Specifications for Pervious Concrete Pavement - PCA

Section 03010
This Specification is incorporated by reference in the Project Specification
using the wording in P3 of the Preface and including information from the
Mandatory Requirements, Optional Requirements, and Submittals
Checklists following the Specification.
P1. This specification is intended to be used by reference or incorporation in
its entirety in the Project Specification. Do not copy individual Parts, Sections,
Articles, or Paragraphs into the Project Specification, because taking them out of
context may change their meaning.
P2. If Sections or Parts of this specification are copied into the Project
Specification or any other document, do not refer to them as a 03010
Specification, because the specification has been altered.
P3. A statement such as the following will serve to make a part of the Project
“Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requirements of a 03010 Specification
for Pervious Concrete Pavement”.
P4. Each technical Section of this 03010 specification is written in the threepart Section format of the Construction Specifications Institute, as adapted for
03010 requirements. The language is imperative and terse.
P5. The Specification is written to the Contractor. When a provision of this
Specification requires action by Contractor, the verb “shall” is used. If Contractor
is allowed to exercise an option when limited alternatives are available, the
phrasing “either...or...” is used. Statements provided in the Specification as
information to Contractor use the verbs “may” or “will.” Informational statements
typically identify activities or options that “will be taken” or “may be taken” by
Owner or Engineer.
Section 03010
Section 1 — General requirements
1.1 — Scope
1.2 — Definitions
1.3 — Reference organizations
1.4 — Reference standards
1.5 — Submittals
1.6 — Quality assurance
Section 2 — Products
2.1 — Concrete
2.2 — Isolation joint material
2.3 — Forms
Section 3—Execution
3.1 — General
3.2 — Acceptance
3.3 — Protection of in-place concrete
Foreword to Specification Checklists
Mandatory Requirements Checklist
Optional Requirements Checklist
Submittals Checklist
1.1 — Scope
1.1.1 This guide specification covers the construction and placement of
pervious concrete pavement.
1.1.2 The provisions of this guide specification shall govern unless
otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.
In case of
conflicting requirements, the Contract Documents shall govern.
1.2 — Definitions
1.2.1 These definitions are to assist in interpreting the provisions of this
accepted — accepted by or acceptable to the architect/engineer.
architect/engineer — the architect, engineer, architectural firm,
engineering firm, or architectural and engineering firm issuing
project drawings and project specifications or administering the
work under the contract documents.
cold weather — a period when for more than three successive
days the average daily outdoor temperature drops below 40 °F (5
°C). The average daily temperature is the average of the highest
and lowest temperature during the period from midnight to
midnight. When temperatures above 50 °F (10 °C) occur during
more than half of any 24 hour duration, the period shall no longer
be regarded as cold weather.
construction joint — a joint constructed from two separate
placements where the first has undergone final setting before the
next placement.
contraction joint — formed, sawed, or tooled groove in a concrete
structure to create a weakened plane and regulate the location of
cracking resulting from the dimensional change of different parts
of the structure.
Contractor — the person, firm, or corporation with whom the
owner enters into an agreement for construction of the work.
contract documents — documents, including project drawings and
project specifications, covering the required work.
hot weather — any combination of the following conditions that
tend to impair the quality of freshly mixed or hardened concrete by
accelerating the rate of moisture loss and rate of cement
hydration, or otherwise resulting in detrimental results.
a. high ambient temperature;
b. high concrete temperature;
c. low relative humidity;
d. wind velocity; and
e. solar radiation.
isolation joint — a separation between adjoining parts of a
concrete structure, usually a vertical plane, at a designed location
such as to interfere least with performance of the structure, yet
such as to allow relative movement in three directions and avoid
formation of cracks elsewhere in the concrete.
mild exposure condition — absence of exposure to freezing and
thawing or to deicing agents.
moderate exposure condition — exposure to a climate where the
concrete will not be in a saturated condition when exposed to
freezing and will not be exposed to deicing agents or other
aggressive chemicals.
