Animal Disease Activity - Colorado State University Extension

COLORADO 4-H PROGRAM- Livestock Leader Lesson Plans
Jedlicka, Megan – Colorado State University – Logan County
The Ohio State University Beef Resource Handbook, Page 5-1
The Ohio State University Sheep Resource Handbook, Page 67
The Ohio State University Swine Resource Handbook, Page 9-1
The Ohio State University Goat Resource Handbook, Page 85
4-H Veterinary Science Curriculum, Unit 2
Supplies: unscented hand lotion, glitter, spray bottle with water, slightly inflated balloons, cooking oil, cinnamon,
soap, stopwatch
 Make copies of the Hand washing table
Lesson Time: 45 min
Objectives of this lesson:
 You have to understand transmission of disease to be able to control animal diseases
 Teach proper cleaning
Benefits to the member:
Learn how we can protect our animals from diseases.
Activities and outline of teaching:
o Discuss what makes disease spread through a group of animals?
Activity 1:
o Explain that you will be playing a game about how disease spreads. We will focus on transmission
by contact with the animal (touch), droplets in the air (airborne) and through insect bites (insect).
o Divide members into three groups. Have each member of group one put on hand lotion and then put
a small amount of glitter into their hand (dust off hands & some glitter will remain). Give group two
spray bottles with clean water. Give each member of group three a balloon.
o Have all of the members circulate around the room for 10 minutes. Group one will be touching
people and things in the room; group two will be spraying water bottles around the room; group three
will toss the balloons around the room as they move around.
o After 10 minutes ask who was touched by the balloons? – they have been infected by insect vectors;
who/what was touched by water droplets? – they have been infected by airborne diseases; who/what
has glitter on them? – they have been infected with disease by touch
o What, besides the animal, can have viruses, bacteria, etc. and possibly infect the animals?
o What are examples of airborne diseases? Insect/vector diseases? Contact/touch diseases?
Activity 2:
o Have members work in groups so someone can observe and record
o Use the attached chart to do the experiment
o One person from each group “dirties” their hands by covering them with oil and then rubbing in
cinnamon. Wash hands with each method on the chart. (Dirty hands between each method or have
different people do each method for the time amounts.) DO NOT scrub hands.
o The stopwatch operator indicates when to start and volunteers begin washing hands. Stopwatch
operator should indicate the 5 second intervals, at which point that hand-washer should stop washing,
rinse off and wait until the last person is done.
o Observe & record the cleanliness factor of each volunteer’s hands using the table.
o Repeat process until all methods and lengths of time have been demonstrated
o Which method and length of time resulted in the cleanest hands?
o How does this relate to cleaning your animals pens, tack, feed pans, waterers, etc?
o What should be done after thoroughly cleaning supplies?
Knowledge gained by youth:
 Disease transmission
 Proper cleaning & disinfecting techniques
Life skill learned: Learning to learn, Contributions to Group Effort, Communication, Social Skills, Sharing,
Nurturing Relationships, Self-esteem
STEM content: Predict, Hypothesize, Evaluate, Problem Solve, Measure, Collect Data, Use Tools, Observe,
Communicate, Compare
Colorado State University Extension’s programs are available to all without discrimination. The information contained herein is
provided as a public service with the understanding that Colorado State University makes no warranties or endorsements, either
expressed or implied. Colorado State University Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating.
Cold Water
No Soap
Cold Water
Warm Water
No Soap
Warm Water
Scale of effectiveness:
3 = Halfway clean
5 Seconds
10 Seconds
15 Seconds
20 Seconds
5 = Spotless!
25 Seconds
30 Seconds