基督工人中心 CHRISTIAN WITNESS CENTER P. O. BOX 700, WARSAW, MO 65355 TEL. 660-438-7710 E-mail: cwc@cwcnet.org Home Page: www.cwcnet.org EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: BILLY KO TEL. 573-443-6218 E-MAIL: bko@cwcnet.org 2015 年 4 月禱告信 April 2015 Prayer Letter Please download our prayer calendar by clicking the following web address. You may set it as wallpaper on your computer or print it out and post it on your door or wall. Please pray for us daily. 中文禱告日曆 Wallpaper 中文禱告信 DOC, PDF; English DOC, PDF Application Forms: May Discipleship Training 五月門徒與同工訓練 Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training 國殤周末帶職門徒訓練營 Youth Discipleship Training 六月青少年營 August Bible Camp 八月讀經營 Christian Witness Center Home Page Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in the Lord. Praise the Lord! Gospel Camp went well by the grace of the Lord. Nearly two hundred adults and children attended the camp, with fifty-two gospel friends who had not yet accepted Christ. Praise the Lord! Seventeen of these gospel friends accepted Jesus as their Personal Savior, so we thank the Lord. One-third of the gospel friends accepted the Lord, an exciting ratio. Although we have held many Gospel Camps and Winter Conferences, I was especially moved about the following points this time: 1. We must be more faithful in sharing the gospel with others. Even though evangelism is not easy, as long as we share the gospel with all of our hearts, the Lord will do amazing good work. 2. We must share the gospel by depending on prayers and the Spirit. I noticed one group had the most people believing in Jesus. For three months, they had prayed for the gospel friends they invited. In this camp more than the usual proportion of people participated in the “watchman prayer meeting”, during which they pray for the speaker before and while he preaches. We prayed for the hearts of the nonbelievers. Thus, not only do the messages of the speakers stimulate confession of the faith, also prayers and the power of the Holy Spirit contribute. 3. We must be more aggressive to share the gospel. Prior to the Gospel Camp I had called different campuses to see how many gospel friends would attend the Gospel Camp. Several church and campus leaders replied me: “There would be no gospel friends attending this year because we no longer have gospel friends joining our fellowship”. What was even more worrisome was some leaders sighed, “The turnover rate for students is too high, so at the weekly meetings there are only a few students and the rest are families.” I was very grieved to hear the condition of their church because several years ago in their fellowship they had scores of students. Now only one-tenth stay. Of course, the turnover rate is high. Students graduate. It is also because the rate of evangelizing is not quick enough that they don’t have more students at church. If campus fellowship doesn’t mobilize everyone to share the gospel, then it will not achieve the appropriate evangelizing rate. The number of students will decrease, which will make it seem like there are more families. So students are less likely to want to go to fellowship, and campus ministry becomes hopeless. Campus brothers and sisters must work together for the gospel, to quickly bring students to the Lord. 4. Christians must attend the Gospel meetings with gospel friends. One campus invited nearly twenty gospel friends to the camp. That was incredible. It was too bad that fewer than ten Christians came from that campus. Only one or two gospel friends accepted the Lord. This was regrettable! Campus believers must attend Gospel meetings with gospel friends, so it will be more effective. During Gospel Camp, gospel friends need Christians to care for them and to answer questions; believers also need to encourage gospel friends to attend every session, to talk to pastors and short-term mission teams. Gospel Camp is not just for gospel friends but also for believers. At the Gospel Camp, Christians can also listen to many workshops on spiritual growth and Christian life. Most importantly, local Christians are the best counselors for local gospel friends. May Discipleship and Coworker Training (May 17th-22nd): The semester will end in a little over a month. In order to develop student coworkers for the next semester, we must encourage people to attend Disciple and Coworker Training in May. We need to encourage this year’s graduates to attend this training. Once they start work, it will be even harder to attend the week-long Discipleship Training. We also must encourage students who will visit families back home during the summer to not leave until after attending Discipleship Training. Thus they can go back with the message, equipped, and empowered from God to witness for the Lord. The speakers for May Discipleship Training are Rev. Edwin Su, Rev. David Wu, and CWC coworkers. The application deadline is May 15th. The application forms have been postal mailed to your churches and fellowships. Please refer to the CWC website for details. Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training (May 22nd-25th): Campus fellowship and church not only need to have students step up to share the gospel, they also need families as a stable force to raise up, lead, and support students in sharing the gospel. Christians who work near campuses should become “Little Shepherds” for the students, leading students in discipleship, and having good testimonies on campus. Thus, more people can come to God. Lay-Minister Discipleship Training exists to raise up “Little Shepherds”, in order to accomplish the Great Commission of the Lord. The messages at this training mostly help you learn how to witness for the Lord at your work place, and help you balance a heavy workload, family burdens, and serving at church. Since the length of the training is short, we require you to attend full-time. Please consider taking a half day off on Friday, so you will arrive at CWC before 5:30pm. Besides Rev. Edwin Su and Rev. David Wu, speakers also include Elder Johnson Lee and CWC coworkers. Application deadline is May 15th; please apply early. The application forms have also been postal mailed to your churches and fellowships. For more detailed information, please refer to the CWC website. Youth Discipleship Training (June 7th-13th): This generation of youth is a lost generation! The schools teach them upside-down theories, their classmates and friends rationalize sin, and cohabitation and homosexuality are lifestyle choices. If we don’t lead our children to be the Lord’s disciples while they’re young, they will certainly go with the flow in this society where “everyone has turned to his own way”. This is not a weeklong camp for young people to frolic and be entertained. It is a discipleship training tailored for the youth, aiming to help young people learn to be disciples of the Lord early in life. Then they may walk in the way of the Lord all their days, be witnesses for the Lord among classmates when they go on to college, assist with campus ministry, be wonderful witnesses at work in their future places of employment, and shine for the Lord in society. The speakers are Pastors Fred Mok, Steve Tan, and Jason McCray, and other pastors. Because we will make T-shirts this year, the application deadline is May 27th. Please apply early and pray for this camp. Please check the CWC website for details. August Bible Camp (August 2nd-8th): The Bible Camp will study the Major Prophets. These books are not easy to read. Many brothers and sisters are afraid to touch those hard books. However, hidden in these books are many precious spiritual lessons. Thus, many brothers and sisters already have submitted application forms, and they already have formed Bible study small groups for serious studying. Our speakers are Rev. Chih-Hao Shen coming from Detroit and Sister Grace Lee coming back from Taiwan. Application forms have been sent out, and all Bible reading information is posted on the CWC website. Please apply early and prepare adequately. Prayer Requests: 1. Praise the Lord, many gospel friends accepted the Lord at the March Gospel Camp. Please pray for the follow-up ministry everywhere. 2. Praise the Lord! All of the rooms of the new dormitory were completed prior to and were used during Gospel Camp. For the first time in many years of Gospel Camp history, everyone had a bed to sleep in. Please pray for the construction of the balconies, stairways, and gutters for the dorm. 3. Please pray for the invitation work for the May Discipleship Training, that the Spirit of the Lord moves and prepares brothers’ and sisters’ hearts to attend. 4. Please pray for Lay-Minister Discipleship Training, that the Lord will prepare more working brothers and sisters to attend, so they may be wonderful witnesses for the Lord at work, at home, and at church. 5. Please pray for the Youth Discipleship Training in June, for the Lord to lead young people to attend. 6. Please pray for the August Bible Camp and for brothers and sisters’ homework preparation. 7. Pray for the ministries of CWC coworkers. Emmanuel: God is with us. In Him, Billy Ko Back to Christtian Witness Center Home Page To unsubscribe from this group or change your e-mail address, please send an email to: bko@cwcnet.org, with the subject “unsubscribe” or “change address”. Thank you very much!