File - Logan Class of December 2011

Nutrition 2 (exam1)
Clinical Nutrition
Why? Who? How?
-Philosophical considerations for nutrition practice
The Scourge of Chronic Illnesses
 Seventy million American suffer from arthritis—or one in every three adults. That’s twice as many arthritis
sufferers as there were twenty years ago.
 More than 20 million Americans have asthma today. It is the sixth most common chronic disease.
 More than 50 million Americans suffer every year from allergies, a number that has doubled in the past two decades.
 There has been a 100 percent increase in the prevalence of hay fever in developed countries in each of the last three
decades. Allergic dermatitis affects us at triple the rate in 1960. Ten percent of young children are affected by
allergic dermatitis.
 There were 18.2 million people in the United States with diabetes in 2002, almost a 50 percent increase from a
decade ago--contributing to about two hundred thousand deaths in the United States each year.
 Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of Americans. Almost 64 million Americans have it in some form,
and it killed close to a million people in 2001.
 Eczema is the most common skin condition in children under eleven;
 an estimated 15 million Americans have inflammatory bowel disease.
 Almost one in two Americans (150 million) suffer from an inflammatory disease.
Source: Inflammation Nation, Floyd Chilton
Chronic Diseases: Cause Unknown
 How many of you think that there is a major health care crisis in the US today? For some reason unknown to the
medical industry that there are so many of us decided to get all kinds of chronic illnesses these last twenty years or
so. All they have to offer is symptomatic relief that comes with side effects that are worse than the problems in the
first place.
The Cause of Chronic Illnesses
A major driving force of these diseases is our diet—the “toxic-waste spill”--leads to chronic inflammation
The food industry is worth $1.4 trillion and we spent 1.6 trillion dollars in 2003 in “health” care
Who is at risk? Every single one of us!
There are no safe medical interventions or surgical procedures that will save us. The only way out is a fundamental
change in the way we produce, deliver and consume our food.
the guy with the bow tie
Diabetes Out of Control
1/3 US , ½ Hispanic children born since 2000 is expected to have diabetes
It is fastest growing disease in the US, China, Japan and India
Expected to grow from 20 million today to 50 million in 2025 in the US
50% of children Dx with diabetes today is type 2, age as young as 7
It causes more suffering and disability than heart disease and cancer and cost more to treat
It is considered a health time bomb that threaten to destroy our economy
Nutritional Deficiency is Common
It is estimated that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed about 7,778-11,083 mg/day of potassium.
We are consumming 75% less today
On average, we consume about 2500 mg of K per day
RDA for K is 3500 mg/day
 BMJ 2001;323:497-501
Potassium Deficiency
Increased risk of high blood pressure and stroke
Increased risk of diabetes, fatigue, muscle weakness and heart conditions
Increased PGE-2 and inflammation
In severe cases, rhabdomyolysis
the guy with the bow tie
Magnesium Deficiency
Minerals work together
Mg depletion affects K homeostasis—hypokalemia
Kidney fails to conserve K during Mg deficiency
Both minerals are severely lacking in our overly processed diet
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy animal protein and dairy
Vitamin D Deficiency
-rickets (children)
-osteomalacia (adults)
-elevated serum PTH
-decr serum phosphorus
-elevated serum alkaline phosphatase
-epidemiological evidence of increased risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancer
-increase rate of autoimmune, CV, endocrine problems
Micronutrient Deficiency
Linked to DNA damage, cancer risk
Depressed immune system
Impaired cognitive and mental functions
Free-radical damages
Developmental defacts
 Semin Arthritis Rheum 1997;27:180-85
 Mutat Res 2001 Apr 18;475(1-2):7-20
 Int J Vitam Res 1995;65(2):117-21
 Nutrition 2001;17(9):709-12
 Toxical Enviorn Health 2001;63(8):583-98
Pottenger’s Cat Study
Diet can alter body physiology
Improper diet can lead to physical degeneration that negative traits can pass onto the next generations
These effects are cumulative upon the next generation unless the natural diet is restored
Altering both physical and emotional wellbeing
Culminate in infertility--extinction
We have drifted into this deplorable position of national Malnutrition quite inadvertently. …It is the result of scientific
research with the objective of Finding the best way to create foods that are non-perishable, that can be made by mass
production methods in central factories, …and distributed so cheaply that they can sweep all local competition from the
market… Then, after there develops a suspicion that these “foods” are inadequate to support life, modern advertising steps in
to propagandize the people into believing that there is nothing wrong with them. That they are products of scientific
research…intended to afford a food that is the last word in nutritive value …and the confused public is totally unable to
arrive at any conclusion of fact, …and continues to blindly buy the rubbish that is killing them Years ahead of their time.
--Royal Lee, DDS, June 1943
A Wonder bread culture
With the advent of industrialized roller milling and mass refining of grains in about 1880, worldwide epidemics of
pellagra and beriberi began because of loss of B vitamins during processing of grain to remove the bran and the germ for
longer shelf life.
-Am J Clin nutr 2003;78(suppl):508S-13S.
-The grain passes through more than forty processes before it emerges as flour and bran.
Sifters consist of a dozen large sieves, one below the other-just like the floors of a tall building. The top sieve has the coarsest mesh, the
next not quite so coarse, and so on. These sieves are all made to swing briskly by machinery - in fact they swing continuously with a
motion very like that of the ordinary sieve at home. The broken wheat comes first onto the top sieve, and then through the others in turn,
each sieve helping to separate the material.
Purifiers not only separate the broken parts of the wheat by sieving, that is, according to size, but it also separate those parts which are of
the same size but of different weight. This is done by using currents of air. The skins are much lighter in weight than the inner white floury
parts, and a current of air is drawn upwards through the mixture on the sieve, lifting up and 'floating' the skins, but allowing the heavier
white parts to remain on the sieve and be separated by the sieving motion.
the guy with the bow tie
In 1937 scientists showed that nicotinic acid was the specific micronutrient deficiency for pellagra and thiamine for beriberi.
These discoveries were so fundamental and startling that some believed that little remained to be investigated in the field of nutrition. One
obvious solution, protecting health and satisfying the needs of industry, was to re-supply the deficient nutrients. There seemed to be no
need to modify food production, because the only problem was a shortage of a few important vitamins.
The net result of all these forces was over-reliance on several nutrients and food enrichment, what might be called a "Wonder Bread"
culture of institutionalized supplementation.
It is now clear that today’s chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, and cancers, are complex diseases with
multiple etiologies and not simple deficiency diseases. For example, findings of the strongly reduced risk of ischemic heart disease,
diabetes, and some cancers among habitual consumers of whole-grain foods support the idea that food synergies play an important role in
chronic disease prevention. Nevertheless, the over-processing of grains and other foods has worsened since the early 1900s....”
-Am J Clin nutr 2003;78(suppl):508S-13S.
Pasteurization of Milk
The Lancet, page 1142, May 8, 1937 states that resistance to tuberculosis increased in children fed raw milk instead of
pasteurized to the point that, in five years, only one case of pulmonary TB had developed, whereas in the previous five years,
when children had been given pasteurized milk, 14 cases of pulmonary TB had developed.
The Lancet, page 1142, May 8, 1937 says that in children the teeth are less likely to decay on diet supplemented with raw
milk than with pasteurized milk.
-Vitamin News, by Dr. Royal Lee, DDS,
“…the response in height to raw milk was significantly greater than that to pasteurized milk. Their interpretation of the data
led to the assertion that the pasteurized milk was only 66 percent as effective as the raw milk in the case of boys and 91.1
percent as effective in the case of girls in inducing increases in weight, and 50 percent as effective in boys and 70 percent in
girls in bringing about height increases.” Milk protein is destroyed by heat. Therefore milk calcium cannot be assimilated.
-Krauss, W.E, Erb, J.H. and Washburn, R.G., Studies on the Nutritive Value of Milk. Ohio Agricultural Experiment
Station Bulletin 518, page 7, January 1933
-Soil to Supplements, op.cit.
Standard American Diet
80% processed refined carbohydrate foods
Commercial factory farm meats
Chemical farming
Genetically Modified Organism
Fast-super-sized foods
30% calories come from sugar
Man-made fat instead of traditional fats
the guy with the bow tie
GM Soy Kills Rats
55.6% Mortality in Rats Whose Mothers Were Fed GM Soy
Why nutrition?
