MILLION $ CHECKLIST (to be completed in your first 30


Heather’s Happy Faces



Congratulations on beginning your Mary Kay business and welcome to the Happy

Heather Daniel-Kent unit! I am so excited about your decision to start a powerful career with one of the most progressive companies in the world. You will find that our unit is comprised of women from all walks of life who are ready and willing to be successful!

The first few weeks of your Mary Kay career may feel like a whirlwind, however, once you have completed your initial training you will be prepared for success. As your director, I am your business coach, here to guide you in your Mary Kay career.

Remember, this is your business-success will be yours because you will decide what you want. You are in business for yourself, but never by yourself!

One of my favorite aspects of this business is you never stop learning, and you always have opportunities to grow. In the beginning, you make up for any lack of knowledge with your enthusiasm. Activity provides the greatest sense of learning and your attitude is one of the greatest influences on your success. As Mary Kay herself said, “You can do everything right with the wrong attitude and fail to succeed, but you can everything wrong with the right attitude and succeed beyond your dreams”!

As soon as the starter kit arrives, dive into the new consultant training manuals. You will want to try all of the products and listen to all of the CD’s and watch the Skin Care Class

DVD. Some key information for you: Our Unit number is: CU24 and Jan Thetford is our

National Sales Director, affiliated with the Sapphire Seminar Division. You can reach me at 816-215-5350 or at my email address:

The next bit of advice I have for you is to ATTEND EVERYTHING! Turn in your weekly accomplishment sheets! The most successful Mary Kay consultants and directors you will find are those who never missed a unit function, workshop or meeting!

Heather Daniel-Kent, Independent Sales Director



There are many factors and decisions to make now that you have begun your new career and business venture. Inventory is a personal decision and everyone starts differently based on YOUR goals, YOUR finances and YOUR comfort-level, but all successful Consultants have inventory.

Here are some major points to consider...

1. What are YOUR GOALS?

see worksheet on next page

2. It's strongly recommended, based on company history that you carry some amount of Inventory, based on your personal goals. These are the advantages to carry a "store"...

Fewer hassles - you deliver the product immediately

Less order cancellations, on-the-spot delivery - your clients are using their products immediately...would you wait a week for your cosmetics?

More professional reputation-you are committed to your career and clients know they can count on you to stay in business and they can get their needed products.

More professional attitude-easier to make suggestions when you have it in stock.

 More reorders-clients usually wait until the last minute...if you needed milk, would you wait for your favorite store to restock or would you find another favorite store? Wouldn’t you buy everything at that new store?

Higher appointment sales-we buy what we see...can you imagine going into a grocery store and actually leaving with just milk?

3. Who pays for the Inventory?…YOUR SALES, YOUR CLIENTS!

Your sales pay for your inventory. For example, if you sell a Miracle Set-a Time Wise

System plus Day/Night Solution about $100, then $50 goes to pay for the product or to restock your store and $50 is your profit. Your loan amount, business expenses and paycheck come out of the profit OR you can use the profit to build up your inventory.

4. There are three basic ways to begin your business.

Build up inventory.

Place a Display Order then place orders frequently as needed.

Wait for order to come, then deliver orders.

Place small initial order . Place an initial Inventory and Display order. So you can

deliver most items on the spot. Will still need to invest to continue to build “store”

Begin with a full store.

Definitely the best start, few frustrations, committed to personal success. Advantages-clients don't wait for orders, you get a paycheck immediately and small portion of profit pays off initial investment .






Debt or Investment?

Understanding What Debt Really Is!

By Dr. Robert Schuller

What, after all, is debt? Fresh out of the seminary, newly married, and just installed as a pastor of my first church, I was earning a little over two hundred dollars a month. When winter approached, I needed coal for the furnace. I went to the coal yard and asked how much coal I would have to buy, how much it would cost and if I could charge it? “About five tons, it will cost you $75, and we will not charge it, Reverend. You’ll have to borrow the money somewhere for we don’t give credit on coal.” And that was that. So, I went to ask for a loan for $75 for the coal. The banker gave me a valuable lesson in economics. “I’ll lend you the money for coal this time, but never again. When you borrow money for coal, you are going into debt. The coal will be burned. When it is gone, if you are unable to pay your loan, there is nothing you can sell to pay us back. When you borrow money for coal, or food, or the light bill, or the water bill, you are spending money that is gone forever. This is real debt!

