Cambridge Journals Online - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

VIVA Licenses Online Journals from Cambridge University Press
The Virtual Library of Virginia
For Immediate Release: Fairfax, Virginia 4/01/2001
Cambridge University Press Journals Available Online at VIVA Libraries
The political influence of Benjamin Franklin, the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, and the
ethical issues related to the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease are all topics that Virginia’s
college students and faculty can find in Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), the newest
electronic resource licensed by VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia. The agreement
between VIVA and Cambridge University Press, the oldest press in the world and the
publishing house of the University of Cambridge, gives researchers at VIVA colleges and
universities the ability to search and view all of Cambridge Journals Online’s tables of
contents, article abstracts, and full text articles. CJO currently includes over 125
specialized journals from renowned research societies and associations in the sciences,
social sciences, and humanities.
Cambridge Journals Online offers two search modes: quick search and advanced search.
In either mode, a drop down menu lets the user browse the journals alphabetically or by
subject area, view a list of personal and institutional subscription titles, or launch
advanced searching. Each journal in CJO has its own home page with links to the current
and back volumes, as well as a brief description of the journal’s purpose, format, content,
and current editors. CJO’s date coverage varies by journal title, with the earliest starting
in 1997. Search results are displayed 10 items per page and include a relevancy ranking,
complete citation information, and separate links for viewing the abstract and the PDF
version of the full text article.
Both the quick and advanced search allow the user to combine search terms with the
Boolean operators AND, NOT, and OR and the proximity operator NEAR. Quotation
marks can be used for phrase searching, the plus (+) sign to require a term, the minus (–)
sign to exclude a term, and the asterisk (*) as a wild card. Searches are automatically
conducted in all of the journals unless the user selects one or more titles from the drop
down menu on the advanced search page. Other advanced search options include field
searching of full text, title, author, author’s affiliation, abstract, and keywords and
limiting by date range and subject area of interest. By simply selecting the “Ecology and
Conservation” category, biology students interested in biodiversity issues can target their
searches to 13 journals, including Animal Conservation, Biological Reviews, Journal of
Tropical Ecology, and Journal of Zoology.
The breadth of research covered in Cambridge Journals Online is illustrated in the
complete list of “Subject Areas” below.
African Studies
American Studies
Archaeology and Anthropology
Asian Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Computer Science
Cultural Studies
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Ecology and Conservation
European Studies
General Interest
History and Philosophy of Science
Language and Linguistics
Latin American Studies
Literary Studies
Medical Policy
Molecular Biology
Music and Drama
Physical Science
Plant Science
Politics and International Relations
Psychology and Psychiatry
Religious Studies
Social Studies
By registering with Cambridge Journals Online, frequent users can take advantage of
time-saving personalization features, such as receiving automatic emails with the table of
contents of new issues and/or the results of searches on specified keywords. Registering
also enables the individual user to create a customized profile for “MY CJO Homepage”
where articles, search criteria, alerting messages, and direct links to designated journals
or table of contents can be saved and retrieved.
Cambridge Journals Online strengthens VIVA’s collection of electronic resources by
widening access to the world’s best scholarship and presenting exciting new subjects and
methodologies for cross-discipline studies to researchers across the Commonwealth.
VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia, is the consortium of the libraries of the 39 stateassisted colleges and universities (at 52 campuses) within the Commonwealth of
Virginia. In addition, 32 independent (private, non-profit) institutions and The Library of
Virginia participate where possible. VIVA's mission is to provide, in an equitable, cooperative, and cost-effective manner, enhanced access to library and information
resources for Virginia's academic libraries serving the higher education community.
VIVA is sponsored by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
For additional information contact:
Katherine A. Perry
VIVA Director
B222 Fenwick Library
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444
Tel.: 703-993-4652