 Chiropractors are in a responsible position to make a fundamental difference in people’s lives
 Clinical experience, epidemiological data and research support the need to change the ways we eat to halt the growth
of chronic illness and suffering
 More teachers are needed
 To improve treatment outcome
Mission Control
 The ongoing discovery of how we express our gifts to add life enriching value to the world.
 Nutrition and dietary counseling is an added value in our practice and patient’s treatment outcome
Disease is a dynamic event in the life of an individual. Determined by disharmonies, imbalances, and pernicious influences.
The goal of diagnosis is not to identify the disease entity, which has no independent reality, but to characterize the
disharmonies of the particular case, so that they can be corrected.
--Leo Galland, MD
Cookbook Vs. Patient-Centered
 Symptoms relief
 Removing the causes
Functional Health Care
 Functional Healthcare
 Health oriented
 Patient oriented
 Biochemical individuality
 Cost effective
 Holistic
 Look for true cause
 High touch high tech
 True prevention
 Conventional care
 Disease oriented
 Doctor oriented
 Same Dx=same Tx
 Cost prohibitive
 Specialization
 Dx from a set of symptoms
 High tech
 Early detection=prevention
The Nutrition Care Process
Assess nutrition status
Analyze assessment data to determine nutrient requirements
Develop a plan of action for meeting nutrition needs, include education
Implement the care plan
Evaluate the effectiveness of care plan through ongoing assessment and make changes as needed.
Total Load
 Food allergies
 Mold allergies
 Structural lesion
 Intestinal pathogens
 Leaky gut
 Compromised detox
 Environmental toxins
 Hormone imbalance
 Polypharmacy
 Nutritional deficiencies
 Repressed emotion
Functional disturbance and physical symptoms
the guy with the bow tie
The Health Detective
Get the whole picture
Elucidate the underlying causes by first line and second line testing
Respect biochemical individuality
Focus on restoring normal functions
Cause no harm to the patient
Critical Questions
What is the patient’s full story?
Where does the symptoms come from?
What does the symptoms mean?
What keep the condition going?
What is the major point of leverage?
The Functional Health Care Workup
Chief complaint
History of present illness OPQRST
Past medical history
Review of organ systems
Family history
Dietary history
Medication and dietary supplement history
Social, lifestyle and exercise habits
Physical exam
Lab findings
Assessment and diagnosis
Fundamental clinical imbalances that underlie the diagnosis
Who should I teach?
 Everyone is affected by the modern deficient diet and polluted environment.
 Patients with chronic pain
 Trauma, acute injuries
 Young athletes
 Children with learning problems, allergies
 Women in all stages of life
 Man in all stages of life
 Students under loads of stress
 We all need help in eating better
How to practice nutrition?
 Technique: AK (CRA, MRT, Lebowitz’s Protocol), CMRT, BEST (pH balance), evidence based (Janet Lang, Datis
 Philosophical: Weston A. Price Whole Food, Natural Hygiene, Macrobiotic, Vegan, lacto oval vegetarianism
 Macronutrients: Atkin’s, South Beach, Protein Power, USDA Food Guide, Zone
 Biochemical: using lab tests, symptoms surveys, and physical exam to guide and replace deficient nutrients,
pH/acid-base balancing
 Supplements: mega-dose isolated, whole-food extracts, herbs, homeopathic, flower remedies
What do I do?
Start somewhere
Using some supplements
Experiment with different natural, organic foods
Try a diet
Detox program
Nutrition classes and seminars
Learn about special lab tests
 Saliva test, hair analysis, functional tests
the guy with the bow tie
Dangerous Rx, FDA Inaction
 Rosiglitazone is taken by about seven million people worldwide and brings in sales of more than $3 billion for
GlaxoSmithKline. Analysts have warned that these new safety concerns could cut sales by 50%, and shares in
GlaxoSmithKline have plummeted
 Was the NEJM right to publish?
 FDA: No action recommended at this time
Nutrition Assessment
Physical exam
Symptoms surveys: paper or computer
pH: saliva, urine
Lab tests
 Blood, Urine, stool, Hair Analysis, Saliva
 AK
 Others
Nutrition Companies
Standard Process
Thorne Research
Biotic Research
Design For Health
Apex Energetics
Nordic Natural fish oils
Premier Research Labs
Healthforce Nutritionals
Pure Encapsulations
Tropical Tradition Coconut oil
 Many others, call and get info, catalogs, sponsored seminars, newsletter, freebies
 Discount for Chiropractic students
 Great Smokies:
, health section
the guy with the bow tie
Diet For Optimal Health
Nutrition and health among people on traditional diets in the 1930s
14 human groups
 From isolated Irish and Swiss, to Eskimos and Africans
Almost every member enjoyed superb health
 Free of chronic diseases
 Free of dental decay
 Free of mental illness
 Strong, sturdy and attractive
 Produced healthy children with ease
”Civilized” humans in comparison groups
Members of the same racial/ethnic groups who had become ”civilized” who ate the food products of commerce:
 Refined grains
 Canned foods
 Pasturized milk
 Sugar
Infectious disease
Degenerative illness
Tooth decay
Children with
 Crowded an crooked teeth
 Narrow faces
 Deformities of bone structure
 Susceptibility to many medical problems
Malnutrition affects all human groups in similar ways
Historical experience of indigenous/traditional peoples
No cancer, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes or dental caries
 Independent observations of anthropologists, physicians, missionaries, explorers, etc.
 E.g. !Kung San people in the Kalahari desert
Chronic diseases appear as soon as such humans change environment and lifestyle, particularly diet
Characteristics of Traditional Diets
1. The diet of healthy, nonindustrialized peoples contain no refined or denatured foods such as refined sugar or corn syrup;
white flour; canned foods; pasteurized, homogenized, skim or low fat milk; refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils, protein
powders; artificial vitamins; or toxic additives and colorings
Modern American Diet
 The fattest nation on earth
 64.5% of Americans are overweight or obese. Source: JAMA, 2002;28:1723-1727
 Obesity is now the number 1 preventable cause of death in the US. Source: JAMA, 1996;276:1907-1950
 “Low fat” foods often high in sugar and low in nutrients
 Convenience foods usually high in refined carbs, highly processed, and super-size portions
 Trans fats are found in most processed foods and may disrupt fat and cholesterol metabolism.
 80% supermarket offerings are carbohydrate foods, Increased carbs lead to:
 Increased blood glucose and insulin output
 Decreased glucose and increased food cravings, especially more carbs and sweets
 Excessive calories lead to fat storage and obesity
 Fortunately there seems to be a reverse of this trend due to the success of Atkin’s and other high protein
2. All traditional cultures consume some sort of animal food, such as fish and other seafood; land and water fowl; land and
sea mammals; eggs; milk and milk products; reptiles; and insects. The whole animals is consumed—muscle, organs, bone
and fat.
the guy with the bow tie
The Importance of Meat
 Two important parts of human evolution
 The progressive incorporation of more meat into the early human diet
 Going from scavenging to hunting
 Meat provides easy access to the full complement of nutrients our body needs
 More closely adapted to a meat based than a plant based diet
3. The diets of healthy, indigenous peoples contained at least four times the calcium and other minerals and ten times the fatsoluble vitamins found in animal fats (vitamin A, vitamin D and activator X) as the average American diet.
Modern American Diet
 Low-fat diet consists of processed low-fat food.
 Avoid sunshine lead to lack of vitamin D synthesis
 Avoid animal fat—the only source of vitamin A and vitamin D
 Wide-spread deficiency of fat-soluble nutrients
 Protein deficiency
 Mineral deficiency
4. In all traditional cultures, some animal foods are eaten raw:
 Meats and organ tissues
 Seafood
 Dairy products
 Eggs
5. Primitive and traditional diets have a high food enzyme content from raw dairy products, raw meat and fish, raw honey;
tropical fruits; cold-pressed oils; wine and un-pasteurized beer; and naturally preserved, lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits,
beverages, diary products, meats, and condiments.
6. Seeds, grains and nuts are soaked, sprouted, fermented or naturally leavened to neutralize naturally occurring antinutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, tannins and phytic-acid.
 Always soak grains overnight with a tablespoon of acid, preferably in a warm environment before cooking.
 Food enzymes content greatly increased by fermenting, soaking and sprouting
What happens when you can’t digest your food?