If you want to borrow money to buy a car or a house, we will lend you the money. Then you are not going into debt; you are going into the investment business. If you cannot pay off your auto loan, you can sell the car, pay us back what we have coming, and any money you have left is your return on your investment. If you borrow money to buy a store and you borrow money for salable goods to stock the shelves, you are not in debt, you are in business. If you cannot pay off your loan, we sell the store and the goods; if there is money left over after we are repaid, you can have the profit from your investment. If you have no money left over after paying off the loan, you haven’t made any money. It’s that simple!”

It was that advice which was to give me greater courage years later when starting our new church. How long would it take to collect the money from surplus offerings? Perhaps twenty years! So we decided to borrow the money. When finished, the entire development was valued at one million dollars. Nearly $600,000 was borrowed money. Someone said to me about that time, “I hear you folks have a debt of $600,000.” I corrected him,

“Actually, we have no debt. We could sell our property for a million dollars, pay off all mortgages, and have $400,000 in the bank. We don’t have a debt.

We’re worth almost half a million dollars!”

So it also is with your Mary Kay business!

New Consultant Inventory Worksheet

1. Do you have the resources to purchase Mary Kay Inventory? Y N

(Resources can be: credit union loan, credit card, savings, loan from family, etc.)

2. What are your Mary Kay goals? (check the one best answer from each category below and write out the appropriate point to the left)


____ (5) $1200 and over

____ (4) $800 - $1199

____ (3) $300 - $799

____ (2) $100 - $299

____ (1) $1 - $99

____ (0) No profit desired, just purchase my MK at wholesale


____ (4) 3 or more selling appointments per week (11+ hours)

____ (3) 1-2 selling appointments per week (3-8 hours per week)

____ (2) 2-3 selling appointments per month (1-3 hours per week)

____ (1) 0-1 selling appointments per month (0-3 hours per month)


____ (3) I am committed to attend the weekly meetings every week

____ (2) I am committed to attend the weekly meetings every other week

____ (1) I plan to attend meetings and education workshops when they fit my schedule

____ (0) I do not plan to attend training meetings except for New Product Launches


____ (4) I would like to earn the use of a Mary Kay Car

____ (4) I would like to become a Mary Kay Sales Director

____ (4) I would like to replace my full-time income

____ (4) I would like to build a customer base of 100 or more customers

____ (3) I would like to build a customer base of 20-100 customers

____ (2) I would like to build a customer base of 6 to 20 customers

____ (1) I would like to service myself and up to 5 friends and family members


PACKAGE, see enclosed Inventory Options pamphlet for pictures of packages and the enclosed Bonus sheet to explain your FREE bonuses available at each level:

14 (or more) points = Career ($3600) or Professional ($3000) Packages

10-13 Points = Professional ($3000), Premium ($2400), or Superior ($1800) Packages

5-9 Points = Superior ($1800) or Enhanced ($1200) Packages

2-4 Points = Enhanced ($1200) or Basic ($600) Packages

0-1 Points = Personal Package of desired items at 50% discount


As your Sales Director, my best advice is:

• Set yourself up for SUCCESS - - plan on it!!

• Start your business off right with a STAR CONSULTANT order.


• Recognition is APPLAUSE magazine as a “Bright New STAR”!!

• Your Ladder of Success pin with the Diamond, Ruby, or Sapphire Star!!

• Your choice of a prize from our quarterly prize brochure!!!

• Adequate inventory to begin your business.

