Researching the Validity of a Claim Checklist

Researching the Validity of a Claim - Checklist
This checklist will help you to clarify the identity and status of claimants in the event of a claim for restitution
or repatriation made against objects in your collection. It is intended as a guide only to be adapted to
individual circumstances.
Keep this checklist and the results of your research in the file you have created for the claim.
In the case of an individual making a request:
Seek evidence of the claimant’s right to request, through genealogical records, government
records, anthropological research, traditional and oral history, and photographic evidence.
Deal directly with the party represented if the request has come through a third party such as a
politician or journalist.
Seek evidence of the claimant’s role and position.
Seek evidence of legitimate heirs of the property.
In the case of a cultural group making a request:
Seek evidence of the legal status of the group – in most countries indigenous groups are formally
recognised by their national state.
Seek evidence of formal recognition by the appropriate national or state government of the group
(information can be provided by the government’s Embassy or High Commission in the UK).
Check the status of the group with museums or museum authorities in the region of the
requesting party.
If approached by a museum or similar organisation:
Seek evidence of formal recognition by the organisation’s national government, its cultural
ministry or its accreditation or equivalent with a professional cultural heritage organisation.
If approached by a foreign government or government department:
Seek evidence of a Mandate through your museum’s contact with the government’s Embassy or
High Commission in the UK.
Contact other relevant museums in the UK to find out if they have received requests from the
same source at the same time; there will be benefits in working together and sharing information.
Ask colleagues in your field, networks and region if they can assist you in the research
Understand the reasons behind the request which might include redress for past injustices or be
part of an indigenous research programme.
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