PLASTIC SECTION Day 1 Tissue Fixation with 4% Paraformaldehyde Make required 1X PBS (0.1 M Sodium Phosphate Buffer Solution, pH: 7.0) and pH up to 11.0 using NaOH. Heat to 60-70ºC and then add paraformaldehyde in the hood. Cool on ice and pH back down to 7.0 with H2SO4. *For 20 mL, add 290 uL 5 N NaOH to pH: 11, microwave for 20 sec, add 0.4 g paraformaldehyde, put on ice, and then add 20 uL H2SO4 to pH: 7.0* Tissue Types: For siliques, slice siliques in half-sections and stick onto tape. Cut tape, gently roll to fit into microcentrifuge tube and add the fixative solution made fresh previously. Make sure that tissue is completely submerged in the fixative. Day 2 Dehydration Wash twice with 1X PBS. Dehydrate at 1 hr intervals (unless otherwise noted) with ethanol in the following order: 30% EtOH 50% EtOH 70% EtOH 95% EtOH 100% EtOH twice at 30 minutes and leave overnight 100% EtOH the next day before going onto the Embedding step Addition dehydration with 100% is recommended to remove excess chlorophyll Day 3 Infiltration (Embedding can be done on the same day) 1. Make Infiltration Solution by adding 1.25 g benzoyl peroxide, plasticized catalyst (Polysciences, Inc. Cat #02618) to100 mL JB-4 Solution A (Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat #14270-01). Exact measuring of benzoyl peroxide is crucial because it controls rate of polymerization. 2. Stir with stir bar until catalyst is completely dissolved (about 15 min). 3. Infiltrate by doing ascending grades of the Infiltration Solution mixture with ethanol in the following concentrations for 30 min incubation between each step: 50% ethanol + 50% Infiltration Solution 25% ethanol + 75% Infiltration Solution 10% ethanol + 90% Infiltration Solution 3x wash with the Infiltration Solution It is recommended to have the tubes on a slow rotator/shaker during incubation. Also, the volume of the Infiltration Solution should be 8-10 times that of the tissue specimens. For specimens that fit in a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge (e.g. cut-up Minh’s Protocols siliques, stems, roots, etc.), 1 mL Infiltration Solution is sufficient. When infiltration is complete, samples should be translucent and somewhat hard/plasticized. Infiltration Solution can be stored in 4ºC for about a month for future infiltration. Embedding If embedding is not done on the same day as infiltration, make a fresh 25 mL batch of Infiltration Solution using 25 mL JB-4 Solution A + 0.312 g benzoyl peroxide, plasticized. Remember to stir with stir bar. 1. Remove Infiltration Solution from the tissue specimen tubes. 2. Using forcep, carefully arrange specimens into mold pit. 3. To the 25 mL Infiltration solution, accurately pipette 1.0 mL JB-4 Solution B. 4. Do a quick stir with the stir bar and immediately add 1.5 mL of the mixture to the molds. Add carefully as to not disturb specimens. 5. Gently push in block holders (EMS Cat # 70175-50). This step can be done before achieving the mixture (Step 3) but bubbles may float towards the block base (which does not affect the sectioning pit). 6. Arrange mold(s) into vacuum apparatus (under 15 psi) and leave overnight at in recommended 4°C (or room temperature, but block may not be as solid). Sectioning The key to getting nice, thin 1 um sections is to avoid getting the block moist or wet. For smaller pointed blocks, successive sections can form nice ribbons. However, for wider molds, it is recommended that you use a razor blade to cut a flat surface. This flat surface must be parallel to the glass knife’s edge for perfect sections, otherwise you can crack or even break the block. For wider blocks, I DO NOT fill the boat with water as this tends to leak through the back of the knife, making the block moist and the sections crackled. Instead, I add very little water to the base of the boat, brush up the water to the knife’s edge which will allow the sections to stick to the knife’s edge after each microtome turn. I then use a sharp forcep to gently transfer each individual section to a slide that is placed on a slide warmer, with the slides filled with drops of water. The heated water will create enough entropy to unfurl the sections so they are flat with the slide. Staining The slides were stained for only 5 minutes in 0.2% Toluidine Blue and de-stained overnight (longer de-staining is