PEARL STAR $8,400 retail/$4,200 wholesale

60 customers $5000 TOTAL cost with Sales tax


EMERALD STAR $7,200 retail/$3,600 wholesale

45 customers Approx. $4,300 TOTAL cost with Sales tax


DIAMOND STAR $6,000 retail/$3,000 wholesale

Service approx. 35 customers Approx. $3,600 TOTAL cost


RUBY STAR $4,800 retail/$2,400 wholesale

Service approx. 25 customers Approx. $2,900 TOTAL cost


SAPPHIRE STAR $3,600 retail/$1,800 wholesale

Service approx. 20 customers Approx. $2,200 TOTAL cost

Reinvest first $1,200-$600 sold

SKIN CARE FOR 10 CUSTOMERS $2,400 retail/$1,200 wholesale

Approx. $1,500 TOTAL cost

Reinvest all income at least 3-4 times before taking a profit

5 CUSTOMERS + DISPLAY $1,200 retail/$600 wholesale

Approx. $800 TOTAL cost

Reinvest all income at least 4-5 times before taking a profit


1. Go to the nearest branch bank. They will need income to justify their existence. Their job is to sell money.

2. Set up an appointment with the branch manager only. He has the ability to OK immediately.

3. Be prepared. Know what your collateral will be, if needed. Decide on length of loan desired and know your estimated sales based on the time you are willing to commit to your business.

4. Go in 15 to 20 minutes ahead of time to fill out the application before your appointment.

5. Take your datebook or a list of the appointments for shows and facials you’re going to be holding.

6. Show 90 percent buy back information in your consultant agreement.

7. Be prepared to offer to switch your accounts to that bank if necessary.

8. Be prepared for needing your husband’s signature. Do not get offended.

9. Have your Director or Recruiter go with you to the bank, if you would like.

10. When it’s time for the branch manager to discuss confidential information, decide ahead of time if you want your Director or Recruiter to leave.

11. Pay back ON SCHEDULE. Don’t pay ahead.

12. Ask for more than you want. You can always come down.

13. To establish credit, apply for a gas card or department store card.

14. Apply for MasterCard or Visa for keeping track of expenses.

15. Be prepared to go to as many as 10 banks to get a “yes.”

16. If the Banks say “no,” try a finance company. Don’t get hung up with the interest rates. You’re borrowing a small amount of money for a short period of time and the interest is deductible. You are making money and you are using someone else’s money!

17. Look professional. They will make a judgment by appearance, method of speaking, and eye contact. Have confidence in your voice.

18. Tell yourself that morning, “I’m going to get the money I need to begin my business.” Repeat this statement many times. I’ve found when this statement is said over and over, you gain a tremendous amount of positive expectancy, and the banker will sense this in you!

Your Business Debut is scheduled for:__________________________

Tips for Having a Successful Business Debut

Send out invitations and emails 10-14 days in advance.

Be sure to have a start and finish time. Successful debuts should last no longer than 2-2 ½ hours.

Include your address and directions to your home.

Send your business card along with your invitation.

Have your Date Book organized and ready to schedule appointment for the two weeks following your Debut.

Encourage them to bring a friend! For every friend they bring, they will get extra gift from your director.

 Invite them to preview products on your personal website and to send you an email from your website letting you know how they liked it. They will earn more tickets toward the door prize!

 Your Debut is “your special day” to enjoy your director and/or recruiter promoting your new business (i.e. don’t work too hard to get your house perfect, don’t worry about having lots of food prepared, don’t feel like you have to entertain your friends). We are here to celebrate YOU!


TO GO IN TIME FOR YOUR DEBUT. I cannot emphasize how important it is to have product on hand for your guests. Successful businesses that have

GRAND OPENINGS are completely prepared, fully stocked, and ready for their customers to purchase their merchandise. You will sell 2x as much with inventory on hand.

A Debut is a time to introduce products briefly. We will not do full skin care and color cosmetics. We will structure the presentation much like an “on the go” appointment. Please do not bring out your color sample. If your guests would like to try different colors, you will schedule a facial appointment with them at the end of your Debut.

Upon arrival at the Debut, make sure your guests fill out their customer profiles completely. Have a pink sales ticket, a “Look Book” and a pen for every guest present (ready for her in her chair could be great). Have calculators and a bag of money and coins for change close to your products display.

Continue to sell even after your Debut is over. For all the guests who could not attend, call them back and ask them if they would like to purchase anything or schedule their own pampering session. They can shop online on your website, or you can give them a Look Book to look over.

Congratulations on your Debut! I cannot wait to celebrate your special day with you!

You are going to have lots of sales, lots of bookings, and even possibly prospects who will consider being a part of YOUR personal team! How exciting is that!!

So jump on the pink Mary Kay wave and enjoy the ride! Here you go….!