Owner — the corporation, association, partnership, individual, or
public body or authority with whom the contractor enters into an
agreement and for whom the work is accomplished.
panel — an individual concrete slab bordered by joints or
slab edges.
parking lot — an area used to park automobiles, trucks, or both.
pavement (pervious concrete) — a layer of pervious concrete over
areas such as roads, sidewalks, canals, playgrounds, and those
used for storage or parking.
permitted — permitted by the architect/engineer.
placing contractor — the person, firm, or corporation with whom
owner or contractor enters into an agreement for placement of the
project drawings — the drawings that, along with the project
specifications, addenda, bulletins, and change orders, constitute
the descriptive information for constructing the work required or
referred to in the contract documents.
project specifications — the written documents that specify
requirements for a project in accordance with service parameters
and other specific criteria established by the owner.
reference standards — standardized mandatory language
documents of a technical society, organization, or association,
including the building codes of local or state authorities, which are
referenced in the contract documents.
severe exposure condition — exposure to deicing chemicals or
other aggressive agents or where the concrete can become
saturated by continual contact with moisture or free water before
sub-base (also called base) — a layer in the pavement system
between the sub-grade and the concrete pavement.
sub-grade — the soil prepared and compacted to support the
pavement system.
submittal — documents that are required by the contract
documents to be turned in to the architect/engineer for action as
described in the contract documents.
tolerances — as applied to Section 3.10—plus (+) tolerance
increases the amount or dimension to which it applies or raises a
level alignment. Minus (–) tolerance decreases the amount or
dimension to which it applies or lowers a level alignment. A nonsigned tolerance means + or –. Where only one signed tolerance
is specified (+ or –), there is no limit in the other direction.
un-reinforced concrete pavement—concrete pavement that does
not contain distributed deformed steel reinforcing bars or welded
wire fabric.
work — the entire construction of separately identifiable parts that
are required to be furnished under the contract documents.
1.3 — Reference Organizations
1.3.1 ACI:
American Concrete Institute
P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
1.3.2 ASTM:
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
1.3.3 NRMCA
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
900 Spring Street
Silver Spring, MD 20910
1.4 — Referenced Standards
1.4.1 ACI standards
Specifications for Structural Concrete
305.1 Standard Specification for Hot Weather Concreting
306.1 Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting
308.1 Standard Specification for Curing Concrete
522.1 Pervious Concrete
1.4.2 ASTM standards
ASTM C 29, Test for Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate
ASTM C 33, Specifications for Concrete Aggregates
ASTM C 42, Test Methods for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and
Sawed Beams of Concrete
ASTM C 94, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
ASTM C 117, Test Method for Material Finer than 75 µm (No. 200) Sieve
in Mineral Aggregates by Washing
ASTM C 138, Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Concrete
ASTM C 140, Methods of Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units
ASTM C 150, Specifications for Portland Cement (Types I or II only)
ASTM C 172, Practice of Sampling Fresh Concrete
ASTM C 260, Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
ASTM C 494, Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
ASTM C 595, Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cements (Types IP or
IS only)
ASTM C 618, Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined
Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement
ASTM C 989, Specification for Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
for Use in Concrete and Mortars
ASTM C 1077, Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete
Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation
ASTM C 1602, Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the
Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete
ASTM C 1688 Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of
Freshly Mixed Pervious Concrete
ASTM D 448, Specification for Standard Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for
Highway Construction
ASTM D 698, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kNm/m3))
ASTM D 994 Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for
Concrete (Bituminous Type)
ASTM D 1557, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3(2,700 kNm/m3))
ASTM D1751 Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint
Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding
and Resilient Bituminous Types)
ASTM D1752 Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork
and Recycled PVC Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and
Structural Construction
ASTM D3385 Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field
Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer
ASTM E 329, Standard Recommended Practice for Inspection and
Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel and Bituminous Materials as Used
in Construction
1.5.1 Submit drawings and documentation as required in this specification.
1.5.2 Obtain written acceptance of submittals before using the materials or
methods requiring acceptance.
