

Introduction to Healthcare and Public Health in the US: Delivering Healthcare

(Part 2)


Discussion questions (for individual assignments or small group discussion):

1. What is outpatient care?

2. Discuss the important characteristics of primary care. In your opinion, which is the feature of primary care that most appeals to you?

3. What do you think are the main factors that foster the clinician-patient relationship?

4. What is the primary difference between internal medicine and family practice physicians?

5. Do you think primary care is in crisis? Defend your position.

6. If you had the necessary authority, how will you solve the primary care crisis?

7. What are the differences between urgent care centers and emergency departments?

8. What is the best setting to treat the following conditions (choose between primary care clinic, urgent care center, and emergency room): a. A 24 year old male with a sore throat, cough, without fever, wheezing, rash or other constitutional symptoms. b. A 46 year old female who twisted her ankle and now has some swelling and bruising around the inner aspect of her ankle. c. A 68 year old male with a one hour history of severe chest pain, accompanied by sweating, palpitations, and a sensation that he is going to pass out.

9. Why do you think the number of ER visits increased from 90.3 million in 1996 to

119.2 million in 2006?

10. Discuss strategies to reduce inappropriate ER visits in your community.

11. What are some of the branches of pathology and how do these fields help clinicians manage their patients?

Health IT Workforce Curriculum

Version 3.0/Spring 2012

Introduction to Healthcare and

Public Health in the US

Delivering Healthcare (Part 2)

This material (Comp1_Unit3) was developed by Oregon Health and Science University, funded by the Department of Health and

Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000015.


1 2. Discuss some of the advances in radiology from the time of Wilhelm Röntgen to the present day. Do you think that the advances in radiologic technology have improved patient care?

13. How does a multidisciplinary approach help hospice patients?

14. Have you ever been to a primary care office, either for your own health needs or for the needs of your family? Describe the people you met at the office during your visit, your perception of their role, and how you feel they fit into the organization structure of the clinic. Do you think some roles are more essential than others?

Health IT Workforce Curriculum

Version 3.0/Spring 2012

Introduction to Healthcare and

Public Health in the US

Delivering Healthcare (Part 2)

This material (Comp1_Unit3) was developed by Oregon Health and Science University, funded by the Department of Health and

Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000015.