How to invite your guests:

Script for Answering Machine:

Hi Sue, it’s Mary, and I hope you are coming to my Grand Opening on

Saturday. I really need your support! I know you’ll be there – can’t wait to see you!

Script for Personal Call:

Hi Sue, it’s Mary. I’m calling you about Saturday. I’m so excited, I can win a special gift from my Director when 15 people are there – you can come, can’t you?

If She Cannot Come:

That’s okay – you can help me though. I need 30 faces in 30 days to finish my training. Can I borrow your face? (set a date) If she books a facial, see below for how to turn it into a class.


That’s okay – you can help me though. We are having model makeovers at our Success Event this week and if you can come with me and be my model, you will count for my 30 faces! What do you say? Will you join me?

Turning the facial into a class: “By the way ____, I can do several faces as easily as one. When you have a couple of girlfriends join you, you could actually get $75 in product for just $25! All you have to do is invite 6 to 8 friends so that 5 to 6 will join you. I’m going to send (or drop off) a packet that will explain everything. So go ahead and start inviting.” [If she is very excited, continue with,] “Let me share a secret about inviting friends: instead of saying… “I’m having a Mary Kay party, do you want to come? Try, saying… “A Mary

Kay Consultant is coming over to pamper me and get my opinion of the products and she’s allowing me to share it with a couple of girlfriends. I know it will be a lot of fun. It’s reservation only, can I count on you?”

*Follow up calls are your personal touch and so very important. Two or three days before your special date, you will need to call and thank, in advance, all of your confirmed guests for coming to support you in your new business. This is one of the most important things you can do to make your Debut a success!

Job Responsibility at your Debut:

• New consultant has 1 job – filling her calendar with classes

• Need a friend or relative to serve refreshments

• Recruiter will fill orders

• Director sells products and recruits

Don’t be afraid to tell her that you will receive a Special Gift when 15 people over the age of 18 are present. Remind her that she can bring a friend and she will get a gift from ME!
























This is the smartest way for me to help you begin your business and I’m excited to be working with you on this.

I’m here to help you in every way and will match my time with your efforts!

List 50 names of people to invite to your Grand Opening.




























MILLION $ CHECKLIST (to be completed in your first 30 days)

Name: ______________________________________

____ 1. I have listened to the Next Step CD by calling 1-212-461-9047, decided which level of inventory I want on hand and placed my first wholesale product order of $__________.

____ 2. I have discussed the Business Debut with my Director and committed to the _____ Perfect

Start or _____Power Start Business plan and have set the dates. ______________________.

____ 3. I have visited and checked out the New Consultant Page and printed the Skin Care Class Outline, Class Close and Business Debut Packet.

____ 4. I have read, studied and used the information on the Coaching Sheet and I have put together (or ordered) 20 Hostess Packets (“Look Books”, Hostess Brochure, a sample and a

Business Card.)

____ 5. I have studied the educational tools and listened to the CD’s and DVD in my Starter Kit.

____ 6. I have my Beauty Essentials Set put together with my demo products in the Roll up Bag.

____ 7. I have tried all the products in my Starter Kit.

____ 8. I have completed my Perfect or Power Start for my PS PIN!

____ 9. I have done the 10 practice interviews with my Director and earned my MK WATCH

____ 10. I have made copies of and filled out my first IPA tracking sheet and returned it to Heather.

____ 11. I have $3600 wholesale in regular line products on my shelf to earn my Profit Level $


____ 12. I have made an Inventory product decision. Place my initial order and included my personal use “my” Travel Roll UP.

____ 13. I have completed a list of 30 names of “women who have skin” on the BUSINESS


____ 14. I have signed up for your one month FREE Voice Com. (Call Heather with your number)

____ 15. I have ordered my personal Website, Preferred Customer Enrollment,

( and my Business Cards ( Smart Start.

____ 16. I have attended all of my training sales meetings in a row and earned my Mary Kay money bag!

____ 17. I have read over Image Checklist.

Here we go…

This packet contains “step-by-step” instructions to your success. Please follow the Million $

Checklist. If you want success fast, stick to the Checklist. If you ever feel overwhelmed, go back

to the Checklist.


Image Checklist


Hair: Neat, styled, and clean. Try something new and current at least every year. You want a hairstyle that is current, but professional. Ask if you want some ideas.