1.5.3 Responsibilities of Contractor Placing contractor — Submit data on qualifications of
pervious concrete installer for acceptance in accordance to
paragraph Before construction, placing contractor shall: Furnish a proposed mix design with proportions of
materials for acceptance, said design to
accommodate at minimum a permeability of 30 gal/hr
and a minimum loading of H-20. Provide in-site pavement test results including void
content and unit weight of proposed mix design. Provide a sample of product (test panels). Place,
joint and cure two test panels, each to be a minimum
of 225 sq. ft. at the required project thickness to
demonstrate to the architect’s satisfaction that inplace unit weights can be achieved and a satisfactory
pavement can be installed at the site location. Testing agency—Submit data on qualifications of proposed
testing agency for acceptance. Use of testing services will not
relieve Contractor of the responsibility to furnish materials and
construction in full compliance with the Contract Documents. Pre-Placement Conference – A mandatory pre-placement
conference will take place including at a minimum engineer,
general contractor, pervious concrete contractor, concrete
supplier, and field testing agency. As a guide for the meeting, a
copy of the document Checklist for the Concrete PreConstruction Conference (co-published and available from the
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), 900
Spring Street, Silver Spring, MD, (301) 587-1400), will be used
to review all materials and personnel qualifications, concrete
production, preparation, placing, curing, and testing
Quality Assurance
1.6.1 General — Concrete materials and operations may be tested
and inspected by Owner as work progresses. Failure to detect
defective work or material early will not prevent rejection if a
defect is discovered later nor shall it obligate Engineer for final
acceptance. Contractor qualification—Unless otherwise approved by
Engineer, Contractor shall provide evidence of:
employment of one (1) NRMCA
certified Pervious Concrete Craftsman who must be on
site, overseeing each placement crew, during all
concrete placement, or
the contractor shall provide evidence of
employment of three (3) NRMCA certified Pervious
Concrete Technicians, who have received hands-on
training in the construction of pervious concrete
pavements, and who must be on site, working as
members of each placement crew, during all concrete
placement, or
the contractor must obtain the services
of a consultant who has the required NRMCA
certification and who will be on site throughout the
concrete placement Concrete Producer qualification – Unless otherwise
approved by Engineer, ready mixed pervious concrete
shall be produced and provided by an NRMCA Certified
personnel employed at the plant. If, rather than ready mixed pervious concrete, a
volumetric mobile mixer is used to produce the pervious
concrete, the mixer(s) must conform to the standards of
the Volumetric Mixer manufacturers Bureau (VMMB), to
be verified by a current VMMB conformance plate affixed
to the volumetric mixer equipment. The contractor may contact the PCA/Northeast Cement
Shippers Association for information on qualified/NRMCA
certified contractors and personnel. Contact Director
Kenneth Justice, P.E. at (610) 828-5119.
1.6.2 Test Panels — Test panels may be placed at any of the specified
pervious concrete pavement placement locations. Test panels
shall be tested for thickness in accordance with ASTM C 42; void
structure in accordance with ASTM C 138; and for core unit
weight in accordance with ASTM C 140, Paragraph 6.3. Satisfactory performance of the test panels will be
determined by:
Compacted thickness no less than 1/4" of
specified thickness. Void Content ± three (3) percent of the of the design
void content. Unit weight ± five (5) pcf of the design unit weight. If measured void structure is outside specified limits or if
measured thickness is greater than 1/4" less than the
specified thickness or if measured unit weight is less
than five (5) pcf below design unit weight, the test panel
shall be removed at contractor’s expense and disposed
of in an approved landfill. If the test panel meets the above-mentioned
requirements, it can be left in-place and included in the
completed work.
Testing agencies — Agencies that perform testing services on
concrete materials shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1077.
Testing agencies performing the testing shall be accepted by
Architect/Engineer before performing any work. Field tests of
concrete required in 1.6.4 shall be made by an individual
certified as an : NRMCA Certified Pervious Concrete Technician, and ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1 in
accordance with ACI CP1 or equivalent. Equivalent
certification programs shall include requirements for
written and performance examinations as stipulated in
ACI publication CP1.
Testing responsibilities of Contractor Submit data on qualifications of proposed testing agency
for acceptance. Use of testing services will not relieve
Contractor of the responsibility to furnish materials and
construction in full compliance with the Contract
Documents. Duties and responsibilities — Unless otherwise specified
in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall assume the
following duties and responsibilities: Qualify proposed materials and establish
mixture proportions. Furnish any necessary labor to assist Owner’s
testing agency in obtaining and handling
samples at the project site or at the source
of materials. Advise Owner’s testing agency at least 24 hr in
advance of operations to allow for completion
of quality tests and for assignment of
1.6.5 — Testing and Acceptance: A minimum of one test for each delivery truck of pervious
concrete in accordance with ASTM C 1688 to verify
unit weight shall be conducted. Delivered unit weights
are to be determined in accordance with ASTM C
1688 using a 0.25 cubic foot cylindrical metal
measure. The measure is to be filled and compacted
in accordance with ASTM C 1688, jigging procedure.
