American Association of Grant Professionals Annual Membership Meeting - Boston, MA November 11, 2004 I. Call to Order. President Phyl Renninger (FL) called the meeting to order at 7:18 P.M. II. Meeting Attendance. Secretary Deanna Nurnberg (MN), certified that there were quorum was met; quorum is 60% of the members enrolled for the conference (156). III. Approval of Minutes. A. Approval of Minutes from 2002 Membership Meeting 2002 -- Portland, OR. Motion: To approve the minutes from the 2002 membership meeting (Janie Small, FL/Laura Porter Jones, AZ). Motion Carried. B. Approval of Minutes from 2003 Membership 2003 -- Kansas City, MO. Motion: To approve the minutes from the 2003 Membership Meeting (Sarah Brophy, MA/Beverly Lipsey, KS). Motion Carried. IV. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Michael Wells (OR) provided the treasurer’s report. As of October 31, 2004, AAGP had $88,795.10 in income over expenses, on a cash basis. On a modified accrual basis, total assets were $128,209.79; total liabilities were $92,281.00, the fund balance was $35,928.79 (total liabilities and fund balance: $128,209.79). Report filed for audit. V. Executive Director’s Report. Executive Director Gail Vertz (KS) provided an overview of her activities during 2004 in service to the association and its member, including information about recent member benefits and partnerships (conference calls, Southwestern Airlines, etc.). Membership. She noted that we are now at membership #1,040 – 680 active members, including international participants and members from Canada, South Africa, and England. Conference Report and Announcements. She noted that 380 individuals had registered for the conference and informed the members that the following will be available online: (within 5 days, if workshop presenters provide their handouts to Maryn Boess), the conference handouts; the membership directory; the interim annual directory; and a participants’ directory. She also made announcements about the next three conferences: Scottsdale, AZ in 2005; Nashville, TN in 2006; and Washington, DC in 2007. VI. Committee Reports. Written committees were provided in the interim annual report included in the conference kit. Additionally, verbal reports were provided by: A. Chaptering. Chaptering Committee Chair Deanna Nurnberg provided a very brief overview of chaptering activities that have taken place in 2004, with 6 new chapters (Alabama; Miami Valley, OH; Broward County, FL; New York City Metro, NY; and Central Virginia, VA, and Massachusetts. B. Credentialing. Credentialing Chair Pauline Annarino invited individuals interested in credentialing to attend the sessions tomorrow, including the afternoon session, which is an informational session. C. Research & Authority. Research & Authority Committee Chair provided a brief overview of the activities of the committee, which oversees production of the Journal, research, and a grants expert list. VII. Issues, Input and Discussion from Members M. Netlyn Bernard (NY). Request: can the members receive information about income statements in a side by side format with previous and current year comparisons in the future? VIII. Announcement of Next Membership Meeting – President Renninger (FL) announced the next meeting would be October 2005 in Scottsdale, AZ. IX. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM. Respectfully Submitted on November 11, 2004 by: Deanna Nurnberg, Secretary.