MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS VICTORIA papal tiara and ombrellino ; inside front cover in 19c. pencil ‘The paintings are late Sir Thomas ?hillipps, day of sale 1st July 1946, London 1946, p.21, pl. the supposed to be done byJulio Clovio, Sale 1671, SothebyJuly 18, 1825, xxxiV; B. L. Uliman, The origin and development ofhumanistic script, Rome 1960, Payne Feb. 1826. 566’, and ‘The arms at the bottom of the 1st Page of the PP. ; K. V. Sinclair, ‘Phillipps Manuscripts in Australia’, The Book Col Volume are I believe those of the Medici family. P.’ ; Ar. by the same hand lector, Vol.XI (1962), p.334, and ‘Some late manuscripts ofthe works of Classical ‘Thos Phillipps / Middle Hill / 1828’ followed by his stencilled lion rampant authors’, Phoenix, Vol.XVI (1962), p. Exhibition, p.1O, no.5, pl.II. with legend ‘Sir T.P. / Middle Hill / 2163 a 2.902’ ; then there is his printed no.’2163’ at the foot of the spine ; inside back cover in modern pencil ‘W. H. Robinson 5.2.1947. LLRR/-/- stg.’ ; Av. library’s stock no.’507905’ ; the shelfmark is *f0961/Au4 220 PONTIFICALE in Latin - 16c. Contents : 1° SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE 149 folios. Collation: (3)’ (8)217 (6)1 8 (8)19 (4) ir. Vellum, 480 x 315mm., ORIGO IMPERATORIS HADRIANI VETVSTIOR APICENTIBVS Catchwords agree, no quire signatures or pagination, contemporary foliation POSTERIor ab hispanensibus manat . . . (all ends 159r.) . . . Quaeso sic numerals i-cxliiii on 4—147. and 3v. are blank. by roman contentus sis nosque uoluisse scribere melius quam potuisse contendas. ruling purple ink, one col. of 32 lines or seven groups of four- Black ink, Scriptores Historiae Augustae, E. Hohl (ed.), Leipzig 1927. line red staves (black square notation). Script is first half 16c. French littera 2° Eutropius HISTORIA ROMANA (translation by Paulus gothica textualisformata. Diaconus) and Decoration is in the French style : red underlining and rubrics ; caps 159v. EVTROPII VIRI CLARISSIMI ROMANE HISTORIE LIBER gold, red, blue; illuminated initials (from 65 X 45 to 30 X 30mm.) in PRIMVS FELICITER INCIPIT PROHEMIT/M. EVTROPIVS Full borders on 4r. and 6r. ; other folios each with marginal gold, red, blue. VALENTI MAXIMO PERPEtuo augusto Res romanas ex uoluntate x 40mm.) of floral sprays, fruit, animals in gold, blue, green, red, mansuetudinis . . . Five miniatures fill-ins in panel (345 mauve. The panel on the verso reproduces that on the recto. 159v. PRIMVS IN ITALIA VT QVIBVSDAM placet regnauit Janus . . . ifl rich hues : 4r. Bishop anoints children (65 x 60mm.) and blesses them (160v.) . . . Numitorem in regnum restituunt. (65 X 60mm.) ; 6r. Bishop ordains priests (95 X 90mm.) ; 56r. Bishop dedicates Tl section relates events in Roman history up to Romulus and Remus, x 85mm.) ; 142r. Metropolitan consecrates a bishop (95 x 95mm.). and is placed between the prologue and the chronicle proper. and goffered, binding 19c. russia over oak boards with an altar (85 Edges cut, gilded, 160v. (Opening ofthe chronicle) ROMANVM igitur imperium quo neque ab bevelled edges. Spine has gilt lettering PONTIFI / CALE I MIRAPIS I CENSE. exordio ullum fere minus neque incrementis . . . (ten Books, ending with For an earlier binding see below. a colophon amiouncing the next work 195v.) . . . quam ad maiorem Incipits: 2r. Pont ordinis; Sr. (second folio of text) Kyrieleison; 12r. scribendi diligentiam reseruamus. Huc usque scripsit Eutropius. Reliqua quire of text) postea instruit; 145v. Descendat quesumus; 146r. apponi (second nero que sequuntur Paulus aquilegiensis ecciesie diaconus iubente domina uidelicet. Ownership : 6r. the ordination of the hostiarius opens ‘Nos Philippus Adelperga domini Anchis sapientissimi principis coniuge proprio stilo contexuit. dei gratia episcopus mirapiscensis’ while on 4r. and elsewhere the borders 30 Paulus Diaconus HISTORIA ROMANA feature his arms, a shield or three chevrons sable ; on 7r. and 8r. only is a shield or 196r. PAVLI DIACONI ROMANE HYSTORIE LIBER PRIMVS FELICIchevrons azure which I have not been able to identify; inside front cover is two TER INCIPIT. ANNO AB VRBE CONDITA MILLESIMO centesimo the signature (perhaps autograph) ‘Philippus de Levi Episcopus Mirapiscensis decimo octauo Valentinianus . . . (six Books, all ending 213r.) . . . que de Dei Gratia 1537’ ; along with it are the notes ‘Ce livre a esté relié par moy en Justiniani Augusti felicitate dicantur in sequenti libello deo presule 1673 Du Puy du fou de Champagne’, then, in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps, promenda sunt. had been ‘This binding *as in red velvet with silver clasps, both of which Both of the preceding texts have been edited by A. Crivellucci, Pauli offbefore I had it’s and by another hand ‘nouvellement relié en 1849 par Diaconi Historia Romana, Rome 1914. de Middle Hill’ — the MS. had been taken ordre du possesseur Sir Thos. Phillipps Bibliography: P. Durrieu in Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Chartes, Vol.L (1889) acquired by him in Paris about 1824; also insidefront coverandon the spine is his ‘ 6 5 This aspect of MS. decoration was noted by D. J. A. Ross, ‘An illuminator’s labourp.381 ; Sotheby and Co., Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue ofafurtherportion of. . . savthg device’, Scriptorium, Vol.XVI (1962), pp.9 See also items nosl5,73,154, and 210 64 observation by Phillipps is erroneous. Clovio lived 1498—1578, yet the decoraabove. tion of this MS. is clearly 15c. Florentine. Mirepoix. 66 de Levis (1466—1537), Bishop of