LECTURE 13 CH 15 DYNAMICS OF PREDATION BEFORE LECTURE, READ 18-19; DIGEST FIG. 1.15 MAJOR CONCEPTS 1) Predators have adaptations for capturing their prey. 2) Prey have adaptations for escaping their predators. 3) Predators influence the distribution and population size of prey (top-down control). 4) A change in prey density changes catch rate by individual predator (3 types of functional responses). 5) A change in prey density changes predator population size by growth or immigration. 6) Predator and prey populations often increase and decrease in regular cycles. 7) Predator cycle lags behind cycle of prey. 8) Several factors act as stabilizing forces that reduce cycles. 9) Prey can persist in presence of predator if have refuge or exist in spatially complex habitat. I. Predator adaptations to capture prey II. Prey deterrents to predation Group living and early detection of predator Induced structural defense Chemical defense (active warfare) 14.5 Cryptic coloration (crypsis) 17.2 Aposematism (warning coloration) by toxic prey 17.3 III.Evidence that predators control prey abundance (impose ‘top-down’ control) 15.3 ICA 1,2,3 Human harvests of predator and prey (marine system) 18-19; 1.15 Removal experiments; e.g. insecticide experiments 15.3 Introduction (invasions) of predators Islands with and without predators If predators remove the strongest competitor among prey species decrease in species number of prey when predator removed IV. Functional response of individual predator 15.21 ICA 4 Change in prey density changes rate of prey capture by individual predator Type I: Capture directly proportional (linear) to prey density Type II: Capture levels off at high prey density (predator satiation) Type III: as in Type II, but also low at low prey density because: Heterogeneous habitat hiding places Lack of learned search behavior Switch to alternative prey V. Numerical response of predator population to prey density 15.22, 15.23 ICA 5,6,7, Predator response is in population size via population growth or immigration Cycles out of phase: predator lags behind prey population VI. Populations of predator/prey fluctuate for many reasons; many without cycles Abiotic factors Biotic factors Some predator-prey populations increase and decrease in synchronized cycles 15.2 Predators lag prey ICA 8 VII. What controls cyles? A. Stabilizing forces that reduce oscillations 15.7 Predator inefficiency D-D limitation of either predator or prey Alternative food sources for predator Refuges from predation at low prey densities Reduced time delays in predator responses to changes in prey abundance B. Time delays destabilize and push toward cycles Development period and time to reproduce Time required for numerical response by predator Time for immune response and induced response C. If destabilizing forces outweigh stabilizing forces cycles Development of host immunity influences pathogen population cycles 15.9 Habitat structure can affect population cycles (e.g. edges of fragments) 15.10 VIIILaboratory studies of predator-prey populations A. Gause: Paramecium (prey) and Didinium (predator) p. 309 Refuge for prey needed to maintain prey Regular immigration can yield stable cycles B. Huffaker: oranges (habitats) and predator mite and prey mite 15.11, 15.12 ICA 9, 10, 11 Oranges clumped extinction Oranges random predators slow to find prey survive longer Spatial heterogeneity in habitats brings stability to cycles Need complex environment for prey to hide; reduces ease of predator dispersal Summary 1-5, 10-13