Thank you for becoming a member of Sustainable South Shore

Thank you for becoming a member of Sustainable South Shore (SSSh) P.O. Box 1111; Hull, MA 02045 781-925-5665
Why join SSSh? Working together strengthens our voice and increases what we can accomplish.
The purpose of SSSh is to create a model sustainable community to help preserve our ecosystem as a whole.
We seek common ground, helping people feel deeply connected to Earth, knitting together individuals, families, groups and
institutions, creating emotional and spiritual support of true human community to achieve sustainability.
SSSh engages in … Creating a vision ~ Developing consensus through education, publicity, discussion, and events ~
Initiating, supporting, and implementing sustainable projects, including sustainable air, water, energy, and bio-system
projects ~ Research and analysis ~ Endeavoring to practice principles of global sustainability in our own lives.
Who are we? SSSh currently has members from Milton to Plymouth. SSSh is a Chapter of the Massachusetts
Climate Action Network (MCAN),, a network of more than 50 Massachusetts community
organizations. SSSh has received grants from the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund and MCAN.
What are we doing? Planning our annual Earth Day Sustainable Living Festival (1st Climate InfoFest was 2004).
~ Helping groups set up Low Carbon Diet workshops developed by ~ Encouraging
Curbside Recycling and Pay as You Throw system. ~ Developing a model Climate Action Plan in South Shore
communities, beginning with energy use and CO2 emissions assessments. ~ Writing newspaper articles, re CO2, wind
power and other sustainability topics. ~ Promoting sustainable transportation, including increased bicycling, transit,
and commuter boat ridership. ~ Sharing information about green building technology. ~ Supporting wind energy ~
Supporting ICLEI,
How does Sustainable South Shore work? SSSh members offer each other a formal network for regular
sharing of best practices. Members and affiliated South Shore community groups communicate with each other
regularly. We meet quarterly. We adopt goals by consensus. We each work on what interests us in creating a model
sustainable community. We collaborate with each other on special projects and partner with other organizations.
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___ Yes, I would like to become a member or renew my membership to Sustainable South Shore.
I would especially like to help with:
Climate Action Plans, joining ICLEI
___ Annual Sustainable Living Festival
Creating model sustainable buildings
___ Frequent, fast commuter/ferry boat service
___ Zero-emission transportation to trains/ferries
___ Walkable, bikable streets
___ "Green" municipal fleets
Idle-Free Campaign (DEP)
___ Curbside recycling; Pay as You Throw system
___ Grant applications
___ Publicity, outreach, articles, education
Membership: $10 Basic; $20 Contributor;
$50 Supporter; $100 Sponsor;
___ Low Carbon Diet workshops
___ Wind energy
___ Solar energy, hot air, hot water, photovoltaic
___ Promoting use of Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL)
___ Promoting recycling of used CFL bulbs
___ Sustainable beaches
___ Web site updates & forums
Working with students
___ Special projects, on request
___ Anywhere I can
Other __________________________
___ I would like to receive Sustainable e-news
Please send form to: Sustainable South Shore
P.O. Box 1111; Hull, MA 02045