The unit weight of the delivered concrete shall be ±
five (5) pcf of the design unit weight. Test panels shall have two cores taken from each panel
in accordance with ASTM C 42 at a minimum of seven
(7) days after placement of the pervious concrete. The
cores shall be measured for thickness, void structure,
and unit weight. Untrimmed, hardened core samples
shall be used to determine placement thickness. The
average of all production cores shall not be less than
the specified thickness with no individual core being
more than 1/4inch less than the specified thickness.
After thickness determination, the cores shall be
trimmed and measured for unit weight in the saturated
condition as described in Paragraph 6.3.1 "Saturation"
of ASTM C 140, Standard Methods of Sampling and
Testing Concrete Masonry Units. The trimmed cores
shall be immersed in water for 24 hours, allowed to
drain for one (1) minute, surface water removed with a
damp cloth, then weighed immediately. The range of
satisfactory unit weight values are ± five (5) pcf of the
design unit weight. After a minimum of seven (7) days following each
placement, three cores shall be taken in accordance
with ASTM C 42. The cores shall be measured for
thickness and unit weight determined as described
above for test panels. Core holes shall be filled with concrete meeting the
pervious mix design or grout.
2.1 — Concrete—Comply with ASTM C94 and the following requirements:
2.1.1 Aggregates — Maximum aggregate size shall not exceed one-third of the pavement
2.1.2 Submit documentation describing concrete mixture proportions in accordance with
ACI 301.
2.2 — Isolation joint material
2.2.1 For isolation joint materials, comply with ASTM D 994, D 1751, or ASTM D 1752.
2.3 — Forms
2.3.1 Forms shall be made of steel or wood or other material capable of
supporting concrete and mechanical concrete placing equipment that is
sufficiently rigid to maintain the specified tolerances.
2.3.2 Forms shall be clean and free of dirt, rust, and hardened concrete.
3.1 — Sub-grade preparation
3.1.1 Prepare sub-grade as required in the contract documents.
3.1.2 Construct sub-grade to ensure that the required pavement
thickness is obtained in all locations.
3.1.3 Re-grade and re-compact sub-grade disturbed by concrete delivery
vehicles or other construction equipment.
3.1.4 Do not use loose material to obtain final sub-grade elevation.
3.1.5 Sub-grade permeability shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM D 3385 before concrete placement to ensure conformance with
contract documents
3.2 — Sub-base
3.2.1 Use only when required by contract documents. If used, prepare
subbase in accordance with Section 3.1, Sub-grade preparation.
3.3 — Setting forms
3.3.1 Set, align, and brace forms so that the pavement will meet the
tolerances specified in Section 3.10, Tolerances.
3.3.2 Apply form release agent to inside face of forms before placing
3.3.3 The edge of previously placed concrete may be used as a form. Do
not apply form release agent to previously placed concrete.
3.3.4 Placement width shall not exceed twenty (20) feet unless
successfully demonstrated otherwise and accepted by the Engineer.
3.4 — Batching, mixing, and delivery
3.4.1 Comply with ASTM C 94 except that discharge shall be completed
within sixty (60) minutes of the introduction of mix water to the cement -this time can be increased to 90 minutes when utilizing a hydration
stabilizer. Further, water addition is permitted at the point of discharge
provided the design w/c ratio is not exceeded.
3.5 — Placing and finishing fixed-form pavement
3.5.1 Deposit concrete directly from the transporting equipment onto the
sub-grade or sub-base as appropriate. Wet the sub-base or sub-grade
immediately prior to placement.
3.5.2 Do not place concrete on frozen sub-grade or sub-base.
3.5.3 Other methods of conveying the concrete may be used when
specified or permitted by the engineer.
3.5.4 Deposit concrete between the forms to a uniform height.
3.5.5 Spread the concrete using a come-along, short-handle, squareended shovel or rake.
3.5.6 Foot-traffic shall not be allowed on the fresh concrete.
3.5.7 Strike off concrete between forms using a form riding paving
machine, vibrating screed, or roller screed. Other strike-off devices may
be used when accepted.
