Schedule 1 – General Wildlife Measures (GWM) Black-throated green warbler: Breeding Habitat: Polygons 9-115, 9-119 to 9-123, 9-125 to 9-127, and 9-130 to 9-143. A) Management of Vehicular Access: 1) Do not construct new roads, trails or access routes for motorized vehicles. B) Timber Harvesting and Silviculture: 2) 3) Do not harvest. Do not use pesticides. C) Range: 4) 5) 6) 7) Do not place livestock attractants within the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Do not develop new water sources within the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Do not drive or herd livestock through the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Plan livestock grazing (timing and browse utilization) to minimize negative impacts to black-throated green warblers. Grazing after the nesting season (after July 31) is preferable. Maintain the desired plant community of old-growth mixedwood forests to minimize impacts to breeding habitats for black-throated green warblers. 8) 9) Connecticut warbler: Breeding Habitat: Polygons 9-111 to 9-114, 9-116 to 9-118, 9-124, and 9-128 to 9-129. A) Management of Vehicular Access: 10) Do not construct new roads, trails or access routes for motorized vehicles. B) Timber Harvesting and Silviculture: 11) 12) Do not harvest. Do not use pesticides. C) Range: 13) 14) 15) 16) Do not place livestock attractants within the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Do not develop new water sources within the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Do not drive or herd livestock through the Wildlife Habitat Areas. Plan livestock grazing (timing and browse utilization) to minimize negative impacts to Connecticut warblers. 17) Grazing after the nesting season (after July 31) is preferable. 18) Limit grazing of herb/forb species by livestock to no more than 50% utilization within the Wildlife Habitat Area boundaries. 19) Maintain the desired plant community of old-growth aspen forests, including the herbaceous and shrub layers, to minimize impacts to breeding habitats for Connecticut warblers. 20) Range activities will result in the maintenance of the herbaceous and shrub layers. Definitions Desired plant community: includes appropriate seral stage mix, species composition, and structural characteristics. Black-throated green warbler: o structural stages 6-7, o age structure greater than 80 years, o species composition including some component of mature spruce in the mature forest, o structural characteristics include the maintenance of understorey vegetation. Connecticut warbler o structural stages 5-7, o age structure greater than 40 years, o species composition including aspen and deciduous species, o structural characteristics include the maintenance of understorey vegetation (specifically the herbaceous and shrub layers). Livestock attractants: a substance or structure that draws livestock, including salt/minerals, supplements, water developments and cattle oilers. Mixedwood forest: stand of forest that includes combinations of white spruce, trembling aspen and/or balsam poplar species.