 You immune system has to take that job of your digestive system
 The only thing the immune system does is to promote inflammation
 The results are symptoms of gut distress
 Two of the top OCT drugs are laxatives and acid blockers
-eating untreated corn can block our body from absorbing niacin
-eating food that cannot be properly digested will create food allergies
7. Total fat content of traditional diets varies from 30% to 80% of calories but only about 4% of calories come from
polyunsaturated oils naturally occurring in grains, legumes, nuts, fish, animal fats and vegetables. The balance of fat calories
is in the form of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.
-10% of our calories come from polyunsaturated fat, leading to the formation of more cytotoxic free radicals
8. Traditional diets contain nearly equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids—1:1 ratio
Why Do We Need Essential Fatty Acids?
EFA are not made by the body and must be included in our food.
All processed oils are devoid of intact EFA.
EFA deficiency is severe in American diets.
EFA is essential for health and the maintenance of very cells, organ, tissues in our bodies.
The brain and nervous system are especially in need of EFA for normal functions.
the guy with the bow tie
Characteristics of Traditional Diets
 These nutrient-rich fats have nourished healthy peoples for thousands of years:
Butter; tallow and suet; lard, chicken, goose and duck fat; coconut, palm and palm kernel oils; cold pressed olive,
sesame, flax and peanut oils; fish and cod liver oils.
Newfangled Fats
All hydrogenated oils, industrially processed oils such as soy, corn, safflower, cottonseed and canola, fats and oils
heated to a very high temperature in processing and frying are associated with cancer, heart disease, immune system
dysfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems and osteoporosis.
Characteristics of Traditional Diets (cont)
9. All traditional diets contain some unrefined salt.
10. All traditional cultures make use of animal bones usually in the form of gelatin-rich meat and bone broths.
The Salt of Life
 The theory that salt causes high blood pressure and other heart problems is not supported by sound scientific studies.
 Cells need salt to become fully hydrated. Without salt, cells get thirsty, sluggish and unable to produce enough
 Avoid too much salt if you suffer from kidney disease or congestive heart failure.
 For more information, read You Body’s Many Cries for Water, by F. Batmanghelidji
Sodium: As all body fluids contain sodium, it can be said that sodium is essential to life. It is needed for many biochemical processes
including water balance regulation, fluid distribution on either side of the cell walls, muscle contraction and expansion, nerve stimulation
and acid-alkaline balance. Sodium is very important to the proper function of the adrenal glands. However, excessive sodium may result in
high blood pressure, potassium deficiency, and liver, kidney and heart disease; symptoms of deficiency include confusion, low blood sugar,
weakness, lethargy and heart palpitations. Meat broths and zucchini are excellent sources.
Potassium: Potassium and sodium work together--inner cell fluids are high in potassium while fluids outside the cell are high in sodium.
Thus, potassium is important for many chemical reactions within the cells. Potassium is helpful in treating high blood pressure. It is found
in a wide variety of nuts, grains and vegetables. Excessive use of salt along with inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables can result in a
potassium deficiency.
11. Traditional cultures make provisions for the health of future generations by providing special nutrient-rich foods for
parents-to-be, pregnant women and growing children; by proper spacing of children; and by teaching the principles of right
diet to the young.
the guy with the bow tie
Paleolithic diet: Variations
Variations due to differences in geography, season and glaciations
Paleolithic diet
Meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, berries, fruits, nuts, roots, insects and seafood
Approximately 20% more energy
More nutritious food
More protein-rich food
Less carbohydrates (from <5 E% to 40 E%) (E=energy)
High intake of fiber/phytochemicals
Paleolithic diet: Fats
Fats of high quality
 Between 10% and 80% of Energy
More long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids C20-C22
Much lower n-6:n-3 ratio
 1-2:1 Paleolithic
 10:1 USA
 6-7:1 Norway?
 1:1 optimal?
What Paleolithic people didn’t eat
Cow’s milk, cereal grains (after 10 000 BP)
Table salt (NaCl)
White sugar (after 1800)
Potatoes (after 1750)
Highly processed foods (mostly after 1800)
Pesticide residues (after 1930), radioactive foods (after 1945)
Artificial/synthetic additives (mostly after 1950)
Genetically modified food (since the 1990s)
”High-Fiber Diet May Not Guard Against Cancer: Study shows no effect on colorectal disease”
-”our findings do not support the notion that fiber is protective against colon cancer.”
"Until all the factors lost in milling are known and it is known that each of the others is adequately supplied by other foods,
the logical solution of the problem presented is the restoration of the grain embryo itself to the diet." -MARKS, H. E.,
Vitamin Deficiencies and Re-stored Foods, Letters to the Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, 114,
6:512, February 10, 1940
The Traditional Diet
Foods that are natural, unrefined, least processed, without additives, chemicals, hormones
All natural meats, fats, vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, seed, herbs, and fermented foods are part of a
optimal diet for health.
the guy with the bow tie
Nutrition Controversies
“If people let the government decide what food they eat and medicine they take, their bodies will soon be in as
sorry a state as souls under tyranny.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“In medicine, we are often confronted with poorly observed and indefinite facts which form actual obstacles to science,
in that men always bring them up, saying: it is a fact, it must be accepted.”
-Claude Bernard
“A colleague once defined an academic discipline as a group of scholars who had agreed not to ask certain embarrassing
questions about key assumptions.”
-Mark Nathan Cohen, Health and the rise of civilization, 1989
“All men by nature desire to know. Perhaps, but men of science by culture desire to know that what they know is really
-Robert Merton, Behavior patterns of Scientists, 1968
“Avoid saturated fats.”
Saturated fats are important:
• Maintaining cell membrane integrity
• Promote normal metabolism of essential fatty acids
• Enhance the immune system
• Protect the liver, kidneys and lung functions
• Promote strong bones
• Preferred fuel for the heart and skeletal muscles
• Body makes saturated fats from excess carbohydrate and protein
“Limit cholesterol.”
Cholesterol contributes to:
• Strength of the intestinal wall
• Healthy brain and nervous system development
• High cholesterol foods are also nutrient-dense foods
• Used as antioxidants in the body, only oxidized cholesterol contribute to CVD
– Powdered milk, powdered eggs contained oxidized cholesterol
“Saturated fat and cholesterol caused CVD.”
During the period of marked increase in heart disease from 1920-60, American consumption of animal fats declined
with the concomitant dramatic increased consumption of refined vegetable fats and hydrogenated oils. (1)
The fatty acids found in plaque arteries are mostly unsaturated (74%). (2)
• 1. USDA-HNIS, 2. Lancet 1994, 344:1195
Good Things in Butter
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Shorter Chain Fatty Acids
Essential Fatty Acids
Wulzen Factor (anti-stiffness)
Price Factor or Activator X
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
-since the mid 1920’s butter consumption has dropped dramatically while CVD and cancer have increased dramatically
-the conclusion is that butter is not the cause of CVD and cancer
“So switch to butter and profit from the many nutrients in this natural, healthy fat.” Butter contains fat-soluble vitamins. We have
discussed the important benefits of vitamins A and D (which will only be in the butter if the cows are on green pasture). But vitamins E and
K are also important. Vitamin E protects our cells against free radicals and is essential for normal reproduction; vitamin K is needed for
healthy blood and bones. Butter is a good source of many trace minerals, including copper, zinc, chromium, selenium and iodine.
the guy with the bow tie
The combination of vitamin A and iodine makes butter an excellent food for the thyroid gland. In mountainous regions where the soil
is deficient in iodine, butter concentrates what little is available 9or is provided in salt licks) and helps prevent thyroid problems. Once,
after listening to this lecture, a young man told me that his mother grew up in Romania. She was the only one in her village who developed
a goiter. She hated butter, never touched it. But everyone else ate plenty of butter.
Butter contains important shorter chain fatty acids and a nice balance of essential fatty acids. It contains lecithin, which helps the
body use cholesterol properly, and the Wulzen factor, which helps prevent arthritis. If the cows are on rapidly growing green grass, butter
will contain the X Factor. It contains cholesterol, which is a nutrient, and glycosphingolipids, which aid digestion. Finally, if the cows are
on green grass, butter will contain CLA, a strong, anti-cancer substance.
All of these factors are rather stable and survive pasteurization except the Wulzen factor, which is destroyed by pasteurization. The
best butter, of course, is raw butter from cows on green pasture, but if you only have access to pasteurized butter, be sure to get butter from
cows that graze on pasture.” (Source:
While butter consumption in the US has plummeted, cancer and heart disease rates have risen dramatically. We do not know
all the reasons for these epidemics, but one thing for sure, they are not caused by butter consumption because the trends are going in
opposite directions.