Face : Wear the product! You must have credibility as a Consultant. Do not go out without your lipstick, blusher, and mascara touched up.

Nails: Keep polished at all times. This can be clear polish. No nicks in nails.


Dresses or skirted business suits. No pants!! Wear to all Mary Kay functions - sales meetings, skincare classes, interviews, workshops (unless announced otherwise).

Shoes and hose. Make sure they are polished and in good repair. Heels not run down and worn, etc.

Handbags and Briefcases. Make sure they are in good repair and not stuffed full and overflowing. Need to be neat and give a professional image. Mary Kay Pin. Wear it proudly when you are dressed as stated above.


This is your office on wheels. Keep it clean (inside and out), and organized.


No smoking at any Mary Kay function. No alcohol served at any May Kay function.

Please do not serve alcohol when you hostess your own skin care class or Open House.

Keep your "Crowing" at Mary Kay functions positive! We are all here to learn from one an other, and from each other's successes. Share your "lemons" only if you created a solution on how to turn it into lemonade.

Make sure your phone voice has a smile in it when you are talking on the phone. Do not

"wear your heart on your sleeve.". Be professional. Do not chew gum when you are teaching or talking.

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Please turn in completed vouchers to your

Director to receive your prizes.

NAME ___________________________ DIRECTOR ________________________

I have attended ALL Training sessions in my 1 st Six Weeks


NAME __________________________ DIRECTOR _________________________

___ I have held 5 “Full Circle” classes in my first 2 weeks to earn my


___ I have held 10 “Full Circle” classes in my first 4 weeks to earn my


NAME ___________________________ DIRECTOR ________________________

I did 10 practice Marketing Plans with my Director in my FIRST 30 days to earn my


NAME __________________________ DIRECTOR _________________________

I had 15 guests at my Grand Opening to earn my


NAME ___________________________ DIRECTOR _______________________

I have $3,600 wholesale Regular Line Products on my shelf to earn my



LISTEN to the objections – CLARIFY what she says – ACKNOWLEDGE the concern and OFFER the solution.

TOO BUSY: “I understand ______, you know, I’m a really busy person too, so I can appreciate that! It may take us an hour or so to find your special needs and preferences, but after that I can save you an enormous amount of time – you’ll never have to go to the mall again for your cosmetics. I can save you money too! Which would be better for you, ______ or ______?”

NO MONEY: “I understand _______, are you aware that Mary Kay is a third to half less than anything at the department stores and you never even have to pay full price for our products. We have discounts and lots of ways to get it free; we even have No Interest Payment Plans! Plus, there’s no obligation to purchase. I’d just appreciate your honest opinion. Which would be better for you, ______ or _______?”

USE CLINIQUE (or another brand): “Great! You obviously appreciate good cosmetics! You know, we never find anyone who doesn’t like Mary Kay at least as well, if not better than Clinique

– I’d love to get your honest opinion – is there any reason you couldn’t compare your _____ to

Mary Kay? You can have a glamour item at half price just for giving me your opinion. Which would be better for you, ______ or ______?” Offer the item FREE when she brings a friend!

You might also ask, “May I ask you what (Clinique products you’re using? (Often it’s just a lipstick or blush)

I TRIED MARY KAY ONCE AND BROKE OUT! “I’m sorry you had that experience – may I ask how long it’s been? (Explain product changes) _______, may I ask you what you mean by

“broke out”? Was it blemishes? (Wrong formula) or little red itchy bumps? (A “sensitivity to” possibly one of the products – doesn’t mean she can’t use the whole line – some people have a

“sensitivity to” milk and strawberries!) Is there any reason we couldn’t work together to find the perfect program for you? Which would be a better time for you, ______ or ______?”

SHE STILL RESISTS: “Tell you what – Here’s my card, if you ever change your mind will you give me a call? I’d love to be the one to show you our products!” OR “Here’s my card, if you know anyone who would like to try our products, would you pass it on?” ALWAYS LEAVE WITH A


Your customers will buy what you show them. You will show them only what you have confidence in. You will gain confidence by correctly using our products daily!! Follow

the most logical first step…

1. "TOSS" YOUR OTHER BANDS! If you are not currently a Mary Kay user, you cannot promote what you don't wear and love. If you already use Mary Kay products, fill in any blanks you might be missing.

