Co-Teaching + Co-Planning = Co-Hesive Learning

Co-Teaching + Co-Planning = Co-Hesive Learning
Kim Miller – UNI
Meeting the needs of all students doesn’t have to be a co-lossal task.
See how the general education and resource teachers co-operatively teach in order to
differentiate the curriculum for everyone and establish a co-mmunity of learners.
What is Co-Teaching?
1. Two educators
2. Jointly delivering instruction together
3. To diverse groups of students
4. Accomplished through joint planning and both delivering instruction
Why Co-Teach?
1. It’s fun
2. Student perceptions and attitudes
3. Collegial relationships
4. Shared resources
5. Active learning
6. Connections/communication/cohesiveness
7. Management strategies
8. Different teaching styles
9. Individualization of instruction
10. Expectations of general education classroom
Models of Co-Teaching by Marilyn Friend
1. Team Teaching
2. Station Teaching
3. Parallel Teaching
4. One Teaching/One Assisting
5. Alternative Teaching
What is the other teaching doing?
1. Checking for understanding
2. Clarifying ideas (saying the concept in a different way, pointing out other examples)
3. Highlighting student work
4. Cues and probes
5. Praising
6. Calling on students (active engagement)
7. Accommodations
8. Collecting homework
9. Getting supplies and materials
10. Writing examples or assignments on the board
11. Management
Helpful Web Sites and Videos
Marilyn Friend’s Web site.
Staff development on co-teaching. See the flexibility survey and guided discussion for coteaching teams. Video and training materials also available.
Video Package – The Power of two: Including students through coteaching.
Helpful Articles
Cook, L., & Friend, M. (1995). Co-teaching: Guidelines for creating effective practices. Focus
on Exceptional Children, 28(2), 1-12.
Friend, M., & Pope K. L. (2005). Creating schools in which all students can succeed. Kappa
Delta Pi Record, 41(2), 56-61.
Hawbaker, B., Balong, M. Buckwalter, S., & Runyon, S. (2000). Building a strong BASE of
support for all students through coplanning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(4), 24-30.
Dieker, L.A. (2001). What are the characteristics of effective middle and high school co-taught
teams for students with disabilities? Preventing School Failure, 46(1), 14-23.
Co-Teaching Lesson Plan Book (3rd Ed.) by Lisa Deiker.
Austin, V.L. (2001). Teacher’s beliefs about co-teaching. Remedial and Special Education,
22(4), 245-255.
Gately, S., & Gately, F.J., (2001). Understanding coteaching components. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 33(4), 40-47.
Murawski, W. & Dieker, L. (2008). 50 Ways to keep your co-teacher. Council for Exceptional
Children, Mar./Apr., 40-48.
Murawski, W. (2005). Addressing diverse needs through coteaching: take baby steps!. Kappa
Delta Pi Record, Winter, 77-82.
Murawski, W., & Dieker, L. (2004). Tips and strategies for coteaching at the secondary level.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(5), 52-58.