Seminar on Emotion (Psyc 365) Fall 2012 Instructor and Course Information Professor: Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera E-mail: or Office and Phone: Judd Hall 503, (860) 685-4958 Time and location of seminar: Monday and Wednesday from 1:10 to 2:30, Allbritton 113 Office hours: Monday 4-5, Wednesday 12-1, or by appointment Description This seminar aims to provide an intensive introduction to what emotions are and how they influence our relations with other people. The seminar will cover general theory on emotion as well as theory on specific emotions (e.g., anger, shame, envy). As emotions are multicomponential processes, we will examine how the social context shapes different components of the emotion process (e.g., appraisal, phenomenological experience, expression). Moreover, we will explore how emotions operate at the individual, interpersonal, intergroup, and cultural level of analysis. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 1 Seminar Schedule and Readings (All readings on Moodle) September 3 Introduction to Seminar on Emotion September 5 The Place of Emotions in Social Life Parkinson, B., Fischer, A. H., & Manstead, A. S. R. (2005). Emotion’s place in the social world. Emotion in Social Relations. Cultural, Group, and Interpersonal Processes (pp. 1-22). New York, NY: Psychology Press. September 10 Understanding Emotion (I): Emotional Experience Feldman Barrett, L., Mesquita, B., Ochsner, K. N., & Gross, J. J. (2007). The experience of emotion. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 373-403. September 12 Understanding Emotion (II): The Notion of Function Applied to Emotions Keltner, D., & Haidt, J. (1999). Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis. Cognition & Emotion, 13, 505-521. September 17 Gender & Emotion (I) Fischer, A. H. (1993). Sex differences in emotionality: Fact or stereotype? Feminism and Psychology, 3(3), 303-318. Shields, S. A. (2002). Speaking from the Heart. Gender and the Social Meaning of Emotion. Chapter 2 (pp. 21-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 2 September 19 Gender & Emotion (II) Shields, S. A. (2002). Speaking from the Heart. Gender and the Social Meaning of Emotion. Chapter 7 (pp. 139-168). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. September 24 Happiness & Subjective Well-Being (I) Mauss, I. B., Savino, N. S., Anderson, C. L., Weisbuch, M., Tamir, M., & Laudenslager, M. L. (2011, September 12). The Pursuit of Happiness Can Be Lonely. Emotion. Advance online publication. September 26 Happiness & Subjective Well-Being (II) Adler, J. M. & Hershfield, H. E. (2012). Mixed emotional experience is associated with and precedes improvements in psychological well-being. PloS ONE 7(4):e35633. October 1 Pride (I) Williams, L. A., Desteno, D. (2008). Pride and perseverance: The motivational role of pride. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 1007-1017. Williams, L. A., & DeSteno, D. (2009). Pride. Adaptive social emotion or seventh sin? Psychological Science, 20 (3), 284-288. October 3 Pride (II) Kornilaki, E. N., & Chloverakis, G. (2004) The situational antecedents of pride and happiness: Developmental and domain differences. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 605619. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 3 October 8 Anger (I) Averill, J. R. (1983). Studies on anger and aggression: Implications for theories of emotion. American Psychologist, 38 (11), 1145-1160. Pond, R. S., Kashdan, T. B., DeWall, C. N., & Savostyanova, A. (2012). Emotion differentiation moderates aggressive tendencies in angry people: a daily diary analysis. Emotion, 12, 326-337. October 10 Anger (II) Fischer, A. H., & Roseman, I. J. (2007). Beat them or ban them: The characteristics and social functions of anger and contempt. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 103-115. FALL BREAK FROM OCTOBER 12 TILL 17 October 17 Embarrassment Miller, R. S., (2004). Emotion as adaptive interpersonal communication: The case of embarrassment. In L. Tiedens & C. W. Leach (Eds.). The social life of emotions. (pp. 87-104). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. October 22 Guilt & Shame (I) Tangney, J. (1992). Situational determinants of shame and guilt in young adulthood. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 199-206. October 24 Shame and guilt (II) Gausel, N., Leach, C. W., Vignoles, V. L., & Brown, R. (2012). Defend or repair? Explaining responses to in-group moral failure by disentangling feelings of shame, rejection, and inferiority. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 941-960. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 4 October 29 Envy (I) Parrott, Q. G., & Smith, R. H. (1993). Distinguishing the experiences of envy and jealousy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 906-920. Van de Ven, N., Zeelenberg, M., & Pieters, R. (2009). Leveling up and down: The experiences of benign and malicious envy. Emotion, 9(3), 419-429. October 31 Envy (II) Rodriguez Mosquera, P. M., Parrott, W. G., & Hurtado de Mendoza, A. (2010). I fear your envy, I rejoice in your coveting. On the ambivalent experience of being envied by others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 842-854. November 5 Hurt & Social Pain (I) Leary, M. R., Springer C., Negel, L, Ansell, E., & Evans, K. (1998). The causes, phenomenology, and consequences of hurt feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74 (5), 1225-1237. November 7 Hurt & Social Pain (II) Nordgren, L. F., Banas, K., MacDonald, G. (2011). Empathy gaps for social pain: Why people underestimate the pain of social suffering. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 100, 120-128. November 12 Humiliation (I) Klein, D. C. (1991). The humiliation dynamic: An overview. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 12(2), 93-121. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 5 November 14 Humiliation (II) Hartling, L. M., & Luchetta, T. (1999). Humiliation: Assessing the impact of derision, degradation, and debasement. Journal of Primary Prevention, 19, 259-278. Combs, D. J. Y. , Campbell, G. , Jackson, M. & Smith, R. H.(2010). Exploring the consequences of Humiliating a Moral Transgressor. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 128 -143. November 19 Group-based emotions (I) Leach, C. W., Iyer, A., & Pedersen, A. (2006). Anger and guilt about ingroup advantage explain the willingness for political action. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32(9), 12321245. THANKSGIVING RECESS FROM NOVEMBER 21 TILL NOVEMBER 26 November 26 Group-based emotions (II) Giner-Sorolla, R., Castano, E., Espinosa, P. & Brown, R. (2007). Shame expresion reduce the recipients’ insult from outgroup reparations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 519-526. November 28 CLASS CANCELLED DUE TO PROFESSOR’S CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE December 3 Final reflections on emotions: On emotional integrity (I) Solomon, R. (2007). True to our feelings. What our emotions are really telling us (pp. 117-158). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 6 December 5 Final reflections on emotions: On emotional integrity (II) Solomon, R. (2007). True to our feelings. What our emotions are really telling us (pp. 159-200). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Assessment 1. Questions for class sheet. For each class, you are expected to submit at least two questions based on the readings. These questions can be, for example, about what you found unclear in the readings, or what you thought was left unanswered in the readings, or a new research question inspired by the readings. There will be ample time for participation in class, and you can always bring these questions to the class. The questions for class sheet shoud be short (no longer than half a page). Please write your questions using bullet points. I will collect the questions sheet at the end of each class. You are allowed two “free passes” for the semester. 2. Short reflection essays You will need to submit a short reflection essay every two weeks. Each essay is a reflection on the readings we have discussed in the past two weeks. You are free to focus your essay on those readings that you found most interesting. Please treat these essays as longer reflection papers. The following are some question guidelines for your reflection essay: what did you find most interesting or unexpected in the readings? what did you find most difficult, or challenging about the readings? what have you learned about emotions through these readings? Each essay should be no longer than 1,100 - 1,250 words in length (approx. 2 single-spaced pages). I will drop the lowest writing grade so your best five essays will count toward your final grade. Here are the dates where you will need to submit your reflection essays (all essays need to be submitted at 5pm on the due date): Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 7 -Friday September 14. -Friday September 28. -Friday October 12. -Friday October 26. -Friday November 9. -Friday Novembe 23. You will receive feedback and grade for your short reflection essay within a week after submission. Generally, A papers show a careful reading of the readings and are well-written and coherent. B papers show a good understanding of the readings, but do not provide a careful reflection on the readings. Papers who mostly summarize the readings will receive this evaluation. C papers are poorly written and do not show a careful reading of the readings. You can submit all papers through Moodle. 3. Final individual paper. Your final paper should be a literature review of an emotion topic of your choice. This topic can be a topic we have covered in class. For example, you are really interested in anger, or in embarrassment, and you would like to read more papers on this emotion. You need first to identify a topic you are interested in. Please come to my office hours to discuss your ideas. You will then need to find 3 sources (i.e., academic journal articles or book chapters) on the topic of your interest. You are expected to search for recent and appropriate sources for your final paper through Wesleyan library’s databases. The Library offers tutorials to students on how to search for sources in the Library’s databases. I will post on Moodle a document that provides guidelines on how to write a literature review. Your final paper should be no longer than 10 pages long, double spaced (excluding references). Important deadlines for final paper: From Monday November 19 till Friday December 7: You can submit your paper’s draft and I will provide feedback about your draft. Please remember that the more complete the draft you Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 8 submit, the more detailed my feedback will be and the more useful my feedback will be to you. I do not grade the draft; this step is aimed to provide you with my feedback so you can improve your paper. December 14, 5pm: Submission of final draft through moodle. Breakdown of final grades (1) Short reflection essays: 40% (2) Final paper: 40% (3) Discussion questions for class: 10 % (4) Class attendance and participation: 10% I will compute your final grade according to Wesleyan’s grading system. Moodle There is a Moodle set up for this course. Please check it regularly. I will post announcements and important information about the course. Exceptional Circumstances I do not accept any work submitted after the specified deadline unless in case of a medical or family emergency. In case of a medical emergency, you will need to provide a doctor’s letter indicating that you were unable to complete class-related work due to a medical emergency. In case of a family emergency, you will need to provide a letter from a parent or your advisor/dean at Wesleyan indicating that you were unable to complete class-related work due to a family emergency. Special Needs I want to create the most supportive learning environment possible for all students. It is the policy of Wesleyan University to provide reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Students, however, are responsible for registering with Disabilities Services, in addition to making requests known to me in a timely manner. If you require accommodations in this class, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible [during the 2nd week of the semester], so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The procedures for Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 9 registering with Disabilities Services can be found at Academic Honesty You are expected to adhere to Wesleyan’s Honor Code as stated in the Student Handbook. No group work is acceptable for any of the assignments. Any evidence of group work on an assignment will result in a 0 for that assignment. Attendance and Participation Class attendance is absolutely essential. Please be punctual and do not talk in class while the instructor or other students are speaking. You are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. You are allowed to use your laptop in class, but not the internet. Seminar on Emotion, Fall 2012 ~ 10