2. Listed here is a "STARTER SET". You will want to expand and experiment with our entire classic line and seasonal limited edition.


The Consultant Personal Use Package...

Basic Skin Care

___Timewise 3-in-1 Cleanser

___Timewise Age Fighting Moisturizer

___Foundation, Tinted moisturizer or Cream to Powder


___Day/Night Solutions

___Timewise Age-Fighting Eye Cream or Firming eye cream

___Indulge Soothing eye gel

___Satin Lips

___Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover

___Microdermabrasion Set

___ Even Complexion Essence


___Color Palette

___2 Cheek Colors

___8 Eye Colors

___2 Lip Lining Pencils

___2 Eye Defining Pencils

___1 Eyebrow Pencil

___Dual Coverage Foundation or Loose Power

___5 Lipsticks and/or lip glosses

___Cosmetic Sponges

___MK Signature Concealer

___Mascara-Ultimate or Waterproof

___Brush Set

___Nail Polish

___Eye Primer and Timewise Age-fighting lip primer

Body Care

___Embrace Body Wash

___Embrace Body Lotion

___Timewise Visibly Fit Body Lotion

___ Satin Hands


___Perfume or Embrace Fragrance Mist

___Shaving Cream

Order of Application

Here is a handy application guide for your morning and evening skin care routine.

More than likely, you will not use all of these products. Simply identify the products that you do use and apply them in the following order.

The TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set is to be used in either the morning or evening. The set can be used 2-3 times weekly; allowing two days between applications. With delicate skin, you may need to use less frequently.

Morning Routine:


TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser


TimeWise Microdermabrasion Step 1: Refine

TimeWise Microdermabrasion Step 2:Replenish


Acne Treatment*Products

(Skip acne products on days using TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set.)


Even Complexion Essence


TimeWise Day Solution with Sunscreen SPF 15*


Sun Essentials Sunblocks*


TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer


Additional Moisturizers

(Intense Moisturizing Cream, Oil-Free Hydrating Gel or Oil Mattifier)


Satin Lips (Mask and/or Balm)


Indulge Soothing Eye Gel


Time Wise Age-Fighting Eye Cream OR Firming Eye Cream


Concealer (before or after foundation)




MK Signature Eye Primer




Timewise Age-Fighting Lip Primer


Color Cosmetics

Evening Routine:


Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover


TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser or TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleansing Bar


TimeWise Microdermabrasion Step 1:Refine

TimeWise Microdermabrasion Step 2:Replenish


Acne Treatment*Products

(Skip acne products on days using TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set.)


Even Complexion Essence


TimeWise Night Solution


TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer


Additional Moisturizers (Intense Moisturizing Cream, Oil-Free Hydrating Gel)


Satin Lips ( Mask and/or Balm)


Indulge Soothing Eye Gel


TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream or Firming Eye Cream

Here's my perspective on Phone Phobia and why I have always

LOVED the phone...

1- you are comfortable in your own home--work in your jammies or sundress

2- no babysitter fees

3-you can steal away a call here and there but going out is an event...esp with young ones

4-you can act like anyone over the phone...pretend you are Gloria or Pam or Kathy Helou

5-it's a quick can get off the phone quickly if needed but face-to-face can drag for hours

6-even if a cold call, they will never know it's you, even if you walked out of your home and said hello to the person who just said no to you....they don't remember your name.

My tips to remember...

I always write my call script for the month for clients before making calls.

 Talk business first, then personal...they remember the last topic.

Always ask “got a minute ?” rather than, “is this a good time to talk?”




Work full circle with every call--book, sales, recruit, get referrals!

When calling someone new-use your first name only!!! They won't hear or remember your last name and this way it is more she knows you well and shouldn't hang up.

 Call new names the NEXT DAY or they will forget about you.

 Be straight forward...if you think you are bugging her...then ask, am I bugging you? Don't beat around the bush over the wastes their time and interest!!

Overcoming Phone Phobia:

I believe many people will say that they fear picking up the phone. What I believe they are really fearing is the uncomfortable feeling they may get from a No . There really is nothing to fear. The purpose of a phone call is not to get a result, but to show you care. Why would showing you care cause any fear? Of course sharing can also lead to results.