“Serum cholesterol should be less than 180 mg/dl.”
The all-cause death rate is higher in individuals with serum cholesterol values lower than 180 mg/dl.
This study merit the caution of putting patients on cholesterol blocking drugs
• Circulation 1992, 86:3
“Polyunsaturated oils are good for you.”
Increased use is associated with increase cancer, CVD, autoimmune diseases, learning disability, GI problems and
premature aging.
• Consume in large amount, vegetable oils and even, olive oil can lead to imbalance at the cellular level.
Int J Toxicol. 2001;20 Suppl 2:21-9. Links
Final report on the safety assessment of Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil, Cottonseed (Gossypium) Oil, Cottonseed Acid, Cottonseed
Glyceride, and Hydrogenated Cottonseed Glyceride.
[No authors listed]
Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil, Cottonseed (Gossypium) Oil, Cottonseed Acid, Cottonseed Glyceride, and Hydrogenated Cottonseed
Glyceride are cosmetic ingredients derived from Cottonseed Oil and used as skin-conditioning agents and surfactants. Nonoils known to be
toxic that may be found in cottonseed oils include gossypol, aflatoxin, and cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA). Toxic heavy metal and/or
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other pesticide contamination is also possible. Cottonseed Oil was nontoxic in acute oral toxicity studies
in rats. In a short-term study, rabbits that had been fed 2% Cottonseed Oil for 7 weeks had significantly lower blood chemistry parameters
(compared to wheat bran controls) and significantly more stored hepatic vitamin A (compared to rabbits fed other fats). Cottonseed Oil
controls used as vehicles in two parenteral studies produced negative results. Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil tested in formulation did not
produce dermal or ocular irritation in rabbits. An oral-dose reproductive study tested up to 30% Cottonseed Oil (with 1% CPFAs) and
reported no adverse effects on sexual maturity and reproductive performance of the F0 generation; changes were noted in the F1 generation
but reproductive capacity was not altered. Parenteral-dose reproductive studies reported no adverse effects. Cottonseed Oil was not
mutagenic. Cottonseed Oil did not induce aberrant crypt foci when given orally to mice, but in other studies, it increased the incidence of
spontaneous mammary tumors in rats and mice. Mice fed 20% Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil during induction and promotion of
photocarcinogenesis had significantly lower tumor incidence compared to mice fed 20% sunflower oil. Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil in
formulation (up to approximately 21%) was neither an irritant nor sensitizer in clinical studies. Limited clinical data indicated that
Cottonseed Oil does not contain allergic protein. Based on the available data, it was concluded that these ingredients may be used safely in
cosmetic formulations if established limits on gossypol, heavy metals, and pesticide concentrations are not exceeded.
Scand J Work Environ Health. 1999 Aug;25(4):309-16. Links
Risk of developing lung cancer in relation to exposure to fumes from Chinese-style cooking.
Zhong L, Goldberg MS, Parent ME, Hanley JA.
Joint Department of Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
In an evaluation of the association between exposure to indoor air pollution from Chinese-style cooking and the risk of lung cancer,
epidemiologic and experimental studies were reviewed. The 9 case-referent studies that were identified showed consistent positive
associations between the risk of lung cancer and a variety of indices of exposure to indoor air pollution arising from Chinese-style cooking.
Three experimental studies showed that volatile emissions from oils heated in woks are mutagenic in several in vitro short-term test
systems. Several toxic agents, including some accepted or suspected carcinogens, have been detected in the emissions of the heated
cooking oils. While experimental data support the epidemiologic data, it may be premature to conclude that the association is causal.
However, simple precautions can be taken to reduce the risk in the event that exposure to indoor air pollution arising from Chinese-style
cooking is indeed a cause of lung cancer.
the guy with the bow tie
This graph illustrates the changes in the types of fats we
are consuming over the course of the last century.
Butter consumption has gone down from 18 grams
per person per day to 5; hardly anyone uses lard anymore.
Shortening consumption had increased almost threefold. And the shortening in 1909 was made from coconut
oil and lard, it was a natural product. Today the shortening
is made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Margarine consumption had increased over five-fold.
And the consumption of liquid vegetable oils had
increased over 15-fold.
Most people are not aware of these changes, changes
which are contributing to widespread disease and
infertility. The situation is similar to that in Roman times,
with lead from lead pipes contaminated the drinking water
and contributed to a decline in fertility in the Roman
U.S. Dietary Fat
Animal and Vegetable Sources
Margarine Manufacture
Soy beans, corn, cottonseed or canola seeds 
 Oils extracted by high temperature & pressure
 Remaining fraction of oils removed with hexane and other solvents
 Remaining fraction of oils removed with hexane and other solvents  Oils mixed with a nickel catalyst
 Oils with catalyst subjected to hydrogen gas in a high-pressure, high-temperature reactor.
 Soap-like emulsifiers mixed in
 Oil steam cleaned again to remove horrible odor
 Gray color removed by bleaching
 Artificial flavors, synthetic vitamins and natural color added
 Mixture is packaged in blocks or tubs
 Advertising promotes margarine as a health food
Good Fats
Butter, beef tallow, lamb tallow, lard
Chicken, goose and duck fat
Cold pressed olive oil, sesame oil and flax oil
Tropical Oils—Coconut Oil and Palm Oil
Marine Oils, such as cod liver oil
Bad Fats
All partially hydrogenated fats including margarine and shortening used in processed foods
Industrially processed vegetable oils, especially soy, safflower, corn, cottonseed, and canola
All fats, especially polyunsaturated oils, heated to very high temperatures
To summarize, eat the traditional fats your ancestors ate and avoid modern processed vegetable oils.
“Animal fats cause cancer and CVD.”
Animal fats provide numerous nutritive factors that protect against cancer and CVD.
Natural vitamin A and D can only be found in animal fats
Consumption of large amount of vegetable oils is associated with increase incidence of cancer and heart disease/
• Federation Proceedings July 1978, 37:2215
“Avoid red meat.”
Organically grown, free-range, grass-fed red meat is a rich source of:
– Vitamin B12, B6, zinc, phosphorus, carnitine, CoQ10 and essential fatty acids
-These nutrients protect the heart and nervous system.
-commercially grown red meats: animals are extremely diseased
the guy with the bow tie
“Cut back on eggs.”
Eggs provide high quality protein and nutrients:
– Iron, vitamin A, D, essential fatty acid
Americans had less CVD with higher egg consumption in the past
Egg substitute consumption lead to rapid death in experimental animals.
“Restrict salt.”
Salt is important to digestion and absorption of nutrients
Necessary for the development and function of the nervous system, maintaining blood pressure and proper function
of the kidneys
-potassium and magnesium are the counterbalancing nutrients to sodium
This is an excerpt from an article from Weston Price Foundation website:
The salt that you find in table salt and most processed foods is sodium chloride. Salt in this form has been processed at high temperatures,
which changes the molecular structure and removes vital minerals from the salt. Table salt also contains additives, anticaking agents, and
even sugar. Excess salt consumption is associated with high blood pressure, fluid retention, heart and kidney disease.
Trash It: Dump out your salt shaker and toss out all other packaged or processed foods with a high sodium content.
Stash it: We have been told for years to avoid salt, but following this advice can lead to even more problems. We are all salty on the
inside--our blood, sweat, tears, and even our urine--it's all salty. It's important to replenish the salt in our body, using the right salt is what
makes all the difference in the world. The best way to put salt back into your body is to use Celtic sea salt. This high quality salt contains
over 80 balanced minerals from the sea. Celtic sea salt is essential for maintaining proper fluid balance and utilization in the body. It also
normalizes blood pressure, enhances digestion, and nourishes the adrenal glands. Celtic sea salt is available at many natural food stores or
can be ordered through The Grain and Salt Society, call 1-800-TOPSALT.”
“Eat a low fat diet.”
Lean meat and low-fat milk lack fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids, they are needed for proper
assimilation of protein and minerals in the meat and milk.
• Low fat diet can lead to vitamin A and D deficiencies.
“We benefit from a low-fat diet.”
Low-fat diet for children is linked to growth retardation, failure to thrive and learning disability.
• Chemistry News 10/3/1994
Low-fat diet is linked to increase risk for depression, mental problems, fatigue, violence and suicide in adults.
• Lancet, 3/21/92 vol 339
“Low-fat diet prevent breast cancer.”
The is no difference in breast cancer rate found in women consumed either low-fat (<20%), or high-fat diet.