recommended, sometimes over the weekend). Change the water at least twice using distilled water. The slides are then allowed to dry at room temperature and visualized under a microscope. Minh’s Protocols X-Gal Overlay for Y2H To make 1-2 plates, 0.125 g agarose is dissolved in 25 mL Z-buffer (60 mM Na2HPO4·2H2O, 40 mM NaH2PO4·H2O, 10 mM KCl, 1 mM MgSO4·7H2O, pH: 7.0 and autoclaved) by microwaving. Solution is then cooled down to 50ºC and 0.5 mL of 10% SDS and X-Gal in DMF (final concentration of 2 mg/mL) are added. Solution is poured over -TLHA and incubated for approximated 30 minutes to an hour at 37ºC. Take pictures immediately after that (do NOT wait until the next day because bacteria will start to grow on the plate). Minh’s Protocols Embryo Clearing With Hoyer’s Solution From Liu C. M. and Meinke D. W. 1998. The titan mutants of Arabidopsis are distrupted in mitosis and cell cycle control during development. Plant J. 16:21-31. Day 1 Making Hoyer’s Solution (60 mL) 7.5 g gum Arabic (Sigma, G9752) 100 g chloral hydrate (Sigma C8383, controlled substance) 5 mL glycerol (Sigma G6279) 60 mL distilled water Dissolve all the above components overnight. Solution can be stored at room temperature indefinitely. Day 2 1. Place 2-3 drops of the Hoyer’s solution onto a slide 2. Open siliques carefully with a pair of sharp forceps and transfer ovules to the Hoyer’s on the slide. Make sure not to crush the ovules and the ovules should be easily transfer since they will readily stick to the forcep 3. Gently place a cover slip over the samples 4. Incubate the slides for about 30 minutes 5. Observe the samples using a microscope equipped with Nomarski optics in Heven’s lab Single Embryo Genotyping Using FTA Cards 1. Ovules are individually transferred to FTA cards using a forcep, being careful not to crush the ovules which can contaminate the forcep 2. Once all are transferred onto the card, a strip of parafilm is cut to size, placed on top of samples and quickly banged with the end of a 50 mL tube (or any hard and big tool is sufficient). Be careful not to crush and tear the parafilm 3. The samples are allowed to dry for an hour and punched out using the red disc punching tool provided by the FTA kit 4. The discs are transferred to individual PCR tubes and washed twice with 20 uL FTA Purification Reagent at 2 min per wash and while shaking 5. The discs are washed twice with 100 uL TE buffer at 2 min per wash 6. The discs are now ready to be used in lieu of DNA (although the company suggest air drying, air drying is not recommended as it may give unreliable results) Minh’s Protocols Pathogen Infection Assay: Testing for Basal Resistance using Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 From Xiao Lab 1. Grow Arabidopsis for 4-6 weeks under short day conditions (8 hours light). Plants should have nice, green, and large rosette leaves and not bolted. 2. Inoculate Pseudomonas syringae ES4326 DC3000 wild-type bacteria into 80 mL of LB broth that has been supplemented with a final concentration of 100 ug/mL streptomycin (that has been filtered sterilized). Newly grown bacteria taken from the -80°C, plated, and then inoculated is the best option as you will have growth the next day. Older bacteria on plates that have been sitting in the fridge for over a month will grow very slow, sometimes taking approximate 2-3 days. 3. Grow flask of bacteria in 30°C shaker overnight 4. Spin down the bacteria at 4000 RPM for 5’ and wash twice with 5 mL of 10 mM MgCl2, making sure to re-suspend in by vortexing and centrifuge before and after each wash 5. Re-suspend in MgCl2 and dilute the sample to achieve an OD600=0.0002 6. Mark the leaves to be infected using a black marker and putting a dot at where the syringe will be placed 7. Using a 1 mL needle-less syringe, suck up 100 uL of the dilution and infiltrate the abaxial leaf surface, being careful not to break/tear the leaf. You should be able to see the liquid as it infiltrates the leaf from the top, casting a shadow. Wipe off excess bacteria solution from the surface. 