
Vocabulary of the Common Core: ANALYZE
ANALYSIS involves:
 seeing patterns
 organization of parts
 recognition of hidden meanings
 identification of components
Related words: analyze, compare, contrast, differentiate, distinguish, examine, explain,
explore, illustrate, infer, relate, scrutinize, troubleshoot
From Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core by Marilee Sprenger:
The first word alphabetically also happens to be one of the most common words in the
standards. You will find it no less than 70 times! Analyze is a vocabulary word that appears
initially in the 5th grade standards and is then used throughout the rest of the grade levels.
Analyze means to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the
essence of: to analyze a poem.
Jingle: An-a-lyze, break it down, down, down,
Then explain what you found, found, found.
Not all of the critical words will easily become a play on words, but analyze does: Anna lies.
Because Anna lies, we have to analyze what she says to find out what is true.
From Marzano’s Vocabulary for the Common Core:
Analyze: If you analyze something, you look closely at each of its parts and see if they fit
together in a way that makes sense.
ELA: When you analyze the development of a theme in a text, you find places where the
author refers to the theme and examine how those parts work together to communicate the
theme. To analyze a presentation, examine the words, visual aids, and information presented
to see if they make sense and how they affect the overall presentation. To analyze the role of
figures of speech in a text, find specific figures of speech and figure out what information is
being given by each element of the graph. To analyze a relationship, look closely at each way
that two or more things are related.
Math: When you analyze a problem or a situation, you look at each part of the problem or
situation and decide what to do about each individual part. To analyze a shape, look carefully
at its sides, angles, size, dimensions, color, and other characteristics. To analyze a graph, look
closely at each data point and figure out what information is being given by each element of the
graph. To analyze a relationship, look closely at each way that two or more things are related.