• New England Journal of Medicine 2/8/96
“Limit fat consumption to 30% of calories.”
Too low for most people
Too much polyunsaturates lead to increase free radical damages
Low blood sugar and fatigue may result.
Traditional diets contribute between 30% to 80% of calories from healthy fats, mostly animal origin.
“Eat 6-11 servings of grains per day.”
Majority of grains products are from refined white flour.
– Devoid of nutrients
– Synthetic vitamins added as “enrichment”, can actually cause vitamin deficiency.
Whole grain products, if not prepared properly, can lead to mineral deficiencies and intestinal distress
the guy with the bow tie
Low Carb Diet More Reducing
Objective To compare 4 weight-loss diets representing a spectrum of low to high carbohydrate intake for effects on
weight loss and related metabolic variables.
Intervention Participants were randomly assigned to follow the Atkins (n = 77), Zone (n = 79), LEARN (n = 79),
or Ornish (n = 76) diets and received weekly instruction for 2 months, then an additional 10-month follow-up.
Result and conclusion: Weight loss was greater for women in the Atkins diet group compared with the other diet
groups at 12 months
At 12 mo., secondary outcomes for the Atkins group were comparable with or more favorable than the other diet
• JAMA. March 7, 2007;297:969-977.
Good Things in Whole Grains
B Vitamins
Vitamin E
Essential Fatty Acids
Bad Things in Whole Grains
Macro and Trace Minerals
-sprouting grains diminishes the anti-nutrients
Phytic Acid (if not neutralized)
Enzyme Inhibitors (if not deactivated)
Fiber (irritating if not properly prepared)
Rancid Essentials Fatty Acids
(if grains are subjected to oxygen & high heat)
Altered Proteins
(if grains are subjected to high heat & pressure)
Proper Preparation of Seed Foods
Imitates natural factors that neutralize the grains and seed’s “preservatives” and allow it to sprout:
Moisture, Warmth, Slight Acidity, Time
1. Soak rolled oats in warm water and 1 tablespoon of something acidic (whey, yoghurt, vinegar or lemon juice) overnight.
2. Next morning, bring water and salt to a boil.
3. Add soaked oatmeal, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for one minute.
4. Cover and let sit several minutes.,%20Fermented%20Food.pdf
Serve oatmeal with plenty of butter or cream and a natural sweetener. Sprinkle coconut and/or crispy nuts on top if desired.
-carbs should be eaten with fats to help slow down digestion, otherwise too much sugar will enter the system at one time
“Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day minimum.”
• Most commercially grown fruits and vegetables receive about 10 applications of pesticides, from seeds to storage.*
• Choose organic, locally grown produce
“Eat more soy foods.”
Modern soy foods are not a safe to eat for human at any age.
It blocks mineral absorption, inhibits protein digestion, suppresses thyroid function.
It contains potent carcinogens, hormone agonist.
– May lead to feminization of boys and infertility
“Drink Only Pasteurized Milk”
Drinking ‘raw’ milk could reduce children’s risk of suffering allergy-related conditions such as eczema and
hayfever, new research suggests.
Untreated milk cuts children's allergies
There has been a huge increase in the number of children suffering allergies in the past 30 years. One in three is now
affected by eczema, hayfever or asthma — double the level 20 years ago.
British academics investigating why farmers’ families suffer fewer allergies than others found that even occasional
consumption of raw — unpasteurised — milk had a powerful effect.
Just a couple of glasses a week reduced a child’s chances of developing eczema by almost 40 per cent and hayfever
by 10 per cent.
the guy with the bow tie
Raw Milk Studies
Children fed raw milk have more resistance to TB than children fed pasteurized milk.
(Lancet, p 1142, 5/8/37)
Pathological organisms do not grow in raw milk but proliferate in pasteurized milk.
(The Drug and Cosmetic Industry, 43:1:109, July 1938)
Raw milk prevents scurvy and protects against flu, diphtheria and pneumonia. (Am J Dis Child, Nov 1917)
Raw milk prevents tooth decay.
(Lancet, p 1142, 5/8/37)
Raw milk promotes growth and calcium absorption.
(Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518, p 8, 1/33)
Raw cream prevents joint stiffness.
(Annual Review of Biochemistry, 18:435, 1944)
Raw milk protects against asthma and allergic skin problems. (Lancet 353:1485, 1999)
After three generations on pasteurized milk, cats developed numerous health problems and pathologies of
behavior. At four generations, all reproduction ceased.
(Pottenger’s Cats, 1983, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation)
Pasteurization destroys vitamin A, B complex, C, D, enzymes and whey proteins.
(See numerous abstracts listed at
Veganism in Principle
• humans can convert carotenes to vitamin A
• humans can convert sunlight to vitamin D
• humans can manufacture all needed cholesterol
• humans can obtain all needed minerals from plant foods
• humans can produce all superunsaturated long chain fatty acids from essential fatty acids in plant foods
• vitamin B12 is available from dark green algae
• human conversion to vitamin A is difficult, and humans require dietary vitamin A from animal sources
• humans require additional vitamin D from animal sources
• dietary cholesterol protects the intestinal tract, reduce need for internal synthesis
• humans absorb minerals more easily from animal foods
• most humans benefit from dietary intake of superunsaturated longer chain fatty acids from animal sources
• humans do not absorb vitamin B12 from blue green algae
Genetically Modified Foods
-it is potentially a health and environmental disaster
-GMO industry is operating without proper oversight
The institutionalized vigilance, “this unending exchange of critical judgment,” is nowhere to be found in the study of
nutrition, chronic disease, and obesity, and it hasn’t been for decades. -Gary Taubes
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price
Know Your Fat, Mary Enig
The Cholesterol Myth, Uffe Ravnskov
Dr. Weil Endorses Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories
Oiling of America –
The benefits of high cholesterol –
Untreated milk cuts children's allergies
Vegetarianism: What the Science Tells Us –
The Pollution Within –
the guy with the bow tie
Use of Enzymes to Counteract Inflammation
Modern Diet
Highly refined and processed foods
Eat in a hurry
But the most damaging part is the removal of enzymes inherent in food.
Enzymes help digest the food that contains them.
 Catalysts that speed up chemical processes in the body.
 Use in digesting foods and many metabolic functions in the body
 There will be no life without enzymes
 Enzymes composed of a protein part and a vitamin (co-enzyme) or mineral part (co-factor)
Metabolic Enzymes
Over 4000 known enzymes involved in synthesis, detoxification, movement, and cellular regulation
Usually found within cells
May be active orally
Digestive Enzymes
Involved in food degradative processes
Found primarily in the pancreas and GI tract
Enzymes Decrease the Energy of Activation (Ea) for Chemical Reactions
Promoted by Horace Fletcher, in the mid 1850’s
Chew each bite of foods at least 100 times until there is no lumps, liquidfy.
Release enzymes in raw food
Reduce particle size for enzymes to act on and improve digestion
What Happen When You Can’t digest Your Meals?
 Bacterial, parasitic and fungal fermentation in the gut producing toxins
 Inflammation of gut wall lead to leaky gut syndrome
 Large food molecules and microbial toxins enter into the blood stream lead to inflammation in the blood stream
 Initiates immune system action and stress
 A specific biochemical reaction in the body
 Increase the body’s need to nutrients
 When there is a failure to deliver nutrients to meet increased needs during stress—> dis-ease
 Dis-ease—Inability of the body to maintain normal function—homeostasis—during prolong stress
Three Stages of Stress
Humoral phase—can be corrected with improve nutrition and digestion
Matrix phase—body recruits immune, endocrine and autonomic systems to help out—inflammation in the weakest
areas of the body, hormonal imbalance and autonomic system imbalance
 Cellular phase—body depleted, toxins enter lymphatic and cells, causing DNA damages—chronic degenerative
the guy with the bow tie
Stress is the only cause of diseases
Three types of stress: emotional, physical and chemical/nutritional
The body react to stress the same way
Increased stress causes increase nutritional needs
When nutritional needs is not able to supply the body’s needs  symptoms
The bottom line cause of chronic degenerative disease—malnutrition
Excretion phase--In this phase the body's defensive system is intact and can excrete toxins in various ways such as
through diarrhea or rhinitis (a runny nose).
 Inflammation phase--If excretion is not sufficient, the body has an inflammatory response (such as a fever) in an
attempt to neutralize toxins.
