NAME: DEVELOPING A THEME: STUDENT CONFERENCES THEME: STUDENT CONFERENCES 1. Which of the test will you complete this year, HLA, HLB, SLA or SLB? (Please explain reasoning.) Would you like to also test in the AP Studio Art test? 2. What do you hope to gain from this theme development and how can I support you in the future? (Please be specific.) 3. What is the topic of your concentration and how many related pieces of study do you plan to connect to this theme? (you may want to include specific sizes to go with frames found, name materials you will need outside of the ordinary, create thumbnail sketches in the journal/IWB of your ideas.) 4. What artists, works, or resources for inspiration influenced your decision in creating your theme? 5. How will you implement your concentration? (diptychs…series, varied with ideology, subject matter) 6. When do you plan to work on your concentrated/ theme focused pieces, i.e. start this summer, beginning, end or intermittently? 7. What skills concepts or insights have you learned from the research and inquiry for your concentration? Rubric for Conference 2 points 3points 4points (Attempts must equal 50%) Questions Question One is for documentation of goal setting not grading: all students must know which portfolio they are taking in order to complete the following questions. Attempts but student does Student makes some Student fully connects the Question 2 not make connection connections between their portfolio to aspects of other between this visual art portfolio and other disciplines for future use with portfolio and other disciplines. specific references and disciplines. rationale. Attempts but student does Student chooses and Student chooses and evaluates Question 3 not choose and evaluate a evaluates some subject diverse subject matter, symbols, range of subject matter, matter, symbols or videos and/or videos before finalizing symbols or videos before before finalizing their their concentration’s focus. finalizing their concentration’s focus. concentration focus. Attempts, but student Student relates some Student relates history or culture Question 4 does not relate history or history or culture to their to their understanding of the culture to their understanding of the visual arts for the concentration, understanding of the visual arts for the with specific examples and visual arts for the concentration, seen in references in documentation. concentration. examples. Student does not Student demonstrates Students depicts their Question 5 demonstrate their some understanding of concentration through their media, techniques and understanding of media, understanding of media, techniques, or processes with knowledge of structures and functions in their concentration; there is no plan with materials list, size format and/or 12 thumbnail sketches. processes and knowledge of structures and functions in a clear plan for their concentration with a materials list, size format, and 12 thumbnail sketch using the art elements and principles of design. techniques and processes and knowledge of structures and functions evident in a clear plan with a materials list, size format and 12 thumbnail sketches related to the art elements and principles of design with complexity. Question 6 Student is unprepared to schedule time with teacher and/or does not consult a partner for critique purposes. Student partially schedules time with teacher and a partner on a master calendar to reflect and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and others work. Student devises a schedule and signs up for time with teacher and a partner on a master calendar to reflect and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and others work. Question 7 Student is unable to pull key ideas from lesson to critically think about the objectives for communicating and planning their concentration. project. Student pulls some key ideas from lesson related to the objectives for communicating and planning their concentration. Student completely pulls key ideas from lesson to critically think about the objectives for communicating and planning their concentration.