Year 1 Term 2 Spring Creativity Themes W.O.W! Curriculum Overview Winter (2 week) The Snowman video Winter walk Photo story - Winter Suitcase - pack Creativity Week - Fairy Tales (1 week) Visit from Prince/Cinderella Investigate different shoes. Texts with predictable phrases /patterned language – The very Hungry Caterpillar Read aloud Non Fiction - Information texts – Reports Lists, labels and captions. Read aloud stories – Honda’s surprise. Fantasy Stories - Snowman Texts linked to own experiences - Stories with familiar settings (Jack Frost) Lists, labels and captions. Descriptive Writing – Winter Fairy tales – Read and write – Cinderella. Alternative end. Invitations Biology 1. - Ourselves and animals. - Life cycles Investigate bugs in the school and world. Sorting Name and identify different animals – omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. Parts of the body. Ourselves -Animals - Butterfly Life Cycle Name parts of the body. Senses – to investigate and evaluate foods. Butterfly Symmetry Key board skills, print and save work. Flexi tree (databases to sort animals). Presenting information in different ways Research animals Obtain information from internet/DVD sources Photographic evidence Changes Sequence stories. Biology - Ourselves – Senses – Keep warm Scientific Enquiry Investigate and record weather temperature. Seasons walk – Winter. Investigate the day length. Physics - Materials & Pushes and pulls – Investigate and compare how things move on different surfaces. Scientific Enquiry (Mentos in coke). Fireworks Animals – Name and group. Use senses to investigate and describe Chinese food Sequencing Photographic evidence Create a talking book. Purple Mash – Fairy tales ResearchObtain information about another country and culture. Dances and parades Create a talking story book Seasons changes over time – Winter Keeping warm in the past Weather Sequencing (Stories) Traditional tales. Sequencing Traditions Sequencing - Chinese traditional stories Fireworks Seasons changing over time - Spring Easter Story – Jesus’ Life and sequencing Geography Animals around the world – hot and cold countries Mapping skills Story map Mapping skills - Locating places Investigate different places and culture Maps Hot countries. Mapping Skills - Where is Jerusalem? Seasons – Spring – Changes, weather, temperature, features. Spring walk. Geographical vocabulary and features. PE Dance Gym Seasons walk – Winter. Investigate the day length. Winter weather – Investigate record and discuss weather temperature and symbols. Cold countries. Clothes. Mapping skills. Vocabulary. Dance – Winter Dancing to music. Dance Circuits Indoor games/skills/Gym Art Draw - Observational Drawing of animals Printing - animal patterns. Patterns Symmetry Snowflakes Draw - Winter/animal pictures – chalk Create illustrations and images for the Snowman song and story. Collage - Posters and collage. Draw -Chinese writing, symbols and Patterns. Chinese art - observational drawings Print , paint - Dragon Model Draw - Observational Drawings - plants Develop ideas, collage, draw, paint - Mother’s Day Cards/ Easter Cards DT Design, make and evaluate -Bird/bug box/animal home. Investigate, design, make and evaluate food. Ice Sculptures using natural/recycled items. Investigate, make and evaluate - Fans, Lanterns, dragons. Design an Easter egg Design and make and exhibit – Easter bonnet/egg (Home project) Friends & Family Literacy Animals & Patterns (3 week) Pete the bug man Make Non Fiction book (Home) Fruit – Handa’s surprise Investigate different patterns To be taught discreetly following Blocks A, B, C, D and E with links made where possible Numeracy Science ICT History Keeping safe and warm in Winter. Going for Goals Biology -2 - Ourselves - Animals and BabiesPlants – deciduous and evergreen. Parts of a plant. Compare and describe the structure of animals. Seasons – Spring – Changes, weather, temperature, features. Investigate the day length Plants – name and identify wild and garden plants . Grow seeds. Photographs Word processing Relationships Right and Wrong PSHCE Music T E R M Spring (3 weeks) Farm - Lambs Cannington Walled Gardens visit. Photo story - Spring Spring walk Easter bonnet/egg make and competition. Traditional stories, Read aloud stories Read and recite poems - Poems on a theme – Spring Stories from a range of cultures. Descriptive Writing - Spring Chinese New Year (sequencing). Key story – traditional story - Recount/re-tell - (Easter Non-Fiction – read and write. Story) Lists, labels and captions. Recount – farm and Walled garden visit Narrative text To be taught discreetly following Blocks A, B, C, D and E with links made where possible Friends and Family RE SEAL Investigate, design, make and evaluate – purse/bag/wallet. H A L F China (2 weeks) Chinese artefacts. Chinese food Photo story Right and Wrong Rhythms, Patterns and Rhyme. Snowman song Respond to music and dance at the ball. Visit from an animal expert. Visit school grounds – animal investigation. Cross Curricular display. Animal books on display. Winter walk Cinderella in role. Winter display New year’s resolutions. Talking story book – Snowman. Whole School Celebration Pentatonic Scale and responded to Chinese music. Practice Easter Songs for Easter service Easter songs Enterprise Visits/ Visitors Outcome China display. Performance. Westfield Church Walled Garedens and Farm - Cannington Easter Service at church. Spring display/collage. Anthology of Spring poems..