The language you use during your phone calls will help them to feel more comfortable for you AND the person you are calling. The Full Service Call I teach is all about others. See the end of this newsletter to print off the language of a Full Service Call.

Would you find time to make 5 contacts a day if there was a guarantee that you would get a recruit, a booking or an order? Would you talk to everyone if, whether they were interested in your services or not, they would think

What a nice person?

I have used the acronym PHONE below to help you to overcome your phone phobia by changing your thinking about phone calling:

P ractice- painting pictures with words so that people enjoy hearing from you and know that you are calling because you care and not necessarily want something from them. Use the Full Service Call script.

H elping- others is what we should all be about in our chosen profession.

This is what success really is. The only way to find out who can use your help is to call them and Just Ask .

O ffer the Opportunity-Can you imagine if on every phone call you just asked

Have you ever thought about doing something alongside of your current activities to be able to earn some extra income.... ? This allows you to find out who you can help through your business opportunity.

N eeds- You have needs in your business and business growth comes from the work that you do to find the people whose needs you can meet through your products and your sharing. Your phone calls can be the missing link to finding these people.

E verybody- Of course, everyone deserves the opportunity to make their own choices about all the services you offer. Just Asking everyone isn't pushy.

Making a decision for anyone is always pushy. So don't decide which services to offer on you phone calls, because everyone deserves to be asked about all of your services.

Customer Service Full Service Call Script:

The purpose for your call is to check to see how you can help your customers this season.

Hi, Mary, I am calling today because one of my focuses this season is to provide better customer service. Do you have a couple minutes for me to ask you a few quick questions? I know, Mary, that I have mentioned this in the past, but I always like to ask if anything has changed where you might be interested in a little information about how you could have a business alongside your family and all the activities you are involved in. So, Mary, if you could have a business you can do alongside your family, would you be interested in knowing more about it?

If they say no, then share about your current hostess program by painting a picture why everyone will want to know about your products. Let them know how excited you are to introduce your products to others.

I am really excited about our product line this season. Is there a time in the next couple weeks where I could come over and show you and your friends

our current line? Would you like to know about our wonderful hostess program? If they say no, then just ask, Can I offer you my personal shopping service where I set up an appointment with you so that you can see what is new and receive our current catalog?

At the end of the call, ask if they would like you to call them back in the future with new product information. And, don't forget to ask for referrals to others who would be interested in hearing about your business opportunity and products. Do you know anyone who might not know a (your company) representative or how to get in touch with me if they wanted?

Booking is an attitude. You have to want to hold the appointment before you will make the effort to book it. Faces are everywhere! If you aren't booked, then you just aren't asking. Even Julia Roberts would love an hour pampering plus learn a few new tips...AND try the best selling product on the market. If you aren't booked, then maybe you have a "helpme" complex. You believe that the booking is to HELP YOUR business--you may need a perspective adjustment. At a booking, you spend your time, your money on samples, your knowledge AND she could walk away without buying a thing plus having been pampered and learned new tips for herself? HMMMMM.

Who is helping who here? And if she does's because she wanted the best-selling brand...not because she felt guilty and wanted to help YOU. I had to really let this sink in and then I have been unstoppable for the past

12 years with bookings. I believe that I can book anytime that I want to have an appointment. Have you gotten to the point yet that you are glad when bookings postpone because you were overbooked that week anyway?

Get to that's really a blast...and the money just rolls in!!


Booking is the lifeline of your business...when you're out of bookings, you're out of become a master booker. Here's a plan I know will help all of you obtain bookings and secure future bookings.


how many new customers you'd like to have this year (Example; 100)

2nd...Break down that 100 into 12 months and your monthly goal is 8.

3rd...Break down that monthly goal down to a weekly goal of 2 new customers.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well in my 10 years experience, I've determined that there are 2 basic ways to obtain customers:

(1) passing out you business cards

(2) making telephone calls

Decide how many phone calls PER DAY you'll make and how many cards you'll pass out PER

DAY ( 5 days week). Then mail one Beauty book out per day to someone in your same telephone exchange or on the same street. If you try this for 4 weeks the effort you put forth will bring results!!

