1st Grade One Way/Two-Way Dual Language Time LOD Language Arts 135 min. Activities 20 25 15 Two-Way ELLs receive instruction in Spanish Non ELLs receive instruction in English One-Way ELLs receive instruction in Spanish only Closure 15 Bilingual Pairs Activity #2 5 Closure 20 Small Group Targeted Instruction L1 (Guided Reading) 20 Small Group Targeted Instruction L1 (Guided Reading) 30 Writing Process Core Instruction 30 Bilingual Pairs Activity #1 Bilingual Pairs Activity #2 5 Closure 10 20 (10/10) Whole Group Instruction Reading/Writing (SEs) Bilingual Pairs Activity #1 5 30 Math 75 min. English Morning Procedures LOD 20 Conceptual Refinement (LOI) Guided Math Bilingual Learning Centers (LOD) Updated: 8/6/12 DL Descriptors LOD MWF: Spanish/TTH: English Develops extensive vocabulary in both languages particularly in the L2 Validates both languages across the campus Teacher explains models and/or demonstrates lesson objective. Read Aloud, Shared Reading, Word Study Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for practice group activity; monitors and guides students learning (comprehension level). (Buddy) Teacher and groups of students summarize objective; and/or students share their completed activity/project for closure, students reflect on lesson objective learned. Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for activity that is more challenging and applies concepts being learned (higher order thinking). (Buddy) Teacher and groups of students summarize objective; and/or students share their completed activity/project for closure, students reflect on lesson objective learned. One group No Guided Reading in L2 Tier 1 Independent practice for other students One group No Guided Reading in L2 Tier 1 Independent practice for other students Writing Process, Writers Workshop, Independent Writing, Handwriting Problem of the Day, Numerical Fluency Whole Group Instruction Teacher explains models and/or demonstrates lesson objective. Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for practice group activity; monitors and guides students learning (comprehension level). Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for activity that is more challenging and applies concepts being learned (higher order thinking). Teacher and groups of students summarize objective; and/or students share their completed activity/project for closure, students reflect on lesson objective learned. At the end of each lesson cycle. To assist learners in the comprehension of the content being learned. (High academic rigor) Tier 1 Must Include: Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies; Academic activities in English and Spanish (3:1 Ratio). Students travel in bilingual pairs. Teacher explains models and/or demonstrates lesson objective. Science/ S. Studies TOTAL = 75 min. Spanish 20 Core Instruction Science should average 45 minutes a day and Social Studies 30 minutes a day including Activity 1 and Activity 2. 35 Bilingual Pairs Activity #1 Bilingual Pairs Activity #1 Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for practice group activity; monitors and guides students learning (comprehension level). 5 Closure 15 20 30 45 20 30 45 420 325 Conceptual Refinement (LOI) WOW Lunch Specials Teacher places students into bilingual pairs for activity that is more challenging and applies concepts being learned (higher order thinking). Teacher and groups of students summarize objective; and/or students share their completed activity/project for closure, students reflect on lesson objective learned. At the end of each lesson cycle. To assist learners in the comprehension of the content being learned. (High academic rigor) Total = Core content instructional time Two Way = ELLs: 220 Spanish / 75 English Non ELLs: 220 English / 75 Spanish One Way = ELLs: 220 Spanish / 75 English ©Austin ISD Department of English Language Learners 2012-2013