Lesson Planning Form Class: Year 8 Teacher: Subject: Cymraeg Date: Title of lesson: Dysgu sut o ddisgrifio edrychiad Period: Overview of group: Female: Male: Teaching Assistants: Room: Observer: Characteristics of group: Mixed ability Statemented School Action Plus School Action More Able & Talented Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Students should learn that: Most students should be able to: In order to describe the way someone looks in Welsh, there are initially three required parts to the sentence. Form a simple sentence to describe the way someone looks Mutate successfully Adjectives come after the noun in Welsh. Write the sentences After ‘gan’ there is a soft mutation. Understand a description Some students should also be able : Extend their sentences using linking words Subject content: national curriculum/syllabus links Cross-curricular links/themes/skills Resources Advance preparation (room and equipment) Skills: working Independently. Working with others, communication. PowerPoint Small whiteboards and pens Differentiation Homework Higher ability pupils answers will be extended Complete worksheet. Teacher intervention when needed Teaching strategies/Learning activities Explain lesson aim with 1st PowerPoint slide loaded on screen. Slide 2: 1. Explain objectives Slide 3: 1. Explain outcomes. Slide 4: This slide introduces that there are three parts to a sentence when we describe what someone looks like. 1. Ask for some ideas. 2. Ask pupils to think of the way they would structure the sentence in English, would it be the same in Welsh? 3. Click to reveal the parts of the sentence. 4. Ask pupils what they notice. 5. Explain noun + adjective in Welsh. 6. Possibly give some examples (not related to descriptions so that pupils are able to understand that this is part of Welsh, not just this context). E.g. pentref bach / trowsus du 7. Explain now that we will break this down and explore each of the three parts. Slide 5: This slide focuses on part 1 – GAN 1. It is the teacher’s choice in how to teach this – to chant the words is a good way. 2. Drill the verb form. 3. Point out, explain and give examples of difference between ‘ti’ and ‘chi’ 4. Explain that you have now finished exploring the first part of the sentence and that you will move on to the second. Slide 6: This slide focuses on part 2 – NOUN 1. The general words used for descriptions appear (including pen-ôl for humour) 2. Click – pupils to work in pairs writing the meanings of the words in English on their miniwhiteboards. They may use dictionary depending on knowledge, for differentiation or if teacher prefers. 3. Work as a class – ask pupils to show their boards and assess their knowledge. 4. Click - English word for nouns will appear. Pupils can mark their own work. 5. The words will be emphasised when you click and an instruction will appear to pupils. 6. Ask pupils to write the words on their worksheet. ‘Disgrifio’ Worksheet: This worksheet summarises the concept of the sentence in three parts and is a resource that will aid pupils when structuring their sentences whilst also being a task sheet that should reinforce their learning of the work. 7. Ask what have they noticed on the worksheet (mutation) Slide 7: Timings Slide 7: This slide extends the work done in slide 6 and explores the soft mutation. 1. Click – ‘Gwrandewch’ will appear. Give an example of a sentence ‘Mae ganddo fo lygaid brown’ 2. Click – ‘Beth ydych chi’n sylwi?’ will appear. (Pupils whould be able to point out the mutation) 3. Click – The answer will appear with a summary of the rule. 4. Click on ‘Treiglad Meddal’, this will take you to the next slide. Slide 8: This slide will show how the mutation works in a clear way. 1. Look at mind map with pupils. 2. Click to show how the different words in this context of ‘Disgrifio’ will mutate. 3. Allow pupils to work this out together whilst teacher clicks! 4. The mind map will once again appear for reinforcement. Slide 9: This slide will summarise and give examples. 1. Click - ….? Will appear. What next? 2. Click - ? will appear suggesting that we will move on. 3. Explain that you have now finished exploring the second part of the sentence and that you will move on to the third. Slide 10: This slide will explore part 3 – ADJECTIVE. It will also link this appropriately to the previous slides and will reinforce the learning already completed. 1. Click – nouns will appear. 2. Click – instructions for task will appear a. Pupils to work together, using a dictionary if needed, to write adjectives on their mini-whiteboards that will complement the nouns. 3. Work as a class – encourage pupils to share their answers / suggestions with the class for each noun. 4. Click – appropriate adjectives will appear, which are also on the worksheet. 5. Click – this will point out that adjectives can be used with ther nouns. 6. Click - emphasise some examples of this. 7. Pupils to complete the second table on their worksheet. 8. Encourage pupils to make sentences to describe their partner. 9. Click - Encourage the use of liking words (on worksheet) 10. Display completed worksheet on whiteboard. 11. Ask pupils to translate some example sentences – e.g. He has blue eyes. Show how simple this is by pointing to the relevant parts on the worksheet. 12. Point out that the worksheet is set out logically – part 1 then 2 then 3 and linking words at the bottom. 13. Develop the example sentences to translate by adding linking words e.g. Ellen has brown eyes and also long, blonde hair. Slide 11: This slide will recap on the 3-part ‘rule’. 1. Encourage pupils to predict what will appear to assess their understanding of the rule. Slides 12, 13, 14 & 15: Again, these slides will recap and reinforce the learning. 1. Take this step by step, slowly for the first slide to assess understanding. Choose able pupils to predict for the first slide, moving on to the less able in the later slides. 2. 3. When Welsh sentence remains alone, ask for the English translation to assess understanding of the vocabulary as well as the process and the grammar. 4. Ensure to point out the mutation needed. Slide 16: This slide will allow pupils to practice what they have learnt in an interesting way. 1. Ask pupils to work in pairs. A & B 2. A - Choose a famous person from the slide. Decribe. B – Guess which one. OR (for less able) A – Choose a person. B – Describe that person. Both types of task will ensure that a) pupils practise the work done b) the learning is reinforced c) there is differentiation d) there is scope to assess understanding as well as ability to structure e) there is scope for extension with the more able pupils (he wears & linking words) This slide can also be used as a writing task. 1) Pupils to choose 2 / 4 / 6 (according to ability) famous people from the slide or their own if they wish. 2) Write a description. 3) Teacher can choose a selection and read to class whilst they guess – assess understanding 4) Pupils could read aloud their own – raise confidence in reading aloud whilst improving oral skills. Homework: Ymarfer Disgrifio – Worksheet 1. Clear instructions on sheet.