For those of you that already have existing's your dialogue to get back in touch with each of your customers.

We call these: Reorder Phone Calls

"Sue, this is Kathy with MK Cosmetics, do you have a second? I wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I appreciate your confidence IN ME as your personal consultant. I was looking at your profile and realized we met___ months ago and you have placed ___dollars in reorders with me since that 1st time and I want to thank you again! I just had a goal session with my director and I'm dedicating myself to the best possible customer service you could ever want and Customer Awareness...just as the stores are showing in the new

_____(seasonal) colors, so is MK and I'll have mine to show in ____weeks! I thought I'd ask your permission to put a * on your profile and call you when they are here to show them to you or have you stop by...( wait for answer) And by the way, speaking of customer service, are you running low on anything?"

(If she is a new customer of only a few weeks say this .."And by the way, I know the BASIC was your first MK purchase; but I also remember you wanted to add a concealer and highlighter to your set (or any item she showed of interest in) and I'll be making deliveries in your neighborhood next___ would you like me to bring these by? And lastly, I've started a new Customer Referral Reward System. What better way to meet a new Mk customer than through someone like you who love this product! For each referral I'll discount your next reorder purchase___% or give you a fun gift and since I know your face will go with me the rest of your life....that could really add up. Just think of the comments you've received on your skin, or on your new eye or lip colors or your new nail color. Again.


10 Steps Of Working Full Circle

1. Have in your purse: business cards and beauty books

Have in your car: extra business cards and beauty books, Hostess Packets and

Company Information

2. Book a hostess with your booking script -- you should be able to say this in your sleep!

3. Set up a time to get her list and their home and work numbers.

4. Write a thank you note!!!

5. Call to get her guest list. Ask her why she thinks each one is coming. Go over the

Hostess Packet to make sure she doesn’t have any questions.

6. Call each guest and use the pre-profiling script.

7. If the hostess is low on her numbers you may want to say as an after thought when you are pre-profiling, “Oh, by the way, you are welcome to bring a friend. Just call me back with her name and phone# so I can ask her the same questions I asked you.”

8. Call the hostess back, tell her you have contacted each guest and how excited you are. The tell her what each guest wants to learn at the class. The hostess will then feel good about the class because here friends have a need for what you have to offer.

9. Know what you are going to say at each stage of your class. Use the 4-Point

Recruiting Plan. Check your “Class Checklist” sheet so you don’t forget anything.

- Do advanced color on hostess before guests arrive

- Welcome

- Class procedure: Cleansing Step, Company Information, I Story, Color

- Table Closing

- Individual Closing: Hostess can do Satin Hands or Serve Snacks

- Individual Closing: Know your script! Give company info. to at least 2 guests

10. NEVER leave an appointment without an appointment!

• Encourage her to over invite and to confirm each guest.

• Discuss where to have the class and the individual consultation.

• Keep refreshments simple

• Remind her she gets $75 in product for $35. Find out what she wants to work for.

• If it’s her Glamour appointment, remind her to be up to her Foundation when you arrive.

• Review directions if going to her house and put them in your Date Book.

• Regarding Children – we all love them, but this is Mom’s Night Out to be pampered. Let’s find someone to watch the kids. (offer a lip gloss for the sitter from you!)

Pre-class Coaching (when you arrive)

• Arrive 30-45 minutes early.

• Give her a sincere compliment.

• Say, “Tell me about your friends who are coming today.” (1st pt. in recruiting plan) Tell her to watch you.

• Remind her not to offer drinks or refreshments until the end – during individual consultations.

• Instruct her makeover while setting up .

You will, at this point, go through your skin care class guide, found in your starter kit. Read and Reread your flip chart, you will want to be very familiar with the flow of the class.

Also included in your Starter kit are CD’s and a Skin Care Class DVD.

Everything you need to know is in that box!!!

How to set up an interview:

Hi Susan, this is Susie Consultant with Mary Kay, do you have a minute?

Great! The reason I am calling is that my sales Director has challenged me to share how this business works and how we earn free cars with 10 sharp women this week and I immediately thought of you because you are so sharp and I would love to get your opinion. You know, this may be something you would never consider but I just need to share some Mary

Kay information with 10 people, is there any reason why you couldn’t be one of them!!