 Deposition phase--If toxins are not sufficiently excreted and continue to flow into the body, the toxic products are
stored in the extracellular space. This phase often occurs without symptoms.
 Impregnation phase--Once toxins have invaded the cell and the toxins themselves become part of the connective
tissue and matrix. Increasingly severe symptoms are typical of this stage and indicate damage to organ cells.
 Degeneration--Abundant toxins within the cells destroy large cellular groups within an organ, resulting in organ
 Differentiation--Illnesses in this phase are characterized by the creation of undifferentiated, non-specialized cell
forms. Malignant diseases lie at the end of this phase.
The most commonly bought over-the-counter drugs in the United States:
 Pain killers
 Digestive aides
 Sleep aides
It function by ways of blocking a normal physiological function
Poisoning biological pathways
Symptoms suppressing
Do not address the underlying causes of diseases
Allow the causes of diseases to develop further—leads to side effects
Drugs will never restore HEALTH!
Ten reasons why people seeks alternative health care
Back problems
Sprains or strains
High blood pressure
Digestive problems
-Typically, these are conditions that conventional MDs have no answer for.
More than 50% of patients who are working at the start of RA are disabled after 5 years.
5 year survival rate with more than 30 joints - 50% (similar the coronary artery disease of stage IV Hodgkin’s
Average loss of 18 years of life in patients who develop RA before age of 50
Abnormal bowel permeability
Food Allergies
Microorganisms (EBV, measles virus, amoebic organisms, mycoplasma)
Decreased DHEA levels
the guy with the bow tie
Age-related changes in collagen-matrix repair mechanisms
Fractures and mechanical damage
Genetic predisposition
Hormonal and sex factors
Hyper-mobility/joint instability
Inflammatory joint disease
Can be halted and reversed
Aspirin and other NSAIDS may contribute to osteoarthritis by inhibiting cartilage repair.
Nightshade family vegetables may trigger
Antioxidants protect
Glucosamine sulfate most thoroughly researched
Lack of correlation between severity of OA (degenerative changes apparent on X ray) and the degree of pain
Arthritis and other rheumatic conditions are the primary cause of disability in the US with direct and indirect costs
over $116 billion – 1.4 % of the U.S. gross domestic product
38 Million American suffer
 METHOTREXATE (rheumatologists) elevates homocysteine
 Antibiotics (mycoplasma) in RA
 Pulled from market in September 2004 after studies showed twice the risk of heart attack
Sept. Bextra replaced Vioxx as the current anti-inflammatory of choice.
Clinical trials showed patients taking the drug were twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Not as
persuasive as a blind clinical trial but so significant that warranted thorough examination of entire class by FDA
Aleve – first non-prescription NSAID to be added to the list of painkillers associated with heart attacks and strokes.
Patients taking for nearly 3 years have been advised to stop and new users no more than bid for no longer than 10
OTC has 200 mg of naproxen…prescription recommends more than twice the dose and has 500 mg. (1,500 mg).
4X’s the recommended FDA dose
FDA Announces Series of Changes to the Class of Marketed NSAIDS
April 2005
FDA asked Pfizer, Inc. to withdraw Bextra and include a boxed warning to the Celebrex label.
FDA asked manufacturers of all other prescription NSAIDs to revise labels and include boxed warnings highlighting
the potential for increased CV events and GI bleeding.
FDA asked manufacturers of all OTC NSAIDs to revise their labels and to include possible skin reactions as well as
CV and GI
the guy with the bow tie
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2002 99: 13926-13931
Ibuprofen, aspirin and other NSAIDs work in part by targeting COX-1 and COX-2. Acetaminophen, unlike
NSAIDs, doesn’t target COX-1 and COX-2 and therefore has only a weak anti-inflammatory effect
 COX-3 detected (variation of COX-1). COX-3 is strongly inhibited by acetaminophen.
 May shed light on the link between genetics, pain and fever.
The New England Journal of Medicine Dec. 20,2001
Pts. with kidney disease or other ailments who take aspirin or acetaminophen 2x’s week for 2 months increase risk
of chronic kidney failure two to three times.
 Diabetics have increased risks of kidney failure.
 ½ - 1/3 diabetic don’t know they have it.
 Dutch study of 72,000 men implicated NSAIDs in doubling the risk of acute urinary retention.
 Inhibits the production of prostaglandin essential to muscle function
 15% of dialysis patients today may be a direct result of Tylenol and/or aspirin use.
 May also be associated with diverticular disease
Increases chance of relapse in patients with Heart Failure
Not linked to a first case of congestive heart failure
Aspirin may reduce the risk of heart attack however, patients who take other NSAIDs for chronic illness may
increase the risk of heart failure (causes fluid retention and high blood pressure)
 Investigators found that patients who filled at least one NSAID prescription were nearly 10 times more likely to
have a relapse of CHF
Reports for over 20 years of impaired bone healing in patients taking NSAIDs. The new NSAIDs block healing
where ibuprofen and indomethacin only delay healing by a few weeks (25 to 50%). Aspirin decreases pain without
this side effect.
 COX-2 may be crucial in bone-forming stem cells and growth factors
Key to Health
Remove road blocks of healing
When the cause of a symptom is known, the treatment becomes obvious.
Prevention of disease and maintaining health by improved nutrition
the guy with the bow tie
Functional Assessment of Stress
Muscle contraction due to organs dysfunction—Dermatome referral pattern
 Chapman’s reflexes
Hair analysis
Saliva tests
Blood, urine, stool analysis
Energy Meridian stress analysis
Supplemental enzymes
Improve digestion
Resolve inflammation
Reduce microbial growth in GI
Overall effect—reduces stress
No toxicity at any dosing level
FDA classifies as GRAS (safe)
Work on food as well as pathological microbs in the gut
Enter into the body and reduce inflammation in the blood and lymph circulation
the guy with the bow tie
Pancreatic Vs. Plant-Derived Digestive Enzymes
Animal-based - Enzymes extracted from pig and cow pancreas
Work only in intestinal tract, produce exorphin peptides
Function in narrow pH range (not as useful)
Plant-based - Isolated from papaya, pineapple, and fungi
Similar function as pancreatic, but different structure
Work in stomach and intestinal tract
Classified as dietary supplements (no prescription needed)
Function in broad pH range
Whole Food Supplements
Food naturally contains: carbohydrates, protein, lipid, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other synergistic factors such
as phytochemicals
Supplements processed by concentrating whole foods contain all of these factors
Synthetic supplements lacks enzymes and other synergistic factors
How to use enzymes?
For reducing pain and inflammation: proteases are most effective, should be taken on empty stomach
For acute inflammation, take large doses several times a day until symptoms subside
For digestion, take them with meals
Enzyme Products on the Market
Most supplement companies produce enzyme products
Look for reputable companies
Companies that specialized in enzymes
Condition specific products
Refer to company literature and training information
the guy with the bow tie
Natural Vs. Synthetic Supplements
Are there any difference? What kinds of supplements to use in practice?
“One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.”
— William Osler, considered to be the “Father of Modern Medicine”, The Principles and Practice of Medicine (1892)
"My scientific career was a descent from higher to lower dimensions led by a desire to understand life. I went from animal
cells to bacteria, from bacteria to molecules, and molecules to electrons. The story has its irony, for molecules and electrons
have no life at all. On my way, life ran out between my fingers."
~ Albert Szent Gyorgyi
The Living State, Academic Press 1972
Between 1900 and 1980
• Fresh fruit and vegetable consumption decreased from 40% to less than 5%
Butter consumption decreased 75%
• Lard consumption decreased 66%
• Unprocessed potato and sweet potato consumption decreased 40%
• Processed potatoes comprise 33% of all white potatoes consumed. The majority of these are in the form of french
• Whole grain consumption decreased 50%
Beef (feedlot variety) consumption increased 75%
Dairy (confinement cows) product consumption (other than butter) increased 25%
Cheese (processed) consumption increased 400%
Fat and oil consumption increased 150%
Margarine consumption increased 800%
Corn syrup consumption increased 400%
Sugar consumption increased 50% (the average person consumes 150 pounds of REFINED WHITE SUGAR per
Between 1910 and 1980
• Poultry (factory farm) consumption increased 350%
• Fresh apple consumption decreased 70%
• Fresh fruit consumption decreased 33%
Between 1930 and 1980
• Processed citrus fruit consumption increased 2500%
• Fresh citrus fruit consumption decreased 50%
Between 1940 and 1980
• Egg consumption decreased 25%
• Food coloring consumption increased 90%
Between 1960 and 1980
• Soft drink consumption increased 300%
Each person consumes 38 gallons of soft drinks annually (one fifth of our sugar intake is in soft drinks)
• *Statistics compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture
What is a vitamin?
