The Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Awards Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (RYDY) Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year (RDTY) Emerging Dietetic Leader Award (EDL) Outstanding Dietitian of the Year (ODY) Responsibilities of Nominator 1. Select an appropriate nominee whom you feel best fulfills the established criteria. They must not have been previously selected for this award. 2. Present the selection packet (Letter to Nominee, Data Sheet, Demonstrated Leadership Form, Reference List, Recommendation Forms) to the nominee and explain the application process. 3. Complete the Recommendation Form and send to the CT Academy Awards Committee Chair postmarked by February 19, 2016 or send it to the nominee to include in their award nomination packet. 4. Responsibilities of Nominee 1. INCLUDE A COPY OF YOUR RESUME WITH YOUR NOMINATION PACKET This will give you the opportunity to present yourself to the selection committee in a way that cannot be captured exclusively through the data sheet or references. Your resume should include the following areas: Job responsibilities and positions held Publications or presentations to date Professional association involvements Education background Other professional data you feel may be pertinent 2. Complete the Data Sheet, Demonstrated Leadership Form, and Reference List with names and addresses of three references who will be completing a recommendation. Include the reference list in your application packet. In addition, complete the self-evaluation using the criteria listed. Submit all these items to the CT Academy Awards Committee Chair postmarked by February 19, 2016. 3. Distribute the recommendation forms to the individuals listed on your Reference List. Ask that they mail the completed recommendation form to the CT Academy Awards Committee Chair postmarked by February 19, 2016. ALL FORMS MUST BE TYPED. Award Selection Criteria The following categories are considered in the evaluation process: Academic Education Work Experience Leadership Abilities Significant Accomplishments Involvement in Professional Associations Note: Age as of March 31, 2016: 35 years or younger for Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year. For Emerging Dietetic Leader Award, practice experience not less than 5 years and not greater than 10 years. Dear Dietetics Professional: Congratulations on being nominated for a CT Academy Award. Below is a list of the information that must be included in your packet: 1. Data Sheet. Word doc follows in this packet for RYDY, RDTY, RDL and ODY. 2. Copy of resume 3. Demonstrated Leadership Form. Word doc follows in this packet. 4. A self-evaluation. Please limit response to 2 typed pages and include the following: Experience (s) that led to selection of career Personal objectives Impact of contributions to profession re: professional involvement Transition career has undergone since entering field Most fulfilling aspect of your career 5. A list of references completing recommendations for you. 6. A recommendation from the person nominating you and two additional recommendations. Please provide them with the information “Guidelines for Recommendations” included with this document. Recommendations can be enclosed with your packet or mailed separately. Packets and recommendations should be emailed or postmarked by February 19, 2016. Incomplete packets or packets emailed or mailed after February 19th will not be considered. Email packets to : or Mail packets to: May Harter 91 Quanopaug Trail Woodbury, CT 06798 Please contact May Harter, Awards Committee Chair, at or for questions. Good luck, May Harter, RD, CD-N CT Academy Awards Committee Chair Reference List Recommendations (3) should be obtained from the following individuals: 1) the nominator; 2) immediate supervisor at your place of employment or the individual who can best address your professional qualities; 3) professional associate or professor. (a) Name ________________________________________ (Nominator) Title _________________________________________ Institution/Association ___________________________ Address ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone Number ( (b) )____________________________ Name ________________________________________ Title _________________________________________ Institution/Association ___________________________ Address ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone Number ( (c) )____________________________ Name ________________________________________ Title _________________________________________ Institution/Association ___________________________ Address ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone Number ( )____________________________ Nominee: Please return this form with completed application packet. 2016 RECOGNIZED YOUNG DIETITIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD DATA SHEET Submit the recipient’s name as it should appear on a certificate. Name: first middle initial last Place of Employment (100 characters or less): Job Title (70 characters or less): District (if applicable) NA STATE ASSOCIATION: ADA Membership No. The Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics STATE ASSOCIATION CONTACT: May Harter Phone E-mail W: 860-224-5900 ex 6574 M: 203-206-4552 or Guidelines for Recommendations Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (RYDY) Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year (RDTY) Emerging Dietetic Leader Award (EDL) Outstanding Dietitian of the Year (ODY) Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________ The person whose name appears above has been nominated for RYDY, RDTY, EDL, or ODL. In your letter of recommendation, we would appreciate you giving us the following information in as much detail as possible: 1. How long and in what capacity have you known the candidate? 2. What do you consider the candidate’s most outstanding strengths or characteristics? 3. Describe how well the candidate has uniquely demonstrated leadership and/or professional excellence in the dietetics profession? 4. In what ways has the candidate promoted the dietetic profession? 5. Additional comments Please sign and print your name and include your title, place of employment and mailing address. Please either E-mail the recommendation to the nominee for inclusion in the applicant packet or email or mail to: or May Harter 91 Quanopaug Trail Woodbury, CT 06798 2016 RECOGNIZED DIETETIC TECHNICIAN OF THE YEAR (RDTY) AWARD DATA SHEET Submit the recipient’s name as it should appear on a certificate. Name: first middle initial last Place of Employment (100 characters or less): Job Title (70 characters or less): ADA Membership No. STATE ASSOCIATION: The Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics STATE ASSOCIATION CONTACT: May Harter Phone E-mail W: 860-224-5900 ex 6574M 203-206-4552 or 2016 EMERGING DIETETIC LEADER (EDL) AWARD DATA SHEET Submit the recipient’s name as it should appear on a certificate. Name: first middle initial last Place of Employment (100 characters or less): Job Title (70 characters or less): ADA Membership No. STATE ASSOCIATION: The Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics STATE ASSOCIATION CONTACT: May Harter Phone E-mail W: 860-224-5900 ex 6574M 203-206-4552 or 2016 OUTSTANDING DIETITIAN OF THE YEAR (ODY) AWARD DATA SHEET Submit the recipient’s name as it should appear on a certificate. Name: First Middle initial Last Place of Employment (100 characters or less): Job Title (70 characters or less): Academy Membership No. STATE ASSOCIATION: The Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics STATE ASSOCIATION CONTACT: May Harter Phone E-mail W: 860-224-5900 ex 6574 M 203-206-4552 or DEMONSTRATED LEADERSHIP (Please indicate and consider the following areas in your comments: Career Guidance, Education, Legislation, Management, Clinical Dietetics, Public Relations, Research and Community) AREA DATE 1. National Association 2. State Association 3. District Association 4. Other Professional Associations 5. Other Comments: Use of this information by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is approved: _____________________________________________________ Nominee Signature