Energy Efficient Features 9322 Winter Frost

Energywise Homes LLC
9322 Winter Frost Place
The fundamental goal of
Energy Wise Homes LLC is to alter the way single family homes
are constructed in Dane County and consequently change the way people judge the available housing stock. New houses
should be constructed to be as energy efficient as possible while not increasing the cost beyond the reach of the average
buyer. To this end we have include many features and utilized many construction details to achieve that goal at 9322 Winter
Frost place, including but not limited the following.
Combined under-slab ventilation system with standard water proofing system including going the extra mile to
sleeve the foundation footings instead of simply digging the drain tile under the footing. When a builder digs the
drain tile in under the footing a water trap is created reducing the effectiveness of the drain tile and any ventilation
or radon mitigation systems.
We placed 2” of rigid insulation under the house slab and extended it over to top of the footings and ensured that a
complete thermal break was achieved between the floor and the surrounding walls. Although many builders boast
of placing insulation under the slab, few take the extra care to create a thermal break between the slab and the
surrounding foundation footing and or wall.
We utilized Insulated Concrete Forms for all below grade walls, creating an R-25 insulated wall in the lower level
areas. Typical building practice in Dane County employs the use of 1” ridged (R-6”) insulation at best and often is
nothing more then a drainage board that has suspect R values when wet.
We use many advanced framing techniques to construct the house. These details are designed to minimize the
thermal conductivity of the lumber in the walls as well as reduce waste thus reducing the environmental impact of
During the construction process and the framing in particular we paid very close attention to the areas of the house
that are susceptible to air infiltration and took measure to mitigate them as much as possible. We used beads of sub
floor adhesive under all wall plates in order to reduce air infiltration. We paid especially close attention to the
exterior house wrap making sure it was tight and unbroken and finally we used both OSB sheeting and 1” ridged
insulation on the exterior.
The house was insulated with 3-1/2” of “Corebond” closed cell insulation in the walls and R-50 cellulose in the
attic. Additional attention was paid the ceiling details to assure minimal air infiltration. All top plates (Wall to
Ceiling connections) were either sprayed with closed cell foam or caulked prior to insulating the attic. Over and
around all the can lights we constructed boxes, which were then caulked and sprayed with foam in order to mitigate
air infiltration. In short, a great amount of attention and detail was spent on mitigating air infiltration.
The house utilizes a Geo-Thermal heating and cooling system. This system utilizes a heat pump and latent energy
of the earth to heat and cool the house. For every three units or BTU’s of heating or cooling this system produces,
two are coming directly from the energy stored in the earth and one from the electrical components utilized to run
the system. As utility prices continue to rise the owner of this system will be insulated from the effects of that cost
increase because two thirds of your heating and cooling needs will be taken directly from the earth below your
Everything except the solar panels and connection to the solar panels are installed in this house to supplement the
typical gas fired water heater. The gas fired hot water heater is necessary as the Solar system can not be depended
upon for all your hot water needs. The MREA (Midwest Renewable Energy Association) states you can expect that
40% to 60% of your hot water needs will be satisfied by your solar system
Low flow faucets and shower valves as well as dual flush toilets have been installed throughout the house.
A rain garden to minimize off site drainage of rain water has been constructed in the North West corner of the yard
Roger Schink
Energywise Homes LLC