hardware, vaults and ACAMS.
Incident response may be coordinated from the security control centre.
13.3.5 Personnel Security Measures
Personnel security measures are implemented to recruit, contract and employ reliable, trustworthy
and security aware personnel and subcontractors. Pre-employment screening may be conducted for
critical functions, security clauses may be in contracts of employees, subcontractors and suppliers.
Aftercare of staff once employed is as important as initial screening.
An exit procedure on termination of employment or contracts should be considered in order to
cancel authorisations, protect intellectual property and collect company properties. Debriefing the
leavers may provide useful security feedback for the company.
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Template structure
The following template could be used for drafting a structured Operator Security Plan. This is only a
suggested template however and should not be considered as the only alternative.
1. Introduction
1. Company mission, goals and objectives
2. Security Policy and scope of the OSP
3. Brief description of process and implementation
4. Security Vulnerability Assessment
5. Loss prevention
2. Security Program
1. The Security Management System (SMS)
2. Documentation and administration of the OSP and SMS
3. Security staffing, supervision and training
4. Security awareness program
5. Other security related programs and plans
6. Communication plan
3. Operational Policies and Procedures
1. Access control
2. Key and access card control
3. Theft and loss prevention
4. Incident reporting and recording
5. Incident response and investigation
4. Physical Security Measures
1. External and internal barriers
2. Perimeter intrusion detection, CCTV and security lighting
3. Locking hardware for buildings, compartments and vaults
4. Access control and alarm monitoring system
5. Security control centre
5. Personnel Security Measures
1. Pre-employment screening and aftercare
2. Security clauses for contracts
3. Security awareness
4. Exit procedure
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