8. Put the plants back in the short-day growth chamber for an additional 3 days 9. To determine bacterial counts with the best statistics, I use only one leaf per infected plant per genotype. Using the back side of a 200 uL pipette tip (which is approximate 1 cm in diameter), I drill the leaf with the back side, and using a forcep, place the rounded sample into a sterile tube 10. The leaf discs are first macerated using a plastic pestle for 20 seconds before 200 uL of 10 mM MgCl2 is added, and then macerated again using the same pestle for an additional 10 seconds 11. Make serial dilutions of all the samples. Be sure not to get the samples mixed up by labeling them correctly –I have done as many as 30 samples successfully. The 1st dilution is a 50X dilution, which is 20 uL of the sample diluted in 980 uL of dH2O. The 2nd dilution is a 100X dilution, which is 10 uL of the previous dilution in 990 uL of dH2O. Make sure to vortex each sample before making the dilutions immediately before to prevent bacterial sedimentation, which can skew the results 12. The 2nd dilution is already diluted 5,000X. From that 2nd dilution, pipette out 100 uL and plate onto LB plates supplemented with a final concentration of 100 ug/mL of streptomycin. Because only 1/10th of the dilution was used, the final dilution factor is 50,000X. 13. Incubate plates in 30°C 14. In about 2-3 days after incubation, colonies should have already been formed. Count the number of colonies and multiply the total for each sample plate by 50,000 to get the CFU (colony forming units) Minh’s Protocols Amplifluor SNP-typing Adapted from Chunxin (Black) Wang and Chemicon’s Amplifluor SNPs Genotyping System for Assay Development [Protocol] 1. Order kit (S7907) from Chemicon 2. Order desired primers using the Amplifluor AssayArchitect website at 3. 4. Extract DNA from tissue and dilute samples to 25 ng/uL with dH2O, otherwise the concentration will be too much and not be able to distinguish between wildtype/mutant alleles 5. Make at least two cocktail preps using the following (per reaction), one for the kit’s control and the other for the gene-specific/allelic discrimination unknowns 4.6 uL dH2O 0.5 uL of 5 uM FAM primer 0.5 uL of 5 uM JOE primer 0.5 uL of Control Primer Mix* (*or SNP Allele Specific Primer Mix) 1.0 uL Reaction Mix S+ 0.8 uL 2.5 mM dNTPs 0.1 uL Invitrogen Platinum Taq (Cat# 11304-011) 2 uL of 25 ng/uL DNA* (*or dH2O for Non-Target Controls –NTC) *Be sure to have 3 NTCs (2 uL water) per primer set* 6. PCR using the following program: a) Pre-heat block to 96°C b) Denature for 4 min at 96°C c) Amplification #1: 20 cycles a. 15 sec @96°C b. 5 sec @57°C c. 10 sec @72°C d) Amplification #2: 22 cycles a. 15 sec @96°C b. 20 sec @55°C c. 40 sec @72°C e) Extension for 3 min @72°C f) Hold at infinity at 20°C 5. Use BioRad Plate reader in Coleman’s lab. They have the manual for “End Point Analysis” for discriminating between the different alleles. Follow along with the manual (page 68 of the manual). The samples are read under “Data Analysis Module” since you will do a post-PCR read Minh’s Protocols Sterilizing Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds 1. Transfer desired quantity of seeds to sterile centrifuge tubes. 2. Add 200 µL of 70% ethanol. 3. Add 600 µL of dH2O to each tube (the seeds should not be exposed to 70% ethanol for more than 30 seconds; thus, it is recommended that no more than 10 tubes of seeds be done at any given time). 4. Pipette out 600 µL of the supernatant, being careful not to remove too many seeds. Make sure you change the tip after each tube to prevent seed contamination. 5. Repeat steps 3-4 three times to further dilute the ethanol. 6. Add 200 µL of 0.6% sodium hypochlorite (aka bleach, which comes standard at 6%, so dilute it 10X). At this point, each tube should have 400 µL. 7. Add 600 µL of dH2O to each tube (the seeds should not be exposed to 0.6% sodium hypochlorite for more than 30 seconds). 8. Pipette out 600 µL of the supernatant, being careful not to remove too many seeds. Make sure you change the tip after each tube to prevent seed contamination. 9. Repeat steps 7-8 three times to further dilute the sodium hypochlorite, but after the final wash, DO NOT REMOVE the supernatant. 10. If transferring to MS plates, pipette the seeds and as much of the supernatant as the media will allow for even distribution. If transferring to soil, do a quick vortex and immediately pipette contents directly onto soil, making sure to move the pipette to evenly space. Be gentle for this final step to prevent seed damage and clogging of the pipette tips. Minh’s Protocols