DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES COURSE OUTLINE AND SYLLABUS COURSE NAME: Intermediate Chinese II & Lab: Language & Culture COURSE NUMBER: 16-202 COURSE CREDIT HOURS: 3 PREREQUISITES: 101, 102 and/or 201 or Chair’s Permission INSTRUCTOR: TBA I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to continue the development of the audio-lingual skills. Grammar will consist of the more advanced levels of syntax, and students will be introduced to Chinese culture and business. Laboratory attendance complements course. Prerequisites: Chinese 101, 102, and 201 with a C or better. 2 II. RATIONALE FOR THE COURSE: This course uses an intensive oral-aural approach to Chinese. Abundant practice in listening, reading, writing and comprehending Chinese is provided with basic grammar integrated in the learning process. Laboratory attendance is required to enhance basic proficiency in Chinese. This course fulfills part of the General Education requirement in the humanities. It is also part of the foundational course work required of all foreign language minors and Education majors who choose Chinese as their concentration area. The course is designed to develop aural ability, oral facility, reading, comprehension and writing. As such, it forms part of the Professional Education Unit. The framework of the Unit is conceptualized in the model that follows. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK COMPONENTS (TEP) ADDRESSED IN THIS COURSE DIRECT (TEP) D = Diversity (working with cultural activities and diverse populations) I = Interpersonal Communication Skills R = Reflections E = Effective Teaching and assessment Strategies C= Content and Pedagogical knowledge T = Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Delaware Teaching Standards (DTS) Content Human Development & Learning Diverse Learners Communication Learning Environment Planning Instructional Strategies Assessment Professional Growth Professional Relationships Educational Technology Professional Conduct NASDTEC STANDARDS FOREIGN LANGUAGES Standard I The program shall require demonstrated competence in the knowledge and understanding of the language, as spoken by a proficient speaker, at normal conversational tempo, on non-technical general topics. 3 Standard II The program shall require demonstrated competence in the knowledge of and experiences in speaking the language with sufficient command of vocabulary, phonology, and syntax to converse with a proficient speaker on non-technical, general topics. Standard III The program shall require demonstrated competence in the knowledge of and experiences in reading and comprehending general non-technical materials. Standard IV The program shall require demonstrated competency in the knowledge of and experiences in writing the language with grammatical accuracy and clarity. Standard V The program shall require demonstrated competence in the knowledge of phonology, morphology, and syntax. Standard VI The program shall require demonstrated competency in the knowledge of geography, history, social structure, and artistic contributions of the target society. Standard VII The program shall require demonstrated competency in the knowledge, understanding, and interpretation of the contemporary lifestyles, customs, and cultural patterns of the target society. Standard VIII The program shall require demonstrated competency in the knowledge of major literacy masterpieces and the relationship to the historical and social context of the target society. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: This course is designed to teach students basic reading, writing, speaking and comprehension of the Chinese language, using a combination of traditional and innovative pedagogical methodologies. Students will be able to hear spoken Chinese at their leisure outside the classroom and the language laboratory. The homework assignments will help students to develop their problem solving abilities using Chinese as the medium of communication. By the end of the course, students will develop a deep appreciation of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Chinese-speaking world. Listening Comprehend most Chinese spoken at a slower than normal pace using skills and coping strategies to fill in the gaps of comprehension (TEP- D, I, E, C DTS – 1, 4 NASDTEC – I, VII) 4 Speaking Ask and answer questions on a variety of everyday topics (TEP – D, I, E, C DTS – 4, 9 NASDTEC - II) Describe people, places, and things ((TEP – I, C DTS -1, 4 NASDTEC – I, II, III, VI, VII) Narrate present and recurring present events. (TEP- C DTS - 1 NASDTEC – II, III) Reading Comprehend culturally authentic material of a simple nature (TEP – D, I, R, C DTS – 1, 4 NASDTEC – VI) Writing Describe and narrate (TEP – D, I, E, C DTS –1, 4 NASDTEC – II, IV) Culture Perform daily routines with cultural appropriateness (TEP – D, R, C DTS – 1, 3 NASDTEC – VII) Identify and describe general historical, social, political, and cultural patterns of Chinese. (TEP – I, C DTS – 1, 3 NASDTEC - VII) IV. TOPICAL OUTLINE: This course will cover but will not be limited to the following topics: Understand the general ideas of lectures Be able to write essays Recognize the main grammatical structures Talk about a number of important figures V. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS/BEST PRACTICES include but not limited to: Group Discussion One on with the instructor Role Play Performing Pair work Simulation Lexical Research VI. STUDENT PREPARATION ROLES include but not limited to: Active participant Group discussion Workbook review Performers Evaluators 5 VII. LEARNING ACTIVITIES include but not limited to: With the help of a dictionary, understand the main points of any non-technical text Carry out basic research Identify important sources Understand main ideas Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words Initiate and sustain discussion Understand the general ideas of lectures Talk about a number of important ideas in Chinese cultural history VIII. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Methods Workbook/Lab Manual Homework Chapter Tests Attendance and Participation Mid-Term Exam Final Exam Grading Scale 100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 and below 20% 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% ______ 100 % Common Assessment =A =B =C =D =F IX. COURSE TIMELINE This schedule is tentative and may change based on the needs of the students. The semester’s schedule is as follows: Weeks 1 –2 Review of Semester III Objectives: After completing this unit, students will be able to understand basic conversation of materials Linguistic Functions: Pronunciation: Cultural Note: Grammatical Structures: Weeks 3- 4 Specification. Introduction Shanghai Describing past events Expressing habitual or continuous actions Part Two Listening Strategy: Duty and obligation 6 Linguistic Functions: Pronunciation: Cultural Notes: Grammar: Week 5- Part Three Holidays Introduction Religion Understand the details of the grammar Understand the structure of the test The Christian’s Holidays Reading Strategies: Linguistic Functions: Pronunciation: Cultural Notes: Grammatical Structures: Utilize the social and cultural background The Chinese Press Chinese Tone Chinese Art Active participle Passive participle Week 6 Review and Mid-Term Week 7-8 Part Four - Te role of the University Objective: Listening and Viewing Linguistic Functions: Talk about Chinese Universities DVD Grammatical Structures: Weeks 9-10 Part five The Chinese Country University Reading strategies: Linguistic Functions: Cultural Notes: Grammatical Structures: WEEKS 11-12 Part six Modern Chinese history Reading Strategies: Linguistic Functions: Cultural Notes: Grammatical Structures: Weeks 13- 14 Part Seven Opposite and synonym Autobiography Chinese Folk heroes Pronoun suffix Modern Chinese Writing Political and social images Women in China Comparative and Superlative Translation from Chinese to English Reading Strategies: Linguistic Functions: Grammatical Structures: Cultural Notes: Syllabic Reading Nationalities Demonstrative pronouns Fronted predicate Chinese Universities 7 Week 15- Part Eight: General Review Week 16 Part Nine the Final COURSE POLICIES/PROCEDURES Class attendance and participation comprise 15% of students’ grade in the semester. The instructor will grant excused absences if a student is sick, has family emergencies or some other valid excuse for being absent from class. In such cases the student must provide the instructor with some written official excuse. Make up for quizzes and exams will only be granted only under the above-mentioned conditions. Please refer to the current Delaware State University policies on attendance. Class Participation is absolutely necessary; students must participate actively in class in order to receive points deserved. Students will take five quizzes during the semester. They consist of listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammatical structures, and a guided composition. In addition, students will take one mid semester and one final exam. Both exams have the same sections as quizzes but they also include an oral interview. All work must be submitted on time and returned graded on time. The Language Laboratory section of this course takes in the Language Lab located on the second floor of the EH building to assist students improve on their listening and speaking proficiency in Chinese. Students must turn in five 90-minute cassette tapes for recording of aural and oral exercises. All readings and topics are assigned for study at least 48 hours prior to quiz time with no extensions unless for reasons stipulated under the attendance policy. XI. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE This course offers students the opportunity to understand the socio-cultural patterns and linguistic diversity of the Chinese language. Students will thus learn to appreciate and become tolerant of other world cultures. 8 DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES COURSE OUTLINE AND SYLLABUS COURSE NAME: Elementary Arabic II & Lab: Language and Culture COURSE NUMBER: 14-202 COURSE CREDIT HOURS 3 PREREQUISITES: 101, 102 and/or 201 or Chair’s Permission INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Laila Girgis EH (302) 857- 7058 Office Hours: TBA LABORATORY EXERCISES WEEKS 1-12 9 Al-Kitaab : Audiocassette tapes The Lab exercises involve speaking, listening, reading, and comprehension as specified in the course outline. OBJECTIVES The laboratory component of this course is designed to foster the oral and aural components of proficiency in basic Arabic. CONTENT CD ROM /Audio Tape and Music to accompany Al-Kitaab fii Ta’allum al-Arabiyya