3.5.8 Do not use steel trowels or power finishing equipment.
3.5.9 Finish the pavement to the elevations and thickness specified in
the project drawings and meet the requirements of Section 3.9,
3.6 — Placing and finishing slip-form pavement
3.6.1 When accepted, slip-form equipment may be permitted.
3.6.2 Deposit and finish concrete in accordance with Section 3.5.
3.7 — Final surface texture
3.7.1 Final surface texture shall be achieved by compacting the fresh
concrete using a full-width steel roller, that provides a minimum
compactive pressure to achieve the requirements of Section 3.9—
3.7.2 Other methods of producing final surface texture may be permitted
when specified and accepted.
3.7.3 Hand tools shall be used to compact the concrete along the slab
edges immediately adjacent to forms.
3.8.1 Edge top surface edges to a radius of 1/4 in. (6 mm).
3.9 Tolerances (see 1.2, Definitions—Tolerances)
3.9.1 Construct pavement to comply with the following tolerances:
Elevation: 3/4 in. (19 mm)
Thickness: +1 in., –1/4 in. (+10 mm, –6 mm) Pavement must be mechanically swept before testing for
compliance with tolerances.
3.9.2 Joint spacing (see Paragraph 3.12)
Contraction joint depth (d = slab thickness): +1/4 in. (6 mm), –0 in.
3.10 — Curing
3.10.1 Curing procedures shall begin immediately after the final
placement operations.
3.10.2 Begin curing within twenty (20) minutes of concrete discharge
unless longer working time is approved by the architect/engineer.
3.10.3 The pavement surface shall be covered with a minimum six (6) mil
thick polyethylene sheet. Sheeting shall be cut to a minimum the full lane
3.10.4 A fog shall be sprayed above the surface, before covering, when
required due to hot weather conditions.
3.10.5 Cover all exposed edges with curing material.
3.10.6 Curing material shall be secured without using dirt.
3.10.7 Cure pavement uninterrupted for a minimum of 7 days, unless
otherwise specified.
3.11 — Hot- and cold-weather construction
3.11.1 In hot weather, protect fresh concrete with windbreaks, shading, or fog
spraying to prevent cracking at locations other than contraction joints.
3.11.2 If required, submit detailed procedures for the production, transportation,
placement, protection, curing, and temperature monitoring of concrete during hot
3.11.3 In cold weather, comply with ACI 306.1. Never place pervious concrete
unless the ambient outside temperatures remain above 40 o F for seven (7)
consecutive calendar days.
3.12.1 Construct joints at the locations, depths, and with dimensions indicated on
the project drawings or accepted drawings submitted by the contractor.
3.12.2 If jointing requirements are not indicated on the project drawings, the
contractor shall submit drawings describing proposed jointing in accordance with
Section 1.4, Submittals, and the requirements of through
Contractor shall not proceed with work until the jointing requirements are
accepted by Engineer. Indicate locations of contraction joints, construction joints, and isolation
joints. Spacing between contraction joints shall not exceed 15 feet unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer. The larger dimension of a panel shall not exceed 125% of the smaller
dimension. The minimum angle between two intersecting joints shall be 80 degrees,
unless otherwise specified or permitted. Joints shall intersect pavement free edges at 90-degree angles and
shall extend straight for a minimum of 1-1/2 ft (0.5 m) from the pavement edge,
where possible. Align joints of adjacent panels. Align joints in attached curbs with joints in pavement when possible. Ensure joint depths, widths, and dimensions are as specified. Minimum contraction joint depth, using a conventional saw, or specialty
tools, shall be 1/4 of the pavement thickness. Minimum joint width for saw cutting
is 1/8 in. (3 mm). Use isolation joints only where pavement abuts buildings, foundations,
manholes, and other fixed objects.
3.12.3 Tool contraction joints in fresh concrete immediately after the concrete
has been compacted to the specified depth and width.
3.12.4 Extend isolation joints through the full depth of the pavement. Fill the
entire isolation joint with isolation joint material, unless otherwise required by
project drawings or by accepted jointing drawings submitted by the contractor.
(See Section 2.4.)
3.13 — Opening to traffic
3.13.1 Do not open the pavement to vehicular traffic until the concrete has
cured for at least 7 days or until the pavement is accepted by the engineer for
opening to traffic.