Ulster Historical Foundation Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100280 Private and Confidential Tender Document For Fit out of a new Heritage/Visitor Centre at the Corn Exchange Building, Dunbar Link/Gordon Street, Belfast CLOSING DAY: Wednesday CLOSING DATE: 24 September 2014 CLOSING TIME: 17:00 DATED ISSUED: 05 September 2014 SECTION A 1 Background to Project Ulster Historical Foundation in partnership with the Ministerial Advisory Group – Ulster-Scots Academy, the Ulster-Scots Agency, the Ulster-Scots Community Network and the Ulster-Scots Language Society, has been tasked with preparing content and design and for fitting out a heritage/visitor centre on the ground floor of the new Ulster-Scots ‘hub’ at the Corn Exchange building in Belfast. This hub will provide a focal point for those interested in finding out more about Ulster-Scots history, heritage and cultural offerings. The centre will comprise historical information in attractively produced graphical displays, as well as a performance/presentation area, information display area, a retail unit, and a small seating area for visitors, with a coffee dock. The solution proposed by the Vendor should have a museum-quality feel to the exhibition both in terms of quality of finish and materials proposed. This centre is to be a high quality visitor experience attractive to visitors and community users. 2 The Project Partners ULSTER HISTORICAL FOUNDATION Ulster Historical Foundation is a not-for-profit educational charity, founded in 1956, with the mission to tell the important story of the people of the nine counties of Ulster. The Foundation is established for exclusively charitable purposes and is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100280. The Foundation seeks to disseminate heritage and cultural knowledge and to generate and provide the research and educational resources necessary to support individuals, families, groups, educators and global diasporas in understanding the history of Ulster. Web: www.ancestryireland.com MINISTERIAL ADVISORY GROUP – ULSTER- SCOTS ACADEMY The MAG Ulster-Scots Academy, part of the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure, was established in 2011. It’s main objective is to contribute to building broad knowledge and understanding of Ulster-Scots traditions in Ireland, Scotland and further afield and to bring forward proposals to the establishment of an Ulster-Scots Academy. Web: www.dcalni.gov.uk/language-cultural-diversity-r08/ulster-scots.htm ULSTER-SCOTS AGENCY The Ulster-Scots Agency has been given the legislative remit of the ‘promotion of greater awareness and use of Ullans and of Ulster-Scots cultural issues, both within Northern Ireland and throughout the island’. The Agency was established as a part of the North/South Language Body set up under the Belfast Agreement of 1998. The aims of the Ulster-Scots Agency are to promote the study, conservation, development and use of Ulster-Scots as a living language; to encourage and develop the full range of its attendant culture; and to promote an understanding of the history of the Ulster-Scots. Web: www.ulsterscotsagency.com ULSTER-SCOTS COMMUNITY NETWORK The Ulster-Scots Community Network (USCN) was established in 1995 to promote awareness and understanding of the Ulster-Scots tradition in history, language and culture. Through a continuing programme of wide-ranging projects they also highlight the significant contribution of the UlsterScots community to the development of life in Northern Ireland, the border counties of the Republic of Ireland, and the wider Ulster-Scots diaspora. As a representative umbrella organisation with over 400 member groups, they are committed to representing the interests of those who engage in a variety of Ulster-Scots activities. Web: www.ulster-scots.com ULSTER-SCOTS LANGUAGE SOCIETY The Ulster-Scots Language Society was formed in 1992 for the protection and promotion of the Ulster-Scots language. It encourages the use of Ulster-Scots in both speech and writing in all areas of life. The Society aims to restore the status of the language after generations of neglect and disparagement, and actively lobbies for it to be given proper recognition by government, both in education and more generally. It also views the language as inextricably linked to its attendant culture and believes the Ulster-Scots language and culture to be interdependent. The Ulster-Scots Language Society is by constitution non-political and non-sectarian, and is a registered charity. Web: www.ulsterscotslanguage.com SECTION B 2 Overview of Requirements – Fit out of new heritage/visitor centre The Foundation seeks tenders for the fit out of a new heritage/visitor centre on the ground floor of the Corn Exchange Building, based on the content and designs developed by the project team. The centre will include elements such as: an historical timeline of key Ulster-Scots dates; a major display