A vitamin is a complex mechanism of biological, functional, interrelated, interdependent components.
It consists of not only the organic nutrients identified as the vitamin, but also enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace
element activators. Since enzymes are proteins, they must contain amino acids and trace minerals. Enzyme activators may
include trace elements such as manganese, cobalt, zinc, copper, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, etc.
These components are effective only when left in the proper organic state.
“A vitamin is a complex biological “Wheel within a wheel”, of functional, interrelated, interdependent components.”
“Every mineral needed by the living cell is commonly found in a natural assemblage of vitamin concentrates”
- Royal Lee
the guy with the bow tie
Two Points of View
-vitamin fractions manufactured in chemically ‘pure’ form in high concentrations “high potency”
-the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
-vitamins are complex and come with other substances in a synergistic nature
-if taken apart they cannot operate in their intended organized and functional manner
Whole food supplements contain the total complex family of micro-nutrients (known and unknown) just as they are found in
nature. Synthetic vitamins (isolates) lack this supporting family.
Supplements on the Market Today
• Natural means vitamins as found in natural foods, untampered with any way that might change their molecular, their
biological or biochemical combinations, or their action. This usually means that only the fiber and moisture are
removed. All labels of truly NATURAL food concentrates should indicate the exact food source from which the
vitamin is obtained.
• Means it had a natural food as its original source but was treated with various high powered chemicals, solvents,
heat and distillations to reduce it down to one specific, pure crystalline vitamin or amino acid and hence is no longer
natural. Sometimes it goes through a fermentation process. It no longer has its synergistic components, that is ,its
enzymes, co-enzymes, minerals, mineral activators, and co-vitamin helpers. Sometimes it comes with
contaminants such as the d-form of a vitamin. It has been reduced to a pure crystalline powder with one definite
simple chemical structure.
• Means that in the laboratory the scientist has reconstructed the exact structure of the CRYSTALLINE molecule by
"putting together" or chemically combining the same molecules from other sources. Chemically, therefore, there is
no difference between the two. The Crystalline may have a slight advantage in that it is difficult to reduce any
natural product to an absolute pure state and any impurities would be "synergists" hence giving a little added value
to the Crystalline over the Synthetic. On the label for either Synthetic or Crystalline only the chemical name of the
single vitamin is usually given. Legally it is not necessary to give the source from which the synthetic chemical
is derived.
• 90% of synthetic vitamins are made in China these days.
Are Synthetics the Exact Mirror Image of the Natural?
Vitamins manufactured in the laboratory, using artificial synthetic techniques come in the dextro- and levo- forms (so-called
"right" and "left handed" molecules, which are the mirror images of each other), and the body can only use the levo- forms.
Science’s form of “Natural” vitamin C
Corn Starch refined to refined sugar (Glucose) C6-H12-O6
Refined Sugar is hydrogenated into sorbitol
Sorbitol is fermented into sorbose
Sorbose + Acetone reacted with Sulfuric Acid yielding 2-keto-L-gulonic acid
2-keto-L-gulonic acid washed in an alcohol bath creating crude Ascorbic Acid C6-H8-O6
Common Knowledge in the Isolated Vitamin Industry
Use of isolated vitamins/minerals as single nutrient for long-periods is not recommended as it causes imbalances and
deficiencies of other vitamins/minerals.
For example: giving folic acid on its own masks a vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to neurologic problems.
When you combine a single vitamin with a vitamin/mineral complex, the risk of overdose symptoms is reduced.
Supplementation with synthetic vitamins creates deficiencies
In the Journal of the American Dietetic Association (March 21, 1940) it was reported that "…synthetic vitamins should be
used with caution in order to prevent the development of deficiencies more serious than the deficiency we set out to control."
-excessive amounts of any single nutrient could potentially cause an imbalance in the body
the guy with the bow tie
Some dangers of isolated vitamins
Nature’s version of Vitamin C
-in nature, vit A and vit D always
work together
-therefore, if supplement with vit D,
then need to add vit A with it
“Vitamin C supplements may promote atherosclerosis”
Vitamin C supplementation [ascorbic acid] appears to promote intima-media* thickness (IMT) in a dose-dependent
Men who took 500 mg of vitamin C daily had an increase in IMT progression that was 250% greater than men who
did not use supplements.
In an interview with Reuters Health, Dr. Dwyer said the effect was observed regardless of disease-state at
baseline. “Even men with no evidence of thickening at baseline who were regular supplement users had an increase
in intima over the 18 months,” he said. (intima is the innermost membrane/lining of the artery)
Mar 3, 2000 (Reuters Health)
Does vitamin C have a pro-oxidant effect? Nature. 1998 Sep 17;395(6699):231-2.
Vitamin C exhibits pro-oxidant properties. Nature. 1998 Apr 9;392(6676):559.
Ascorbic Acid Content in Whole Food
A small apple contains only 5.1 mg of Vitamin C. But the same contains polyphenols and flavanoids-beneficial food
compounds that equal the effect of 1,500 mg of vitamin C.
• Antioxidant activity of fresh apples. Nature. 2000 Jun 22;405(6789):903-4.
the guy with the bow tie
The Lancet, Volume 358, Number 9275; 07 July 2001
Plasma ascorbic acid in heart disease
Sir Kay-Tee Khaw and co-workers' findings (March 3, p657) contrast strikingly with the frequently disappointing, and
sometimes disconcerting, results of molecularly based cancer chemoprevention trials. For example, ß-carotene, administered
alone or together with vitamins A, E, or ascorbic acid, for the prevention of cancer in heavy smokers or asbestos workers, does
not lower cancer risk (and in some cases incidence increases). These supplementations are, therefore, suspected of having
harmful as well as beneficial effects.
Epidemiological data firmly linking high fruit and vegetable consumption to health benefits have prompted efforts to reproduce
these effects with a single industrially derived molecule. In-vitro and in-vivo models show frequently the expected biological
activity of single nutrients. The trouble comes when these do not arise after consumption in human beings. Khaw and co-workers
remark that benefits from ascorbic acid supplements remain to be seen. However, dietary supplementation of 500 mg ascorbic
acid daily (ie, a common commercial dose) to healthy volunteers for 4-6 weeks causes substantial oxidative DNA damage in
circulating lymphocytes.
Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2002 Spring;32(2):193-200.
Antioxidant properties of fruit and vegetable juices: more to the story than ascorbic acid.
Leonard SS, Cutler D, Ding M, Vallyathan V, Castranova V, Shi X.
Pathology and Physiology Research Branch, Health Effects Laboratory Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505, USA.
Dietary supplements such as vitamin C have become popular for their perceived ability to enhance the body's antioxidant defenses.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to cause a broad spectrum of damage to biological systems. Scavenging of ROS is part of
a healthy, well-balanced, antioxidant defense system. The present study used the Fenton reaction as a source of hydroxyl radicals and
xanthine/ xanthine oxidase as a source of superoxide radicals to investigate the scavenging capabilities of various fruit and vegetable juices
against these radicals. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping was used for free radical detection and measurement. Using a
colormetric assay, the present study also investigated the protective effects of fruit and vegetable juices against lipid peroxidation induced
in cell membranes by hydroxyl radicals. The present study showed that the free radical scavenging capability of each individual juice, but
not its ascorbic acid content, is correlated with its protective effect on free radical induced lipid peroxidation. The results indicate that
ascorbic acid is only one facet of the protective effect of fruit and vegetable juices. It appears that consumption of whole fruits and
vegetables would be superior to an ascorbic acid supplement for antioxidant effectiveness.
The antioxidant paradox
Lancet 2000; 355: 117980
Interest in the use of antioxidants for the treatment of human disease, and in the role of dietary antioxidants in the prevention of disease
development, has been sustained for at least two decades. Development in both therapeutic and nutritional fields has been punctuated by
some successes, but also by some spectacular failures. For example, people with diets rich in fruit and vegetables have a decreased chance
of getting cancer and an increase in the concentration of ß-carotene in the blood. Supplements of ß-carotene, however, do not have an anticancer effect, rather the opposite in smokers. Fruit and vegetable consumption decreases the amount of free-radical damage to DNA in the
human body (a risk factor for cancer development), but supplements of ascorbate, vitamin E, or ß-carotene do not decrease DNA damage in
most studies. As research continues, paradoxical effects accumulate; vitamin-E supplements were protective against cardiovascular disease
in the CHAOS9 study, but not in the GISSI-Prevenzione trial. Intakes of vitamin C below the recommended daily allowance are associated
with increased free-radical damage to DNA4,11 but, paradoxically, so is supplementation with high-dose vitamin C.
