Sunshine Coast Community Services Society

Together Against Violence Programs present:
Resisting Burnout
A one day workshop with experiential teachings supporting solidarity
as an antidote to burnout and vicarious trauma.
How can we hold on to hope, ethics, sustainability and spirit in these
difficult times?
How can we support each other in the work that we do?
How do we practice doing justice and honouring resistance?
What kinds of strategic plans can we create to sustain us over the long
haul in our collective work against injustice and violence?
This workshop will be useful for anyone who is interested in addressing these questions.
Friday October 30 2009; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunshine Coast Community Services Society,
5638 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt
Fee: $40 includes lunch
To register call Theresa at 604 885 5881 by October 16
For additional information call
Marj Brown at Women’s Counselling Service, 604 885 5881 ext. 250
Facilitated by Vikki Reynolds MA RCC
Vikki Reynolds is a therapist/activist interested in liberating justice, resistance, and solidarity from the
margins of our work into the ethical center. Vikki’s therapeutic experience includes clinical supervision
and therapy with refugees and survivors of torture, mental health and substance abuse counsellors, and
working alongside transgendered and queer communities. She also supervises therapy teams and
activists independently and for non- profit agencies. Vikki is an Instructor with VCC, UBC and with
City University in the Masters’ Program where she has received the Dean's award for Distinguished
Instruction. Vikki is presently working to defend her PhD dissertation, which is entitled Doing Justice
as a Path to Sustainability in Community Work.
“I have seen Vikki speak many times and I am always captivated by her ideas”
Keely Halward, Program Director, Sunshine Coast Community Services Society