area with a series of interpretive floor-to-ceiling panels; a ‘blade’-style display system; slot wall panelling for leaflet display area; slot wall panelling for a shop area; interpretive dressing on 2 pillars; audio-visual displays – 2 x computers, plus 1 x display monitor behind reception; refurbishing reception desk/area; graphical treatment of entrance and welcome areas of centre. The centre is to include the following items: GRAPHICAL/VISUAL DISPLAY AREAS 1. Entrance area (graphic treatment and internal signage) 2. Welcome area wall (with Robert Burns graphic) 3. Computer terminals on welcome wall (i.e. the wall with Robert Burns graphic) 4. Historical timeline walls (on 3 walls of ‘performance’ area) 5. Historical interpretation panels (main wall displays) 5a Halo lighting behind panels (note: the backlighting is an optional extra) 6. ‘Blade’-style display (a 2-sided display system) 7. Pillars (x 3) dressed with rectangular 4-sided displays 8. ‘Poets’ Corner’ area 9. Reception desk area (includes wall graphic and refurbishment of existing reception desk) FROSTED VINYL ON GLAZING 10. Frosted vinyl (1) on glazing at entrance to Ulster-Scots Community Network office 11. Frosted vinyl (2) on glazing of small office – front wall 12. Frosted vinyl (3) on glazing of small office – side wall SLATWALL DISPLAY AREAS 13. Shop area 14. Information leaflets displays in corner area OTHER TECHNOLOGICAL ELEMENTS 15. TV/display monitor in reception desk area 16. Audio-visual requirements for lecture theatre FURNITURE 17. Stackable lecture theatre style chairs (x 72 units) 18. Poets’ corner furniture (sofa x 2, coffee table x 1) EXTERNAL SIGNAGE 19. External Signage 20. Painting external windows on Victoria St/Gordon St, and door on Victoria St side See attached sample designs for the visitor centre layout (supplied as PDF documents) for details including estimated dimensions for each element of the heritage centre design and layout. Note: We reserve the right to adjust/vary the tender specification and to remove or add individual elements as necessary, to meet the requirements of any budgetary considerations. We reserve the right to seek other third party tenders for specific, individual elements of this tender document, in particular, though not exclusively, those items numbered 15 to 20. SECTION C 3 Award Criteria The Tender will be evaluated based on the following criteria and weightings to be used to evaluate responses: Criterion Weighting Cost/value for money 40% Methodology (how is the vendor going to deliver the brief) 20% Experience of undertaking similar projects 20% Understanding of brief (creative approach to providing a good production solution) 10% Pricing It must be clearly understood, that the prices indicated will be used to help reach a determination as to a company’s value for money. The prices listed in a response to this tender must be reasonable and attainable, as they will provide the basis upon which a contract might be agreed. Please itemise individual costs according to the list of items as presented above. And include: Cost exclusive of VAT; 2) the VAT element for each item; 3) the total cost including VAT. Lowest Tender The Foundation is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender or part thereof. 4 Timetable The Tender must be received in the format as set out in the timetable and with regard to the closing date on the first page of this document. Stage Deadline Closing date for responses 17:00 Wednesday 24 September 2014 Evaluation of responses Thursday–Friday 25–26 September 2014* Awarding of contract(s) Monday 29 September 2014* Meeting with project team to discuss project** TBC on award Project completion date Mid- November 2014* * Please note that highlighted dates may be subject to change and should only be used as a guideline. ** A detailed plan for the manufacture and fit out of the heritage/visitor will be developed during this meeting SECTION D 1 Introduction – invitation to Tender Ulster Historical Foundation (hereafter referred to as the Foundation) invites proposals for the fit out of a heritage/visitor centre at the Corn Exchange building, Belfast, on behalf of a number of partner organisation including: the Ministerial Advisory group – Ulster-Scots Academy, the Ulster-Scots Agency, the Ulster-Scots Community Network and the Ulster-Scots Language Society. The aim is to develop an Ulster-Scots hub in that location. The Vendor shall be deemed to have satisfied itself before submitting its tender as to the accuracy and sufficiency of the rates and prices stated in their tender which shall (except in so far as is otherwise provided in the Contract) cover all the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract and the Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained for itself all necessary information as to risks and any other circumstances which might reasonably influence or affect the Contractor’s tender. The project requirements are set out in the Detailed Specification Document which is attached. The appointment will be by a process of competitive tender. 