Antioxidant activity of fresh apples
Vitamin C is used as a dietary supplement because of its antioxidant activity, although a high dose (500 mg) may act
as a pro-oxidant in the body. Here we show that 100 g of fresh apples has an antioxidant activity equivalent to 1,500
mg of vitamin C, and that whole-apple extracts inhibit the growth of colon- and liver- cancer cells in vitro in a dosedependent manner. Our results indicate that natural antioxidants from fresh fruit could be more effective than a
dietary supplement.
Department of Food Science, 108 Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-7201, USA
The Lancet, Volume 358, Number 9275; 07 July 2001
The surprisingly healthy outcomes associated with an increase of just one serving per day of fruit and vegetables 1. are in keeping
with the observation that whole-apple extracts exert much greater (>263-fold) total antioxidant activity and stronger inhibitory
effects on growth of colon and liver cancer in vitro than does synthetic ascorbic acid, presumably because of their high content of
nutrients and phytochemicals.5 Khaw and co-workers themselves considered the possibility that the measured plasma ascorbic
acid might only be an indicator of other protective factors. They give the association of ascorbic acid with numerous other
components present in foods as the most likely alternative explanation. The overall combination of substances (holistically)
present in fruit and vegetables could be the true cause of the overall biological benefits of green vegetables.
the guy with the bow tie
Alpha-tocopherol (vit E) supplementation is dangerous
A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Vol. 94, April 1997) suggests that it could be
dangerous to take high doses of Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) without also consuming gamma tocopherol. The study
showed that high doses of alpha tocopherol on its own displaces gamma tocopherol in tissues.
-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 94, April 1997
Gamma tocopherol is as important as alpha tocopherol
As shown in a 1993 study published in the Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (Vol. 90, March
1993)(1), gamma tocopherol is superior to alpha tocopherol in the detoxification of nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
Nitrogen dioxide is a highly reactive free radical that has been linked to increased cancer risk in humans. A
revealing epidemiologic study on the populations of Fiji and the Cook islands, showed that the serum gamma
tocopherol levels in the Fiji population was 2 fold higher than the Cook Islanders, while the Fijian's lung cancer rate
was 10-20 times lower. Both groups had similar alpha tocopherol levels and both groups had similar smoking
• Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 90, March 1993
Gamma tocopherol is the predominant tocopherol in natural oils, and it is gamma tocopherol that is being reevaluated for its role in human nutrition and disease prevention. In a more recent study, also published in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Vol. 97, October 2000), scientists have shown that gamma
tocopherol plays a critical role in the defense against cancer and cardiovascular disease by inhibiting the process of
inflammation more effectively than alpha tocopherol
• Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 97, October 2000
Innate Intelligence
“The first thing that is destroyed in the laboratory when a nutrient is isolated from a food, is the delicate web of intelligence
that binds the components of food together. When a blood cell rushes to a wound site and begins to form a clot, it has not
traveled there at random. It actually knows where to go and what to do when it gets there, as surely as a paramedic - in fact,
more surely, since it acts completely spontaneously and without guesswork. Even if we break down its knowledge into finer
and finer bits, looking for the secret in some minute hormone or messenger enzyme, we will not find a protein strand labeled
‘intelligence’, and yet there is no doubt that intelligence is at work.”
~ Deepak Chopra, M.D
Quantum Healing
How to choose supplements?
Read and understand the label
What form is the mineral in? Citrate, acetate, gluconate, oxide, etc
Chelated forms (citrates, acetates etc) generally better than inorganic forms (oxides, carbonates etc)
Whole food, herbal concentrates
Enzymes, homeopathic, flower remedies
How many capsules / tablets are there?
What is the potency per tablet?
What are the additional (non-active) ingredients?
Additional Ingredients
Fillers, binders, lubricants, emulsifiers, preservatives, coating agents, anti-caking agents
– eg, Lactose, sucrose, corn starch, sodium chloride, talc, soap, waxes, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium
stearate, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, etc
Introduces undesirable substances into the body
Can upset the mineral balance of the preparation
May be difficult for the digestive system to break down and obtain the nutrients
Capsules have less additional ingredients
Capsules easier broken down by digestive system
Which is Better?
-15mg Zinc Citrate  only about 4-5mg zinc
-15mg Zinc as Citrate  15mg zinc (bound in the citrate form)
the guy with the bow tie
Beware of Marketing
Marketing literature may not be written by qualified nutritionists
Clever wording designed to sell / make profit
Beware of vague wording such as “complex” “formula” or “blend”
Patented products not necessarily effective
Several companies may buy products from the same manufacturer and repackage
MLM/Network marketing
Other Types of Supplements
Timed Release Supplements
• May be useful for water soluble vitamins
Coatings may hinder absorption
Generally more expensive and benefits not always clear
Food Form
• Mineral is delivered with natural co-factors to enhance absorption and utilization
“Scientific” evidence is lacking in this area
Chelated minerals
• Metallic minerals usually chelated with an amino acid
Better absorbed within the body than inorganic minerals
Scientific evidence comparing them to organic forms is lacking
Liquid Supplements
• Often low potency – poor value for money
Likely to be destroyed by stomach acids
May be beneficial to those who are unable to swallow tablets
Independent testing
Contamination (heavy metals)
Yeasts / Moulds / Bacteria
Chemical solvents / pesticide residues
If in doubt ask the company if they can provide independent test results for their products
Signs of a good company
Check the company website for details of manufacturing processes / quality assurance etc
Trained nutritionists will be available to answer any questions you have about their products
Products should have been independently tested and chemical assays available
A good company will provide scientific research to back up the claims for its products
Some companies run seminars or workshops which are educational – not just a sales technique
Problems with cheap products
Fillers and binders may upset the mineral balance or hinder absorption
Could contain impurities which result in allergic reactions
May contain heavy metals / chemicals which increase toxic load in the patient
May not contain as much of a particular nutrient as is stated on the label
Potency not adequate for therapy
Likely to use cheap forms of minerals with lower absorption
Storage may not be adequate, e.g. for fish oils / probiotics
Implications for therapy
Lack of results reduce confidence in the practitioner
– patient is less likely to stick to the diet or take further advice
Results may be slower than expected
– the patient may become impatient, lose motivation and give up the treatment
Allergies may be triggered
Mineral imbalances may be caused or worsened
Toxic load may be increased
the guy with the bow tie
What do practitioners use?
Brands / suppliers used by some of the practitioners include:
• Allergy Research Group
• Borlean (flax oil)
• Biopathica (Homoeopathic remedies)
• Biotics Research Corp (sublingual free-form amino acids)
• Bach Flower Remedies
• Boiron remedies
• Enzymatic Therapy
• DC Nutritionals
• Design For Health
• Douglas Labs
• Garden of Life (PRIMAL DEFENSE)
• Gaia Herbs
• Innate Response
Heel Remedies
Loomis Institute
Nordic Natural fish oils
Solgar (selected products)
Standard Process
Thorne Research
Vitacost (recommended by Dr. Lee)
Do not assume that all products from these companies would be suitable, it is up to your professional judgement to evaluate
the products on the market and select the ones you are going to use for your patients or in practice!!
• Check labels carefully
• Use reputable suppliers
• Beware of fillers and binders
• Beware of allergens
• Don’t be fooled by clever marketing
• Beware of excessively cheap or expansive products
• You generally get what you pay for
• Ask for research to support claims for products
• If in doubt ask for independent test results
If it seems too good to be true it probably is!
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
There is a place for both crystaline and whole food concentrate supplements.
Treat synthetic mega-dose forms of nutrients as drugs, use only short-term if deem necessary.
Avoid synthetic vitamin-like substances.
Choose chelated minerals rather than inorganic salt: Calcium citrate vs. calcium carbonate.
Choose naturally extracted nutrients over synthetic source: Acerola cherry extract vs. ascorbic acid from corn syrup.
Choose whole food complex for long-term support.
Always initiate dietary change as soon as patient’s willing, at least bring that to patient’s attention.
Use you professional judgment and experiences.
the guy with the bow tie