2 Submission of Tender Tenders should be returned no later than 17:00 (5pm) on WEDNESDAY 24 September 2014. NOTE: Late or incomplete Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders received after this time will NOT be considered. Tenders may be submitted by post, hand-delivered or by email. All submissions must be in English. Tenders should be sent by email to: enquiry@uhf.org.uk or by post/hand-delivered to: Ulster Historical Foundation, 49 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6RY 3 Currency of Tender The Tender prices must be in £ Sterling (UK pounds). 4 Presentation of Prices and Value Added Tax All prices must be shown in the following format: (a) Price excluding VAT (b) VAT amount (c) Total price including VAT In addition each item must be itemised according to the numbered list of items as presented in Section B (point no. 2) and the Detailed Specification Document. 5 Completion of the Tender Response The Tender response should comprise the following: Signed Tender Response document, in the layout of the Tender Response document attached 6 Lowest Tender The Foundation is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender or part thereof. 7 Contract Period The Contract start date will be as detailed in the Timetable (Section C, no. 4). 8 Contents of the request for Tender This request for Tender comprises these instructions and any addenda which may be issued in due course. 9 Enquiries concerning the response for Tender Any query in connection with the tender documentation shall be submitted by e-mail/telephone to: Point of contact: Kathryn McKelvey Email: enquiry@uhf.org.uk Tel: (028) 9066 1988 If deemed appropriate, the response by the Foundation as well as the nature of the query will be notified to all vendors, without disclosing the name of the Vendor who initiated the query. On no account before the Tender Closing Date is the Vendor to contact or communicate with any other person in the Foundation (other than the person named above) involved in work concerning this Request for Tender unless the Foundation redirects the enquiry. In addition, all completed Proposals/Tenders should be returned in the required format to the above, to arrive on or before the tender closing date 17:00, Wednesday, 24 September 2014. 10 Site Visit If the Vendor wishes to make a site visit please contact the Ulster-Scots Agency at: Tel: (028) 9023 1113 11 Contract Management The contract will be managed by: Fintan Mullan Executive Director Ulster Historical Foundation, 49 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6RY Email: enquiry@uhf.org.uk Tel: (028) 9066 1988 12 Independent Tender By submission of a Tender, the Vendor warrants that: (a) it has not engaged in any consultation, communication, agreement or understanding for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices, with any other Vendor or with any competitor. (b) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices, which have been quoted in the Tender, have not knowingly been disclosed by the Vendor, directly or indirectly, to any other Vendor or competitor, nor will they be so disclosed. (c) No attempt has been made or will be made by the Vendor to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a Tender for the purpose of restricting competition. 13 Modification by the contracting authority and right to issue further instructions During the tendering period, the Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the Contract Documentation and the Vendor, will without reservation, accept such changes. We reserve the right to adjust/vary the tender specification and to remove or add individual elements as necessary, to meet the requirements of any budgetary constraints. We reserve the right to seek other third party tenders for specific elements of this tender document. Any advice of a modification to the Request for Tender shall be issued at least three days before the Tender Closing Date and shall be issued as an addendum to, and shall be deemed to constitute part of, the Request for Tender. If necessary, the Foundation shall revise the Tender Date in order to comply with this requirement. 14 Assumptions Vendors must not make assumptions that the Foundation has prior knowledge of their organisation or their service provision. Vendors will only be evaluated on the information provided in their response. 15 Cost of Tender The Foundation will not be responsible for any costs or expenses, or losses that may be incurred by the Vendor in connection with the preparation or delivery or in the evaluation of the Tender. It is the responsibility of prospective Vendors to obtain for themselves, at their own expense, any additional information necessary for the preparation of their tenders. 16 Validity period of Tender All details of the Tender, including prices and rates are to remain valid for one calendar month after the closing date of the Tender. 17 Compliance Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these Instructions to Vendors. Failure to comply may result in a Tender being rejected by the Foundation. 18 Selection and evaluation criteria for Vendors Vendors will be evaluated using criteria and associated weightings of the Award Criteria (see Section C, point no. 3). 19 Relevant Previous Experience Vendors must complete the Previous Relevant Experience section (supplied with Vendor Response document). The Vendor should list two similar contracts carried out within the past two years, giving a description of these contracts, how they are relevant to the Foundation’s requirement, with the dates and values thereof and the names and addresses of persons to whom references can be made. 20 Insurance Suppliers must acknowledge that they possess the required level of Public & Products and Employers’ Liability Insurance Cover. If your policy is to expire before September 2014, then you must acknowledge that you will have in place £10 million Public & Products/Employers’ Liability Insurance cover before the commencement of the project. If you do not possess this level of Insurance Cover at this current time, then you must acknowledge that you will have it in place before the commencement of the project. Please note, evidence of £10 million Employers’ Liability Cover is only requested where applicable. 21 Health and Safety Vendors must acknowledge that they will adhere to relevant Health and Safety guidance as issued by the Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland. 22 The Contracting Authority’s Discretion The Foundation does not undertake to accept the lowest Tender, or part or all of the Tender and the acknowledgement of receipt of any submitted Tender shall not constitute any actual or implied agreement between the Contracting Authority and the Vendor. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to accept any part, or all, of any Tender or Tenders at its sole discretion. 23 Qualified Tenders Qualification of tenders may result in rejection thereof. 24 Tender not returned No part of the Tender submitted will be returned to the Vendor. 25 Results of the Tender and Notification An evaluation team will consider all Tenders correctly submitted and will select one with a view to reaching a contractual agreement subject to clarification of any outstanding matters. When the final decision on the results of the Request for Tender has been taken all Vendors will be informed by email whether or not they have been successful. The award criteria for evaluating the Tender are included in Section C (point no. 3). 26 Invalidation of Tender and General Guidelines Tenderers are required to fully comply with the Instructions stated in this document when preparing their tender and participating in this negotiated procedure. Tenderers’ particular attention is drawn to the fact that non-compliance with these instructions may invalidate their tender. 27 Confidentiality All documents issued and information given to Vendors must be treated as strictly confidential. Vendors should not release details of the tender documents other than on an ‘In Confidence’ basis to those who have a legitimate need to know or whom they need to consult for the purpose of preparing their tender. 28 Payment Terms Payment will be on receipt of invoice for total cost from the successful Company, post goods/service delivery, except by prior agreement. In submitting a Tender for any proposed contract, the Company accepts that the Foundation retains control of the Contract and that the Foundation is the final arbiter in respect of all negotiations and decisions. 29 After project completion On completion of the contract, the successful Company will agree to make good any incidental damage/snags or equipment failures arising from the fit out phase by the Company’s staff, contractors or other third parties, to ensure the completed visitor centre areas are signed off without blemish, tears/rips, scuffs or other damage resulting from careless or unprofessional actions of those undertaking the work relating to this tender. They also agree to provide limited post-sales maintenance of the technological elements eg newly installed PC terminals, monitors etc, where any technical issues are due to problems arising from the installation process, rather than product failures, which will be covered under the product warranties. 30 i) ii) iii) Attachments related to the tender Corn Exchange – Detailed Specification Corn Exchange – Tender Response Document CE Visuals for Tender (sample drawings and layouts of proposed centre (in pdf format) Ulster Historical Foundation, 49 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6RY, Northern Ireland Tel: +44 28 9066 1988 E-mail: enquiry@uhf.org.uk Web: www.ancestryireland.com